General Collection

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Volumes in the general collection
Title Author Collection Call number
The great conversation : the substance of a liberal education Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 1899- GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.1
Hippocratic writings. Hippocrates. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.10
The thirteen books of Euclid's Elements. Euclides. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.11
Lucretius: On the nature of things. Lucretius Carus, Titus. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.12
The poems of Virgil Virgil. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.13
The lives of the noble Grecians and Romans. Plutarchus. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.14
The annals and The histories. Tacitus, Cornelius. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.15
The almagest Ptolemaeus, Claudius. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.16
The six Enneads. Plotinus. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.17
The confessions. Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.18
The Summa theologica. Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.19
The Great ideas; a syntopicon of Great books of the Western World. - GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.2
The Summa theologica. Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.20
The Divine comedy. Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.21
Troilus and Cressida and The Canterbury tales. With modern English versions of both works. Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.22
The prince Machiavelli, Niccolò 1469-1527. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.23
Gargantua and Pantagruel. Rabelais, François, 1490 (ca.)-1553? GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.24
The essays of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne Montaigne, Michel de, 1533-1592. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.25
Plays and sonnets. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.26
On the loadstone and magnetic bodies Gilbert, William, 1540-1603. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.28
The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616 GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.29
The Great ideas; a syntopicon of Great books of the Western World. - GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.3
Advancement of learning. Novum organum. New Atlantis. Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans, 1561-1626. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.30
Rules for the direction of the mind. Discourse on the method. Descartes, René, 1596-1650. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.31
English minor poems. Paradise lost. Samson Agonistes. Areopagitica. Milton, John, 1608-1674. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.32
The provincial letters. Pascal, Blaise, 1623-1662. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.33
Mathematical principles of natural philosophy. Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.34
A letter concerning toleration. Locke, John, 1632-1704. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.35
Gulliver's travels Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.36
The history of Tom Jones, a foundling. Fielding, Henry, 1707-1754. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.37
The spirit of laws Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de, 1689-1755. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.38
An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Smith, Adam, 1723-1790. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.39
The Iliad and the Odyssey Homerus. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.4
The decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.40
The decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.41
The critique of pure reason. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.42
American state papers. [Declaration of independence, Articles of confederation and the Constitution] The Federalist - GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.43
Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Boswell, James, 1740-1795. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.44
Elements of chemistry Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 1743-1794. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.45
The philosophy of right. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.46
Faust. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.47
Moby Dick; or, The Whale. Melville, Herman, 1819-1891. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.48
The origin of species by means of natural selection. The descent of man and selection in relation to sex. Darwin, Charles Robert, 1809-1882. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.49
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes. - GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.5
Capital Marx, Karl, 1818-1883. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.50
War and peace. Tolstoi, Lev Nikolaevich, graf, 1828-1910. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.51
The brothers Karamazov. Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.52
The principles of psychology James, William, 1842-1910. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.53
Major works. Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.54
The history of Herodotus ; The history of the Peloponnesian War Herodotus. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.6
The dialogues of Plato Plato. GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.7
The works of Aristotle Aristotle GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.8
The works of Aristotle Aristotle GENERAL AC 1 .G72 1952 V.9
Ultimate blogs : masterworks from the wild Web - GENERAL AC 5 .U45 2008
The theory of moral sentiments Smith, Adam, 1723-1790. GENERAL AC 7 .S59 1981 V.1
Coast range : a collection from the Pacific edge Neely, Nick, author. GENERAL AC 8 .N35 2016
An unspoken hunger : stories from the field Williams, Terry Tempest. GENERAL AC 8 .W653 1995
How Wikipedia works : and how you can be a part of it Ayers, Phoebe. GENERAL AE 1.5 .A98 2008
Good faith collaboration : the culture of Wikipedia Reagle, Joseph Michael. GENERAL AE 100 .R43 2010
The know-it-all : one man's humble quest to become the smartest person in the world Jacobs, A. J., 1968- GENERAL AE 5 .E44 J33 2004
Condensed knowledge - GENERAL AG 243 .C594 2004
Creating great visitor experiences : a guide for museums, parks, zoos, gardens, & libraries Weaver, Stephanie, 1961- GENERAL AM 11 .W43 2007
Interpretive planning for museums : integrating visitor perspectives in decision making Wells, Marcella D., 1953- GENERAL AM 121 .W45 2012
What makes learning fun? : principles for the design of intrinsically motivating museum exhibits Perry, Deborah L., 1952- GENERAL AM 151 .P475 2012
Museums in motion : an introduction to the history and functions of museums Alexander, Edward P. (Edward Porter), 1907- GENERAL AM 5 .A38 2008
The engaging museum : developing museums for visitor involvement Black, Graham. GENERAL AM 7 .B56 2005
The green museum : a primer on environmental practice Brophy, Sarah S., 1961- GENERAL AM 7 .B765 2013
The museum experience revisited Falk, John H. (John Howard), 1948- GENERAL AM 7 .F352 2012
The World almanac and book of facts. - GENERAL AY 76 .N5 W7 2013
A time for the humanities : futurity and the limits of autonomy - GENERAL AZ 103 .T56 2008
The Continuum encyclopedia of symbols Becker, Udo. GENERAL AZ 108 .B4313 1994
Symbol sourcebook : an authoritative guide to international graphic symbols Dreyfuss, Henry, 1904- GENERAL AZ 108 .D74 1972
The book of trees : visualizing branches of knowledge Lima, Manuel, 1978- GENERAL AZ 108 .L56 2014
What's happened to the humanities? - GENERAL AZ 183 .U5 G46 1997
Effective evaluation : improving the usefulness of evaluation results through responsive and naturalistic approaches Guba, Egon G. GENERAL AZ 191 .G8 1991
Scholarship in the digital age : information, infrastructure, and the Internet Borgman, Christine L., 1951- GENERAL AZ 195 .B67 2007
Switching codes : thinking through digital technology in the humanities and the arts - GENERAL AZ 195 .S95 2011
The two cultures Snow, C. P. (Charles Percy), 1905-1980. GENERAL AZ 361 .S56 1969
The Great philosophers : from Socrates to Faucault Stangroom, Jeremy. GENERAL B 104 .S77 2012
Animal studies : an introduction Waldau, Paul. GENERAL B 105 .A55 W35 2013
Consciousness : a very short introduction Blackmore, Susan J., 1951- GENERAL B 105 .C477 B58 2005
Consciousness and mental life Robinson, Daniel N., 1937- GENERAL B 105 .C477 R63 2008
A brief history of justice Johnston, David, 1951- GENERAL B 105 .J87 J65 2011
From war to peace Chanteur, Janine. GENERAL B 105 .P4 C4313 1992
The fate of place : a philosophical history Casey, Edward S., 1939- GENERAL B 105 .P53 C36 1997
A philosophy of walking Gros, Frédéric, author. GENERAL B 105 .W25 G7613 2015
Women philosophers GENERAL B 105 .W6 W651 1996
Francis Bacon; the temper of a man. Bowen, Catherine Drinker, 1897-1973. GENERAL B 1197 .B6 1963
Lessons from a materialist thinker : hobbesian reflections on ethics and politics Frost, Samantha. GENERAL B 1248 .E7 F76 2008
A short history of Chinese philosophy Feng, Youlan, 1895-1990. GENERAL B 126 .F46 1997
Confucius : a life of thought and politics Chin, Ann-ping, 1950- GENERAL B 128 .C8 C45 2008
An essay concerning human understanding Locke, John, 1632-1704. GENERAL B 1290 1959
An essay concerning human understanding Locke, John, 1632-1704. GENERAL B 1290 1959
Indian philosophy Radhakrishnan, S. (Sarvepalli), 1888-1975. GENERAL B 131 .R32 1989 V.1
Indian philosophy Radhakrishnan, S. (Sarvepalli), 1888-1975. GENERAL B 131 .R32 1989 V.2
Dharma that every Buddhist must follow Pamu, Amang Nopu. GENERAL B 132 .D5 P35 2001
Yoga, enlightenment, and perfection of His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatheertha Mahaswamigal. Abhinava Vidyateertha, 1917- interviewee. GENERAL B 132 .Y6 A32 2016
The path of the masters, the science of Surat Shabd Yoga Johnson, Julian P. (Julian Philip), b. 1873. GENERAL B 132 .Y6 J6
An enquiry concerning the principles of morals Hume, David, 1711-1776. GENERAL B 1466 .B43 1997
An enquiry concerning the principles of morals Hume, David, 1711-1776. GENERAL B 1466 .B43 1997
David Hume : an introduction to his philosophical system Penelhum, Terence, 1929- GENERAL B 1498 .P45 1991
Utilitarianism Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873. GENERAL B 1603 .U8733 M54 1998
Utilitarianism Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873. GENERAL B 1603 .U8733 M54 1998
Mill's Utilitarianism : critical essays GENERAL B 1603 .U8973 M55 1997
The Cambridge companion to Mill GENERAL B 1607 .C25 1998
Why read Mill today? Skorupski, John, 1946- GENERAL B 1608.L5 S56 2006
The way of the world : readings in Chinese philosophy GENERAL B 162.7 .W53 2009
The conception of value Grice, H. P. (H. Paul) GENERAL B 1641 .G481 1991
An outline of philosophy Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970. GENERAL B 1649 .R93 O9 1995
Principles of philosophy Descartes, René, 1596-1650. GENERAL B 1863 .E53 M54 1991
Cogito? : Descartes and thinking the world Almog, Joseph. GENERAL B 1875 .A488 2008
The music of Pythagoras : how an ancient brotherhood cracked the code of the universe and lit the path from antiquity to outer space Ferguson, Kitty. GENERAL B 243 .F47 2008
The poetics of space Bachelard, Gaston, 1884-1962. GENERAL B 2430 .B253 P6313 1994
Desert islands and other texts, 1953-1974 Deleuze, Gilles, 1925-1995. GENERAL B 2430 .D452 S4413 2004
Two regimes of madness : texts and interviews, 1975-1995 Deleuze, Gilles, 1925-1995. GENERAL B 2430 .D452 S4513 2007
What is philosophy? Deleuze, Gilles. GENERAL B 2430 .D453 Q4713 1994
Writing and difference Derrida, Jacques. GENERAL B 2430 .D482 E5 1978
Points . . . : interviews, 1974-1994 Derrida, Jacques. GENERAL B 2430 .D483 P6513 1995
Understanding Foucault : a critical introduction Schirato, Tony. GENERAL B 2430 .F724 S365 2012
The unity of philosophical experience Gilson, Etienne, 1884-1978. GENERAL B 2430 .G4713 U55 1999
Levinas : an introduction Davis, Colin. GENERAL B 2430 .L484 D38 1996
Existentialism and excess : the life and times of Jean-Paul Sartre Cox, Gary, 1964- author. GENERAL B 2430 .S34 C67 2016
Grounding for the metaphysics of morals ; with, On a supposed right to lie because of philanthropic concerns Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. GENERAL B 2766 .E6 E44 1992
Groundwork for the metaphysics of morals Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. GENERAL B 2766 .E6 W6613 2002
Kant's Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals : critical essays GENERAL B 2766 .Z7 K36 1998
Critique of pure reason. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. GENERAL B 2778 .E5 S65 1958
Prolegomena to any future metaphysics that will be able to come forward as science : the Paul Carus translation Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. GENERAL B 2787 .E5 C3 1977
Kant : a very short introduction Scruton, Roger. GENERAL B 2798 .S37 2001
An introduction to Kant's ethics Sullivan, Roger J. GENERAL B 2799 .E8 S84 1994
An introduction to Kant's ethics Sullivan, Roger J. GENERAL B 2799. E8 S84 1994
The crooked timber of humanity : chapters in the history of ideas Berlin, Isaiah, Sir. GENERAL B 29 .B4465 1997
Computing the mind : how the mind really works Edelman, Shimon. GENERAL B 311 .E328 2008
The philosophy of Schopenhauer Magee, Bryan. GENERAL B 3148 .M27 1983
The trial and death of Socrates. Plato. GENERAL B 316 .P8 1963
Socrates in 90 minutes Strathern, Paul, 1940- GENERAL B 316 .S75 1997
A companion to Socrates GENERAL B 317 .C58 2009
The trial of Socrates Stone, I. F. (Isidor F.), 1907- GENERAL B 317 .S76 1988
Socrates, ironist and moral philosopher Vlastos, Gregory. GENERAL B 317 .V56 1991
Being and time ;: a translation of Sein und Zeit Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. GENERAL B 3279 .H48 S43 1996
Hannah Arendt/Martin Heidegger Ettinger, Elżbieta. GENERAL B 3279 .H49 E88 1995
Philosophy of existence. Jaspers, Karl, 1883-1969. GENERAL B 3279 .J33 E83 1971
What Marx really said Acton, Harry Burrows, 1908- GENERAL B 3305 .M74 A47 1967
Karl Marx and the intellectual origins of dialectical materialism White, James D., 1941- GENERAL B 3305 .M74 W474 1996
The portable Nietzsche Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. GENERAL B 3312 .E52 K3 1968
A beginner's guide to Nietzsche's Beyond good and evil Southwell, Gareth. GENERAL B 3313 .J44 S68 2009
Human, all too human : a book for free spirits Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. GENERAL B 3313 .M52 E5 1996
The will to power Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. GENERAL B 3313 .N16 1968
On the genealogy of morals. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. GENERAL B 3313 .Z7 E65 1967
Nietzsche : the ethics of an immoralist Berkowitz, Peter, 1959- GENERAL B 3318 .E9 B46 1995
Nietzsche, philosopher of the perilous perhaps Peery, Rebekah S. GENERAL B 3318 .P68 P44 2008
The struggle against dogmatism : Wittgenstein and the concept of philosophy Kuusela, Oskari. GENERAL B 3376 .W564 K89 2008
Complete works Plato. GENERAL B 358 .C3 1997
The collected dialogues of Plato, including the letters. Plato. GENERAL B 358 .C57 1969
The Cambridge companion to Plato GENERAL B 395 .C28 1993
Plato at the Googleplex : why philosophy won't go away Goldstein, Rebecca, 1950- GENERAL B 395 .G4435 2014
Plato's literary garden : how to read a Platonic dialogue Sayre, Kenneth M., 1928- GENERAL B 395 .S28 1995
Goodness and justice : Plato, Aristotle, and the moderns Santas, Gerasimos Xenophon. GENERAL B 398 .G65 S36 2001
True freedom : Spinoza's practical philosophy Adkins, Brent, 1969- GENERAL B 3998 .A35 2009
A new Aristotle reader Aristotle. GENERAL B 407 .A24 1987
The complete works of Aristotle : the revised Oxford translation Aristotle. GENERAL B 407 .S6 1995 V.1
The Oxford dictionary of philosophy Blackburn, Simon. GENERAL B 41 .B53 1994
The Oxford dictionary of philosophy Blackburn, Simon. GENERAL B 41 .B53 2005
Philosophical dictionary. Voltaire, 1694-1778. GENERAL B 42 .V6 1971
Nicomachean ethics Aristotle. GENERAL B 430 .A5 N5313 1999
Reading Aristotle's Ethics : virtue, rhetoric, and political philosophy Tessitore, Aristide. GENERAL B 430 .T47 1996
Letters and documents Kierkegaard, Søren, 1813-1855. GENERAL B 4376 .A413 1978
The Cambridge companion to Kierkegaard GENERAL B 4377 .C29 1998
Introducing Kierkegaard Robinson, David, 1944- GENERAL B 4377 .R53 2013
Aristotle : a very short introduction Barnes, Jonathan, 1942- GENERAL B 485 .B35 2000
The Cambridge companion to Aristotle GENERAL B 485 .C35 1995
Demanding the impossible Žižek, Slavoj, author. GENERAL B 4870 .Z594 A5 2013
Aristotle's Ethics : critical essays GENERAL B 491 .E7 A76 1998
Aristotle's ethics as first philosophy Baracchi, Claudia, 1962- GENERAL B 491 .E7 B37 2008
Ethics with Aristotle Broadie, Sarah. GENERAL B 491 .E7 B7 1991
Great thinkers of the Eastern world : the major thinkers and the philosophical and religious classics of China, India, Japan, Korea, and the world of Islam GENERAL B 5005 .G74 1995
Greek and Roman philosophy after Aristotle GENERAL B 504 .S2 1966
The therapy of desire : theory and practice in Hellenistic ethics Nussbaum, Martha Craven, 1947- GENERAL B 505 .N87 1994
The Oxford companion to philosophy GENERAL B 51 .O94 2005
Krishnamurti : the years of awakening Lutyens, Mary, 1908- GENERAL B 5134 .K754 L868 1997
Writing to reason : a companion for philosophy students and instructors Mogck, Brian David. GENERAL B 52.7 .M64 2008
Writing philosophy papers Seech, Zachary. GENERAL B 52.7 .S44 2009
A guide to the good life : the ancient art of Stoic joy Irvine, William Braxton, 1952- GENERAL B 528 .I78 2009
Immortal longings : versions of transcending humanity Kerr, Fergus. GENERAL B 56 .K47 1997
Handbook of Epictetus Epictetus. GENERAL B 560 .E5 W54 1983
The essential Epicurus : letters, principal doctrines, Vatican sayings, and fragments Epicurus. GENERAL B 570 .E5 O27 1993
The Meditations Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180. GENERAL B 580 .G77 1983
Plotinus : the Enneads : a new, definitive edition with comparisons to other translation on hundred of key passages GENERAL B 693 .E53 M5 1992
A history of philosophy Copleston, Frederick Charles. GENERAL B 72 .C62 1993 V.1
A history of philosophy Copleston, Frederick Charles. GENERAL B 72 .C62 1993 V.2
A history of philosophy Copleston, Frederick Charles. GENERAL B 72 .C62 1993 V.3
A history of philosophy Copleston, Frederick Charles. GENERAL B 72 .C62 1993 V.4
A history of philosophy Copleston, Frederick Charles. GENERAL B 72 .C62 1993 V.5
A history of philosophy Copleston, Frederick Charles. GENERAL B 72 .C62 1993 V.6
A history of philosophy Copleston, Frederick Charles. GENERAL B 72 .C62 1993 V.7
A history of philosophy Copleston, Frederick Charles. GENERAL B 72 .C62 1993 V.8
A history of philosophy Copleston, Frederick Charles. GENERAL B 72 .C62 1993 V.9
An illustrated brief history of western philosophy Kenny, Anthony John Patrick. GENERAL B 72 .K44 2006
Problems from philosophy. Rachels, James, 1941-2003. GENERAL B 72 .R26 2009
The little philosophy book Solomon, Robert C. GENERAL B 72 .S6545 2008
A short history of philosophy Solomon, Robert C. GENERAL B 72 .S66 1996
Consilience : the unity of knowledge Wilson, Edward Osborne, 1929- GENERAL B 72 .W54 1998
The spirit of mediaeval philosophy Gilson, Etienne, 1884-1978. GENERAL B 721 .G5714 1991
History of Islamic philosophy GENERAL B 741 .H58 1996 PT. II
History of Islamic philosophy GENERAL B 741 .H58 1996 PT.1
Ibn Tufayl's Hayy Ibn Yaqzan: A Philosophical Tale Ibn Ṭufail, Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al‐Malik, d. 1185. GENERAL B 753 .I53 R5313 2009
Ethica Thomistica : the moral philosophy of Thomas Aquinas McInerny, Ralph M. GENERAL B 765 .T54 M393 1997
Cardano's cosmos : the worlds and works of a Renaissance astrologer Grafton, Anthony. GENERAL B 785 .C34 G73 1999
Erasmus of the Low Countries Tracy, James D. GENERAL B 785 .E6 T73 1996
Between utopia and dystopia : Erasmus, Thomas More, and the humanist Republic of Letters Yoran, Hanan, 1963- GENERAL B 785 .E64 Y67 2010
Modern philosophy : an anthology of primary sources GENERAL B 791 .M65 1998
Modern philosophy : an introduction and survey Scruton, Roger. GENERAL B 791 .S38 1995
The minds of the Moderns : rationalism, empiricism and philosophy of mind Thomas, Janice. GENERAL B 801 .T46 2009
Women philosophers of the early modern period GENERAL B 801 .W65 1994
The Enlightenment : an interpretation Gay, Peter, 1923- GENERAL B 802 .G3 1977
The Enlightenment : an interpretation Gay, Peter, 1923- GENERAL B 802 .G3 1995 V.2
The roads to modernity : the British, French, and American Enlightenments Himmelfarb, Gertrude. GENERAL B 802 .H65 2005
The portable Enlightenment reader GENERAL B 802 .P59 1995
Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment Wilson, Ellen Judy. GENERAL B 802 .W48 2004
Columbia companion to twentieth-century philosophies GENERAL B 804 .C5657 2007
Fifty key contemporary thinkers : from structuralism to post-humanism Lechte, John. GENERAL B 804 .L37 2008
Radical knowing : understanding consciousness through relationship De Quincey, Christian. GENERAL B 808.9 .D4 2005
Critical thinking : tools for evaluating research Nardi, Peter M., author. GENERAL B 809.2 .N37 2017
Critical thinking : tools for taking charge of your learning and your life Paul, Richard. GENERAL B 809.2 .P38 2012
Existentialism : an introduction Aho, Kevin, 1969- author. GENERAL B 819 .A4 2014
Introducing existentialism : [a graphic guide] Appignanesi, Richard, author. GENERAL B 819 .A67 2013
The Cambridge companion to existentialism GENERAL B 819 .C28 2012
Existentialism : from Dostoevsky to Sartre GENERAL B 819 .E87 1980
Understand existentialism Rogers, Nigel. GENERAL B 819 .R63 2010
Existentialism and human emotions Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980. GENERAL B 819 .S26 1987
Being and nothingness : a phenomenological essay on ontology Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980. GENERAL B 819 .S272 1992
Existentialism is a humanism = (L'Existentialisme est un humanisme) ; including, a commentary on The stranger (Explication de L'étranger) Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980. GENERAL B 819 .S32 2007
Existentialism : a beginner's guide Wartenberg, Thomas E. GENERAL B 819 .W375 2008
The great philosophers. Jaspers, Karl, 1883-1969. GENERAL B 82 .J313 1995 V.3
The great philosophers. Jaspers, Karl, 1883-1969. GENERAL B 82 .J313 1995 V.4
The philosophy of humanism Lamont, Corliss, 1902- GENERAL B 821 .L33 1990
Unified reality theory : the evolution of existence into experience Kaufman, Steven. GENERAL B 827 .K38 2002
Naturalistic inquiry Lincoln, Yvonna S. GENERAL B 828.2 .L56 1985
Seeing dark things : the philosophy of shadows Sorensen, Roy A. GENERAL B 828.45 .S66 2008
Pessimism : philosophy, ethic, spirit Dienstag, Joshua Foa, 1965- GENERAL B 829 .D54 2006
Introduction to phenomenology Moran, Dermot. GENERAL B 829.5 .M647 2000
Pragmatism : a reader GENERAL B 832 .P756 1997
Pain, pleasure, and the greater good : from the Panopticon to the Skinner box and beyond Gere, Cathy, 1964- author GENERAL B 843 .G46 2017
Utilitarianism : for and against Smart, J. J. C. (John Jamieson Carswell), 1920- GENERAL B 843 .S6 1973
The lost world of Thomas Jefferson : with a new preface Boorstin, Daniel J. (Daniel Joseph), 1914- GENERAL B 878 .B6 1993
Emerson and self-culture Lysaker, John T. GENERAL B 905 .L97 2008
Essays in understanding : 1930-1954 Arendt, Hannah. GENERAL B 908 .A741 1994
The Druids and King Arthur : a new view of early Britain Melrose, Robin. GENERAL B 910 .M45 2011
