Portrait of Tony Lang.

Tony Lang

Student Assistant, DeLaMare Makerspace Length of service: 2 Years, 9 months


Major: Computer Science & Engineering

Working in the Libraries

What has been your favorite thing about working in the Libraries?: My favorite part of working in the DeLaMare Makerspace is helping people through their projects and seeing their smiles after they complete them using a newly-learned machine.

Can you tell us about a favorite memory or job-related achievement from your time working here?: I enjoyed helping in the Make and Mingle events in the Makerspace. It's fun to teach many people how to use a machine and see them express their creativity through the tool.

What’s next for you?: I plan on pursuing a Computer Science & Engineering M.S. and have been accepted to start in spring 2024 as I work toward a career in AI and Data Science.

From Nick, Tony’s supervisor: Tony is always willing to lend a hand and is an adept problem solver who enthusiastically taught our patrons how to bring their ideas to fruition. His creativity, dedication and mischievous sense of humor made him a fantastic maker wrangler earning him a position as a PIC the most senior student position at the DeLaMare Library.

Tony’s Chosen book: Gray to Green Communities: a call to action on the housing and climate crises