Portrait of Edward Wiegman.

Edward Wiegman

Student Assistant, @One Production and Help Desk Length of service: 6 months


Major: Marketing

Working in the Libraries

What has been your favorite thing about working in the Libraries?: The quiet work atmosphere and friendly coworkers

Can you tell us about a favorite memory or job-related achievement from your time working here?: There's a very specific spot in the middle of the @One helpdesk area where your voice echoes back, and every now and then we like to stand in it and announce some profound saying, like "You know what they say. A bowl is most useful when it is empty".

What’s next for you?: Short term I'd like to figure out what to have for dinner. Long term I'd like to help my friends once they have their start-up business.

From Nicole, Edward’s supervisor: Edward is a very level-headed worker who picked up training very quickly. He became a beloved part of the team - making handmade stickers for coworkers, beating all of us with his quippy answers in Jackbox games, and just otherwise helping keep morale up.