The Druids and King Arthur : a new view of early Britain Melrose, Robin. GENERAL B 910 .M45 2011
Oh, wait--now I get it : essays in popular philosophy Heinegg, Peter. GENERAL B 936 .H45 2008
Understanding John Dewey : nature and cooperative intelligence Campbell, James, 1948- GENERAL B 945 .D4 C36 1995
John Dewey and the high tide of American liberalism Ryan, Alan. GENERAL B 945 .D44 R93 1995
Pragmatism and other writings James, William, 1842-1910. GENERAL B 945 .J21 2000
Objectivism in one lesson : an introduction to the philosophy of Ayn Rand Bernstein, Andrew. GENERAL B 945 .R234 B47 2008
The harmony of nature and spirit Singer, Irving. GENERAL B 945 .S6573 H37 1996
The three escapes of Hannah Arendt : a tyranny of truth Krimstein, Ken, author. GENERAL B 945.A694 K78 2018
Smart thinking : skills for critical understanding and writing Allen, Matthew. GENERAL BC 177 .A46 2012
An illustrated book of bad arguments Almossawi, Ali, author. GENERAL BC 177 .A46 2013
Voltaire's bastards : the dictatorship of reason in the West Saul, John Ralston. GENERAL BC 177 .S28 1993
To think Smith, Frank, 1928- GENERAL BC 177 .S59 1990
Return to reason Toulmin, Stephen Edelston. GENERAL BC 177 .T596 2001
The uses of argument Toulmin, Stephen Edelston. GENERAL BC 177 .T6 2003
The power of critical thinking : effective reasoning about ordinary and extraordinary claims Vaughn, Lewis. GENERAL BC 177 .V38 2013
Informal logic : a pragmatic approach Walton, Douglas N. GENERAL BC 177 .W324 2008
Thinking from A to Z Warburton, Nigel, 1962- GENERAL BC 177 .W345 2007
Modality and tense : philosophical papers Fine, Kit. GENERAL BC 199 .M6 F56 2005
The art of possibility Zander, Rosamund Stone, 1942- GENERAL BC 199 .P7 Z36 2002
Logic. Salmon, Wesley C. GENERAL BC 38 .S24 1963
Think : a compelling introduction to philosophy Blackburn, Simon. GENERAL BD 11 .B53 1999
Mind and nature : a necessary unity Bateson, Gregory. GENERAL BD 161 .B32 1988
Eye to eye : the quest for the new paradigm Wilber, Ken. GENERAL BD 161 .W46 1996
The undercover philosopher : a guide to detecting shams, lies, and delusions Philips, Michael. GENERAL BD 171 .P48 2008
Being wrong : adventures in the margin of error Schulz, Kathryn. GENERAL BD 171 .S3273 2010
Truth & truthfulness : an essay in genealogy Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen. GENERAL BD 171 .W528 2002
A social history of knowledge, II. From the Encyclopédie to Wikipedia Burke, Peter, 1937- GENERAL BD 175 .B863 2012
Connections to the world : the basic concepts of philosophy Danto, Arthur Coleman, 1924- GENERAL BD 21 .D36 1997
Philosophy for the 21st century : a comprehensive reader GENERAL BD 21 .P475 2002
Philosophy : the basics Warburton, Nigel, 1962- GENERAL BD 21 .W35 1992
Philosophy GENERAL BD 21 .W434 2009
In praise of doubt : how to have convictions without becoming a fanatic Berger, Peter L., 1929- GENERAL BD 215 .B47 2009
This I believe : the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women GENERAL BD 215 .T45 2007
This I believe II : more personal philosophies of remarkable men and women GENERAL BD 215 .T49 2008
A beginner's guide to philosophy Janicaud, Dominique, 1937- GENERAL BD 22 .J2813 2008
A beginner's guide to philosophy Janicaud, Dominique, 1937- GENERAL BD 22 .J2813 2008
The conflict of interpretations : essays in hermeneutics Ricœur, Paul. GENERAL BD 241 .R4813 2007
Sex, ecology, spirituality : the spirit of evolution Wilber, Ken. GENERAL BD 311 .W54 1995
Socrates café : a fresh taste of philosophy Phillips, Christopher, 1959 July 15- GENERAL BD 36 .P56 2002
The conscious mind : in search of a fundamental theory Chalmers, David John, 1966- GENERAL BD 418.3 .C43 1997
Goodbye, Descartes : the end of logic and the search for a new cosmology of the mind Devlin, Keith J. GENERAL BD 418.3 .D48 1997
Philosophy in the flesh : the embodied mind and its challenge to Western thought Lakoff, George. GENERAL BD 418.3 .L35 1999
On the philosophy of mind Montero, Barbara, 1962- GENERAL BD 418.3 .M65 2009
The spiritual universe : how quantum physics proves the existence of the soul Wolf, Fred Alan. GENERAL BD 421 .W65 1996
The meaning of life Eagleton, Terry, 1943- GENERAL BD 431 .E14 2007
All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten : uncommon thoughts on common things Fulghum, Robert. GENERAL BD 431 .F85 1988
Uh-oh Fulghum, Robert. GENERAL BD 431 .F87 1991
Valuing life Kleinig, John, 1942- GENERAL BD 431 .K59 1991
The examined life : philosophical meditations Nozick, Robert. GENERAL BD 431 .N65 1989
Love Buscaglia, Leo F. GENERAL BD 436 .B87 1996
Love & language Stavans, Ilan. GENERAL BD 436 .S75 2007
The denial of death Becker, Ernest. GENERAL BD 444 .B36 1997
Death : philosophical soundings Fingarette, Herbert. GENERAL BD 444 .F53 1996
How we die : reflections on life's final chapter Nuland, Sherwin B. GENERAL BD 444 .N85 1994
The most human human : what artificial intelligence teaches us about being alive Christian, Brian, 1984- GENERAL BD 450 .C475 2012
The human touch : our part in the creation of a universe Frayn, Michael. GENERAL BD 450 .F724 2007
Ten theories of human nature Stevenson, Leslie Forster. GENERAL BD 450 .S766 1998
Ten theories of human nature Stevenson, Leslie Forster. GENERAL BD 450 .S766 2009
Ideas of human nature : an historical introduction Trigg, Roger. GENERAL BD 450 .T688 1999
What makes us human? GENERAL BD 450 .W4877 2007
The meaning of human existence Wilson, Edward O., author. GENERAL BD 450 .W5225 2014
Why does the world exist? : an existential detective story Holt, Jim, 1954- GENERAL BD 511 .H65 2012
Why does the world exist? : an existential detective story Holt, Jim, 1954- GENERAL BD 511 .H65 2013
Nature's destiny : how the laws of biology reveal purpose in the universe Denton, Michael. GENERAL BD 541 .D46 1998
The spell of the sensuous : perception and language in a more-than-human world Abram, David, 1957- GENERAL BD 581 .A25 1996
Dwellings : a spiritual history of the living world Hogan, Linda. GENERAL BD 581 .H573 1995
The way of the earth : encounters with nature in ancient and contemporary thought McLuhan, T. C. GENERAL BD 581 .M379 1994
In search of nature Wilson, Edward Osborne, 1929- GENERAL BD 581 .W476 1996
Time Hoffman, Eva, 1945- GENERAL BD 638 .H644 2009
The story of time GENERAL BD 638 .S76 1999
The encyclopedia of the paranormal GENERAL BF 1025 .E54 1996
Parapsychology : a concise history Beloff, John. GENERAL BF 1028 .B45 1993
From soul to mind : the emergence of psychology from Erasmus Darwin to William James Reed, Edward (Edward S.) GENERAL BF 103 .R44 1997
The conscious universe : the scientific truth of psychic phenomena Radin, Dean I. GENERAL BF 1031 .R18 1997
The nature of mind : parapsychology and the role of consciousness in the physical world Stokes, Douglas M., 1947- GENERAL BF 1031 .S84 1997
Stealing fire : how Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALS, and maverick scientists are revolutionizing the way we live and work Kotler, Steven, 1967- author. GENERAL BF 1045 .A48 K68 2017
Experiences near death : beyond medicine and religion Kellehear, Allan, 1955- GENERAL BF 1045 .N4 K45 1996
The Hundredth monkey and other paradigms of the paranormal : a Skeptical inquirer collection GENERAL BF 1045 .S33 H86 1991
Science confronts the paranormal GENERAL BF 1045 .S33 S385 1986
Forty studies that changed psychology : explorations into the history of psychological research Hock, Roger R., 1948- GENERAL BF 105 .H63 1999
Night : night life, night language, sleep and dreams Alvarez, A. (Alfred), 1929- GENERAL BF 1078 .A54 1995
An introduction to the psychology of dreaming Bulkeley, Kelly, 1962- GENERAL BF 1078 .B78 1997
An introduction to the psychology of dreaming Bulkeley, Kelly, 1962- author. GENERAL BF 1078 .B78 2017
The interpretation of dreams Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. GENERAL BF 1078 .F72 1950
The interpretation of dreams Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. GENERAL BF 1078 .F72 2008
Dream psychology Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. GENERAL BF 1078 .F724 2011
Dream life, wake life : the human condition through dreams Globus, Gordon G., 1934- GENERAL BF 1078 .G46 1987
The history of last night's dream : discovering the hidden path to the soul Kamenetz, Rodger, 1950- GENERAL BF 1078 .K28 2007
To catch a dream : explorations of dreaming Koulack, David. GENERAL BF 1078 .K68 1991
The new science of dreaming GENERAL BF 1078 .N454 2007 V.1
The new science of dreaming GENERAL BF 1078 .N454 2007 V.2
The new science of dreaming GENERAL BF 1078 .N454 2007 V.3
The dreaming universe : a mind-expanding journey into the realm where psyche and physics meet Wolf, Fred Alan. GENERAL BF 1078 .W55 1994
Bettelheim : living and dying Fisher, David James. GENERAL BF 109 .B48 F57 2008
The creation of Dr. B : a biography of Bruno Bettelheim Pollak, Richard. GENERAL BF 109 .B48 P65 1997
The Freud-Jung letters : the correspondence between Sigmund Freud and C.G. Jung Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. GENERAL BF 109 .F4 A4 1994
Next of kin : what chimpanzees have taught me about who we are Fouts, Roger. GENERAL BF 109 .F66 A3 1997
Writings on psychoanalysis : Freud and Lacan Althusser, Louis. GENERAL BF 109 .F74 A82513 1996
Freud : inventor of the modern mind Kramer, Peter D. GENERAL BF 109 .F74 K73 2006
Why Freud was wrong : sin, science, and psychoanalysis Webster, Richard, 1950 Dec. 17- GENERAL BF 109 .F74 W33 1995
Dialogue with Erich Fromm Evans, Richard Isadore, 1922- GENERAL BF 109 .F76 E93 1981
William James on consciousness beyond the margin Taylor, Eugene. GENERAL BF 109 .J28 T38 1996
Balancing heaven and earth : a memoir Johnson, Robert A., 1921- GENERAL BF 109 .J64 A3 1998
Memories, dreams, reflections Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961. GENERAL BF 109 .J8 A3 1989
The red book Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961. GENERAL BF 109 .J8 A3 2012
Jung : a biography Bair, Deirdre. GENERAL BF 109 .J8 B35 2003
The Cambridge companion to Jung GENERAL BF 109 .J8 C36 2008
Reading the red book : an interpretive guide to C.G. Jung's Liber Novus Drob, Sanford L. GENERAL BF 109 .J8 D66 2012
Carl Gustav Jung McLynn, F. J. GENERAL BF 109 .J8 M355 1997
Piaget, or, The advance of knowledge Montangero, Jacques. GENERAL BF 109 .P5 M66 1997
The hope circuit : a psychologist's journey from helplessness to optimism Seligman, Martin E. P., author GENERAL BF 109 .S426 A3 2018
B.F. Skinner : a life Bjork, Daniel W. GENERAL BF 109 .S55 B46 1993
The legacy of B.F. Skinner : concepts and perspectives, controversies and misunderstandings Nye, Robert D. GENERAL BF 109 .S55 N84 1992
B.F. Skinner : benign anarchist Wiener, Daniel N. (Daniel Norman) GENERAL BF 109 .S55 W53 1996
The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky GENERAL BF 109 .V95 C36 2007
Freud : a life for our times Gay, Peter, 1923- GENERAL BF 109.F74 G39 1998
The right to be human : a biography of Abraham Maslow Hoffman, Edward, 1951- GENERAL BF 109.M33 H63 1999
Visions of the night : dreams, religion, and psychology Bulkeley, Kelly, 1962- GENERAL BF 1091 .B94 1999
Dreaming souls : sleep, dreams, and the evolution of the conscious mind Flanagan, Owen J. GENERAL BF 1091 .F58 2000
Windows of the soul : a look at dreams and their meanings Meier, Paul D. GENERAL BF 1091 .M45 1995
Private myths : dreams and dreaming Stevens, Anthony. GENERAL BF 1091 .S724 1995
Nightmares : the science and solution of those frightening visions during sleep McNamara, Patrick, 1956- GENERAL BF 1099 .N53 M46 2008
Children's dreaming and the development of consciousness Foulkes, David, 1935- GENERAL BF 1099.C55 F67 1999
The social consequences of modern psychology Eysenck, H. J. (Hans Jurgen), 1916-1997. GENERAL BF 121 .E94 2008
Handbook of international psychology GENERAL BF 121 .H2115 2004
Exploring psychology Myers, David G. GENERAL BF 121 .M935 2014
Exploring psychology Myers, David G., [author] GENERAL BF 121 .M935 2016
Three psychologies : perspectives from Freud, Skinner, and Rogers Nye, Robert D. GENERAL BF 121 .N94 2000
Psychology media suite GENERAL BF 121 .P789 2007 #1
Psychology media suite GENERAL BF 121 .P789 2007 #2
Psychology media suite GENERAL BF 121 .P789 2007 #3
Psychology media suite GENERAL BF 121 .P789 2007 #4
The immortal I : toward a fourth psychology of being/loving/knowing Shea, Eugene B. GENERAL BF 121 .S47 1991
The collected works of L.S. Vygotsky Vygotskii, L. S. (Lev Semenovich), 1896-1934. GENERAL BF 121 .V9413 1987 V.3
The mind club : who thinks, what feels, and why it matters Wegner, Daniel M., 1948- author. GENERAL BF 121 .W36 2016
21st century psychology : a reference handbook GENERAL BF 131 .A15 2008 V.1
21st century psychology : a reference handbook GENERAL BF 131 .A15 2008 V.2
Harper's encyclopedia of mystical & paranormal experience Guiley, Rosemary. GENERAL BF 1407 .G85 1991
Wheels of life : a user's guide to the Chakra system Judith, Anodea, 1952- GENERAL BF 1442 .C53 J83 1987
How psychology applies to everyday life Brooks, Charles I., 1944- GENERAL BF 145 .B76 2009
Psych 101 : psychology facts, basics, statistics, tests, and more! Kleinman, Paul. GENERAL BF 145 .K566 2012
Mind and brain sciences in the 21st century GENERAL BF 149 .T32 1997
Contemporary paganism : listening people, speaking earth Harvey, Graham. GENERAL BF 1571 .H37 1997
The witch-hunt in early modern Europe Levack, Brian P. GENERAL BF 1571 .L48 1995
The making of Salem : the witch trials in history, fiction and tourism DeRosa, Robin. GENERAL BF 1575 .D47 2009
The making of Salem : the witch trials in history, fiction and tourism DeRosa, Robin. GENERAL BF 1575 .D47 2009
The devil of Great Island : witchcraft and conflict in early New England Baker, Emerson W. GENERAL BF 1576 .B25 2007
Entertaining Satan : witchcraft and the culture of early New England Demos, John. GENERAL BF 1576 .D42 1982
The Salem witch trials reader Hill, Frances, 1943- GENERAL BF 1576 .H55 2000
The myth of the magus Butler, E. M. (Eliza Marian), 1885-1959. GENERAL BF 1589 .B8 1993
The rise of magic in early medieval Europe Flint, Valerie I. J. (Valerie Irene Jane), 1936- GENERAL BF 1593 .F45 1990
Magic in the Middle Ages Kieckhefer, Richard. GENERAL BF 1593 .K53 1989
The magician, the witch, and the law Peters, Edward, 1936- GENERAL BF 1593 .P42 1978
Cognitive science and the mind-body problem : from philosophy to psychology to artificial intelligence to imaging of the brain Wagman, Morton. GENERAL BF 161 .W15 1998
The magician's companion : a practical & encyclopedic guide to magical & religious symbolism Whitcomb, Bill. GENERAL BF 1611 .W443 1992
Rainbow medicine : a visionary guide to Native American shamanism Moondance, Wolf. GENERAL BF 1622 .U6 M66 1994
Spirit medicine : Native American teachings to awaken the spirit Moondance, Wolf. GENERAL BF 1623 .M43 M66 1995
Numerology, or, What Pythagoras wrought Dudley, Underwood. GENERAL BF 1623 .P9 D83 1997
The astrology encyclopedia Lewis, James R. GENERAL BF 1655 .L485 1994
The house of make-believe : children's play and the developing imagination Singer, Dorothy G. GENERAL BF 171 .S53 1990
Learning without tears Connerr, Helyn. GENERAL BF 1729 .C43 C66 2008
What Jung really said Bennet, E. A. (Edward Armstrong) GENERAL BF 173 .B457 1983
The Freud files : an inquiry into the history of psychoanalysis Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel. GENERAL BF 173 .B68127 2012
Remembering Anna O. : a century of mystification Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel. GENERAL BF 173 .B684 1996
The Erik Erikson reader Erikson, Erik H. (Erik Homburger), 1902- GENERAL BF 173 .E652 2000
Basic works of Sigmund Freud Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. GENERAL BF 173 .F6255 1982
The Freud reader Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. GENERAL BF 173 .F6255 1989
On creativity and the unconscious : the psychology of art, literature, love, and religion Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. GENERAL BF 173 .F6645 2009
Object relations in psychoanalytic theory Greenberg, Jay R., 1942- GENERAL BF 173 .G714 1983
Jacques Lacan and the Other side of psychoanalysis : reflections on Seminar XVII GENERAL BF 173 .J265 2006
The undiscovered self Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961. GENERAL BF 173 .J7253 2006
Man and his symbols Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961, ed. GENERAL BF 173 .J735 1964
Encounters with the soul : active imagination as developed by C.G. Jung Hannah, Barbara. GENERAL BF 173 .J85 H324 1981
Jung, a biography Wehr, Gerhard. GENERAL BF 173 .J85 W44213 1987
Freud evaluated : the completed arc Macmillan, Malcolm, 1929- GENERAL BF 173 .M353 1997
Revolution in mind : the creation of psychoanalysis Makari, George. GENERAL BF 173 .M35652 2008
The therapeutic alliance Meissner, W. W. (William W.), 1931- GENERAL BF 173 .M3594 1996
A short introduction to psychoanalysis Milton, Jane. GENERAL BF 173 .M5273 2004
Freud and beyond : a history of modern psychoanalytic thought Mitchell, Stephen A., 1946- GENERAL BF 173 .M546 1995
Unauthorized Freud : doubters confront a legend GENERAL BF 173 .U49 1998
Identity and the life cycle Erikson, Erik H. (Erik Homburger), 1902-1994. GENERAL BF 175 .E7 1980
Identity and the life cycle Erikson, Erik H. (Erik Homburger), 1902-1994. GENERAL BF 175 .E7 1980
For the love of life Fromm, Erich, 1900- GENERAL BF 175 .F79313 1986
Archetypal psychology Hillman, James. GENERAL BF 175 .H458 2004
Social amnesia : a critique of contemporary psychology Jacoby, Russell. GENERAL BF 175 .J3 1996
Religion and psychology in transition : psychoanalysis, feminism, and theology Jones, James William, 1943- GENERAL BF 175.4 .R44 J655 1996
The Tao of Jung : the way of integrity Rosen, David H., 1945- GENERAL BF 175.4 .R44 R66 1996
Impious fidelity : Anna Freud, psychoanalysis, politics Stewart-Steinberg, Suzanne. GENERAL BF 175.4 .S65 S744 2011
Ego & archetype : individuation and the religious function of the psyche Edinger, Edward F. (Edward Ferdinand), 1922- GENERAL BF 175.5 .E3 1992
Femininity lost and regained Johnson, Robert A., 1921- GENERAL BF 175.5 .F45 J64 1990
Ego & archetype : individuation and the religious function of the psyche Edinger, Edward F. (Edward Ferdinand), 1922- GENERAL BF 175.5 .I53 1991
Tracking the gods : the place of myth in modern life Hollis, James, 1940- GENERAL BF 175.5 .M95 H65 1995
Synchronicity : C.G. Jung, psychoanalysis, and religion Faber, M. D. (Mel D.) GENERAL BF 175.5.C65 F33 1998
Tests and measurements Walsh, W. Bruce, 1936- GENERAL BF 176 .W34 1989
Knock on wood & other superstitions Potter, Carole. GENERAL BF 1775 .P67 1984
Practical feng shui Brown, Simon. GENERAL BF 1779 .F4 B76 1997
Lillian Too's easy-to-use feng shui : 168 ways to success. Too, Lillian. GENERAL BF 1779 .F4 T66 1999
Lillian Too's smart feng shui for the home : 188 brilliant ways to work with what you've got Too, Lillian. GENERAL BF 1779 .F4 T66 2001
Experimental methodology Christensen, Larry B., 1941- GENERAL BF 181 .C48 2004
Constructing the subject : historical origins of psychological research Danziger, Kurt. GENERAL BF 181 .D27 1990
Introduction to designing experiments GENERAL BF 181 .I58 2006
Experimental psychology : understanding psychological research Kantowitz, Barry H. GENERAL BF 181 .K35 2005
Doing psychology experiments Martin, David W., 1943- GENERAL BF 181 .M315 2008
Doing psychology experiments Martin, David W., 1943- GENERAL BF 181 .M315 2008
The language of vision : meditations on myth and metaphor Highwater, Jamake. GENERAL BF 1879 .T2 H34 1994
Forty studies that changed psychology : explorations into the history of psychological research Hock, Roger R., 1948- GENERAL BF 198.7 .H63 2009
APA handbook of behavior analysis GENERAL BF 199 .A67 2013 V.1
APA handbook of behavior analysis GENERAL BF 199 .A67 2013 V.2
Control : a history of behavioral psychology Mills, John A. GENERAL BF 199 .M485 1998
Chaos, gaia, eros : a chaos pioneer uncovers the three great streams of history Abraham, Ralph. GENERAL BF 1999 .A224 1994
The pilgrimage : a contemporary quest for ancient wisdom Coelho, Paulo. GENERAL BF 1999 .C67413 1995
The breathing cathedral : feeling our way into a living cosmos Heyneman, Martha, 1927- GENERAL BF 1999 .H54 1993
Perception and cognition at century's end GENERAL BF 201 .P47 1998
Cognition : exploring the science of the mind Reisberg, Daniel. GENERAL BF 201 .R45 2005
Cognition : exploring the science of the mind Reisberg, Daniel. GENERAL BF 201 .R45 2016
Humanistic and transpersonal psychology : a historical and biographical sourcebook GENERAL BF 204 .H865 1999
A way of being Rogers, Carl R. (Carl Ransom), 1902- GENERAL BF 204 .R64 1995
Humanistic psychology Shaffer, John B. P., 1934- GENERAL BF 204 .S49 1978
Activities for teaching positive psychology : a guide for instructors GENERAL BF 204.6 .A26 2013
One simple idea : how positive thinking reshaped modern life Horowitz, Mitch. GENERAL BF 204.6 .H67 2014
Positive psychology and psychotherapy GENERAL BF 204.6 .P67 2008
How full is your bucket? : positive strategies for work and life Rath, Tom, 1975- GENERAL BF 204.6 .R38 2004
Flourish : a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being Seligman, Martin E. P. GENERAL BF 204.6 .S45 2011
Positive psychology 101 Watkins, Philip C. (Philip Charles), author. GENERAL BF 204.6 .W38 2016
Transpersonal psychologies : perspectives on the mind from seven great spiritual traditions GENERAL BF 204.7 .T73 1991
The politics of ecstasy Leary, Timothy Francis, 1920- . GENERAL BF 207 .L39 1990
Marihuana, the first twelve thousand years Abel, Ernest L., 1943- GENERAL BF 209 .C3 A23 1980
Understanding psychology. Psychology research in context GENERAL BF 21 .U63 2008 Pt. 6
A natural history of the senses Ackerman, Diane. GENERAL BF 233 .A24 1990
Scenario visualization : an evolutionary account of creative problem solving Arp, Robert. GENERAL BF 241 .A77 2008
Perception, hallucination, and illusion Fish, William, 1972- GENERAL BF 241 .F565 2009
Eye and brain : the psychology of seeing Gregory, R. L. (Richard Langton) GENERAL BF 241 .G7 1997
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology GENERAL BF 31 .E52 2010 V.1
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology GENERAL BF 31 .E52 2010 V.2
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology GENERAL BF 31 .E52 2010 V.3
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology GENERAL BF 31 .E52 2010 V.4
The Oxford companion to the mind GENERAL BF 31 .O94 2004
Science, theology, and consciousness : the search for unity Arden, John Boghosian. GENERAL BF 311 .A676 1998
The native mind and the cultural construction of nature Atran, Scott, 1952- GENERAL BF 311 .A755 2008
The astonishing hypothesis : the scientific search for the soul Crick, Francis, 1916- GENERAL BF 311 .C745 1994
The brain : big bangs, behaviors, and beliefs DeSalle, Rob. GENERAL BF 311 .D466 2012
Frameworks, artworks, place : the space of perception in the modern world GENERAL BF 311 .F73 2008
The growth of the mind : and the endangered origins of intelligence Greenspan, Stanley I. GENERAL BF 311 .G714 1997
Consciousness Hobson, J. Allan, 1933- GENERAL BF 311 .H57 1999
I am a strange loop Hofstadter, Douglas R., 1945- GENERAL BF 311 .H618 2007
A history of the mind : evolution and the birth of consciousness Humphrey, Nicholas. GENERAL BF 311 .H777 1999
Sex and cognition Kimura, Doreen. GENERAL BF 311 .K485 1999
Top brain, bottom brain : surprising insights into how you think Kosslyn, Stephen Michael, 1948- author. GENERAL BF 311 .K674 2013
Cognition Matlin, Margaret W. GENERAL BF 311 .M426 2009
The nature of cognition GENERAL BF 311 .N37 1999
The right mind : making sense of the hemispheres Ornstein, Robert E. (Robert Evan), 1942- GENERAL BF 311 .O76 1997
Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles GENERAL BF 311 .P375 2001
The psychology of art and the evolution of the conscious brain Solso, Robert L., 1933- GENERAL BF 311 .S652 2003
Thinking styles Sternberg, Robert J. GENERAL BF 311 .S6778 1997
