Portrait of Kaitlin Mae Fernandez.

Kaitlin Mae Fernandez

Student Assistant, DeLaMare Library Length of service: 2 Years, 3 months


Major: Psychology

Working in the Libraries

What has been your favorite thing about working in the Libraries?: My favorite part about working in the libraries is the amazing staff and supportive environment. We are always congratulating each other on our accomplishments and it always feels welcoming to ask for help.

Can you tell us about a favorite memory or job-related achievement from your time working here?: One of my favorite memories is receiving the "Biggest Risk Taker" award because I never hesitated to try out different solutions before asking for assistance. I also enjoy the All Staff Orientations every year!

What’s next for you?: I've applied for PhD programs in Psychology and I'm hoping to begin graduate school in the Fall. In the future, I hope to become a professor and researcher and continue staying in an academic environment.

From Maria, Kaitlin’s supervisor: Kaitlin is a pleasure to be working with. She had become very knowledgeable in all the aspects of the library services area and is always ready to help in projects or support other co-workers reason why she was promoted to be a Person in Charge (PIC) with higher responsibilities. I admire her enthusiasm and interest in learning and gaining experience in different areas such as her participation in the Honors Co- Curricular Experience, her work for Research and Innovation, applying for NASA grants, doing Summer Internships, or presenting a poster at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Scientists (ABRCMS) In Phoenix. Good job!