Dual credit students

Getting started with research in the University Libraries

Contact us for help with dual credit classes

Dual Enrollment
Rosalind Bucy
Associate Professor, Humanities Librarian English Language & Literature, Gender, Race & Identity, History, Music, Philosophy & Religion, World Languages & Literatures
(775) 682-5098
Dual Enrollment
Kelli Anastassatos
Information Literacy Specialist Dual Credit Classes
(775) 682-5642
Dual Enrollment
Zachary Kemp
Library Program Specialist Dual Credit Classes
(775) 682-5595

Teaching and learning materials for dual credit classes

Access our videos, handouts, step-by-step guides, and Canvas modules to support learning research skills using the University Libraries. Check out our Dual Credit Teaching and Learning Materials Guide for more information.

Accessing library spaces

University of Nevada, Reno

Dual credit students are welcome to use the physical library spaces at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Students can log in to library computers using their NetID and password and can also access the Eduroam WiFi on their own devices.

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Dual credit students in Clark County are also welcome to use the physical library spaces at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Students can use their University of Nevada, Reno NetID to log into the Eduroam campus WiFi at UNLV and are encouraged to bring their own laptop or other device to avoid paying the Technology Fee for computer use.

Checking out books in print