Coming into being : artifacts and texts in the evolution of consciousness Thompson, William Irwin. GENERAL BF 311 .T484 1996
Understanding events : from perception to action GENERAL BF 311 .U57 2008
Learning & memory Eichenbaum, Howard. GENERAL BF 318 .E33 2008
Learning : a very short introduction Haselgrove, Mark, 1974- author. GENERAL BF 318 .H372 2016
The experiential learning toolkit : blending practice with concepts Beard, Colin (Colin M.) GENERAL BF 318.5 .B427 2010
Experiential learning : a best practice handbook for educators and trainers Beard, Colin (Colin M.) GENERAL BF 318.5 .B43 2006
Experiential learning : a handbook for education, training and coaching Beard, Colin (Colin M.) GENERAL BF 318.5 .B43 2013
A teachable moment : a facilitator's guide to activities for processing, debriefing, reviewing and reflection Cain, Jim (James Hallie) GENERAL BF 318.5 .C34 2005
How to be an explorer of the world : portable life museum Smith, Keri. GENERAL BF 318.5 .S65 2008
The power of reinforcement Flora, Stephen Ray, 1963- GENERAL BF 319.5 .R4 F58 2004
The invisible gorilla : and other ways our intuitions deceive us Chabris, Christopher F. GENERAL BF 321 .C43 2010
Focus : the hidden driver of excellence Goleman, Daniel. GENERAL BF 321 .G57 2013
Measuring social attitudes : a handbook for researchers and practitioners Mueller, Daniel J., 1940- GENERAL BF 323 .C5 M84 1986
Listen for success : a guide to effective listening Robertson, Arthur K. GENERAL BF 323 .L5 R63 1994
Snoop : what your stuff says about you Gosling, Sam. GENERAL BF 323 .S63 G67 2008
The psychology of stereotyping Schneider, David J., 1940- GENERAL BF 323 .S63 S36 2004
Rituals for our times : celebrating, healing, and changing our lives and our relationships Imber-Black, Evan. GENERAL BF 335 .I53 1993
Willful blindness : why we ignore the obvious at our peril Heffernan, Margaret, 1955- GENERAL BF 337 .R28 H44 2011
The blank slate : the modern denial of human nature Pinker, Steven, 1954- GENERAL BF 341 .P47 2002
Identity and the natural environment : the psychological significance of nature GENERAL BF 353 .I34 2003
Blue mind : the surprising science that shows how being near, in, on, or under water can make you happier, healthier, more connected and better at what you do Nichols, Wallace J., author. GENERAL BF 353 .N53 2014
Children and nature : psychological, sociocultural, and evolutionary investigations GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 C47 2002
Ecopsychology : restoring the earth, healing the mind GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 E26 1995
Ecopsychology : restoring the earth, healing the mind GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 E26 1995
Ecotherapy : healing with nature in mind GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 E27 2009
Last child in the woods : saving our children from nature-deficit disorder Louv, Richard. GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 L68 2008
The nature principle : human restoration and the end of nature-deficit disorder Louv, Richard. GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 L69 2011
The nature principle : reconnecting with life in a virtual age Louv, Richard. GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 L69 2012
The nature principle : reconnecting with life in a virtual age Louv, Richard. GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 L69 2012
Vitamin N : the essential guide to a nature-rich life Louv, Richard, author. GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 L694 2016
Mother Nature's child : growing outdoors in the media age GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 M68 2010
The geography of childhood : why children need wild places Nabhan, Gary Paul. GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 N32 1994
A natural sense of wonder : connecting kids with nature through the seasons Van Noy, Rick, 1966- GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 V36 2008
The nature fix : why nature makes us happier, healthier, and more creative Williams, Florence, 1967- author. GENERAL BF 353.5 .N37 W55 2017
Last child in the woods : saving our children from nature-deficit disorder Louv, Richard. GENERAL BF 353.5.N37 L68 2005
The anatomy of memory : an anthology GENERAL BF 371 .A52 1996
The Oxford handbook of memory GENERAL BF 371 .O84 2000
Searching for memory : the brain, the mind, and the past Schacter, Daniel L. GENERAL BF 371 .S29 1996
Searching for memory : the brain, the mind, and the past Schacter, Daniel L. GENERAL BF 371 .S29 1996
Visual memory GENERAL BF 371 .V57 2008
The seven sins of memory : how the mind forgets and remembers Schacter, Daniel L. GENERAL BF 376 .S33 2001
Pieces of light : how the new science of memory illuminates the stories we tell about our pasts Fernyhough, Charles, 1968- GENERAL BF 378 .A87 F47 2013
Actual minds, possible worlds Bruner, Jerome S. (Jerome Seymour) GENERAL BF 38 .B775 1986
On being human : why mind matters Kagan, Jerome, author. GENERAL BF 38 .K34 2016
Kluge : the haphazard construction of the human mind Marcus, Gary F. (Gary Fred) GENERAL BF 38 .M355 2008
Psychology and the soul : a study of the origin, conceptual evolution, and nature of the soul Rank, Otto, 1884-1939. GENERAL BF 38 .R314 1998
Unity in psychology : possibility or pipedream? GENERAL BF 38 .U55 2005
The artist's way : a spiritual path to higher creativity Cameron, Julia. GENERAL BF 408 .C175 1992
The craft of creativity Cronin, Matthew A. (Professor of management), author. GENERAL BF 408 .C7578 2018
Serious creativity : using the power of lateral thinking to create new ideas De Bono, Edward, 1933- GENERAL BF 408 .D4427 1992
That used to be us : how America fell behind in the world it invented and how we can come back Friedman, Thomas L. GENERAL BF 408 .F747 2011
Creating minds : an anatomy of creativity seen through the lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi Gardner, Howard, 1943- GENERAL BF 408 .G33 2011
Big magic : creative living beyond fear Gilbert, Elizabeth, 1969- GENERAL BF 408 .G464 2015
The innovator's cookbook : essentials for inventing what is next GENERAL BF 408 .I525 2011
Notebooks of the mind : explorations of thinking John-Steiner, Vera, 1930- GENERAL BF 408 .J5 1997
Where good ideas come from : the natural history of innovation Johnson, Steven, 1968- GENERAL BF 408 .J56 2010
Wired to create : unraveling the mysteries of the creative mind Kaufman, Scott Barry, 1979- GENERAL BF 408 .K368 2015
Steal like an artist : 10 things nobody told you about being creative Kleon, Austin. GENERAL BF 408 .K55 2012
Yes, and : how improvisation reverses no, but thinking and improves creativity and collaboration--lessons from the second city Leonard, Kelly. GENERAL BF 408 .L464 2015
A whole new mind : moving from the information age to the conceptual age Pink, Daniel H. GENERAL BF 408 .P49 2005
The war of art : break through the blocks and win your inner creative battles Pressfield, Steven. GENERAL BF 408 .P69 2012
Zig zag : the surprising path to greater creativity Sawyer, R. Keith (Robert Keith) GENERAL BF 408 .S288 2013
Defying the crowd : cultivating creativity in a culture of conformity Sternberg, Robert J. GENERAL BF 408 .S76 1995
The history of creativity : 1500-present Strong, Brent. GENERAL BF 408 .S8252 2006
Tools for innovation GENERAL BF 408 .T62 2009
Creativity and affect GENERAL BF 411 .C74 1994
Genius : a mosaic of one hundred exemplary creative minds Bloom, Harold. GENERAL BF 412 .B58 2002
7 kinds of smart : identifying and developing your many intelligences Armstrong, Thomas. GENERAL BF 431 .A579 1993
How brains think : evolving intelligence, then and now Calvin, William H., 1939- GENERAL BF 431 .C2683 1996
The talent code : greatness isn't born : it's grown, here's how Coyle, Daniel. GENERAL BF 431 .C69 2009
Smarter faster better : the secrets of productivity in life and business Duhigg, Charles, author. GENERAL BF 431 .D8185 2016
The bell curve : intelligence and class structure in American life Herrnstein, Richard J. GENERAL BF 431 .H398 1996
Intelligence, genes, and success : scientists respond to The bell curve GENERAL BF 431 .I527 1997
Intelligence, heredity, and environment GENERAL BF 431 .I534 1997
Intelligence and how to get it : why schools and cultures count Nisbett, Richard E. GENERAL BF 431 .N57 2009
The Darwin awards : evolution in action Northcutt, Wendy. GENERAL BF 431 .N67 2000
Five minds for the future Gardner, Howard. GENERAL BF 432.3 .G365 2006
Frames of mind : the theory of multiple intelligences Gardner, Howard, 1943- GENERAL BF 432.3 .G37 2011
Intelligence reframed : multiple intelligences for the 21st century Gardner, Howard. GENERAL BF 432.3 .G378 1999
Teaching for critical thinking : tools and techniques to help students question their assumptions Brookfield, Stephen. GENERAL BF 441 .B7915 2012
Bullspotting : finding facts in the age of misinformation Collins, Loren, 1978- GENERAL BF 441 .C565 2012
Thinking, fast and slow Kahneman, Daniel, 1934- GENERAL BF 441 .K238 2011
Blah blah blah : what to do when words don't work Roam, Dan. GENERAL BF 441 .R58 2011
The Rowman & Littlefield handbook for critical thinking GENERAL BF 441 .R69 2008
Everything is obvious : once you know the answer Watts, Duncan J., 1971- GENERAL BF 441 .W347 2011
A technique for producing ideas Young, James Webb, 1886-1973. GENERAL BF 441 .Y6 2003
Rationality for mortals : how people cope with uncertainty Gigerenzer, Gerd. GENERAL BF 442 .G54 2008
Irrationality : why we don't think straight! Sutherland, N. S. (Norman Stuart) GENERAL BF 442 .S88 1994
The overflowing brain : information overload and the limits of working memory Klingberg, Torkel, 1967- GENERAL BF 444 .K5513 2009
Brain rules : 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home, and school Medina, John, 1956- GENERAL BF 444 .M386 2008
Predictably irrational : the hidden forces that shape our decisions Ariely, Dan. GENERAL BF 448 .A75 2008
Predictably irrational : the hidden forces that shape our decisions Ariely, Dan. GENERAL BF 448 .A75 2009
Why smart people do dumb things Feinberg, Mortimer R. GENERAL BF 448 .F45 1995
Sidetracked : why our decisions get derailed, and how we can stick to the plan Gino, Francesca. GENERAL BF 448 .G49 2013
Blink : the power of thinking without thinking Gladwell, Malcolm, 1963- GENERAL BF 448 .G53 2007
Farsighted : how we make the decisions that matter the most Johnson, Steven, 1968- author. GENERAL BF 448 .J64 2018
Streetlights and shadows : searching for the keys to adaptive decision making Klein, Gary A. GENERAL BF 448 .K54 2009
The mind within the brain : how we make decisions and how those decisions go wrong Redish, A. David. GENERAL BF 448 .R43 2013
Think like a freak : the authors of Freakonomics offer to retrain your brain Levitt, Steven D, author. GENERAL BF 449 .L47 2014
The wisest one in the room : how you can benefit from social psychology's most powerful insights Gilovich, Thomas, author. GENERAL BF 449.5 .G55 2015
What is called thinking? Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. GENERAL BF 455 .H4213
Experiences in visual thinking McKim, Robert H. GENERAL BF 455 .M23 1972
The mind of Noam Chomsky GENERAL BF 455 .M64 2008
The nature of mathematical thinking GENERAL BF 456 .N7 N35 1996
Ariadne's clue : a guide to the symbols of humankind Stevens, Anthony. GENERAL BF 458 .S74 1999
Sticks and stones : the philosophy of insults Neu, Jerome. GENERAL BF 463 .I58 N48 2008
On the experience of time Ornstein, Robert E. (Robert Evan), 1942- GENERAL BF 468 .O73 1997
When : the scientific secrets of perfect timing Pink, Daniel H, author. GENERAL BF 468 .P57 2017
Felt time : the psychology of how we perceive time Wittmann, Marc, author. GENERAL BF 468 .W5713 2016
The time paradox : the new psychology of time that will change your life Zimbardo, Philip G. GENERAL BF 468 .Z56 2008
The hidden sense : synesthesia in art and science Campen, Crétien van. GENERAL BF 495 .C36 2008
Bright colors falsely seen : synaesthesia and the search for transcendental knowledge Dann, Kevin T., 1956- GENERAL BF 495 .D36 1998
David and Goliath : underdogs, misfits, and the art of battling giants Gladwell, Malcolm, 1963- GENERAL BF 503 .G53 2013
Relentless : from good to great to unstoppable Grover, Tim. GENERAL BF 503 .G767 2013
Handbook of motivation and cognition across cultures GENERAL BF 503 .H358 2008
Drive : the surprising truth about what motivates us Pink, Daniel H. GENERAL BF 503 .P475 2009
The zigzag principle : the goal-setting strategy that will revolutionize your business and your life Christiansen, Rich. GENERAL BF 505 .G6 C47 2012
Punished by rewards : the trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A's, praise, and other bribes Kohn, Alfie. GENERAL BF 505 .R48 K65 1999
The psychology of goals GENERAL BF 505.6 .P78 2009
Psychology and religion : classical theorists and contemporary developments Fuller, Andrew Reid. GENERAL BF 51 .F84 2008
The pleasure instinct : why we crave adventure, chocolate, pheromones, and music Wallenstein, Gene, 1964- GENERAL BF 515 .W29 2009
Emotional sobriety : from relationship trauma to resilience and balance Dayton, Tian. GENERAL BF 531 .D34 2007
On understanding emotion Denzin, Norman K. GENERAL BF 531 .D39 2007
Emotional awareness : overcoming the obstacles to psychological balance and compassion : a conversation between the Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman, Ph.D. GENERAL BF 531 .E498 2008
Emotion and conflict : how human rights can dignify emotion and help us wage good conflict Lindner, Evelin, 1954- GENERAL BF 531 .L53 2009
On the emotions Wollheim, Richard, 1923- GENERAL BF 531 .W65 1999
Statistical panic : cultural politics and poetics of the emotions Woodward, Kathleen M. GENERAL BF 531 .W66 2009
What is emotion? : history, measures, and meanings Kagan, Jerome. GENERAL BF 538 .K34 2007
How emotions are made : the secret life of the brain Barrett, Lisa Feldman, author. GENERAL BF 561 .B337 2017
Handbook of emotions GENERAL BF 561 .H35 2000
Passion and reason : making sense of our emotions Lazarus, Richard S. GENERAL BF 561 .L38 1994
I was wrong : the meanings of apologies Smith, Nick, 1972 Jan. 14- GENERAL BF 575 .A75 S65 2008
Daring greatly : how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead Brown, Brené. GENERAL BF 575 .A85 B76 2012
Freedom and destiny May, Rollo. GENERAL BF 575 .A88 M39 1999
Why humans like to cry : tragedy, evolution and the brain Trimble, Michael R. GENERAL BF 575 .C88 T75 2012
Intellectual empathy : critical thinking for social justice Linker, Maureen, author. GENERAL BF 575 .E55 L56 2015
Social empathy : the art of understanding others Segal, Elizabeth A., author. GENERAL BF 575 .E55 S443 2018
The age of empathy : nature's lessons for a kinder society Waal, F. B. M. de (Frans B. M.), 1948- GENERAL BF 575 .E55 W3 2009
Failure : why science is so successful Firestein, Stuart. GENERAL BF 575 .F14 F567 2016
Why we make mistakes : how we look without seeing, forget things in seconds, and are all pretty sure we are way above average Hallinan, Joseph T. GENERAL BF 575 .F14 H35 2009
The suicide of reason : radical Islam's threat to the enlightenment Harris, Lee, 1948- GENERAL BF 575 .F16 H27 2007
Fear : a cultural history Bourke, Joanna. GENERAL BF 575 .F2 B68 2006
Feel the fear-- and do it anyway Jeffers, Susan J. GENERAL BF 575 .F2 J44 2007
The fear factor : how one emotion connects altruists, psychopaths, and everyone in-between Marsh, Abigail, author. GENERAL BF 575 .F2 M374 2017
Buddy system : understanding male friendships Greif, Geoffrey L. GENERAL BF 575 .F66 G735 2009
Low-level aggression : first steps on the ladder to violence Goldstein, Arnold P. GENERAL BF 575 .G645 A3 1999
Crossing the owl's bridge : a guide for grieving people who still love Bateman, Kim, 1964- author. GENERAL BF 575 .G7 B378 2016
Unattended sorrow : recovering from loss and reviving the heart Levine, Stephen, 1937- GENERAL BF 575 .G7 L493 2005
Guilt : the bite of conscience Katchadourian, Herant A. GENERAL BF 575 .G8 K38 2010
Thrive : finding happiness the Blue Zones way Buettner, Dan. GENERAL BF 575 .H27 B84 2011
Finding flow : the psychology of engagement with everyday life Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. GENERAL BF 575 .H27 C848 199
Flow : the psychology of optimal experience Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. GENERAL BF 575 .H27 C85 2008
Happiness : a revolution in economics Frey, Bruno S. GENERAL BF 575 .H27 F74 2010
Stumbling on happiness Gilbert, Daniel Todd. GENERAL BF 575 .H27 G55 2006
Happy GENERAL BF 575 .H27 H37 2012
The hacking of the American mind : the science behind the corporate takeover of our bodies and brains Lustig, Robert H., author. GENERAL BF 575 .H27 L83 2017
The nature of hate Sternberg, Robert J. GENERAL BF 575 .H3 S75 2008
Humiliation : and other essays on honor, social discomfort, and violence Miller, William Ian, 1946- GENERAL BF 575 .H85 M55 1993
Intimate relations : the natural history of desire Hudson, Liam. GENERAL BF 575 .I5 H83 1995
The dangerous passion : why jealousy is as necessary as love and sex Buss, David M. GENERAL BF 575 .J4 B87 2000
Jealousy Toohey, Peter, 1951- author. GENERAL BF 575 .J4 T66 2014
Inside jokes : using humor to reverse-engineer the mind Hurley, Matthew M., 1977- GENERAL BF 575 .L3 H89 2011
Loneliness : human nature and the need for social connection Cacioppo, John T. GENERAL BF 575 .L7 C23 2008
Born for love : reflections on loving Buscaglia, Leo F. GENERAL BF 575 .L8 B82 1994
Loving each other : the challenge of human relationships Buscaglia, Leo F. GENERAL BF 575 .L8 B843 1986
The science of love Dunbar, R. I. M. (Robin Ian MacDonald), 1947- GENERAL BF 575 .L8 D86 2012
Why love hurts : a sociological explanation Illouz, Eva, 1961- GENERAL BF 575 .L8 I44 2012
Love is letting go of fear Jampolsky, Gerald G., 1925- GENERAL BF 575 .L8 J33 1979
We, understanding the psychology of romantic love Johnson, Robert A., 1921- GENERAL BF 575 .L8 J63 1983
We, understanding the psychology of romantic love Johnson, Robert A., 1921- GENERAL BF 575 .L8 J63 1983
The evolution of love Lampert, Ada. GENERAL BF 575 .L8 L26513 1997
A general theory of love Lewis, Thomas. GENERAL BF 575 .L8 L49 2000
The Psychology of love GENERAL BF 575 .L8 P78 1988
The culture of excess : how America lost self-control and why we need to redefine success Slosar, J. R. (Jay R.) GENERAL BF 575 .N35 S55 2009
Are we born racist? : new insights from neuroscience and positive psychology GENERAL BF 575 .P9 A74 2010
Blindspot : hidden biases of good people Banaji, Mahzarin R. GENERAL BF 575 .P9 B25 2013
Our racist heart? : an exploration of unconscious prejudice in everyday life Beattie, Geoffrey. GENERAL BF 575 .P9 B34 2013
Conversation : exploring preconceived notions about otherness. GENERAL BF 575 .P9 C648 2009
The psychology of prejudice GENERAL BF 575 .P9 P78 2008
Shoulda, coulda, woulda : live in the present, find your future Parrott, Les. GENERAL BF 575 .R33 P37 2004
The gifts of imperfection : let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are Brown, Brene. GENERAL BF 575 .S37 B76 2010
Beyond bullying : breaking the cycle of shame, bullying, and violence Fast, Jonathan, author. GENERAL BF 575 .S45 F27 2016
The mindfulness toolbox : 50 practical mindfulness tips, tools, and handouts for anxiety, depression, stress and pain Altman, Don, 1950- author. GENERAL BF 575 .S75 A57 2014
One nation under stress : the trouble with stress as an idea Becker, Dana. GENERAL BF 575 .S75 B343 2013
Educating people to be emotionally intelligent GENERAL BF 576 .E378 2007
The educator's guide to emotional intelligence and academic achievement : social-emotional learning in the classroom GENERAL BF 576 .E38 2006
Emotional intelligence : perspectives from educational and positive psychology GENERAL BF 576 .E468 2008
Emotional intelligence Goleman, Daniel. GENERAL BF 576 .G65 2006
Emotional intelligence : managing emotions to make a positive impact on your life and career Hasson, Gill. GENERAL BF 576 .H37 2014
Developing emotional and social intelligence : exercises for leaders, individuals, and teams Hughes, Marcia M. GENERAL BF 576 .H84 2011
Building emotional intelligence : techniques to cultivate inner strength in children Lantieri, Linda. GENERAL BF 576 .L37 2008
Teaching emotional intelligence : strategies and activities for helping students make effective choices Lewkowicz, Adina Bloom. GENERAL BF 576 .L49 2007
The science of emotional intelligence : knowns and unknowns GENERAL BF 576 .S35 2007
The EQ edge : emotional intelligence and your success Stein, Steven (Steven J.) GENERAL BF 576 .S735 2011
Dianetics : the modern science of mental health : a handbook of dianetics procedure Hubbard, L. Ron (La Fayette Ron), 1911- GENERAL BF 605 .S2 H7957 1985
Thought manipulation : the use and abuse of psychological trickery Handelman, Sapir. GENERAL BF 611 .H35 2009
Essentialism : the disciplined pursuit of less McKeown, Greg. GENERAL BF 611 .M455 2014
Are we free? : psychology and free will GENERAL BF 621 .A74 2008
Getting it done : the transforming power of self-discipline DuBrin, Andrew J. GENERAL BF 632 .D73 1995
Gaslighting : recognize manipulative and emotionally abusive people-and break free Sarkis, Stephanie, author. GENERAL BF 632.5 .S27 2018
Making friends GENERAL BF 636 .A2 H86 2004
Drunk tank pink : and other unexpected forces that shape how we think, feel, and behave Alter, Adam L., 1980- GENERAL BF 636 .A48 2013
APA handbook of counseling psychology GENERAL BF 636.6 .A63 2012 V.1
APA handbook of counseling psychology GENERAL BF 636.6 .A63 2012 V.2
40 techniques every counselor should know Erford, Bradley T. GENERAL BF 636.6 .E74 2015
Counseling today : foundations of professional identity Granello, Darcy Haag. GENERAL BF 636.64 .G73 2012
Ethics in psychotherapy and counseling : a practical guide Pope, Kenneth S. GENERAL BF 636.67 .P67 2016
Sticks and stones : defeating the culture of bullying and rediscovering the power of character and empathy Bazelon, Emily. GENERAL BF 637 .B85 B39 2013
Changing minds : the art and science of changing our own and other people's minds Gardner, Howard. GENERAL BF 637 .C4 G37 2006
Switch : how to change things when change is hard Heath, Chip. GENERAL BF 637 .C4 H43 2010
Who moved my cheese? : an amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life Johnson, Spencer. GENERAL BF 637 .C4 J64 1998
Virginia Satir talks about the essence of change GENERAL BF 637 .C4 V57 2013
Virginia Satir talks about the essence of change GENERAL BF 637 .C4 V57 2013 booklet
Crucial conversations : tools for talking when stakes are high GENERAL BF 637 .C45 C78 2012
First impressions GENERAL BF 637 .C45 F555 2008
How to create positive relationships with students : a handbook of group activities and teaching strategies Karns, Michelle. GENERAL BF 637 .C45 K35 1994
Art of explanation : making your ideas, products, and services easier to understand LeFever, Lee, 1973- GENERAL BF 637 .C45 L45 2013
The 60-second shrink : 100 strategies for staying sane in a crazy world Lazarus, Arnold A. GENERAL BF 637 .C5 L392 1997
The psychology of superheroes : an unauthorized exploration GENERAL BF 637 .C5 P83 2008
The internship, practicum, and field placement handbook : a guide for the helping professions Baird, Brian N., 1956- GENERAL BF 637 .C6 B26 2011
Ethics and decision making in counseling and psychotherapy Cottone, R. Rocco, author. GENERAL BF 637 .C6 C625 2016
Counselor's guide to clinical, personality, and behavioral assessment GENERAL BF 637 .C6 C696 2006
Becoming a counselor : the light, the bright, and the serious Gladding, Samuel T. GENERAL BF 637 .C6 G525 2009
Helping skills : facilitating exploration, insight, and action Hill, Clara E., 1948- GENERAL BF 637 .C6 H46 2004
Multicultural issues in counseling : new approaches to diversity GENERAL BF 637 .C6 M84 2012
Ethics in psychotherapy and counseling : a practical guide for psychologists Pope, Kenneth S. GENERAL BF 637 .C6 P59 1991
Counseling the culturally diverse : theory and practice Sue, Derald Wing. GENERAL BF 637 .C6 S85 2008
Counseling the culturally diverse : theory and practice Sue, Derald Wing. GENERAL BF 637 .C6 S85 2013
