Amy Shannon

Associate Professor, Life & Environmental Sciences Librarian Agriculture, Veterinary and Rangeland Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biology, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Neuroscience, Undergraduate Research, Cooperative Extension and Research Station


 As Life and Environmental Sciences Librarian, and as a member of the Research and Instructional Services Department, I provide a wide range of class sessions, workshops and individual research consultations.  In addition to disciplinary instruction and research assistance, I provide training for the EndNote citation manager software and instruct students on scholarly communication through workshops on presentation and academic poster design.


M.L.S., Library Science, University of Arizona, Tucson

B.A., Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson

Selected publications

Selected presentations

  • Schultz, T., Azadbakht, E., Shannon, A. W., & Mesfin, T. (2021, October). Using an escape room to educate students about open textbooks. In Open Education Conference
  • Medaille, A., Ragains, P. P., & Shannon, A. W. (2015, April 11). Supporting entry into echolarly conversations: Library and information literacy support for honors students. In 42nd Annual Conference. Western Regional Honors Council.
  • Shannon, A. W., & Medaille, A. (2010, April 30). Integrating and collaboration: Leveraging IT/library cooperation by combining traditional research instruction with technology training. In United States Agricultural Information Network 2010 Biennial Meeting. United States Agricultural Information Network.