Image of a commencement ceremony.

Samuel Sheridan

Student Assistant, Special Collections and University Archives Length of service: 1 year, 6 months


Major: History

Working in the Libraries

What has been your favorite thing about working in the Libraries?: The amazing staff!

Can you tell us about a favorite memory or job-related achievement from your time working here?: Mastering the Library of Congress classification system.

What’s next for you?: Hopefully graduate school to study more history.

From Ian, Samuel‘s supervisor: Sam is always easy to work with. He asks good questions about archival concepts and he has always been unflappable when it comes to whatever project we assign him to work on. He's always been able to pick up our own "arcane" (my words) way of doing things in Special Collections and has been incredibly easy to rely on for difficult projects. In my personal memory Sam has had to staff the Special Collections Reference Desk without additional supervision from staff several times, which can be incredibly confusing and difficult (even for SCUA Staff)! He's also done some incredible description and processing work on a number of collections during his time here.

Samuel’s chosen book from the Libraries’ collection: Profit: An environmental history