Effective helping : interviewing and counseling techniques Okun, Barbara F. GENERAL BF 637 .C6054 1997
Deception : from ancient empires to Internet dating GENERAL BF 637 .D42 D46 2009
Communicating forgiveness Waldron, Vincent R. GENERAL BF 637 .F67 W35 2008
Kindness in a cruel world : the evolution of altruism Barber, Nigel, 1955- GENERAL BF 637 .H4 B375 2004
Helping : how to offer, give, and receive help Schein, Edgar H. GENERAL BF 637 .H4 S34 2011
Unto others : the evolution and psychology of unselfish behavior Sober, Elliott. GENERAL BF 637 .H4 S65 1998
Motivational interviewing step by step: Core concepts of motivational interviewing GENERAL BF 637 .I5 .M684 2012
Leading with emotional intelligence : hands-on strategies for building confident and collaborative star performers Nadler, Reldan S., 1951- GENERAL BF 637 .L4 N33 2011
Becoming an invitational leader : a new approach to professional and personal success Purkey, William Watson. GENERAL BF 637 .L4 P87 2002
Emotional alchemy : how the mind can heal the heart Bennett-Goleman, Tara. GENERAL BF 637 .M4 B46 2001
Mindfulness for life : an interview with Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD. GENERAL BF 637 .M4 K23 2014
Mindfulness made easy Langley, Martha. GENERAL BF 637 .M4 L37 2011
Negotiation : process, tactics, theory Churchman, David, 1938- GENERAL BF 637 .N4 C48 1995
Negotiating and influencing skills : the art of creating and claiming value McRae, Brad. GENERAL BF 637 .N4 M39 1998
The strategy of conflict. Schelling, Thomas C., 1921- GENERAL BF 637 .N4 S3 1980
Getting past no : negotiating your way from confrontation to cooperation Ury, William. GENERAL BF 637 .N4 U79 1993
Influence : how and why people agree to things Cialdini, Robert B. GENERAL BF 637 .P4 C5 1984
The dynamics of persuasion : communication and attitudes in the 21st century Perloff, Richard M. GENERAL BF 637 .P4 P39 2007
How to argue and win every time : at home, at work, in court, everywhere, every day Spence, Gerry. GENERAL BF 637 .P4 S66 1995
Self-efficacy : the exercise of control Bandura, Albert, 1925- author. GENERAL BF 637 .S38 B36 1997
What should I do with my life? : the true story of people who answered the ultimate question Bronson, Po, 1964- GENERAL BF 637 .S4 B79 2005
Rising strong Brown, Brené, author. GENERAL BF 637 .S4 B8118 2015
The 8th habit : from effectiveness to greatness Covey, Stephen R. GENERAL BF 637 .S4 C685 2004
The dip : a little book that teaches you when to quit (and when to stick) Godin, Seth. GENERAL BF 637 .S4 G63 2007
Wisdom from the couch : knowing and growing yourself from the inside out Kunst, Jennifer L., author. GENERAL BF 637 .S4 K86 2014
The element : how finding your passion changes everything Robinson, Ken, 1950- GENERAL BF 637 .S4 R592 2009e
Tribe of mentors : short life advice from the best in the world Ferriss, Timothy, author. GENERAL BF 637 .S8 F47 2017
How to win friends & influence people Carnegie, Dale, 1888-1955. GENERAL BF 637 .S8 C37 1998
Principle-centered leadership Covey, Stephen R. GENERAL BF 637 .S8 C67 1991
The seven habits of highly effective people : restoring the character ethic Covey, Stephen R. GENERAL BF 637 .S8 C68 2003
Grit : the power of passion and perseverance Duckworth, Angela. GENERAL BF 637 .S8 D693 2016
Tools of titans : the tactics, routines, and habits of billionaires, icons, and world-class performers Ferriss, Timothy, author. GENERAL BF 637 .S8 F43 2016
Outliers : the story of success Gladwell, Malcolm, 1963- GENERAL BF 637 .S8 G533 2008
Give and take : the hidden social dynamics of success Grant, Adam M. GENERAL BF 637 .S8 G6855 2013
Unlimited power : a Black choice Robbins, Anthony. GENERAL BF 637 .S8 R558 1997
Bounce : Mozart, Federer, Picasso, Beckham, and the science of success Syed, Mathew. GENERAL BF 637 .S8 S867 2010
The heart aroused : poetry and the preservation of the soul in corporate America Whyte, David. GENERAL BF 637 .S8 W46 1994
The power of personal storytelling : spinning tales to connect with others Maguire, Jack, 1945- GENERAL BF 637.C45 M284 1998
Gestures : the do's and taboos of body language around the world Axtell, Roger E. GENERAL BF 637.N66 A88 1998
The smart swarm : how understanding flocks, schools, and colonies can make us better at communicating, decision making, and getting things done Miller, Peter. GENERAL BF 671 .M555 2010
Intrinsic motivation Deci, Edward L. GENERAL BF 683 .D43
The Psychology of learning and motivation. GENERAL BF 683 .P78
The Psychology of learning and motivation. GENERAL BF 683 .P78
The Psychology of learning and motivation. GENERAL BF 683 .P78
The Psychology of learning and motivation. GENERAL BF 683 .P78
APA handbook of sexuality and psychology GENERAL BF 692 .A63 2014 V.1
APA handbook of sexuality and psychology GENERAL BF 692 .A63 2014 V.2
Evolution and human sexual behavior Gray, Peter B., 1972- GENERAL BF 692 .G687 2013
Hooking up : the psychology of sex and dating Helm, Katherine (Katherine M.), author. GENERAL BF 692 .H4475 2016
The fate of gender : nature, nurture, and the human future Browning, Frank, 1946- author. GENERAL BF 692.2 .B785 2016
Toward a new psychology of gender GENERAL BF 692.2 .T68 1997
What women want--what men want : why the sexes still see love and commitment so differently Townsend, John Marshall. GENERAL BF 692.2 .T69 1998
Gods in everyman : a new psychology of men's lives and loves Bolen, Jean Shinoda. GENERAL BF 692.5 .B64 1989
Gods in everyman : a new psychology of men's lives and loves Bolen, Jean Shinoda. GENERAL BF 692.5 .B64 1989
He : understanding masculine psychology Johnson, Robert A., 1921- GENERAL BF 692.5 .J63 1989
He : understanding masculine psychology Johnson, Robert A., 1921- GENERAL BF 692.5 .J63 1989
Lying with the heavenly woman : understanding and integrating the feminine archetypes in men's lives Johnson, Robert A., 1921- GENERAL BF 692.5 .J64 1994
LGBT Psychology Research Perspectives and People of African Descent Lewis, Michele K. GENERAL BF 692-692.52
Beyond the conscious mind : unlocking the secrets of the self Blakeslee, Thomas R., 1937- GENERAL BF 697 .B57 1996
The self Brown, Jonathon D. GENERAL BF 697 .B758 1998
Identity : youth and crisis Erikson, Erik H. (Erik Homburger), 1902-1994. GENERAL BF 697 .E7 1994
From axons to identity : neurological explorations of the nature of the self Feinberg, Todd E. GENERAL BF 697 .F443 2009
Handbook of self and identity GENERAL BF 697 .H345 2005
A simple theory of the self Mann, David W. GENERAL BF 697 .M2536 1994
Am I thin enough yet? : the cult of thinness and the commercialization of identity Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Janice. GENERAL BF 697.5 .B63 H47 1996
The cult of thinness Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy. GENERAL BF 697.5 .B63 H47 2007
Man's search for himself May, Rollo. GENERAL BF 697.5 .S43 M29 2009
Man's search for himself May, Rollo. GENERAL BF 697.5 .S43 M29 2009
Missing out : in praise of the unlived life Phillips, Adam, 1954- author. GENERAL BF 697.5 .S43 P485 2014
Developing self-esteem : a positive guide for personal success Palladino, Connie D. GENERAL BF 697.5 .S46 P34 1989
Personality, a topical approach : theories, research, major controversies, and emerging findings Ewen, Robert B., 1940- GENERAL BF 698 .E88 1998
Explorations in personality GENERAL BF 698 .E9 2008
Dimensions of personality Eysenck, H. J. (Hans Jurgen), 1916- GENERAL BF 698 .E92 1998
To have or to be? Fromm, Erich, 1900-1980. GENERAL BF 698 .F746 2005
Handbook of personality psychology GENERAL BF 698 .H3345 1997
Handbook of personality : theory and research GENERAL BF 698 .H335 2008
Please understand me : character & temperament types Keirsey, David. GENERAL BF 698 .K357 1984
The farther reaches of human nature Maslow, Abraham H. (Abraham Harold) GENERAL BF 698 .M336 1976
Toward a psychology of being Maslow, Abraham H. (Abraham Harold), author. GENERAL BF 698 .M397 2014
Please understand me II : temperament, character, intelligence Keirsey, David. GENERAL BF 698.3 .K45 1998
The enneagram : understanding yourself and the others in your life Palmer, Helen. GENERAL BF 698.3 .P35 1988
Charisma : seven keys to developing the magnetism that leads to success Alessandra, Anthony J. GENERAL BF 698.35 .C45 A44 1998
Quiet : the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking Cain, Susan. GENERAL BF 698.35 .I59 C35 2012
Bright-sided : how positive thinking is undermining America Ehrenreich, Barbara. GENERAL BF 698.35 .O57 E37 2009
Breaking Murphy's law : how optimists get what they want from life-- and pessimists can too Segerstrom, Suzanne C. GENERAL BF 698.35 .O57 S445 2006
Reading people : how to understand people and predict their behavior-- anytime, anyplace Dimitrius, Jo-Ellan. GENERAL BF 698.4 .D53 1998
Personality assessment Lanyon, Richard I., 1937- GENERAL BF 698.4 .L34 1997
Exploring the child's personality : developmental, clinical, and cross-cultural applications of the Fairy Tale Test GENERAL BF 698.8 .F35 E97 2008
Beyond freedom and dignity Skinner, Burrhus Frederic, 1904- GENERAL BF 698.9 .C8 S57 1971
Personality and intelligence at work : exploring and explaining individual differences at work Furnham, Adrian. GENERAL BF 698.9 .O3 F867 2008
Do what you are : discover the perfect career for you through the secrets of personality type Tieger, Paul D. GENERAL BF 698.9 .O3 T54 2007
The evolved apprentice : how evolution made humans unique Sterelny, Kim. GENERAL BF 698.95 .S735 2012
The evolution of consciousness : of Darwin, Freud, and cranial fire : the origins of the way we think Ornstein, Robert E. (Robert Evan), 1942- GENERAL BF 701 .O76 1991
Evolution in mind : an introduction to evolutionary psychology Plotkin, H. C. (Henry C.) GENERAL BF 701 .P57 1998
After Piaget GENERAL BF 713 .A33 2012
Critical issues in lifespan development : examples for the helping professions GENERAL BF 713 .C735 2000
The life cycle completed Erikson, Erik H. (Erik Homburger), 1902- GENERAL BF 713 .E73 1997
Life span Development : a case book GENERAL BF 713 .N485 2003
Play : how it shapes the brain, opens the imagination, and invigorates the soul Brown, Stuart L. GENERAL BF 717 .B76 2009
The power of play : learning what comes naturally Elkind, David, 1931- GENERAL BF 717 .E397 2007b
Free to learn : why unleashing the instinct to play will make our children happier, more self-reliant, and better students for life Gray, Peter. GENERAL BF 717 .G73 2013
The Praeger handbook of play across the life cycle : fun from infancy to old age L'Abate, Luciano, 1928- GENERAL BF 717 .L33 2009
Building healthy minds : the six experiences that create intelligence and emotional growth in babies and young children Greenspan, Stanley I. GENERAL BF 720 .C63 G74 2000
How infants know minds Reddy, Vasudevi. GENERAL BF 720 .S63 R43 2008
The discovery of spoken language Jusczyk, Peter W. GENERAL BF 720 .S67 J87 1997
Children and adolescents : interpretive essays on Jean Piaget Elkind, David, 1931- GENERAL BF 721 .E36 1981
The human spark : the science of human development Kagan, Jerome. GENERAL BF 721 .K155 2013
The nature of the child Kagan, Jerome. GENERAL BF 721 .K158 1994
The psychology of the child Piaget, Jean, 1896- GENERAL BF 721 .P4813 1969
The child's conception of the world Piaget, Jean, 1896-1980. GENERAL BF 721 .P5 2007
Odd girl out : the hidden culture of aggression in girls Simmons, Rachel, 1974- GENERAL BF 723 .A35 S56 2011
The Cambridge companion to Piaget GENERAL BF 723 .C5 C35 2009
Piaget's theory of intellectual development Ginsburg, Herbert. GENERAL BF 723 .C5 G56 1988
The philosophical baby : what children's minds tell us about truth, love, and the meaning of life Gopnik, Alison. GENERAL BF 723 .C5 G675 2009
A Piaget primer : how a child thinks Singer, Dorothy G. GENERAL BF 723 .C5 S6 1978
Killing creativity : are schools or parents to blame GENERAL BF 723 .C7 K55 2007
An introduction to the psychology of children's drawings Thomas, Glyn V., 1946- GENERAL BF 723 .D7 T48 1990
The social and emotional lives of gifted kids : understanding and guiding their development Cross, Tracy L. GENERAL BF 723 .G5 C76 2005
Nature's gambit : child prodigies and the development of human potential Feldman, David Henry. GENERAL BF 723 .G5 F43 1991
Terman's kids : the groundbreaking study of how the gifted grow up Shurkin, Joel N., 1938- GENERAL BF 723 .G5 S48 1992
Smart girls two : a new psychology of girls, women, and giftedness Kerr, Barbara A. GENERAL BF 723 .G52 K48 1994
The ecology of imagination in childhood Cobb, Edith, 1895-1977. GENERAL BF 723 .I5 C6
Imitation in human and animal behavior Wyrwicka, Wanda. GENERAL BF 723 .I53 W87 1996
Enduring bonds : the significance of interpersonal relationships in young children's lives GENERAL BF 723 .I646 E53 2008
Understanding peer influence in children and adolescents GENERAL BF 723 .I646 U53 2008
Understanding peer influence in children and adolescents GENERAL BF 723 .I646 U53 2008
Life cycle : classroom activities for helping children to live with daily change and loss Lagorio, Jeanne, 1963- GENERAL BF 723 .L68 L34 1993
The moral intelligence of children Coles, Robert. GENERAL BF 723 .M54 C63 1997
Handbook of moral behavior and development GENERAL BF 723 .M54 H35 1991 V.1
Handbook of moral behavior and development GENERAL BF 723 .M54 H35 1991 V.2
Handbook of moral behavior and development GENERAL BF 723 .M54 H35 1991 V.3
Kids of character : a guide to promoting moral development Shumaker, David M. GENERAL BF 723 .M54 S523 2007
Moral development theories-- secular and religious : a comparative study Thomas, R. Murray (Robert Murray), 1921- GENERAL BF 723 .M54 T48 1997
Social motivation : understanding children's school adjustment GENERAL BF 723 .M56 S63 1996
The child's discovery of the mind Astington, Janet W. GENERAL BF 723 .P48 A77 1993
Handbook of race, racism, and the developing child GENERAL BF 723 .R3 H36 2008
Handbook of resilience in children GENERAL BF 723 .R46 H36 2006
Resilience and vulnerability : adaptation in the context of childhood adversities GENERAL BF 723 .R46 R47 2003
Esteem builders : a K-8 self-esteem curriculum for improving student achievement, behavior, and school climate Borba, Michele. GENERAL BF 723 .S3 B67 1989
Self-esteem in time and place : how American families imagine, enact, and personalize a cultural ideal Miller, Peggy J. (Peggy Jo), 1950- author. GENERAL BF 723 .S3 M55 2018
The hurried child : growing up too fast too soon Elkind, David, 1931- GENERAL BF 723 .S75 E44 1988
Stress, risk, and resilience in children and adolescents : processes, mechanisms, and interventions GENERAL BF 723 .S75 S79 1994
Galen's prophecy : temperament in human nature Kagan, Jerome. GENERAL BF 723 .T53 K34 1994
Adolescents and risk : making sense of adolescent psychology Johnson, Patrick B., 1944- GENERAL BF 724 .J64 2008
Adolescence Steinberg, Laurence D., 1952- GENERAL BF 724 .S75 2008
Talent abounds : profiles of master teachers and peak performers Arnove, Robert F. GENERAL BF 724.3 .C73 A76 2009
Fulfillment in adulthood : paths to the pinnacle of life Colarusso, Calvin A. GENERAL BF 724.5 .C594 1994
Life in the middle : psychological and social development in middle age GENERAL BF 724.6 .L54 1999
Reading our lives : the poetics of growing old Randall, William Lowell, 1950- GENERAL BF 724.85 .M45 R36 2008
The psychology major : career options and strategies for success Landrum, R. Eric. GENERAL BF 76 .L36 2010
The psychology major : career options and strategies for success Landrum, R. Eric. GENERAL BF 76 .L36 2014
Majoring in psych? : career options for psychology undergraduates Morgan, Betsy Levonian. GENERAL BF 76 .M67 2009
Majoring in psych? : career options for psychology undergraduates Morgan, Betsy Levonian. GENERAL BF 76 .M67 2014
Ethical principles in the conduct of research with human participants American Psychological Association. GENERAL BF 76.4 .A44 1984
Ethical conflicts in psychology GENERAL BF 76.4 .E814 2003
Ethical conflicts in psychology Bersoff, Donald N. GENERAL BF 76.4 .E814 2008
Practical ethics for psychologists : a positive approach Knapp, Samuel. GENERAL BF 76.4 .K64 2012
Ethics in plain English : an illustrative casebook for psychologists Nagy, Thomas F. GENERAL BF 76.4 .N34 2005
Qualitative data : an introduction to coding and analysis Auerbach, Carl F. GENERAL BF 76.5 .A95 2003
Dissertations and theses from start to finish : psychology and related fields Cone, John D., 1942- GENERAL BF 76.5 .C645 2006
Methods in behavioral research Cozby, Paul C. GENERAL BF 76.5 .C67 2015
Beginning research in psychology : a practical guide to research methods and statistics Dyer, Colin. GENERAL BF 76.5 .D94 1995
Research in psychology : a practical guide to methods and statistics Dyer, Colin. GENERAL BF 76.5 .D94 2006
Single case experimental designs : strategies for studying behavior for change Barlow, David H. GENERAL BF 76.5 .H47 2009
Introduction to behavioral research methods Leary, Mark R. GENERAL BF 76.5 .L39 2004
What psychology majors could (and should) be doing : a guide to research experience, professional skills, and your options after college Silvia, Paul J., 1976- author. GENERAL BF 76.5 .S497 2017
Transpersonal research methods for the social sciences : honoring human experience GENERAL BF 76.5 .T73 1998
Concise rules of APA style. GENERAL BF 76.7 .C66 2010
APA : the easy way! Houghton, Peggy M. GENERAL BF 76.7 .H68 2009
Undergraduate writing in psychology : learning to tell the scientific story Landrum, R. Eric. GENERAL BF 76.7 .L36 2012
Making sense : a student's guide to research and writing : psychology and the life sciences Northey, Margot, 1940- GENERAL BF 76.7 .N67 2007
Writing papers in psychology Rosnow, Ralph L. GENERAL BF 76.7 .R67 2009
Reporting research in psychology : how to meet journal article reporting standards Cooper, Harris M. GENERAL BF 76.8 .C66 2011
A short guide to writing about psychology Dunn, Dana. GENERAL BF 76.8 .D86 2008
Guide to publishing in psychology journals GENERAL BF 76.8 .G85 2000
Displaying your findings : a practical guide for creating figures, posters, and presentations Nicol, Adelheid A. M. GENERAL BF 76.8 .N53 2010
The psychologist's companion : a guide to writing scientific papers for students and researchers Sternberg, Robert J. GENERAL BF 76.8 .S73 2010
Applying to graduate school in psychology : advice from successful students and prominent psychologists GENERAL BF 77 .A67 2008
Controversy in the psychology classroom : using hot topics to foster critical thinking GENERAL BF 77 .C63 2013
Favorite activities for the teaching of psychology GENERAL BF 77 .F38 2008
Measuring up : educational assessment challenges and practices for psychology GENERAL BF 77 .M385 2004
Psychology as a major : is it right for me and what can I do with my degree? Schultheiss, Donna E. Palladino. GENERAL BF 77 .P35 2008
Psychology 101 1/2 : the unspoken rules for success in academia Sternberg, Robert J., [author] GENERAL BF 77 .S68 2017
Undergraduate education in psychology : a blueprint for the future of the discipline GENERAL BF 77 .U53 2010
Why people believe weird things : pseudoscience, superstition, and other confusions of our time Shermer, Michael. GENERAL BF 773 .S56 1997
Pre-suasion : a revolutionary way to influence and persuade Cialdini, Robert B, author. GENERAL BF 774 .C56 2016
Influencer : the power to change anything GENERAL BF 774 .I54 2008
To sell is human : the surprising truth about moving others Pink, Daniel H. GENERAL BF 774 .P56 2012
The psychology of meaning GENERAL BF 778 .P757 2013
After death : a new future for human consciousness Reanney, Darryl. GENERAL BF 789 .D4 R43 1995
Peaceful dying : the step-by-step guide to preserving your dignity, your choice, and your inner peace at the end of life Tobin, Daniel R., 1957- GENERAL BF 789 .D4 T63 1999
Staring at the sun : overcoming the terror of death Yalom, Irvin D., 1931- GENERAL BF 789 .D4 Y35 2008
Death : the final stage of growth GENERAL BF 789. D5 D44 1975
Getting in : a step-by-step plan for gaining admission to graduate school in psychology. GENERAL BF 80.7 .U6 G47 2007
Psychology : Pythagoras to present Malone, John C. GENERAL BF 81 .M35 2009
Sex, lies, and handwriting : a top expert reveals the secrets hidden in your handwriting Dresbold, Michelle. GENERAL BF 891 .D74 2006
Hunger : a memoir of (my) body Gay, Roxane, author. GENERAL BF 97.5 .B63 G39 2017
Artscience : creativity in the post-Google generation Edwards, David, 1961- GENERAL BH 301 .C84 E39 2008
Nature, aesthetics, and environmentalism : from beauty to duty GENERAL BH 301 .E58 N38 2008
The parsimonious universe : shape and form in the natural world Hildebrandt, Stefan. GENERAL BH 301 .N3 H555 1996
On ugliness GENERAL BH 301 .U5 S7613 2007
Art rules : Pierre Bourdieu and the visual arts Grenfell, Michael, 1953- GENERAL BH 39 .G677 2007
Finding beauty in a broken world Williams, Terry Tempest. GENERAL BH 39 .W554 2008
A companion to aesthetics GENERAL BH 56 .C65 2009
The theory of moral sentiments Smith, Adam, 1723-1790. GENERAL BJ 1005 .S6 2001
How Adam Smith can change your life : an unexpected guide to human nature and happiness Roberts, Russell D. GENERAL BJ 1005 .S6453 R63 2014
Being good : a short introduction to ethics Blackburn, Simon. GENERAL BJ 1012 .B535 2001
Ethics for the new millennium Bstan-µ_dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935- GENERAL BJ 1012 .B74 2001
The ethical GENERAL BJ 1012 .E855 2003
Ethics : the big questions GENERAL BJ 1012 .E8957 1998
The complete idiot's guide to understanding ethics Ingram, David, 1952- GENERAL BJ 1012 .I54 2002
After virtue : a study in moral theory MacIntyre, Alasdair C. GENERAL BJ 1012 .M325 1984
Ethics : history, theory, and contemporary issues GENERAL BJ 1012 .M6323 1998
Being human : ethics, environment, and our place in the world Peterson, Anna Lisa, 1963- GENERAL BJ 1012 .P454 2001
Ethics : discovering right and wrong Pojman, Louis P. GENERAL BJ 1012 .P65 1999
Can ethics provide answers? : and other essays in moral philosophy Rachels, James, 1941- GENERAL BJ 1012 .R289 1997
The elements of moral philosophy Rachels, James, 1941- GENERAL BJ 1012 .R29 1993
Human morality Scheffler, Samuel, 1951- GENERAL BJ 1012 .S34 1992
Unsanctifying human life : essays on ethics Singer, Peter, 1946- GENERAL BJ 1012 .S495 2002
Taking sides. Clashing views on moral issues GENERAL BJ 1012 .T24 2008
A practical companion to ethics Weston, Anthony, 1954- GENERAL BJ 1025 .W43 1997
The ethics of identity Appiah, Anthony. GENERAL BJ 1031 .A64 2005
A companion to applied ethics GENERAL BJ 1031 .C585 2003
The moral imagination : confronting the ethical issues of our day Tivnan, Edward. GENERAL BJ 1031 .T57 1995
Ethics of ambiguity. De Beauvoir, Simone. GENERAL BJ 1063 .B362 2015
Global responsibility : in search of a new world ethic Küng, Hans, 1928- GENERAL BJ 1125 .K8613 1991
Religious foundations for global ethics McLaren, Robert Bruce. GENERAL BJ 1188 .M35 2008
Defending the human spirit : Jewish law's vision for a moral society Goldstein, Warren, Rabbi. GENERAL BJ 1285.2 .G65 2006
Buddhist ethics Koṅ-sprul Blo-gros-mthaʼ-yas, 1813-1899 GENERAL BJ 1289 .K6513 1998
Moral origins : the evolution of virtue, altruism, and shame Boehm, Christopher. GENERAL BJ 1311 .B645 2012
The evolution of morality Joyce, Richard, 1966- GENERAL BJ 1311 .J69 2006
Dark nature : a natural history of evil Watson, Lyall. GENERAL BJ 1406 .W37 1995
Ethics for the real world : creating a personal code to guide decisions in work and life Howard, Ronald A. (Ronald Arthur), 1934- GENERAL BJ 1419 .H68 2008
Lying : moral choice in public and private life Bok, Sissela. GENERAL BJ 1421 .B64 1979
To heal a fractured world : the ethics of responsibility Sacks, Jonathan, 1948- GENERAL BJ 1451 .S23 2005
Consistently opposing killing : from abortion to assisted suicide, the death penalty, and war GENERAL BJ 1459.5 .C66 2008
A delicate balance : what philosophy can tell us about terrorism Govier, Trudy. GENERAL BJ 1459.5 .G68 2002
How free are you? : the determinism problem Honderich, Ted. GENERAL BJ 1461 .H57 2002
