A room with a view
Looking for help with research or just a comfortable place to study? In search of an event space? Our facilities have a variety of rooms that will fit your needs.
Looking for help with research or just a comfortable place to study? In search of an event space? Our facilities have a variety of rooms that will fit your needs.
Step 1- Login
Log into the campus room reservation system.
Step 2- Choose a room
Select a space from the options available to you.
Step 3- Follow the rules
Use the space according the policies set out by the Libraries
You can reach out to our Building Operations team, event coordinators, or other support staff at any time in this process if you need it. We are here to get you the help you need.
There are spaces in the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center and the DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library that can be used for events or receptions. We also have reserved spaces for graduate students and faculty.
Event spaces
There are spaces in the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center and the DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library that can be used for events or receptions.
Reserved graduate student and faculty spaces
The Knowledge Center features both the Pillsbury Graduate Quiet Study and reserved studies for graduate students and faculty.