OER Grant champions

Removing barriers to education has always been a goal. One of the major hurdles for my students was the cost of textbooks. I began by transitioning to "recommending" books rather than requiring them, but I'm very happy to know about all the Open Educational Resources that are available out there. I will ramp up my transition to using these materials in all of my classes now.

Benjamin Birkinbine

Associate Professor


Portrait of Associate Professor Benjamin Birkinbine.

As Cable Green made clear, with the rising cost of education, helping students save money for the same materials benefits everyone involved. I considered the classes I teach and realized that I could find nearly every single reading and viewing online or in the library, and with a little preparation on my part, could really make a difference for my students.

Angela Chase


Core Humanities

Portrait of Angela Chase.

"One of the biggest struggles and stressors when beginning a new semester is allocating/hunting down every single book you need for the start of the semester. Professor Chase alleviated much of my stress by choosing to have the vast majority of our books online. I honestly cannot think of a single negative outcome to this process. There is no losing a text, bringing the wrong text to class and more importantly getting placed on a wait list for the book while you fall weeks behind anticipating its arrival."

- Kirstoffer Garlitz
Core Humanities student

…It’s increasingly clear that $300-$400 in textbooks is too high a cost for students to bear, even for four semesters’ worth of courses. It’s a sad irony because upper-division coursework in a world languages discipline is typically associated with much lower textbook costs.

Erin Edgington

Assistant Professor and Chair of World Languages

World Languages and Literatures

Portrait of Assistant Professor and Chair of World Languages Erin Edgington.

Third OER Faculty Professional Development Grant Cohort

Erin Stiles

Maria Bruno
Temporary Faculty

Kelly O’Neil
Teaching Assistant Professor

Mikaela Rogozen-Soltar
Associate Professor

Julie Loisel
Associate Professor

Michelle Wilson
Teaching Professor
World Languages

Maureen McBride
University Writing Center Director
Core Writing

Cody Hunter
Teaching Assistant Professor
Core Writing

AnnElise Hatjakes
Teaching Assistant Professor
Core Writing

Jenna Altherr Flores
Teaching Assistant Professor
Core Writing

Second OER Faculty Professional Development Grant Cohort

Hyun-Joo Jeon

Jodie Barker
TA Professor

Ben Birkinbine
Associate Professor

Elena Shimanskaya
Assistant Professor

Catherine Gonzalez
Lecturer II

Patrick File
Associate Professor

Erin Edgington
Assistant Professor
French (Chair of World Languages)

First OER Faculty Professional Development Grant Cohort

Shannon Taylor
Associate Professor

Prisca Gayles
Assistant Professor

Nicole Garlic
Lecturer II
Criminal Justice

Jennifer McClendon
Associate Professor

Bob Ives
Associate Professor

Brittany Avila
TA Professor

Lois Ritter
TA Professor
Public Health

Hyun-Joo Jeon