Free will : a philosophical reappraisal Rescher, Nicholas. GENERAL BJ 1461 .R45 2009
Personhood : the art of being fully human Buscaglia, Leo F. GENERAL BJ 1470 .B8 1982
Exploitation. Wertheimer, Alan. GENERAL BJ 1474.5 .W47 1996
The empathic civilization : the race to global consciousness in a world in crisis Rifkin, Jeremy. GENERAL BJ 1475 .R54 2009
The present : the gift that makes you happy and successful at work and in life Johnson, Spencer. GENERAL BJ 1481 .J635 2003
Welfare, happiness, and ethics Sumner, L. W. GENERAL BJ 1481 .S87 1996
Contractarianism, contractualism GENERAL BJ 1500 .C65 C66 2002
A theory of virtue : excellence in being for the good Adams, Robert Merrihew. GENERAL BJ 1521 .A43 2008
On virtue ethics Hursthouse, Rosalind. GENERAL BJ 1521 .H88 2001
The practice of virtue : classic and contemporary readings in virtue ethics GENERAL BJ 1521 .P73 2006
Standing at the edge : finding freedom where fear and courage meet Halifax, Joan, author. GENERAL BJ 1531 .H188 2018
Moral courage Kidder, Rushworth M. GENERAL BJ 1533 .C8 K45 2005
The courage to be Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965. GENERAL BJ 1533 .C8 T5 1980
The case for civility : and why our future depends on it Guinness, Os. GENERAL BJ 1533 .C9 G85 2008
Talk to the hand : the utter bloody rudeness of the world today, or, six good reasons to stay home and bolt the door Truss, Lynne. GENERAL BJ 1533 .C9 T78 2005
Addiction and responsibility Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Meeting (34th : 2008 : University of Pennsylvania) GENERAL BJ 1533 .D49 S67 2008
We make a life by what we give Gunderman, Richard B. GENERAL BJ 1533 .G4 G85 2008
The (honest) truth about dishonesty : how we lie to everyone--especially ourselves Ariely, Dan, author. GENERAL BJ 1533 .H7 A75 2012
Creatures of Cain: the hunt for human nature in Cold War America Milam, Erika Lorraine, 1974- author GENERAL BJ 1533 .H9 M55 2019
Integrity : doing the right thing for the right reason Killinger, Barbara. GENERAL BJ 1533 .I58 K55 2007
Giving well, doing good : readings for thoughtful philanthropists GENERAL BJ 1533 .P5 G58 2008
Understanding philanthropy : its meaning and mission Payton, Robert L. GENERAL BJ 1533 .P5 P39 2008
Speaking respect, respecting speech Abel, Richard L. GENERAL BJ 1533 .R4 A34 1998
Ethics of luxury : materialism and imagination Randolph, Jeanne, 1943- GENERAL BJ 1535 .L9 R36 2007
First things first : to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy Covey, Stephen R. GENERAL BJ 1581.2 .C66 1994
The path to purpose : how young people find their calling in life Damon, William, 1944- GENERAL BJ 1581.2 .D36 2009
Becoming wise : an inquiry into the mystery and art of living Tippett, Krista, author. GENERAL BJ 1589 .T57 2016
Warrior of the light : a manual Coelho, Paulo. GENERAL BJ 1595 .C666 2003
Rock 'n' roll wisdom : what psychologically astute lyrics teach about life and love Farber, Barry A. (Barry Alan), 1947- GENERAL BJ 1595 .F27 2007
Wisdom : from philosophy to neuroscience Hall, Stephen S. GENERAL BJ 1595 .H28 2010
I am GENERAL BJ 1595 .I15 2011
The book of the courtier : the Singleton translation : an authoritative text criticism Castiglione, Baldassarre, conte, 1478-1529. GENERAL BJ 1604 .C43 2002
With purpose : going from success to significance in work and life Dychtwald, Ken, 1950- GENERAL BJ 1611.2 .D93 2009
Choosing civility : the twenty-five rules of considerate conduct Forni, P. M. GENERAL BJ 1853 .F595 2003
Moral foundations : an introduction to ethics Skutch, Alexander Frank, 1904-2004. GENERAL BJ 301 .S58 2007
Essays on the history of ethics Slote, Michael A. GENERAL BJ 354 .S58 2010
Experiments in ethics Appiah, Anthony. GENERAL BJ 37 .A67 2008
Morality without God? Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter, 1955- GENERAL BJ 47 .S49 2009
Dictionary of ethics, theology, and society GENERAL BJ 63 .D53 1996
Encyclopedia of ethics GENERAL BJ 63 .E45 2001 V.1
Encyclopedia of ethics GENERAL BJ 63 .E45 2001 V.2
Encyclopedia of ethics GENERAL BJ 63 .E45 2001 V.3
History of ethics Bourke, Vernon J. (Vernon Joseph), 1907-1998. GENERAL BJ 71 .B66 2007 V.1
History of ethics Bourke, Vernon J. (Vernon Joseph), 1907-1998. GENERAL BJ 71 .B66 2007 V.2
A short history of ethics : a history of moral philosophy from the Homeric Age to the twentieth century MacIntyre, Alasdair C. GENERAL BJ 71 .M3 1998
Moral clarity : a guide for grown-up idealists Neiman, Susan. GENERAL BJ 71 .N45 2008
Moral clarity : a guide for grown-up idealists Neiman, Susan. GENERAL BJ 71 .N45 2009
Why be good? : a historical introduction to ethics Richter, Duncan. GENERAL BJ 71 .R48 2008
A dictionary of Asian mythology Leeming, David Adams, 1937- GENERAL BL 1005 .L46 2001
An Introduction to Oriental mythology GENERAL BL 1032 .I56 1989
The Bhagavad Gita GENERAL BL 1138.62 .E5 2007
The Bhagavad Gita : a new translation GENERAL BL 1138.62 .E5 2012
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India Vālmīki. GENERAL BL 1139.22 .E54 1984 V.1
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India Vālmīki. GENERAL BL 1139.22 .E54 1984 V.2
The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India Vālmīki. GENERAL BL 1139.22 .E54 1984 V.3
Hinduism : beliefs and practices Fowler, Jeaneane D. GENERAL BL 1153.5 .F68 1997
An introduction to Hinduism Flood, Gavin D., 1954- GENERAL BL 1202 .F56 1996
A survey of Hinduism Klostermaier, Klaus K., 1933- GENERAL BL 1202 .K56 2007
The mystics. Menen, Aubrey. GENERAL BL 1215 .M9 M46 1974
Cooking for the Gods : the art of home ritual in Bengal GENERAL BL 1236.72 .C66 1995
The path of yoga : an essential guide to its principles and practices Feuerstein, Georg, 1947- GENERAL BL 1238.52 .F48 2011
A Buddhist Bible. Goddard, Dwight, 1861-1939, ed. GENERAL BL 1410 .G6 1970
Zen and Japanese culture Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, 1870-1966. GENERAL BL 1442 .Z4 S8 1970
The Buddha's way Saddhatissa, H. GENERAL BL 1456.21 .S23 1971
The Zen Koan : its history and use in Rinzai Zen Miura, Isshu, 1903- . GENERAL BL 1493 .M5 Z4 1984
The book of Lilith Koltuv, Barbara Black. GENERAL BL 1605 .L55 K65 1986
Myths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others GENERAL BL 1620 .M98 1991
Religions of China in practice GENERAL BL 1802 .R43 1996
Basic writings Zhuangzi. GENERAL BL 1900 .C5 E5 1996
Complete works of Lao Zi = Laozi quan shu : Dao Teh Jing & Hua hu jing Laozi. GENERAL BL 1900 .L26 E5 1980
Tao te ching : a new English version Laozi. GENERAL BL 1900 .L26 E5 1988
Tao te ching Laozi. GENERAL BL 1900 .L26 E5 2005
Tao te ching : a book about the way and the power of the way Laozi. GENERAL BL 1900 .L26 E5 2009
Tao te ching : a book about the way and the power of the way Laozi. GENERAL BL 1900 .L26 E5 2009 CD#1
Tao te ching : a book about the way and the power of the way Laozi. GENERAL BL 1900 .L26 E5 2009 CD#2
Tao teh ching Lao-tzu. GENERAL BL 1900 .L3 E6 1997
The Tao of leadership : Lao Tzu's Tao te ching adapted for a new age Heider, John. GENERAL BL 1900 .L35 H49 1985
Alchemists, mediums, and magicians : stories of Taoist mystics GENERAL BL 1910 .A53 2009
The Shambhala guide to Taoism Wong, Eva, 1951- GENERAL BL 1910 .W66 1997
Religions of India in practice GENERAL BL 2001.2 .R384 1995
Mandala Argüelles, José, 1939- GENERAL BL 2015 .M3 A73 1995
Creation myths Franz, Marie-Luise von, 1915- GENERAL BL 226 .F73 1995
In the beginning : creation myths from ancient Mesopotamia, Israel, and Greece O'Brien, Joan V. GENERAL BL 226 .O27 1982
Creation and procreation : feminist reflections on mythologies of cosmogony and parturition Weigle, Marta. GENERAL BL 226 .W45 1989
The fundamentalist mind : how polarized thinking imperils us all Larsen, Stephen. GENERAL BL 238 .L37 2007
The God/man/world triangle : a dialogue between science and religion Crawford, Robert G. (Robert George), 1927- GENERAL BL 240.2 .C73 1997
Natural grace : dialogues on creation, darkness, and the soul in spiritualiy and science Fox, Matthew, 1940- GENERAL BL 240.2 .F68 1996
The marriage of sense and soul : integrating science and religion Wilber, Ken. GENERAL BL 240.2 .W526 1998
God's mechanics : how scientists and engineers make sense of religion Consolmagno, Guy, 1952- GENERAL BL 240.3 .C68 2008
Superstition : belief in the age of science Park, Robert L. GENERAL BL 240.3 .P37 2008
Theology in the context of science Polkinghorne, J. C., 1930- GENERAL BL 240.3 .P657 2009
Evangelicals and science Roberts, Michael (Michael B.) GENERAL BL 240.3 .R63 2008
Einstein's God : conversations about science and the human spirit Tippett, Krista. GENERAL BL 240.3 .T57 2010
A dictionary of African mythology : the mythmaker as storyteller Scheub, Harold. GENERAL BL 2400 .S24 2000
Can scientists believe?: some examples of the attitude of scientists to religion GENERAL BL 241 .C318 1991
The religion and science debate : why does it continue? GENERAL BL 241 .R35 2009
Egyptian mythology. Ions, Veronica. GENERAL BL 2441.2 .I55 1968
The constant fire : beyond the science vs. religion debate Frank, Adam, 1962- GENERAL BL 245 .F73 2009
Christianity and classical culture : the metamorphosis of natural theology in the Christian encounter with Hellenism Pelikan, Jaroslav Jan, 1923- GENERAL BL 245 .P45 1993
Isis in the ancient world Witt, R. E. (Reginald Eldred), 1903-1980. GENERAL BL 2450 .I7 W58 1997
Religion in America : a very short introduction Beal, Timothy K. (Timothy Kandler), 1963- GENERAL BL 2525 .B395 2008
The God strategy : how religion became a political weapon in America Domke, David Scott. GENERAL BL 2525 .D65 2008
Religious ideology in American politics : a history Guétin, Nicole. GENERAL BL 2525 .G83 2009
The power of religion : a comparative introduction Porterfield, Amanda, 1947- GENERAL BL 2525 .P668 1998
Believing in place : a spiritual geography of the Great Basin Francaviglia, Richard V. GENERAL BL 2527 .G74 F73 2003
Intelligent design : science or religion? : critical perspectives GENERAL BL 262 .I57 2007
God and the new physics Davies, P. C. W. GENERAL BL 265 .P4 D38 1983
The portable atheist : essential readings for the non-believer GENERAL BL 2747.3 .P67 2007
Atheism explained : from folly to philosophy Steele, David Ramsay. GENERAL BL 2747.3 .S7255 2008
God is red : a native view of religion Deloria, Vine. GENERAL BL 2776 .D44 1992
Soul : an archaeology : readings from Socrates to Ray Charles GENERAL BL 290 .S68 1994
The Facts on File encyclopedia of world mythology and legend Mercatante, Anthony S. GENERAL BL 303 .M45 2004
The Facts on File encyclopedia of world mythology and legend Mercatante, Anthony S. GENERAL BL 303 .M45 2004 .V.1
The flight of the wild gander : explorations in the mythological dimension Campbell, Joseph, 1904-1987. GENERAL BL 304 .C35 1990
The power of myth Campbell, Joseph, 1904- GENERAL BL 304 .C36 1988
The power of myth Campbell, Joseph, 1904- GENERAL BL 304 .C36 1991
The age of chivalry and legends of Charlemagne Bulfinch, Thomas, 1796-1867. GENERAL BL 310 .B82 1992
Mythology Hamilton, Edith, 1867-1963. GENERAL BL 310 .H3 1942
The inner reaches of outer space : metaphor as myth and as religion Campbell, Joseph, 1904-1987. GENERAL BL 311 .C263 1995
The mythic image Campbell, Joseph, 1904- GENERAL BL 311 .C274 1981
Transformations of myth through time Campbell, Joseph, 1904- GENERAL BL 311 .C278 1990
Transformations of myth through time Campbell, Joseph, 1904- GENERAL BL 311 .C278 1990
Mythologies GENERAL BL 311 .D513 1991 V.1
Mythologies GENERAL BL 311 .D513 1991 V.2
The friendly guide to mythology : a mortal's companion to the fantastical realm of gods, goddesses, monsters, and heroes Hathaway, Nancy, 1946- GENERAL BL 311 .H38 2001
The world of myth Leeming, David Adams, 1937- GENERAL BL 311 .L328 1990
Myth and knowing : an introduction to world mythology Leonard, Scott A., 1958- GENERAL BL 312 .L46 2004
The hero with a thousand faces Campbell, Joseph, 1904- GENERAL BL 313 .C28 1973
Myths to live by Campbell, Joseph, 1904- GENERAL BL 315 .C27 1993
Myths to live by Campbell, Joseph, 1904- GENERAL BL 315 .C27 1993
Fabulous creatures, mythical monsters, and animal power symbols : a handbook Eason, Cassandra. GENERAL BL 325 .A6 E27 2008
The Flood myth GENERAL BL 325 .D4 F55 1988
The feminist compaion to mythology GENERAL BL 325 .F4 F45 1992
Goddess : a celebration in art and literature GENERAL BL 325 .F4 G628 1997
Goddess : myths of the female divine Leeming, David Adams, 1937- GENERAL BL 325 .F4 L44 1994
Superheroes and gods : a comparative study from Babylonia to Batman LoCicero, Donald. GENERAL BL 325 .H46 L63 2008
Superheroes and superegos : analyzing the minds behind the masks Packer, Sharon. GENERAL BL 325 .H46 P33 2010
Mother worship : theme and variations GENERAL BL 325 .M6 M67 1982
Sacred sexuality Mann, A. T., 1943- GENERAL BL 325 .S4 M36 1995
Beyond the blue horizon : myths and legends of the sun, moon, stars, and planets Krupp, E. C. (Edwin C.), 1944- GENERAL BL 325 .S5 K78 1992
Seven theories of religion Pals, Daniel L. GENERAL BL 41 .P36 1996
Peace be upon you : the story of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish coexistence Karabell, Zachary. GENERAL BL 410 .K37 2007
The dignity of difference : how to avoid the clash of civilizations Sacks, Jonathan, Rabbi. GENERAL BL 410 .S33 2003
Sacred mountains of the world Bernbaum, Edwin. GENERAL BL 447 .B47 1997
Wise women : over two thousand years of spiritual writing by women GENERAL BL 45 .W55 1996
Troubled waters : religion, ethics, and the global water crisis Chamberlain, Gary. GENERAL BL 450 .C43 2008
Inside the gender Jihad : women's reform in Islam Wadud, Amina. GENERAL BL 458 .W33 2006
God : myths of the male divine Leeming, David Adams, 1937- GENERAL BL 473 .L44 1996
On God : an uncommon conversation Mailer, Norman. GENERAL BL 473 .M35 2007
The Book of the goddess, past and present : an introduction to her religion GENERAL BL 473.5 .B66 1983
The language of the goddess : unearthing the hidden symbols of western civilization Gimbutas, Marija Alseikaite, 1921- GENERAL BL 473.5 .G55 1989
The goddess Shahrukh Husain. GENERAL BL 473.5 .S53 1997
Sin : a history Anderson, Gary A., 1955- GENERAL BL 475.7 .A53 2009
An open life Campbell, Joseph, 1904- GENERAL BL 48 .C325 1990
A history of religious ideas Eliade, Mircea, 1907-1986. GENERAL BL 48 .E3813 1978 V.1
A history of religious ideas Eliade, Mircea, 1907-1986. GENERAL BL 48 .E3813 1978 V.2
A history of religious ideas Eliade, Mircea, 1907-1986. GENERAL BL 48 .E3813 1978 V.3
Anatomy of the sacred : an introduction to religion Livingston, James C., 1930- GENERAL BL 48 .L48 2005
Books of the dead : manuals for living and dying Grof, Stanislav, 1931- GENERAL BL 504 .G76 1994
Teaching death and dying GENERAL BL 504 .T43 2008
Ultimate journey : death and dying in the world's major religions GENERAL BL 504 .U48 2008
After God : the future of religion Cupitt, Don. GENERAL BL 51 .C83 1997
The faith instinct : how religion evolved and why it endures Wade, Nicholas. GENERAL BL 51 .W133 2009
Reincarnation : a new horizon in science, religion and society GENERAL BL 515 .R427 1984
Religions, values, and peak-experiences Maslow, Abraham H. (Abraham Harold) GENERAL BL 53 .M38 1994
Cosmic consciousness revisited : the modern origins and development of a western spiritual psychology May, Robert M. GENERAL BL 53 .M42 1993
Death and the afterlife Innes, Brian. GENERAL BL 535 .I56 1999 OVERSIZED
Life after death : a study of the afterlife in world religions Ma'súmián, Farnáz. GENERAL BL 535 .M37 1995
The sociology of religious movements Bainbridge, William Sims. GENERAL BL 60 .B19 1997
Gods in the global village : the world's religions in sociological perspective Kurtz, Lester R. GENERAL BL 60 .K87 1995
God is back : how the global revival of faith is changing the world Micklethwait, John. GENERAL BL 60 .M498 2009
An encyclopedia of archetypal symbolism Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism. GENERAL BL 603 .A72 1991
Dictionary of symbols Liungman, Carl G. GENERAL BL 603 .L5413 1994
You can find inner peace : change your thinking, change your life George, Mike, author. GENERAL BL 624 .G47 2014
Almost everything : notes on hope Lamott, Anne, author. GENERAL BL 624 .L35195 2018
Small victories : spotting improbable moments of grace Lamott, Anne. GENERAL BL 624 .L352 2014
Stitches : a handbook on meaning, hope and repair Lamott, Anne. GENERAL BL 624 .L36 2013
The new American spirituality : a seeker's guide Lesser, Elizabeth. GENERAL BL 624 .L46 1999
Rainbow tribe : ordinary people journeying on the red road McGaa, Ed. GENERAL BL 624 .M397 1992
Way of the peaceful warrior : a book that changes lives Millman, Dan. GENERAL BL 624 .M52 1984
A new earth : awakening to your life's purpose Tolle, Eckhart, 1948- author. GENERAL BL 624 .T635 2016
The eye of spirit : an integral vision for a world gone slightly mad Wilber, Ken. GENERAL BL 624 .W53 1997
Mysticism : holiness East and West Carmody, Denise Lardner, 1935- GENERAL BL 625 .C33 1996
The way of woman : awakening the perennial feminine Luke, Helen M., 1904- GENERAL BL 625.7 .L85 1995
Liberty of conscience : in defense of America's tradition of religious equality Nussbaum, Martha Craven, 1947- GENERAL BL 640 .N87 2008
The new religious intolerance : overcoming the politics of fear in an anxious age Nussbaum, Martha Craven, 1947- GENERAL BL 640 .N88 2012
Religious freedom in the world GENERAL BL 640 .R44 2008
Prescribing faith : medicine, media, and religion in American culture Badaracco, Claire. GENERAL BL 65 .M4 B33 2007
The rebirth of nature : the greening of science and God Sheldrake, Rupert. GENERAL BL 65 .N35 S44 1994
Black mass : apocalyptic religion and the death of utopia Gray, John, 1948- GENERAL BL 65 .P7 G69 2007
The end of White Christian America Jones, Robert P. (Robert Patrick), author. GENERAL BL 65 .P7 J66 2016
Sex and spirit Bishop, Clifford. GENERAL BL 65 .S4 B57 1996
Blood that cries out from the Earth : the psychology of religious terrorism Jones, James William, 1943- GENERAL BL 65 .T47 J66 2012
UFO religion : inside flying saucer cults and culture Reece, Gregory L., 1967- GENERAL BL 65 .U54 R44 2007
The destructive power of religion : violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam GENERAL BL 65 .V55 D47 2007
The violence of God and the war on terror Young, Jeremy, 1954- GENERAL BL 65 .V55 Y68 2008
Religion, civilization, and civil war : 1945 through the millennium Fox, Jonathan, 1968- GENERAL BL 65 .W2 F695 2004
Anthology of world scriptures Van Voorst, Robert E. GENERAL BL 70 .V36 2008
Spiritual genius : the mastery of life's meaning Gallagher, Winifred. GENERAL BL 72 .G29 2001
Bulfinch's mythology : the age of fable Bulfinch, Thomas, 1798-1867. GENERAL BL 721 .B84 1968
Myths of Greece and Rome Bulfinch, Thomas, 1796-1867. GENERAL BL 721 .B84 1981
Classical mythology Morford, Mark P. O., 1929- GENERAL BL 722 .M67 1995
Greek religion Burkert, Walter, 1931- GENERAL BL 782 .B8313 1985
Greek mythology : an introduction Graf, Fritz. GENERAL BL 782 .G6713 1993
Ancient Greek heroes GENERAL BL 783 .A53 2004 Pt.1
Ancient Greek heroes GENERAL BL 783 .A53 2004 Pt.2
The origin of the gods : a psychoanalytic study of Greek theogonic myth Caldwell, Richard S. GENERAL BL 785 .C27 1989
Greek religion and society GENERAL BL 790 .G74 1985
The goddess and the bull : a study in Minoan-Mycenaean mythology Benigni, Helen. GENERAL BL 795 .G63 B46 2007
Heroes : mortals and myths in ancient Greece GENERAL BL 795 .H46 H46 2009
The sacred paths of the East Ludwig, Theodore M. GENERAL BL 80.2 .L83 1993
Our religions GENERAL BL 80.2 .O87 1993
The world's religions : our great wisdom traditions Smith, Huston. GENERAL BL 80.2 .S645 1991
The long journey home : re-visioning the myth of Demeter and Persephone for our time GENERAL BL 820 .C5 L66 1994
Eros the bittersweet Carson, Anne, 1950- GENERAL BL 820 .C65 C37 1998
The great god Pan : the survival of an image Boardman, John, 1927- GENERAL BL 820 .P2 B63 1998
The great mother : an analysis of the archetype Neumann, Erich. GENERAL BL 85 .N4
Norse mythology Gaiman, Neil, author. GENERAL BL 860 .G35 2017
The well of remembrance : rediscovering the earth wisdom myths of northern Europe Metzner, Ralph. GENERAL BL 863 .M48 1994
Celtic goddesses : warriors, virgins, and mothers Green, Miranda J. GENERAL BL 900 .G725 1996
Dictionary of Celtic myth and legend Green, Miranda J. GENERAL BL 900 .G74 1992
Druids : a very short introduction Cunliffe, Barry W. GENERAL BL 910 .C86 2010
The world of the Druids Aldhouse-Green, Miranda J. (Miranda Jane) GENERAL BL 910 .G74 1997
Introducing Judaism Segal, Eliezer. GENERAL BM 155.3 .S44 2009
The children of Abraham : Judaism, Christianity, Islam Peters, F. E. (Francis E.) GENERAL BM 157 .P47 2004
Judaism in the first centuries of the Christian era : the age of the Tannaim Moore, George Foot, 1851-1931. GENERAL BM 177 .M6 1955 V.1
Judaism in the first centuries of the Christian era : the age of the Tannaim Moore, George Foot, 1851-1931. GENERAL BM 177 .M6 1955 V.2
Reader's guide to Judaism GENERAL BM 50 .R43 2000
Faith finding meaning : a theology of Judaism Sherwin, Byron L. GENERAL BM 562 .S54 2009
Judaism : between yesterday and tomorrow Küng, Hans, 1928- GENERAL BM 565 .K7613 1992
The way of Torah : an introduction to Judaism Neusner, Jacob, 1932- GENERAL BM 565 .N487 1993
A portable God : the origin of Judaism and Christianity Kohn, Risa Levitt. GENERAL BM 602 .K64 2007
The poetry of Kabbalah : mystical verse from the Jewish tradition GENERAL BM 670 .P5 P64 2012
The Koran interpreted GENERAL BP 109 .A7 1955
Interpretation of the meanings of the noble Qur'ān in the English language GENERAL BP 130.4 .K672 1994
The story of the Qurµ_an : its history and place in Muslim life Mattson, Ingrid. GENERAL BP 132 .M39 2008
Islam : the straight path Esposito, John L. GENERAL BP 161.2 .E85 1992
A brief illustrated guide to understanding Islam Ibrahim, I. A. GENERAL BP 161.2 .I266 1997
Seven doors to Islam : spirituality and the religious life of Muslims Renard, John, 1944- GENERAL BP 161.2 .R47 1996
No god but God : the origins, evolution, and future of Islam Aslan, Reza. GENERAL BP 161.3 .A7913 2011
Who speaks for Islam? : what a billion Muslims really think Esposito, John L. GENERAL BP 161.3 .E87 2007
Islam : the religion and the people Lewis, Bernard, 1916- GENERAL BP 161.3 .L482 2009
Islam : its history, teaching, and practices Nigosian, S. A. (Solomon Alexander) GENERAL BP 161.3 .N54 2004
Muslim voices and lives in the contemporary world GENERAL BP 163 .M9363 2008
The malady of Islam Meddeb, Abdelwahab. GENERAL BP 166.14 .F85 M4413 2003
The butterfly mosque Wilson, G. Willow, 1982- GENERAL BP 170.5 .W55 W55 2010
Islam & world peace : explanations of a Sufi Muhaiyaddeen, M. R. Bawa. GENERAL BP 170.8 .M83 2004
Islam and the future of tolerance : a dialogue Harris, Sam, 1967- GENERAL BP 171.5 .I365 2015
Are Muslims distinctive? : a look at the evidence Fish, M. Steven (Michael Steven), 1962- GENERAL BP 173.25 .F57 2011
The caged virgin : an emancipation proclamation for women and Islam Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 1967- GENERAL BP 173.4 .H5813 2006
The many faces of political Islam : religion and politics in the Muslim world Ayoob, Mohammed, 1942- GENERAL BP 173.7 .A875 2008
Reconciliation : Islam, democracy, and the West Bhutto, Benazir. GENERAL BP 173.7 .B58 2008
The shade of swords : jihad and the conflict between Islam and Christianity Akbar, M. J. GENERAL BP 182 .A33 2002
From Muhammad to Bin Laden : religious and ideological sources of the homicide bombers phenomenon Bukay, David. GENERAL BP 182 .B84 2008
Koran by heart : one chance to remember GENERAL BP 188.3 .C5 K67 2011
A quiet revolution : the veil's resurgence, from the Middle East to America Ahmed, Leila. GENERAL BP 190.5 .H44 A46 2011
Dying for heaven : holy pleasure and suicide bombers--why the best qualities of religion are also its most dangerous Glucklich, Ariel. GENERAL BP 190.5 .T47 G57 2009
Arguing the just war in Islam Kelsay, John, 1953- GENERAL BP 190.5 .W35 K434 2007
Islam and violence in the modern era Milton-Edwards, Beverley. GENERAL BP 190.5.V56 M55 2006
The Shia revival : how conflicts within Islam will shape the future Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza, 1960- GENERAL BP 194.185 .N37 2006
An original man : the life and times of Elijah Muhammad Clegg, Claude Andrew. GENERAL BP 223 .Z8 E42 1997
Prophet of rage : a life of Louis Farrakhan and his nation Magida, Arthur J. GENERAL BP 223 .Z8 F3846 1996
Making Malcolm : the myth and meaning of Malcolm X Dyson, Michael Eric. GENERAL BP 223 .Z8 L573338 1995
Teaching Malcolm X GENERAL BP 223 .Z8 L5777 1996
Malcolm X, African American revolutionary Wainstock, Dennis, 1947- GENERAL BP 223 .Z8 L5779 2009
The autobiography of Malcolm X X, Malcolm, 1925-1965. GENERAL BP 223 .Z8 L57943 1992
The autobiography of Malcolm X X, Malcolm, 1925-1965. GENERAL BP 223 .Z8 L57943 1992b
Islam, empire of faith GENERAL BP 50 .I74 2001
The Oxford history of Islam GENERAL BP 50 .O95 1999
The Islamophobia industry : how the right manufactures fear of Muslims Lean, Nathan Chapman. GENERAL BP 52 .L41 2012
After the prophet : the epic story of the Shia-Sunni split in Islam Hazleton, Lesley, 1945- GENERAL BP 55 .H42 2009
The great Arab conquests : how the spread of Islam changed the world we live in Kennedy, Hugh (Hugh N.) GENERAL BP 55 .K46 2007
Autobiography : chapters in the course of my life, 1861-1907 Steiner, Rudolf, 1861-1925. GENERAL BP 595 .S894 A3 1999
Islam, fundamentalism, and the betrayal of tradition : essays by western Muslim scholars GENERAL BP 60 .I7848 2009
The hidden connections : integrating the biological, cognitive, and social dimensions of life into a science of sustainability Capra, Fritjof. GENERAL BP 605 .N48 C365 2002
Buffalo woman comes singing : the spirit song of a rainbow medicine woman Medicine Eagle, Brooke. GENERAL BP 605 .N48 M43 1991
The seat of the soul Zukav, Gary. GENERAL BP 605 .N48 Z85 1999
Underground Murakami, Haruki, 1949- GENERAL BP 605 .O88 M8613 2001
Scientology : theology & practice of a contemporary religion GENERAL BP 605 .S2 .S335 1998
Islamic extremism and the war of ideas : lessons from Indonesia Hughes, John, 1960- GENERAL BP 63 .I5 H79 2010
Muslims, Christians, and the challenge of interfaith dialogue Smith, Jane I. GENERAL BP 67 .U6 S616 2007
Muhammad : a prophet for our time Armstrong, Karen, 1944- GENERAL BP 75 .A767 2007
Muhammad : a very short introduction Brown, Jonathan (Jonathan A. C.) GENERAL BP 75 .B66 2011
The life and work of Muhammad Emerick, Yahiya. GENERAL BP 75 .E52 2002
American crescent : a Muslim cleric on the power of his faith, the struggle against prejudice, and the future of Islam and America Qazwini, Hassan. GENERAL BP 80 .A5296 A68 2007
Red, white, and Muslim : my story of belief Hasan, Asma Gull. GENERAL BP 80 .H2855 2004
The four great temples : Buddhist archaeology, architecture, and icons of seventh-century Japan McCallum, Donald F. (Donald Fredrick), 1939- GENERAL BQ 239 .J3 A886 2009
A concise history of Buddhism Skilton, Andrew, 1957- GENERAL BQ 266 .S58 1997
The life of Buddhism GENERAL BQ 4012 . L54 2000
Treasures of Buddhism Schuon, Frithjof, 1907- GENERAL BQ 4012 .S386 1993
Buddhism : the illustrated guide GENERAL BQ 4022 .B83 2004
Buddhism, a way of life and thought Ross, Nancy Wilson, 1901-1986. GENERAL BQ 4022 .R67 1981
A history of Buddhist philosophy : continuities and discontinuities Kalupahana, David J., 1933- GENERAL BQ 4090 .K36 1992
It's easier than you think : the Buddhist way to happiness Boorstein, Sylvia. GENERAL BQ 4302 .B66 1995
Awakening the Buddha within : eight steps to enlightenment : Tibetan wisdom for the Western world Das, Surya. GENERAL BQ 4320 .D37 1997
World as lover, world as self : courage for global justice and ecological renewal Macy, Joanna, 1929- GENERAL BQ 4570 .S6 M33 2007
The quantum and the lotus : a journey to the frontiers where science and Buddhism meet Ricard, Matthieu. GENERAL BQ 4570.53 .R5313 2001
Buddhist symbols in Tibetan culture : an investigation of the nine best-known groups of symbols Dagyab, Loden Sherap. GENERAL BQ 5115 .C5 D3613 1995
Living images : Japanese Buddhist icons in context GENERAL BQ 5115 .J3 L58 2001
Japanese mandalas : representations of sacred geography Ten Grotenhuis, Elizabeth. GENERAL BQ 5125 .M3 T46 1999
Being peace Nhất Hạnh, Thích GENERAL BQ 5410 .N45 1987
Mindfulness in plain English Gunaratana, Henepola, 1927- GENERAL BQ 5630 .V5 G86 2002
The impact of Buddhism on Chinese material culture Kieschnick, John, 1964- GENERAL BQ 626 .K54 2003
Buddhism, Japan's cultural identity Picken, Stuart D. B. GENERAL BQ 676 .P52 1982
Faith and power in Japanese Buddhist art, 1600-2005 Graham, Patricia Jane. GENERAL BQ 689 .G73 2007
Essential Tibetan Buddhism Thurman, Robert A. F. GENERAL BQ 7604 .T496 1995
Unmistaken child GENERAL BQ 7604 .U56 2009
Journey into consciousness : the chakras, tantra, and Jungian psychology Breaux, Charles. GENERAL BQ 7805 .B74 1989
The attention revolution : unlocking the power of the focused mind Wallace, B. Alan. GENERAL BQ 7805 .W33 2006
The Dalai Lama : essential writings Bstan-µ_dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935- GENERAL BQ 7935 .B772 2008
The art of happiness : a handbook for living Bstanµ_-dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935- GENERAL BQ 7935 .B774 A78 1998
The Gelug/Kagyü tradition of Mahamudra Bstan-µ_dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935- GENERAL BQ 8921 .M35 B59 1997
Zen lessons : the art of leadership GENERAL BQ 9265 .C4313 1989
Zen mind, beginner's mind Suzuki, Shunryū, 1904- GENERAL BQ 9288 .S994 2006b
The Zen poetry of Dōgen : verses from the Mountain of Eternal Peace Dōgen, 1200-1253. GENERAL BQ 9449 .D657 H45 1997
The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism and other writings Weber, Max, 1864-1920. GENERAL BR 115 .C3 W413 2002
Cultural intelligence : improving your CQ to engage our multicultural world Livermore, David A., 1967- GENERAL BR 115 .C8 L58 2009
The rising of Bread for the World : an outcry of citizens against hunger Simon, Arthur R. GENERAL BR 115 .H86 S56 2009
The kingdom of God is within you : Christianity not as a mystic religion but as a new theory of life Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910. GENERAL BR 121 .T7313 1984
The church in the Roman Empire. Goodenough, Erwin Ramsdell, 1893-1965. GENERAL BR 170 .G63 1970
The body and society : men, women, and sexual renunciation in early Christianity Brown, Peter Robert Lamont. GENERAL BR 195 .C45 B76 1988
The Reformation Simon, Edith, 1917- GENERAL BR 305.2 .S5
Here I stand : a life of Martin Luther Bainton, Roland Herbert, 1894- GENERAL BR 325 .B26 1990
Young man Luther : a study in psychoanalysis and history Erikson, Erik H. (Erik Homburger), 1902- GENERAL BR 325 .E7 1993
Religion and the decline of magic : studies in popular beliefs in sixteenth and seventeenth century England Thomas, Keith, 1933- GENERAL BR 377 .T48 1997
Christianity comes to the Americas, 1492-1776 Lippy, Charles H. GENERAL BR 500 .L54 1992
A religious history of the American people Ahlstrom, Sydney E. GENERAL BR 515 .A4 1975
So help me God : the founding fathers and the first great battle over church and state Church, F. Forrester. GENERAL BR 515 .C523 2007
Mainline Christians and U.S. public policy : a reference handbook Utter, Glenn H. GENERAL BR 515 .U88 2007
Souled out : reclaiming faith and politics after the religious right Dionne, E. J. GENERAL BR 516 .D56 2008
Attack of the theocrats : how the religious right harms us all-- and what we can do about it Faircloth, Sean. GENERAL BR 516 .F25 2012
Letter to a Christian nation Harris, Sam, 1967- GENERAL BR 516 .H255 2006
Religion in American politics : a short history Lambert, Frank, 1943- GENERAL BR 516 .L36 2008
Bible nation : the United States of Hobby Lobby Moss, Candida R., author. GENERAL BR 526 .M675 2017
God's politics : why the right gets it wrong and the left doesn't get it Wallis, Jim. GENERAL BR 526 .W265 2005
Early Christian biographies, lives of St. Cyprian, by Pontius; St. Ambrose, by Paulinus; St. Augustine, by Possidius; St. Anthony, by St. Athanasius; St. Paul the first hermit, St. Hilarion, and Malchus, by St. Jerome; St. Epiphanius, by Ennodius; with a GENERAL BR 60 .F3 1981 v. 15
The seven books of history against the pagans. Orosius, Paulus. GENERAL BR 60 .F3 O7 1964
Confessions Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. GENERAL BR 65 .A6 E5 1998
The illustrated Bede Marsden, John, 1946- GENERAL BR 746 .M37 1996
Church and society in late medieval England Swanson, R. N. (Robert Norman) GENERAL BR 750 .S83 1989
A concise dictionary of theology O'Collins, Gerald. GENERAL BR 95 .O25 2000
The Oxford companion to Christian thought GENERAL BR 95 .O94 2000
Beyond form criticism : essays in Old Testament literary criticism GENERAL BS 1171.2 .B49 1992
The Hebrew goddess Patai, Raphael, 1910- GENERAL BS 1183 .P38 1990
God : a biography Miles, Jack, 1942- GENERAL BS 1192.6 .M6 1996
Gender and difference in ancient Israel GENERAL BS 1199 .W7 G46 1989
The book of Genesis GENERAL BS 1233 .A785 2009
I studied inscriptions from before the flood : ancient Near Eastern, literary, and linguistic approaches to Genesis 1-11 GENERAL BS 1235.5 .I35 1994
The women of Genesis : from Sarah to Potiphar's wife Jeansonne, Sharon Pace, 1956- GENERAL BS 1235.6 .W7 J43 1990
Leviticus as literature Douglas, Mary. GENERAL BS 1255.2 .D68 2000
The Song of songs GENERAL BS 1483 .F35 1990
The parallel apocrypha : Greek text, King James Version, Douay Old Testament, the Holy Bible by Ronald Knox, Today's English Version, New Revised Standard Version, New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible GENERAL BS 1692 1997
Zondervan NIV study Bible : New International Version GENERAL BS 195 .N37 2008
Who wrote the Gospels? Helms, Randel, 1942- GENERAL BS 2315 .H45 1997
An introduction to the New Testament Brown, Raymond Edward. GENERAL BS 2330.2 .B76 1997
Eerdmans dictionary of the Bible GENERAL BS 440 .E44 2000
Understanding the Bible Harris, Stephen L., 1937- GENERAL BS 475.2 .H32 1997
The Cambridge companion to the Bible GENERAL BS 475.3 .C26 2008
The Bible as literature : an introduction Gabel John B. GENERAL BS 535 .G25 1996
Who's who in the Bible GENERAL BS 570 .R43 1994
The counter-creationism handbook Isaak, Mark, 1959- GENERAL BS 651 .I82 2007
The mythmaker's magic : behind the illusion of creation science McKown, Delos Banning. GENERAL BS 651 .M3976 1983
Creationism's upside-down pyramid : how science refutes fundamentalism Tiffin, Lee, 1919- GENERAL BS 651 .T54 1994
A war on science GENERAL BS 652 .W37 2006
Mary through the centuries : her place in the history of culture Pelikan, Jaroslav Jan, 1923- GENERAL BT 610 .P45 1996
Ecologies of grace : environmental ethics and Christian theology Jenkins, Willis. GENERAL BT 695.5 .J464 2008
Between God and green : how evangelicals are cultivating a middle ground on climate change Wilkinson, Katharine K. (Katharine Keeble), 1983- GENERAL BT 695.5 .W566 2012
The symbolism of evil Ricœur, Paul. GENERAL BT 715 .R48
Systematic theology. Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965. GENERAL BT 75.2 .T5 1967
A history of God : the 4000-year quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Armstrong, Karen. GENERAL BT 98 .A65 1993
God and philosophy Gilson, Etienne, 1884-1978. GENERAL BT 98 .G55 2002
Educating for life : a spiritual vision for every teacher and parent Groome, Thomas H. GENERAL BV 1471.2 .G6874 1998
One nation under God : the history of prayer in America Moore, James P. GENERAL BV 207 .M66 2005
Help, thanks, wow : the three essential prayers Lamott, Anne. GENERAL BV 210.3 .L36 2012b
The great awakening : reviving faith & politics in a post-religious right America Wallis, Jim. GENERAL BV 3793 .W35 2008
The purpose driven life : what on earth am I here for? Warren, Richard, 1954- GENERAL BV 4501.3 .W37 2002
Rising from the dead : stories of women's spiritual journeys to sobriety Nanoff, Patricia D. GENERAL BV 4596 .A48 N36 2007
Church on Sunday, work on Monday : the challenge of fusing Christian values with business life Nash, Laura L. GENERAL BV 4596 .B8 N37 2001
Gluttony Prose, Francine, 1947- GENERAL BV 4627 .G5 P76 2003
Less is more : the art of voluntary poverty : an anthology of ancient and modern voices raised in praise of simplicity GENERAL BV 4647 .P6 L47 1995
Social justice isn't what you think it is Novak, Michael. GENERAL BX 1795 .J87 N68 2015
Sexuality and Catholicism Fox, Thomas C. (Thomas Charles), 1944- GENERAL BX 1795 .S48 F7 1995
Holy bones, holy dust : how relics shaped the history of Medieval Europe Freeman, Charles, 1947- GENERAL BX 2333 .F74 2011
Selected writings Hildegard, Saint, 1098-1179. GENERAL BX 4700 .H5 A2513 2001
The blindfold's eyes : my journey from torture to truth Ortiz, Dianna. GENERAL BX 4705 .O7183 A3 2002
Reinhold Niebuhr : a biography Fox, Richard Wightman, 1945- GENERAL BX 4827 .N5 F68 1985
Science and health with key to the scriptures Eddy, Mary Baker, 1821-1910. GENERAL BX 6941 .S4 1971
The most famous man in America : the biography of Henry Ward Beecher Applegate, Debby. GENERAL BX 7260 .B3 A67 2006
Our search for happiness : an invitation to understand the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints Ballard, M. Russell, 1928- GENERAL BX 8635.5 .B35 1993
Under the banner of heaven : a story of violent faith Krakauer, Jon. GENERAL BX 8680 .M54 K73 2004
No man knows my history; the life of Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet Brodie, Fawn (McKay), 1915- GENERAL BX 8695 .S6 B7 1971
Joseph Smith and the beginnings of Mormonism Bushman, Richard L. GENERAL BX 8695 .S6 B87 1984
Brigham Young : American Moses Arrington, Leonard J. GENERAL BX 8695 .Y7 A85 1985
Sapiens : a brief history of humankind Harari, Yuval N. GENERAL CB 113 .H4 H3713 2015
The seekers : the story of man's continuing quest to understand his world Boorstin, Daniel J. (Daniel Joseph), 1914- GENERAL CB 151 .B66 1998
The signal and the noise : why most predictions fail-- but some don't Silver, Nate, 1978- GENERAL CB 158 .S54 2012
The post-American world Zakaria, Fareed. GENERAL CB 161 .Z34 2008
Great books : my adventures with Homer, Rousseau, Woolf, and other indestructible writers of the Western world Denby, David. GENERAL CB 245 .D44 1996
Civilization the West and the rest Ferguson, Niall. GENERAL CB 245 .F37 2011
A call for heresy : why dissent is vital to Islam and America Majid, Anouar, 1960- GENERAL CB 251 .M284 2007
The axe and the oath : ordinary life in the Middle Ages Fossier, Robert. GENERAL CB 351 .F6851 2010
All things medieval : an encyclopedia of the medieval world Johnston, Ruth A. GENERAL CB 351 .J675 2011 V.1
All things medieval : an encyclopedia of the medieval world Johnston, Ruth A. GENERAL CB 351 .J675 2011 V.2
The medieval heart Webb, Heather, 1976- GENERAL CB 351 .W43 2010
Atlas of the year 1000 Man, John. GENERAL CB 354 .M36 1999
Cosmopolis : the hidden agenda of modernity Toulmin, Stephen Edelston. GENERAL CB 357 .T64 1990
Cleopatra's nose : essays on the unexpected Boorstin, Daniel J. (Daniel Joseph), 1914- GENERAL CB 358 .B63 1994
Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation Bergin, Thomas Goddard, 1904-1987. GENERAL CB 359 .B47 2004
The Renaissance in Europe : an anthology GENERAL CB 361 .R3862 2000
Schnitzler's century : the making of middle-class culture, 1815-1914 Gay, Peter, 1923- GENERAL CB 415 .G39 2002
From Plato to NATO : the idea of the West and its opponents Gress, David, 1953- GENERAL CB 425 .G745 1998
Critical path Fuller, R. Buckminster (Richard Buckminster), 1895- GENERAL CB 428 .F84 1981
Lipstick traces : a secret history of the twentieth century Marcus, Greil. GENERAL CB 428 .M356 1989
Mona Lisa's moustache : making sense of a dissolving world Settegast, Mary. GENERAL CB 430 .S475 2001
The ocean of life : the fate of man and the sea Roberts, Callum. GENERAL CB 465 .R62 2012
The illustrated book of signs & symbols Bruce-Mitford, Miranda GENERAL CB 475 .B78 1996
Conquests and cultures : an international history Sowell, Thomas, 1930- GENERAL CB 481 .S58 1998
Water : the epic struggle for wealth, power, and civilization Solomon, Steven. GENERAL CB 482 .S65 2010
New dictionary of the history of ideas GENERAL CB 9 .N49 2005 V.1
New dictionary of the history of ideas GENERAL CB 9 .N49 2005 V.2
New dictionary of the history of ideas GENERAL CB 9 .N49 2005 V.3
New dictionary of the history of ideas GENERAL CB 9 .N49 2005 V.4
New dictionary of the history of ideas GENERAL CB 9 .N49 2005 V.5
New dictionary of the history of ideas GENERAL CB 9 .N49 2005 V.6
Eyewitness to discovery : first-person accounts of more than fifty of the world's greatest archaeological discoveries GENERAL CC 100 .E94 1996
Digital heritage : applying digital imaging to cultural heritage GENERAL CC 135 .D55 2006
Finders keepers : a tale of archaeological plunder and obsession Childs, Craig, 1967- GENERAL CC 175 .C47 2010
Controversies in archaeology Kehoe, Alice Beck, 1934- GENERAL CC 175 .K44 2008
The Oxford companion to archaeology GENERAL CC 70 .O96 1996
The Cambridge companion to historical archaeology GENERAL CC 77 .H5 C36 2006
The age of everything : how science explores the past Hedman, Matthew, 1974- GENERAL CC 78 .H44 2007
Spontaneous particulars : the telepathy of archives Howe, Susan, 1937- author. GENERAL CD 947 .H69 2014
Web 2.0 tools and strategies for archives and local history collections Theimer, Kate, 1966- GENERAL CD 973 .D3 T54 2010
The glorious age of chivalry : an exploration of the golden age of knighthood and how it was expressed in art, literature and song, with 200 fine art images Phillips, Charles, 1962- GENERAL CR 4509 .P455 2011
Chivalry in medieval England Saul, Nigel. GENERAL CR 4529 .G7 S28 2011
Write, if you live to get there : tracing westward expansion through 120 years of family letters GENERAL CS 71 .P55 S6 2013
Spirit, wind & water : the untold story of the Jacuzzi family Jacuzzi, Remo GENERAL CT 120 .J33 2007
China witness : voices from a silent generation Xinran, 1958- GENERAL CT 1826 .X57 2009
Colors of the mountain Chen, Da, 1962- GENERAL CT 1828 .C5214 A3 2001
The bookseller of Kabul Seierstad, Åsne, 1970- GENERAL CT 1877.5 .K48 S4513 2004
How to do biography : a primer Hamilton, Nigel. GENERAL CT 22 .H36 2008
Profiles in courage for our time GENERAL CT 220 .P76 2002
Inventing the truth : the art and craft of memoir GENERAL CT 25 .I58 1998
The art of memoir Karr, Mary, author. GENERAL CT 25 .K32 2015
Telling lives : women's self-writing in modern Japan GENERAL CT 25 .T45 2004
Personal matters : women's autobiographical practice in twentieth-century China Wang, Lingzhen. GENERAL CT 25 .W26 2004
Dreams of trespass : tales of a harem girlhood Mernissi, Fatima. GENERAL CT 2678 .M47 A3 1994
Dreams of trespass : tales of a harem girlhood Mernissi, Fatima. GENERAL CT 2678 .M47 A3 1994
The wild truth McCandless, Carine, author. GENERAL CT 274 .M31 M32 2014
My dream of stars : from daughter of Iran to space pioneer Ansari, Anousheh, 1966- GENERAL CT 275 .A736 A3 2011
Ava's man Bragg, Rick. GENERAL CT 275 .B78516 B73 2001b
Andrew Carnegie : an economic biography Bostaph, Samuel, author. GENERAL CT 275 .C3 B67 2017
The day after The day after : my atomic angst Church, Steven. GENERAL CT 275 .C5795 A3 2010
A heartbreaking work of staggering genius Eggers, Dave. GENERAL CT 275 .E37 A3 2001
How Starbucks saved my life : a son of privilege learns to live like everyone else Gill, Michael (Michael Gates) GENERAL CT 275 .G4163 A3 2008c
The aviator GENERAL CT 275 .H667 2004 #1
The aviator GENERAL CT 275 .H667 2004 #2
Without a net : middle class and homeless (with kids) in America Kennedy, Michelle. GENERAL CT 275 .K458525 A3 2006
The woman warrior : memoirs of a girlhood among ghosts Kingston, Maxine Hong. GENERAL CT 275 .K5764 A33 1976
Flying sparks : growing up on the edge of Las Vegas Larson, Odette. GENERAL CT 275 .L27647 A3 2001
Stealing Buddha's dinner : a memoir Nguyen, Bich Minh. GENERAL CT 275 .N523 A3 2008
Stealing Buddha's dinner : a memoir Nguyen, Bich Minh. GENERAL CT 275 .N523 A3 2008
Living in the country growing weird : a deep rural adventure Parks, Dennis. GENERAL CT 275 .P382 A3 2001
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance : an inquiry into values Pirsig, Robert M. GENERAL CT 275 .P648 A3 2006
Field notes Quinney, Richard. GENERAL CT 275 .Q554 A3 2008
Back to the summit : how one man defied death & paralysis to again lead a full life of service to others Rains, Omer L. GENERAL CT 275 .R35 2012
Heartland : a memoir of working hard and being broke in the richest country on Earth Smarsh, Sarah, author. GENERAL CT 275 .S52373 A3 2018
The man who quit money Sundeen, Mark, 1970- GENERAL CT 275 .S87445 S86 2012
Darkroom : a memoir in black and white Weaver, Lila Quintero, artist, author, cover designer. GENERAL CT 275 .W3497 A3 2012
Oh the glory of it all Wilsey, Sean. GENERAL CT 275 .W5797 A3 2005
Troublemaker : a memoir from the front lines of the sixties Zimmerman, Bill, 1940- GENERAL CT 275 .Z557 A3 2011
Women who dared : to break all the rules Scott, Jeremy, 1934- author GENERAL CT 3203 .S36 2019
Women of the Sierra Seagraves, Anne. GENERAL CT 3234 .S42 1992
Great American women of the 19th century : a biographical encyclopedia GENERAL CT 3260 .A4725 2005
Educated : a memoir Westover, Tara, author. GENERAL CT 3262 .I2 W47 2018
Notable Latin American women : twenty-nine leaders, rebels, poets, battlers, and spies, 1500-1900 Adams, Jerome R., 1938- GENERAL CT 3290 .A33 1995
Arab women's lives retold : exploring identity through writing GENERAL CT 3748 .A73 2007
Into the wild Krakauer, Jon. GENERAL CT 9971 .M38 K73 1997
Reflections on the revolution in Europe : immigration, Islam, and the West Caldwell, Christopher. GENERAL D 1056.2 .M87 C35 2009
Anti-Americanism in Europe : a cultural problem Berman, Russell A., 1950- GENERAL D 1065 .U5 B44 2008
National Geographic concise history of the world : an illustrated time line GENERAL D 11 .N37 2006
Medieval Europe : a short history Hollister, C. Warren (Charles Warren), 1930- GENERAL D 117 .H6 1994
Maps and history : constructing images of the past Black, Jeremy. GENERAL D 13 .B54 1997
Writing local history today : a guide to researching, publishing, and marketing your book Mason, Thomas A. GENERAL D 13 .M326 2013
Empires and barbarians : the fall of Rome and the birth of Europe Heather, P. J. (Peter J.) GENERAL D 135 .H436 2010
A concise history of the Crusades Madden, Thomas F. GENERAL D 157 .M33 1999
Writing history : a guide for students Storey, William Kelleher. GENERAL D 16 .S864 2009
The historian's toolbox : a student's guide to the theory and craft of history Williams, Robert Chadwell, 1938- GENERAL D 16 .W62 2012
Oral history : an interdisciplinary anthology GENERAL D 16.14 .O73 1996
The oral history manual Sommer, Barbara W. GENERAL D 16.14 .S69 2009
The American Indian oral history manual : making many voices heard Trimble, Charles E. GENERAL D 16.14 .T75 2008
History education 101 : the past, present, and future of teacher preparation GENERAL D 16.2 .H519 2008
Making history mine : meaningful connections for grades 5-9 Cooper, Sarah, 1975- GENERAL D 16.3 .C77 2009
Lessons of history Durant, Will, 1885-1981. GENERAL D 16.8 .D 84 2010
Historical knowledge, historical error : a contemporary guide to practice Megill, Allan. GENERAL D 16.9 .M299 2007
People of the First Crusade : the truth about the Christian-Muslim War revealed Foss, Michael. GENERAL D 161.2 .F67 2011
Documents on the later Crusades, 1274-1580 GENERAL D 172 .D63 1996
Global history : cultural encounters from antiquity to the present GENERAL D 20 .G57 2004 V.1
Global history : cultural encounters from antiquity to the present GENERAL D 20 .G57 2004 V.2
Global history : cultural encounters from antiquity to the present GENERAL D 20 .G57 2004 V.3
Global history : cultural encounters from antiquity to the present GENERAL D 20 .G57 2004 V.4
A short history of the world Roberts, J. M. (John Morris), 1928- GENERAL D 20 .R656 1997
History : the definitive visual guide : from the dawn of civilization to the present day GENERAL D 21 .H7545 2007
Cultures in conflict : Christians, Muslims, and Jews in the age of discovery Lewis, Bernard. GENERAL D 228 .L49 1995
A history of modern Europe : from the Renaissance to the present Merriman, John M. GENERAL D 228 .M485 2010
Origins of the modern West : essays and sources in Renaissance & early modern European history Rabb, Theodore K. GENERAL D 228 .R13 1993
Fire Junger, Sebastian. GENERAL D 24 .J86 2002
Two faiths, one banner : when Muslims marched with Christians across Europe's battlegrounds Almond, Ian, 1969- GENERAL D 25.5 .A46 2009
On the origins of war and the preservation of peace Kagan, Donald. GENERAL D 25.5 .K27 1995
A concise history of modern Europe : liberty, equality, solidarity Mason, David S. (David Stewart), 1947- GENERAL D 299 .M359 2015
Events that changed the world in the nineteenth century GENERAL D 358 .E97 1996
The proud tower : a portrait of the world before the war, 1890-1914 Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim. GENERAL D 398 .T8 1966
A dictionary of contemporary world history : from 1900 to the present day Palmowski, Jan. GENERAL D 419 .P32 2008
An age of progress? : clashing twentieth-century global forces Moss, Walter. GENERAL D 421 .M626 2008
The century Jennings, Peter, 1938- GENERAL D 422 .J46 1998
Reappraisals : reflections on the forgotten twentieth century Judt, Tony. GENERAL D 422 .J84 2008
Events that changed the world in the twentieth century GENERAL D 445 .E82 1995
Evidence explained : citing history sources from artifacts to cyberspace Mills, Elizabeth Shown. GENERAL D 5 .M55 2007
The long fuse : an interpretation of the origins of World War I Lafore, Laurence Davis. GENERAL D 511 .L19 1997
World War I Heyman, Neil M. GENERAL D 521 .H428 1997
Joyeux Noël = Merry Christmas GENERAL D 522.23 .J69489 2006
The First World War : a concise global history Storey, William Kelleher. GENERAL D 523 .S745 2009
The guns of August Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim. GENERAL D 530 .T8 1994
The guns of August ; The proud tower Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim. GENERAL D 530 .T8 2012
Smithsonian timelines of the ancient world Scarre, Chris, editor GENERAL D 54.5 .S65 1993
Seven pillars of wisdom : a triumph Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward), 1888-1935. GENERAL D 568.4 .L4 1991
To begin the world over again : Lawrence of Arabia from Damascus to Baghdad Hulsman, John C., 1967- GENERAL D 568.4 .L45 H85 2009
The remains of Company D : a story of the Great War Nelson, James Carl. GENERAL D 570.33 28th .N45 2009
Paris 1919 : six months that changed the world Macmillan, Margaret Olwen. GENERAL D 644 .M32 2002
Encyclopedia of World War II Axelrod, Alan, 1952- GENERAL D 740 .A94 2007 V.1
Encyclopedia of World War II Axelrod, Alan, 1952- GENERAL D 740 .A94 2007 V.2
Human smoke : the beginnings of World War II, the end of civilization Baker, Nicholson. GENERAL D 741 .B255 2009
Their finest hour. Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965. GENERAL D 743 .C47 V.2
The Grand Alliance. Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965. GENERAL D 743 .C47 V.3
The hinge of fate. Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965. GENERAL D 743 .C47 V.4
Closing the ring. Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965. GENERAL D 743 .C47 V.5
Triumph and tragedy. Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965. GENERAL D 743 .C47 V.6
The gathering storm. Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965. GENERAL D 743 .C47 Vol.1
The sharp end : the fighting man in World War II Ellis, John, 1945- GENERAL D 743 .E44 2009
The Second World War Keegan, John, 1934- GENERAL D 743 .K39 1990
World War II : a short history Lyons, Michael J., 1930- GENERAL D 743 .L96 2010
World War II : the definitive visual history : from Blitzkrieg to the atom bomb GENERAL D 743 .L96 2010
War as I knew it Patton, George S. (George Smith), 1885-1945. GENERAL D 743 .P3 1995
The counterfeiters GENERAL D 743.23 .F35 2008
The greatest of friends : Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, 1941-1945 Alldritt, Keith. GENERAL D 748 .A45 1995
Franklin & Winston : an intimate portrait of an epic friendship Meacham, Jon. GENERAL D 753 .M42 2003
Citizen soldiers : the U.S. Army from the Normandy beaches to the Bulge to the surrender of Germany, June 7, 1944-May 7, 1945 Ambrose, Stephen E. GENERAL D 756 .A52 1997
The victors : Eisenhower and his boys, the men of World War II Ambrose, Stephen E. GENERAL D 756 .A54 1998
Ardennes 1944 : Hitler's last gamble Beevor, Antony, 1946- author. GENERAL D 756.5 .A7 B438 2015
The boys of Pointe du Hoc : Ronald Reagan, D-Day and the U.S. Army 2nd Ranger Battalion Brinkley, Douglas. GENERAL D 756.5 .N6 B748 2005
The Siegfried Line : the German defense of the West Wall, September-December 1944 Mitcham, Samuel W. GENERAL D 757.9 .S47 M58 2009
Eagle against the sun : the American war with Japan Spector, Ronald H., 1943- GENERAL D 767 .S69 1985
The American GI in Europe in World War II Kaufmann, J. E. GENERAL D 769 .K34 2009
The decision to use the atomic bomb and the architecture of an American myth Alperovitz, Gar. GENERAL D 769.2 .A5 1995
Hiroshima : why America dropped the atomic bomb Takaki, Ronald T., 1939- GENERAL D 769.2 .T35 1995
Ski the high trail : World War II ski troopers in the high Colorado rockies Dusenbury, Harris. GENERAL D 769.3 10TH .D88 1991
Manzanar Adams, Ansel, 1902- GENERAL D 769.8 .A6 A63 1988
Inside an American concentration camp : Japanese American resistance at Poston, Arizona Nishimoto, Richard S. (Richard Shigeaki), 1904-1956. GENERAL D 769.8 .A6 N57 1995
Whispered silences : Japanese Americans and World War II Okihiro, Gary Y., 1945- GENERAL D 769.8 .A6 O36 1996
Only what we could carry : the Japanese American internment experience GENERAL D 769.8 .A6 O55 2000
A tragedy of democracy : Japanese confinement in North America Robinson, Greg, 1966- GENERAL D 769.8 .A6 R64 2009
Years of infamy : the untold story of America's concentration camps Weglyn, Michi, 1926- GENERAL D 769.8 .A6 W43 1996
Repairing America : an account of the movement for Japanese-American redress Hohri, William Minoru, 1927- GENERAL D 769.8.A6 H64 1988
Once upon a town : the miracle of the North Platte Canteen Greene, Bob. GENERAL D 769.85 .N2 N67 2003
Above the thunder : reminiscences of a field artillery pilot in World War II Kerns, Raymond C., 1921-2008. GENERAL D 790.2 .K47 2009
Deny them the night sky : a history of the 548th Night Fighter Squadron Shulenberger, Eric. GENERAL D 790.262 548th .S58 2005
Deny them the night sky : a history of the 548th Night Fighter Squadron Shulenberger, Eric. GENERAL D 790.262 548th .S58 2005 CD
Remembering the Holocaust : a debate Alexander, Jeffrey C., 1947- GENERAL D 804.3 .A427 2009
The world must know : the history of the Holocaust as told in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Berenbaum, Michael GENERAL D 804.3 .B464 1993
Encyclopedia of the Holocaust GENERAL D 804.3 .E53 1995 V.1-2
Encyclopedia of the Holocaust GENERAL D 804.3 .E53 1995 V.3-4
FDR and the Holocaust GENERAL D 804.3 .F395 1996
The Holocaust Fischel, Jack. GENERAL D 804.3 .F58 1998
Maus II : a survivor's tale : and here my troubles began Spiegelman, Art. GENERAL D 804.3 .S66 1992
Holocaust denial Stern, Kenneth S. (Kenneth Saul), 1953- GENERAL D 804.35 .S76 1993
Man's search for meaning Frankl, Viktor E. (Viktor Emil), 1905-1997. GENERAL D 805 .G3 F7233 2006
Man's search for meaning Frankl, Viktor Emil. GENERAL D 805 .G3 F7233 2006
Unbroken : a World War II story of survival, resilience, and redemption Hillenbrand, Laura. GENERAL D 805.J3 Z364 2010
The monuments men : Allied heroes, Nazi thieves, and the greatest treasure hunt in history Edsel, Robert M. GENERAL D 810 .A7 E23 2009
Code girls : the untold story of the American women code breakers of World War II Mundy, Liza, 1960- author. GENERAL D 810 .C88 M86 2017
Man's search for meaning : an introduction to logotherapy Frankl, Viktor Emil. GENERAL D 810 .J4 F72713 1984
Maus I : a survivor's tale : my father bleeds history Spiegelman, Art, author, illustrator. GENERAL D 810 .J4 S643 1986
The greatest generation Brokaw, Tom. GENERAL D 811 .A2 B746 1998
War stories : veterans remember WW II GENERAL D 811 .A2 W357 1995
Here is your war Pyle, Ernie, 1900-1945. GENERAL D 811.5 .P92 2004
The real history of the Cold War : a new look at the past Axelrod, Alan, 1952- GENERAL D 843 .A88 2009
The end of the nation-state Guéhenno, Jean-Marie, 1949- GENERAL D 860 .G8413 1995
The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order Huntington, Samuel P. GENERAL D 860 .H86 1996
The next decade : where we've been ... and where we're going Friedman, George. GENERAL D 863 .F75 2011
Dictionary of historic documents GENERAL D 9 .D525 2003
Goebbels Reimann, Viktor. GENERAL D D247 .G6 R4813
The girl in the picture : the story of Kim Phuc, the photograph, and the Vietnam War Chong, Denise. GENERAL D S559.8 .C53 C48 2000
Stonehenge : a new interpretation of prehistoric man and the cosmos North, John David. GENERAL DA 142 .N67 1996
Conquest : the Roman invasion of Britain Peddie, John, 1933- GENERAL DA 145 .P43 1997
Roman Britain Potter, T. W. (Timothy W.) GENERAL DA 145 .P67 1997
Daily life in Anglo-Saxon England Crawford, Sally (Sally Elizabeth Ellen) GENERAL DA 152 .C76 2009
Celtic Britain Thomas, Charles, 1928- GENERAL DA 152 .T56 1997
The Arthurian encyclopedia GENERAL DA 152.5 .A7 A78 1986
Camelot GENERAL DA 152.5 .A7 C34 1998
The search for King Arthur Day, David, 1947- GENERAL DA 152.5 .A7 D39 1995
Arthur : the King in the West Dunning, Robert W. (Robert William), 1938- GENERAL DA 152.5 .A7 D859 1995
King Arthur in legend and history GENERAL DA 152.5 .A7 K56 1998
King Arthur in popular culture GENERAL DA 152.5 .A7 K57 2002
Arthurian figures of history and legend : a biographical dictionary Reno, Frank D., 1937- GENERAL DA 152.5 .A7 R458 2011
Le Morte d'Arthur : the legend of the king GENERAL DA 152.7 .A7 M67 2003
The fury of the Northmen : saints, shrines, and sea-raiders in the Viking Age, AD 793-878 Marsden, John. GENERAL DA 158 .M37 1995
The decline and fall of the British Empire, 1781-1997 Brendon, Piers. GENERAL DA 16 .B675 2010
A history of the English-speaking peoples. Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965. GENERAL DA 16 .C472 1966 V.3
The rise and fall of the British Empire James, Lawrence, 1943- GENERAL DA 16 .J26 1996
Empire : the British imperial experience from 1765 to the present Judd, Denis, 1938- GENERAL DA 16 .J88 1997
Documents illustrating the history of civilization in medieval England, 1066-1500 Davies, Reginald Trevor, comp. GENERAL DA 170 .D38 1969
Daily life in Chaucer's England Forgeng, Jeffrey L. GENERAL DA 185 .S48 2009
Documents in English history: 1688 to the present. Blakeley, Brian L., comp. GENERAL DA 26 .B55 Vol 1
Historical dictionary of the British monarchy Panton, Kenneth J. (Kenneth John), 1945- GENERAL DA 28.1 .P27 2011
Kings & queens : a history of British monarchy Pearsall, Ronald. GENERAL DA 28.1 .P4 1999
History of England Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 1876-1962. GENERAL DA 32 .T74 1973
Daily life in Elizabethan England Forgeng, Jeffrey L. GENERAL DA 320 .S56 2010
Great Harry Erickson, Carolly, 1943- GENERAL DA 332 .E74 1997
Henry VIII : the king and his court Weir, Alison. GENERAL DA 332 .W45 2002
The lady in the tower : the fall of Anne Boleyn Weir, Alison. GENERAL DA 333 .B6 W45 2010b
Voices of Shakespeare's England : contemporary accounts of Elizabethan daily life GENERAL DA 350 .V65 2010
The first Elizabeth Erickson, Carolly, 1943- GENERAL DA 355 .E74 1997
All the Queen's men; Elizabeth I and her courtiers. Williams, Neville, 1924- GENERAL DA 355 .W4816 1972
The History of England from the accession of James II Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859. GENERAL DA 435 .M14 1849c
The History of England from the accession of James II Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859. GENERAL DA 435 .M142 1849c
The History of England from the accession of James II Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859. GENERAL DA 435 .M142 1849c
The History of England from the accession of James II Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859. GENERAL DA 435 .M142 1849c
The History of England from the accession of James II Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859. GENERAL DA 435 .M142 1849c
Diary and correspondence of John Evelyn, F. R. S. To which is subjoined the private correspondence between Charles I and Sir Edward Nicholas. Evelyn, John, 1620-1706. GENERAL DA 447 .E9 A45
Our first revolution : the remarkable British upheaval that inspired America's founding fathers Barone, Michael. GENERAL DA 452 .B37 2007
Ruling Britannia : a political history of Britain 1688-1988 Williams, Glyn. GENERAL DA 470 .W55 1990
William Wilberforce : a biography Tomkins, Stephen, 1968- GENERAL DA 522 .W6 T66 2007
The Encyclopedia of romanticism : culture in Britain, 1780s-1830s GENERAL DA 529 .E53 1992
Uncrowned king : the life of Prince Albert Weintraub, Stanley, 1929- GENERAL DA 559 .A1 W45 1997
The long week end : a social history of Great Britain, 1918-1939 Graves, Robert, 1895- GENERAL DA 566.4 .G78 1994
Gertrude Bell : queen of the desert, shaper of nations Howell, Georgina, 1942- GENERAL DA 566.9 .B39 H69 2008
The last lion, Winston Spencer Churchill. Visions of Glory 1874-1932 Manchester, William, 1922-2004. GENERAL DA 566.9 .C5 M26 1989 V.1
The last lion, Winston Spencer Churchill : Alone, 1932-1940 Manchester, William, 1922-2004. GENERAL DA 566.9 .C5 M262 1989 V.2
The strange death of Liberal England Dangerfield, George, 1904-1986. GENERAL DA 576 .D3 1997
A spy named Orphan : the enigma of Donald Maclean Philipps, Roland, author. GENERAL DA 585 .A1 P55 2018
The Queen Mother : the official biography Shawcross, William. GENERAL DA 585 .A2 S46 2009
Medieval gentlewoman : life in a gentry household in the later Middle Ages Swabey, Ffiona. GENERAL DA 670.S9 S95 1999
Trading in war : London's maritime world in the age of Cook and Nelson Lincoln, Margarette, author GENERAL DA 682 .L56 2018
The orgy. Rukeyser, Muriel, 1913-1980. GENERAL DA 690 .K417 R8 1965
A history of Wales Davies, John, 1938- GENERAL DA 714 .D3913 1993
Medieval Scotland : the making of an identity Webster, Bruce. GENERAL DA 779 .W43 1997
Great Harry's navy : how Henry VIII gave England sea power Moorhouse, Geoffrey, 1931- GENERAL DA 86 .M78 2005
Francis Drake : the lives of a hero Cummins, John G. GENERAL DA 86.22 .D7 C96 1995
The Irish experience : a concise history Hachey, Thomas E. GENERAL DA 910 .H33 1996
Ireland in the Middle Ages Duffy, Seán. GENERAL DA 934 .D94 1997
The great shame : and the triumph of the Irish in the English-speaking world Keneally, Thomas. GENERAL DA 950.1 .K46 1999
The Irish famine : a documentary history GENERAL DA 950.7 .I75 1995
Michael Collins and the troubles : the struggle for Irish freedom, 1912-1922 O'Connor, Ulick. GENERAL DA 965 .C6 O245 1996
Central Europe : enemies, neighbors, friends Johnson, Lonnie, 1952- GENERAL DAW 1038 .J64 2001
The art of the impossible : politics as morality in practice : speeches and writings, 1990-1996 Havel, Václav. GENERAL DB 2238 .H38 A5 1997
Enemies of the people : my family's journey to America Marton, Kati. GENERAL DB 992 .M37 2009
Saint Joan of Arc. Sackville-West, V. (Victoria), 1892-1962. GENERAL DC 103 .S115 1936
The splendid century : life in the France of Louis XIV Lewis, W. H. (Warren Hamilton), 1895- GENERAL DC 128 .L4 1997
The French Revolution : class war or culture clash? Blanning, T. C. W. GENERAL DC 138 .B52 1998
The coming of the French Revolution / by Georges Lefebvre ; translated and with a preface by R.R. Palmer ; with a new introduction by Timothy Tackett. Lefebvre, Georges, 1874-1959. GENERAL DC 138 .L4513 2005
A short history of the French Revolution Popkin, Jeremy D., 1948- GENERAL DC 148 .P67 1998
Napoleon Bonaparte and the legacy of the French Revolution Lyons, Martyn. GENERAL DC 201 .L96 1994
Napoleon Bonaparte Schom, Alan. GENERAL DC 203 .S36 1997
The battle : a new history of Waterloo Barbero, Alessandro. GENERAL DC 242 .B36 2005
The Congress of Vienna : a study in allied unity, 1812-1822 Nicolson, Harold George, Sir, 1886-1968. GENERAL DC 249 .N5 2000
Politicians Daumier, Honoré, 1808-1879. GENERAL DC 277 .D38 1974
Holy blood, Holy Grail Baigent, Michael. GENERAL DC 40 .B33
France in an age of globalization Védrine, Hubert. GENERAL DC 423 .V428 2001
Germany in the age of Kaiser Wilhelm II Retallack, James N. GENERAL DD 228 .R48 1996
Eichmann in Jerusalem; a report on the banality of evil. Arendt, Hannah. GENERAL DD 247 .E5 A7 1963
Hitler and Stalin : parallel lives Bullock, Alan, 1914- GENERAL DD 247 .H5 B79 1992
Adolf Hitler and the German trauma, 1913-1945; an interpretation of the Nazi phenomenon. Herzstein, Robert Edwin. GENERAL DD 247 .H5 H3685
The Hitler of history Lukacs, John, 1924- GENERAL DD 247 .H5 L84 1998
Who financed Hitler : the secret funding of Hitler's rise to power, 1919-1933 Pool, James, 1948- GENERAL DD 247 .H5 P63 1978
The German opposition to Hitler : the resistance, the underground, and assassination plots, 1938-1945 Thomsett, Michael C. GENERAL DD 247 .H5 T52 1997
Hitler, 1889-1936 : hubris Kershaw, Ian. GENERAL DD 247.H5 K462 1999
Hitler Youth, 1922-1945 : an illustrated history Lepage, Jean-Denis. GENERAL DD 253.5 .L4613 2009
Red Orchestra : the story of the Berlin underground and the circle of friends who resisted Hitler Nelson, Anne, 1954- GENERAL DD 256.4 .B47 N45 2009
The Germans and the final solution : public opinion under Nazism Bankier, David. GENERAL DD 256.5 .B32 1992
War & genocide : a concise history of the Holocaust Bergen, Doris L. GENERAL DD 256.5 .B3916 2009
The rise and fall of the Third Reich; a history of Nazi Germany. Shirer, William Lawrence, 1904- GENERAL DD 256.5 .S48
The file : a personal history Garton Ash, Timothy. GENERAL DD 287.4 .G375 1997
The other side of the Wall Schwartz, Simon, 1982- author. GENERAL DD 287.7 .S3847 A3 2015
The rush to German unity Jarausch, Konrad Hugo. GENERAL DD 290.25 .J37 1994
State and society in the early Middle Ages : the middle Rhine valley, 400-1000 Innes, Matthew. GENERAL DD 801 .R76 I56 2000
Daring young men : the heroism and triumph of the Berlin Airlift, June 1948-May 1949 Reeves, Richard, 1936- GENERAL DD 881 .R435 2010
The Holy Roman Empire. Heer, Friedrich, 1916- GENERAL DD 89 .H35 1968
Life and thought in the Greek and Roman world Cary, M. (Max), 1881-1958. GENERAL DE 71 .C27 1961
Greek art and archaeology Pedley, John Griffiths. GENERAL DF 130 .P44 1998
The Mycenaeans Schofield, Louise. GENERAL DF 220.5 .S36 2007
The palaces of Crete Graham, James Walter, 1906- GENERAL DF 221 .C8 G7 1987
The archaeology of Minoan Crete Higgins, Reynold Alleyne. GENERAL DF 221 .C8 H5 1973
Unearthing Atlantis : an archaeological odyssey Pellegrino, Charles R. GENERAL DF 221 .T38 P45 1991
Troy and Homer : towards a solution of an old mystery Latacz, Joachim. GENERAL DF 221 .T8 L27 2004
The Persian wars Herodotus. GENERAL DF 225 .H4 1947
The Athenian empire Meiggs, Russell. GENERAL DF 227 .M44 1979
Byzantium Loverance, Rowena. GENERAL DF 521 .L68 1988
Byzantium: greatness and decline Diehl, Charles, 1859-1944. GENERAL DF 531 .D42
Justinian and the later Roman Empire. Barker, John W. GENERAL DF 572 .B35
Byzantium : the decline and fall Norwich, John Julius, 1929- GENERAL DF 601 .N67 1996
The archaeology of Greece : an introduction Biers, William R., 1938- GENERAL DF 77 .B5 1987
The Greeks : crucible of civilization GENERAL DF 77 .G74 1999
Greek thought : a guide to classical knowledge GENERAL DF 78 .S2813 2000
The constraints of desire : the anthropology of sex and gender in ancient Greece Winkler, John J. GENERAL DF 93 .W56 1990
The annals of Tacitus Tacitus, Cornelius. GENERAL DG 207 .T3 C5 1982
Cambridge illustrated history of the Roman world GENERAL DG 209 .C26 2003
The Romans Balsdon, J. P. V. D. (John Percy Vyvian Dacre), 1901- ed. GENERAL DG 210 .B34
Etruscan civilization : a cultural history Haynes, Sybille. GENERAL DG 223.3 .H39 2000
The social and economic history of the Roman Empire. Rostovzeff, Michael Ivanovitch, 1870-1952 GENERAL DG 271 .R6 1957 V.1
The social and economic history of the Roman Empire. Rostovzeff, Michael Ivanovitch, 1870-1952 GENERAL DG 271 .R6 1957 V.2
Constantine the great : the man and his times Grant, Michael, 1914- GENERAL DG 315 .G73 1994
Italy : from revolution to republic, 1700 to the present Di Scala, Spencer. GENERAL DG 545 .D5 2009
The fires of Vesuvius : Pompeii lost and found Beard, Mary, 1955- GENERAL DG 70 .P7 B43 2008
Florence, the Golden Age, 1138-1737 Brucker, Gene A. GENERAL DG 737 .B7351 1998
The Medici, godfathers of renaissance GENERAL DG 737.42 .M43 2003
The Medici Young, George Frederick, 1846-1919. GENERAL DG 737.42 .Y6
Renaissance Florence Brucker, Gene A. GENERAL DG 737.55 .B84 1983
Dark water : art, disaster, and redemption in Florence Clark, Robert, 1952 Apr. 9- GENERAL DG 738.792 .C58 2009
The Roman Empire in the first century GENERAL DG 78 .R66 2005
Sardinian chronicles Lortat-Jacob, Bernard. GENERAL DG 975 .S33 L6713 1995
Culture and history in Eastern Europe Hupchick, Dennis P. GENERAL DJK 24 .H86 1994
The shattered bloc : behind the upheaval in Eastern Europe Abel, Elie. GENERAL DJK 50 .A24 1990
The year that changed the world : the untold story behind the fall of the Berlin Wall Meyer, Michael, 1952- GENERAL DJK 50 .M49 2009
There is no freedom without bread! : 1989 and the civil war that brought down communism Pleshakov, Konstantin. GENERAL DJK 50 .P59 2009
Return to diversity : a political history of East Central Europe since World War II Rothschild, Joseph. GENERAL DJK 50 .R67 2008
The walls came tumbling down : the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe Stokes, Gale, 1933- GENERAL DJK 50 .S75 1993
The Russian empire, 1801-1917. Seton-Watson, Hugh. GENERAL DK 189 .S44 1967
In war's dark shadow : the Russians before the Great War Lincoln, W. Bruce. GENERAL DK 240 .L56 1983
The Soviet colossus : history and aftermath Kort, Michael, 1944- GENERAL DK 246 .K64 2001
Twentieth century Russia Treadgold, Donald W., 1922- GENERAL DK 246 .T65 1995
The Bolshevik tradition: Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev. McNeal, Robert Hatch, 1930- GENERAL DK 253 .M3
Lenin reader Lenin, Vladimir Ilµ_ich, 1870-1924. GENERAL DK 254.L3 A576 1966
Age of delirium : the decline and fall of the Soviet Union Satter, David, 1947- GENERAL DK 266 .S267 1996
A history of modern Russia : from tsarism to the twenty-first century Service, Robert, 1947- GENERAL DK 266 .S494 2009
A history of twentieth-century Russia Service, Robert. GENERAL DK 266 .S495 1998
Stalinism Gill, Graeme J. GENERAL DK 267 .G535 1998
Let history judge: the origins and consequences of Stalinism Medvedev, Roy Aleksandrovich, 1925- GENERAL DK 267 .M41413 1972
Politics, murder, and love in Stalin's Kremlin : the story of Nikolai Bukharin and Anna Larina Gregory, Paul R. GENERAL DK 268 .B76 G74 2010
Stalin : the first in-depth biography based on explosive new documents from Russia's secret archives Radzinskiĭ, Ėdvard. GENERAL DK 268 .S8 R29 1996
World War II behind closed doors : Stalin, the Nazis and the West Rees, Laurence, 1957- GENERAL DK 268 .S8 R395 2008
The conduct of Soviet foreign policy. Hoffmann, Erik P., 1939- comp. GENERAL DK 274 .H58 1971
The Gorbachev era GENERAL DK 274.3 1986 .G67
Why did the Soviet Union collapse? : understanding historical change Strayer, Robert W. GENERAL DK 286 .S77 1998
The end of the Soviet empire : the triumph of the nations Hélène Carrère d'Encausse GENERAL DK 288 .C3713 1993
Autopsy on an empire : the American ambassador's account of the collapse of the Soviet Union Matlock, Jack F. GENERAL DK 288 .M386 1995
Perestroika : new thinking for our country and the world Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich, 1931- GENERAL DK 289 .G675 1987
Journey across Russia : the Soviet Union today McDowell, Bart. GENERAL DK 29 .M24
Memoirs Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich, 1931- GENERAL DK 290.3 .G67 A3 1996
Culture Shock! Russia : a survival guide to customs and etiquette Pavlovskaya, Anna GENERAL DK 32 .P38 2007
A concise history of Russia Bushkovitch, Paul. GENERAL DK 37 .B86 2012
Russia and the Russians : a history Hosking, Geoffrey A. GENERAL DK 40 .H66 2001
The Moldovans : Romania, Russia, and the politics of culture King, Charles. GENERAL DK 509.54 .K56 2000
Russia 2010--and what it means for the world : the CERA report Yergin, Daniel. GENERAL DK 510.76 .Y47 1993
The future is history : how totalitarianism reclaimed Russia Gessen, Masha, author. GENERAL DK 510.763 .G48 2017
After the collapse : Russia seeks its place as a great power Simes, Dimitri K. GENERAL DK 510.763 .S57 1999
The decline of Bismarck's European order : Franco-Russian relations, 1875-1890 Kennan, George Frost, 1904- GENERAL DK 67.5 .F8 K36 1979
Tent life in Siberia Kennan, George, 1845-1924. GENERAL DK 755 .K38 1986
The big Red train ride Newby, Eric. GENERAL DK 755 .N48 1978
Trans-Siberian Railway : a classic overland route Richmond, Simon. GENERAL DK 756.2 .R53 2002
Chronicles of the Vikings : records, memorials, and myths Page, R. I. (Raymond Ian) GENERAL DL 65 .P26 1995
Stockholm : a cultural history Griffiths, Tony, 1940- GENERAL DL 976.3 .G75 2009
The Basque country : a cultural history Woodworth, Paddy, 1951- GENERAL DP 302 .B46 W75 2008
The ornament of the world : how Muslims, Jews, and Christians created a culture of tolerance in medieval Spain Menocal, Maria Rosa. GENERAL DP 99 .M465 2002
The breakup of Yugoslavia and the war in Bosnia Rogel, Carole. GENERAL DR 1309 .R64 1998
Slaughterhouse : Bosnia and the failure of the West Rieff, David. GENERAL DR 1313.3 .R54 1996
Bitter harvest; the intellectual revolt behind the Iron Curtain. Stillman, Edmund O., ed. GENERAL DR 23 .S75 1959
Dracula; a biography of Vlad the Impaler, 1431-1476 Florescu, Radu R. N. GENERAL DR 240.5 .V55 F57
City of the great king : Jerusalem from David to the present GENERAL DS 109.9 .C58 1996
Jerusalem : the biography Sebag Montefiore, Simon, 1965- GENERAL DS 109.9 .S43 2012
The world of ancient Israel : sociological, anthropological, and political perspectives : essays by members of the Society for Old Testament Study GENERAL DS 112 .W66 1991
History of the Jews. Dubnow, Simon, 1860-1941. GENERAL DS 117 .D72 1967 V.5
A history of the Jews. Sachar, Abram Leon, 1899- GENERAL DS 117 .S3 1965
Jewish history and thought : an introduction Mansoor, Menahem. GENERAL DS 118 .M26 1991
Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict : a primer Bennis, Phyllis, 1951- GENERAL DS 119.7 .B38386 2007
A concise history of the Arab-Israeli conflict Bickerton, Ian J. GENERAL DS 119.7 .B49 1998
Hezbollah : born with a vengeance Jaber, Hala. GENERAL DS 119.7 .J224 1997
A fire in Zion : the Israeli-Palestinian search for peace Perry, Mark, 1950- GENERAL DS 119.7 .P4556 1994
Footnotes in Gaza Sacco, Joe. GENERAL DS 119.7 .S29 2010
Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict Smith, Charles D., 1936- GENERAL DS 119.7 .S618 1996
A History of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Tessler, Mark A. GENERAL DS 119.7 .T443 1994
Israelis and Palestinians : why do they fight? can they stop? Wasserstein, Bernard. GENERAL DS 119.7 .W393 2008
Encyclopedia of ancient Asian civilizations Higham, Charles. GENERAL DS 12 .H5 2004
Orientalism Said, Edward W. GENERAL DS 12 .S24 1979
A history of Israel : from the rise of Zionism to our time Sachar, Howard Morley, 1928- GENERAL DS 126.5 .S155 1996
A history of modern Israel Shindler, Colin, 1946- GENERAL DS 126.5 .S45194 2008
Saving Israel : how the Jewish people can win a war that may never end Gordis, Daniel. GENERAL DS 128.2 .G67 2009
The diary of Anne Frank : the critical edition Frank, Anne, 1929-1945. GENERAL DS 135 .N6 F73313 1989
The diary of a young girl : the definitive edition Frank, Anne, 1929-1945. GENERAL DS 135 .N6 F73313 1996
Anne Frank : the book, the life, the afterlife Prose, Francine, 1947- GENERAL DS 135 .N6 F73525 2009
The tribe GENERAL DS 143 .T75 2006
A lie and a libel : the history of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Segel, B. W. GENERAL DS 145 .P7 S43 1995
The American axis : Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and the rise of the Third Reich Wallace, Max. GENERAL DS 146 .U6 W35 2003
A history of Zionism Laqueur, Walter, 1921- GENERAL DS 149 .L256 1972
The controversy of Zion : Jewish nationalism, the Jewish state, and the unresolved Jewish dilemma Wheatcroft, Geoffrey. GENERAL DS 149 .W49 1996
The knock at the door : a journey through the darkness of the Armenian genocide Ahnert, Margaret Ajemian. GENERAL DS 195.5 .A385 2007
The Armenian genocide : cultural and ethical legacies GENERAL DS 195.5 .A736 2007
On Saudi Arabia : its people, past, religion, fault lines--and future House, Karen Elliott. GENERAL DS 215 .H68 2012
Genghis Khan and the Mongol empire GENERAL DS 22 .G46 2009
Genghis Khan : the history of the world conqueror Juvaynī, ҁ Alāµ_ al-Dīn ҁ Atâ Malik, 1226-1283. GENERAL DS 22 .J8813 1997
Prophets and princes : Saudi Arabia from Muhammad to the present Weston, Mark, 1953- GENERAL DS 232 .W47 2008
A winter in Arabia Stark, Freya. GENERAL DS 247 .H35 S78 1987
Understanding Iran : everything you need to know, from Persia to the Islamic Republic, from Cyrus to Ahmadinejad Polk, William Roe, 1929- GENERAL DS 272 .P65 2009
The Medes and Persians. Culican, William. GENERAL DS 275 .C84 1965
Prisoner of Tehran : a memoir Nemat, Marina. GENERAL DS 318.84 .N46 A3 2007
Empires of the Silk Road : a history of Central Eurasia from the Bronze Age to the present Beckwith, Christopher I., 1945- GENERAL DS 329.4 .B43 2009
Asia : a concise history Meyer, Milton Walter. GENERAL DS 33 .M43 1997
Destiny disrupted : a history of the world through Islamic eyes Ansary, Mir Tamim. GENERAL DS 35.63 .A57 2009
The places in between Stewart, Rory. GENERAL DS 352 .S74 2006
Afghanistan : a military history from Alexander the Great to the war against the Taliban Tanner, Stephen, 1954- GENERAL DS 356 .T36 2009
Islamic civilization : history, contributions, and influence : a compendium of literature Ghazanfar, Shaikh M. GENERAL DS 36.85 .G49 2006
Islam : from the Prophet Muhammad to the capture of Constantinople Lewis, Bernard, comp. GENERAL DS 36.855 .L48
Frontline world : stories from a small planet. May 26, 2009 GENERAL DS 361 .F76 2009
In Afghanistan : two hundred years of British, Russian and American occupation Loyn, David. GENERAL DS 361 .L698 2009
Charlie Wilson's war : the extraordinary story of how the wildest man in Congress and a rogue CIA agent changed the history of our times Crile, George. GENERAL DS 371.2 .C75 2007
Taliban : militant Islam, oil, and fundamentalism in Central Asia Rashid, Ahmed. GENERAL DS 371.2 .R367 2000
The battle for Afghanistan : the Soviets versus the Mujahideen during the 1980s Yousaf, Mohammad, 1937- GENERAL DS 371.2 .Y676 2007
Afghanistan's endless war : state failure, regional politics, and the rise of the Taliban Goodson, Larry P. GENERAL DS 371.3 .G66 2001
Zoya's story : an Afghan woman's struggle for freedom Zoya. GENERAL DS 371.3 .Z69 2002
Koran, Kalashnikov, and laptop : the neo-Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan Giustozzi, Antonio. GENERAL DS 371.4 .G58 2008
Descent into chaos : the United States and the failure of nation building in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia Rashid, Ahmed. GENERAL DS 371.4 .R37 2008
Restrepo : one platoon, one valley, one year GENERAL DS 371.41 .K67 J86 2010
War Junger, Sebastian. GENERAL DS 371.4123 .K67 J86 2011
The idea of Pakistan Cohen, Stephen P., 1936- GENERAL DS 376.9 .C63 2006
Walking the war zones of Pakistan : one woman's journey into the shadow of the Taliban Kocour, Ruth Anne. GENERAL DS 377 .W36 2011
Making sense of Pakistan Shaikh, Farzana. GENERAL DS 379 .S445 2009
A brief history of Pakistan Wynbrandt, James. GENERAL DS 382 .W96 2009
Daughter of destiny : an autobiography Bhutto, Benazir. GENERAL DS 385 .B44 A3 1989
The making of India and Indian traditions Pandian, Jacob. GENERAL DS 407 .P26 1995
Passage through India Snyder, Gary, 1930- GENERAL DS 414 .S59 1983
The imperial way Theroux, Paul. GENERAL DS 414.2 .T46 1985
Culture shock! India : a survival guide to customs and etiquette / Gitanjali Kolanad. Kolanad, Gitanjali. GENERAL DS 421 .K65 2008
The elephant, the tiger, and the cell phone : reflections on India, the emerging 21st-century power Tharoor, Shashi, 1956- GENERAL DS 428.2 .T46 2007
The story of India GENERAL DS 436 .S76 2008 #1
The story of India GENERAL DS 436 .S76 2008 #2
A new history of India Wolpert, Stanley A., 1927- GENERAL DS 436 .W66 1997
A new history of India Wolpert, Stanley A., 1927- GENERAL DS 436 .W66 2008
India Wood, Michael, 1948- GENERAL DS 436 .W67 2007
What every American should know about the Middle East Rossi, M. L. (Melissa L.), 1965- GENERAL DS 44 .R75 2008
Makers of modern India GENERAL DS 446.3 .M36 2011
The real slumdogs GENERAL DS 448 .R43 2010
The proudest day : India's long road to independence Read, Anthony. GENERAL DS 479 .R38 1998
The beautiful and the damned : a portrait of the new India Deb, Siddhartha, 1970- GENERAL DS 480.853 .D3843 2011
Gandhi : selected writings Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948. GENERAL DS 481 .G3 A25 2005
Conquest of violence : the Gandhian philosophy of conflict Bondurant, Joan V. (Joan Valérie), 1918- GENERAL DS 481 .G3 B62 1988
Gandhi : a life Chadha, Yogesh. GENERAL DS 481.G73 C43 1997
K2, quest of the gods : the location of the legendary 'Hall of Records' Ellis, R. (Ralph), 1958- GENERAL DS 485 .K193 E45 2001
Bhutan : ways of knowing GENERAL DS 491.7 .B58 2008
Nepal. GENERAL DS 493.3 .B56 2009
Bringing progress to paradise : what I got from giving to a mountain village in Nepal Rasley, Jeffrey. GENERAL DS 493.7 .R37 2010
New Nepal : the fault lines Pandey, Nishchal N. GENERAL DS 495.6 .P359 2010
Everest, south west face Bonington, Chris. GENERAL DS 495.8 .E9 B66 1973
When Asia was the world Gordon, Stewart, 1945- GENERAL DS 5.95 .G67 2008
The Far East; a history of the impact of the West on eastern Asia. Clyde, Paul Hibbert, 1896- GENERAL DS 511 .C67 1958
Asia, America, and the transformation of geopolitics Overholt, William H. GENERAL DS 518.8 .O84 2008
Beyond Vietnam: the United States and Asia Reischauer, Edwin O. (Edwin Oldfather), 1910- GENERAL DS 518.8 .R42 1967
The United States and Northeast Asia : debates, issues, and new order GENERAL DS 518.8 .U588 2008
The emergence of modern Southeast Asia : a new history GENERAL DS 525 .E44 2005
Southeast Asia in world history Lockard, Craig A. GENERAL DS 525 .L65 2009
Southeast Asia : an introductory history Osborne, Milton E. GENERAL DS 525 .O73 2004
Southeast Asia, past & present SarDesai, D. R. GENERAL DS 525 .S27 1997
Southeast Asia : past and present SarDesai, D. R. GENERAL DS 525 .S27 2010
Southeast Asia : a concise history Somers Heidhues, Mary F. GENERAL DS 525 .S66 2001
Southeast Asia : a modern history Tarling, Nicholas. GENERAL DS 525 .T373 2001
A modern history of Southeast Asia : decolonization, nationalism and separatism Christie, Clive J., 1944- GENERAL DS 526.7 .C464 1996
Embers of war : the fall of an empire and the making of America's Vietnam Logevall, Fredrik, 1963- GENERAL DS 553.1 .L64 2012
The last valley : Dien Bien Phu and the French defeat in Vietnam Windrow, Martin. GENERAL DS 553.3 .D5 W56 2004
The history of Cambodia Corfield, Justin J. GENERAL DS 554.5 .C67 2009
Vietnam journeys : the hidden charm Fields, Charles. GENERAL DS 556.39 .F54 2011
Ancient Vietnam : history and archaeology Schweyer, Anne-Valérie. GENERAL DS 556.42 .S392 2011
The history of Vietnam Corfield, Justin J. GENERAL DS 556.5 .C67 2008
The Vietnam War : a concise international history Lawrence, Mark Atwood. GENERAL DS 557.7 .L378 2008
Cultures in conflict : the Viet Nam War Vadas, Robert E., 1952- GENERAL DS 557.7 .V29 2002
Requiem : by the photographers who died in Vietnam and Indochina GENERAL DS 557.72 .F33 1997
Another Vietnam : pictures of the war from the other side Page, Tim, 1944- GENERAL DS 557.72 .P34 2002
A patch of ground : Khe Sanh remembered Archer, Michael, 1948- GENERAL DS 557.8 .K5 A73 2004
Vietnam : the (last) war the U.S. lost Allen, Joe, 1960- GENERAL DS 558 .A43 2008
An American dilemma : Vietnam, 1964-1973 GENERAL DS 558 .A444 1993
No peace, no honor : Nixon, Kissinger, and betrayal in Vietnam Berman, Larry. GENERAL DS 558 .B467 2001
America's longest war : the United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975 Herring, George C., 1936- GENERAL DS 558 .H45 1996
In country : remembering the Vietnam War GENERAL DS 558 .I74 2011
Our Vietnam : the war, 1954-1975 Langguth, A. J., 1933- GENERAL DS 558 .L36 2000
In retrospect : the tragedy and lessons of Vietnam McNamara, Robert S., 1916- GENERAL DS 558 .M44 1995
America in Vietnam : the war that couldn't be won Schandler, Herbert Y., 1928- GENERAL DS 558 .S329 2009
Hanoi's war : an international history of the war for peace in Vietnam Nguyen, Lien-Hang T., 1974- GENERAL DS 558.5 .N467 2012
The war behind me : Vietnam veterans confront the truth about U.S. war crimes Nelson, Deborah, 1953- GENERAL DS 559.2 .N45 2008
Prisoner of war : six years in Hanoi McGrath, John M. GENERAL DS 559.4 .M34 1975
Last night I dreamed of peace : the diary of Dang Thuy Tram Đặng, Thùy Trâm 1943-1970. GENERAL DS 559.44 .D3613 2007
When we walked above the clouds : a memoir of Vietnam Barnes, H. Lee, 1944- GENERAL DS 559.5 .B375 2011
Dear America : letters home from Vietnam GENERAL DS 559.5 .D43 1987
What it is like to go to war Marlantes, Karl. GENERAL DS 559.5 .M358 2011
If I die in a combat zone, box me up and ship me home O'Brien, Tim, 1946- GENERAL DS 559.5 .O27 1999
War torn : stories of war from the women reporters who covered Vietnam GENERAL DS 559.5 .W3677 2002
In Pharaoh's army : memories of the lost war Wolff, Tobias, 1945- GENERAL DS 559.5 .W64 1995
Rethinking the American anti-war movement Hall, Simon, 1976- GENERAL DS 559.62 .U6 H 333 2012
The war at home GENERAL DS 559.62 .U6 W37 1979
Marigold : the lost chance for peace in Vietnam Hershberg, James G. (James Gordon), 1960- GENERAL DS 559.7 .H48 2012
Scars of Vietnam : personal accounts by veterans and their families Spiller, Harry, 1945- GENERAL DS 559.72 .S65 1994
Scars of Vietnam : personal accounts by veterans and their families Spiller, Harry, 1945- GENERAL DS 559.72 .S65 1994
The Vietnam War in American memory : veterans, memorials, and the politics of healing Hagopian, Patrick. GENERAL DS 559.73 .U6 H34 2009
Fortunate son : the autobiography of Lewis B. Puller, Jr. Puller, Lewis B. GENERAL DS 559.73 .U6 P85 1991
The secret war against Hanoi : Kennedy's and Johnson's use of spies, saboteurs, and covert warriors in North Vietnam Shultz, Richard H., 1947- GENERAL DS 559.8 .M44 S58 1999
Beyond combat : women and gender in the Vietnam War era Stur, Heather Marie, 1975- GENERAL DS 559.8 .W6 S78 2011
Letters on the wall : offerings and remembrances from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Sofarelli, Michael. GENERAL DS 559.83 .W18 S64 2006
Early man; prehistory and the civilizations of the ancient Near East Starr, Chester G., 1914- GENERAL DS 56 .S68
In retreat : America's withdrawal from the Middle East Berman, Russell A., 1950- GENERAL DS 63.2 .U5 B47 2014
Power, faith, and fantasy : America in the Middle East, 1776 to the present Oren, Michael B., 1955- GENERAL DS 63.2 .U5 O54 2007
Bali : the ultimate island Lueras, Leonard. GENERAL DS 647 .B2 L78 1987
The Philippines, a singular and a plural place Steinberg, David Joel. GENERAL DS 655 .S74 1994
Wisdom from a rainforest : the spiritual journey of an anthropologist Schlegel, Stuart A. GENERAL DS 666.T6 S36 1998
In our image Karnow, Stanley. GENERAL DS 685 .K38 1989
World tribunal on Iraq : making the case against war GENERAL DS 69.76 .I4665 2008
Understanding Iraq : the whole sweep of Iraqi history, from Genghis Khan's Mongols to the Ottoman Turks to the British mandate to the American occupation Polk, William Roe, 1929- GENERAL DS 70.9 .P66 2005
Sources of Chinese tradition De Bary, William Theodore, 1918- ed. GENERAL DS 703 .D4 1960 V.1
Sources of Chinese tradition De Bary, William Theodore, 1918- ed. GENERAL DS 703 .D4 1960 V.2
Discover China GENERAL DS 705 .D57 2011
The civilization of Babylonia and Assyria; its remains, language, history, religion, commerce, law, art, and literature. Jastrow, Morris, 1861-1921. GENERAL DS 71 .J3 1971
Country driving : a Chinese road trip Hessler, Peter, 1969- GENERAL DS 712 .H457 2010
Oracle bones : a journey through time in China Hessler, Peter, 1969- GENERAL DS 712 .H458 2007
Sumer and the Sumerians Crawford, Harriet E. W. GENERAL DS 72 .C73 1991
Treasures of China : the glories of the Kingdom of the Dragon Chinnery, John D. GENERAL DS 721 .C535 2008
A History of China Roberts, J. A. G., 1935- GENERAL DS 735 .R5 2011
The Terra Cotta Army : China's first emperor and the birth of a nation Man, John, 1941- GENERAL DS 747.9 .C47 M34 2008
Modernization and revolution in China : from the Opium Wars to the Olympics Grasso, June M., 1951- GENERAL DS 755 .G7 2009
Curveball : spies, lies, and the con man who caused a war Drogin, Bob. GENERAL DS 76.79 .D76 2007
Politics and government in China Liu, Guoli, 1961- GENERAL DS 775.7 .L57 2011
Thunder out of China White, Theodore Harold, 1915- GENERAL DS 777.47 .W55 1946
Nanjing : the burning city Young, Ethan, 1983- GENERAL DS 777.5316 .N36 Y68 2015
China since 1949 Benson, Linda. GENERAL DS 777.55 .B416 2011
China : the rebirth of an empire GENERAL DS 777.55 .C4473 2011
The Chinese People's Republic Doolin, Dennis J. GENERAL DS 777.55 .D65
China today : an encyclopedia of life in the People's Republic GENERAL DS 777.6 .C458 2005 V.1
China today : an encyclopedia of life in the People's Republic GENERAL DS 777.6 .C458 2005 V.2
Mao : a life Short, Philip. GENERAL DS 778 .M3 S548 2000
China from the inside GENERAL DS 779.2 .C45 2006
China on the rise GENERAL DS 779.2 .C45 2006
Chinese lessons : five classmates and the story of the new China Pomfret, John. GENERAL DS 779.28 .P66 2006
The People's Republic of China at 60 : an international assessment The People's Republic of China at 60: an international assessment (2009 : Harvard University) GENERAL DS 779.36 .P46 2009
The China questions : critical insights into a rising power GENERAL DS 779.4 .C463 2018
Cuture wise China : the essential guide to culture, customs & business etiquette Lacey, Leo. GENERAL DS 779.43 .L33 2011
Charm offensive : how China's soft power is transforming the world Kurlantzick, Joshua, 1976- GENERAL DS 779.47 .K87 2007
My journey to Lhasa David-Neel, Alexandra, 1868-1969. GENERAL DS 785 .D27813 1993
A portrait of lost Tibet Tung, Rosemary Jones. GENERAL DS 786 .T86 1996
Jarhead : a Marine's chronicle of the Gulf War and other battles Swofford, Anthony. GENERAL DS 79.74 .S96 2005
Crusade : chronicles of an unjust war Carroll, James, 1943- GENERAL DS 79.76 .C25 2004
Torture and truth : America, Abu Ghraib, and the war on terror Danner, Mark, 1958- GENERAL DS 79.76 .D36 2004
The forever war Filkins, Dexter. GENERAL DS 79.76 .F53 2008
Unintended consequences : how war in Iraq strengthened America's enemies Galbraith, Peter (Peter W.) GENERAL DS 79.76 .G335 2009
Naked in Baghdad Garrels, Anne, 1951- GENERAL DS 79.76 .G373 2004
Cobra 2 : the inside story of the invasion and occupation of Iraq Gordon, Michael R., 1951- GENERAL DS 79.76 .G67 2006
Iraq uncensored : perspectives GENERAL DS 79.76 .I72715 2009
The Iraq war Keegan, John, 1934- GENERAL DS 79.76 .K44 2004
Operation homecoming : Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front, in the words of U.S. troops and their families GENERAL DS 79.76 .O634 2008
Operation homecoming : writing the wartime experience GENERAL DS 79.76 .O647 2007
Baghdad burning : girl blog from Iraq Riverbend. GENERAL DS 79.76 .R587 2005
Baghdad burning II : more girl blog from Iraq Riverbend. GENERAL DS 79.76 .R587 2006
My hope for peace Sādāt, Jīhān, 1933- GENERAL DS 79.76 .S22 2009
Blackwater : the rise of the world's most powerful mercenary army Scahill, Jeremy. GENERAL DS 79.76 .S332 2007
Tell them i didn't cry : a young journalist's story of joy, loss, and survival in iraq. Sinner, Jackie GENERAL DS 79.76 .S666 2007
The three trillion dollar war : the true cost of the Iraq Conflict Stiglitz, Joseph E. GENERAL DS 79.76 .S698 2008
Blood brothers : among the soldiers of Ward 57 Weisskopf, Michael. GENERAL DS 79.76 .W45 2006
Why we fight GENERAL DS 79.76 .W49 2006
Plan of attack Woodward, Bob. GENERAL DS 79.76 .W66 2004
The war within : a secret White House history, 2006-2008 Woodward, Bob, 1943- GENERAL DS 79.76 .W663 2009
A soldiers' portfolio : this is our war : servicemen's photographs of life in Iraq Friedman, Devin. GENERAL DS 79.762 .F75 2006
Winter soldier, Iraq and Afghanistan : eyewitness accounts of the occupations Iraq Veterans Against the War. GENERAL DS 79.766 .A1 I73 2008
The long walk : a story of war and the life that follows Castner, Brian. GENERAL DS 79.766 .C37 A3 2012
Operation Phantom Fury : the assault and capture of Fallujah, Iraq Camp, Richard D. GENERAL DS 79.766 .F3 C366 2009
My life as a foreign country Turner, Brian, 1967- GENERAL DS 79.766 .T87 A3 2014
Aftermath : following the bloodshed of America's wars in the Muslim world Rosen, Nir, 1977- GENERAL DS 79.767 .S63 R67 2010
Sailing through China Theroux, Paul. GENERAL DS 793 .Y3 T48 1984
Up the Yangtze GENERAL DS 793 .Y3 U7 2008
City of heavenly tranquility : Beijing in the history of China Becker, Jasper. GENERAL DS 795.3 .B43 2008
Modern Japan : a very short introduction Goto-Jones, Christopher S. GENERAL DS 806 .G55 2009
Japan and its world : two centuries of change Jansen, Marius B. GENERAL DS 806 .J16 1995
Gentle ways in Japan : a photographic study of the familiar Sheldon, Gerard P., 1923- GENERAL DS 811 .S43 1989
Sake & satori : Asian journals, Japan Campbell, Joseph, 1904-1987. GENERAL DS 822.5 .C367 2002
The way of the samurai Storry, George Richard, 1913- GENERAL DS 827 .S3 S8 OVERSIZED
A history of Japan Mason, R. H. P. GENERAL DS 835 .M36 1997
The history of Japan Perez, Louis G. GENERAL DS 835 .P47 2009
A history of Japan Totman, Conrad D. GENERAL DS 835 .T57 2004
Waltz with Bashir : a Lebanon war story Folman, Ari. GENERAL DS 87.53 .F65 2009
The rise of modern Japan Beasley, W. G. (William G.), 1919- GENERAL DS 881 .B43 1995
A modern history of Japan : from Tokugawa times to the present Gordon, Andrew, 1952- GENERAL DS 881.9 .G66 2009
Hirohito and the making of modern Japan Bix, Herbert P. GENERAL DS 889.8 .B59 2000
Tokyo Milner, Rebecca, author. GENERAL DS 896.38 .M54 2015
Korea and East Asia : the story of a Phoenix Lee, Kenneth B. GENERAL DS 907.18 .L44 1997
Korea since 1850 Lone, Stewart. GENERAL DS 916 .L66 1993
Korean Peninsula trends and U.S.-Japan-South Korea relations GENERAL DS 917.35 .K674 1994
Conflict : the history of the Korean War, 1950-53 Leckie, Robert. GENERAL DS 918 .L36 1996
The Korean War : an international history Stueck, William Whitney, 1945- GENERAL DS 918 .S819 1995
The coldest winter : America and the Korean War Halberstam, David. GENERAL DS 919 .H35 2007
Syria : the fall of the house of Assad Lesch, David W. GENERAL DS 98.6 .L475 2012
Civil society and the state in Syria : the outsourcing of social responsibility Ruiz de Elvira, Laura. GENERAL DS 98.6 .R85 2012
Revolt in Syria : eye-witness to the uprising Starr, Stephen. GENERAL DS 98.6 .S73 2012
Revolution 2.0 : the power of the people is greater than the people in power : a memoir Ghonim, Wael, 1980- GENERAL DT 107.828 .G445 A3 2012
The last of the Nuba Riefenstahl, Leni. GENERAL DT 133 .N78 R5313 1973
Africa : altered states, ordinary miracles Dowden, Richard. GENERAL DT 14 .D69 2009
The Cairo of Naguib Mahfouz Le Va, Britta, photographer. GENERAL DT 144.3 .L385 2012
Sudan : the land and the people Freeman, Michael, 1945- GENERAL DT 154.67 .F74 2005
They poured fire on us from the sky : the true story of three lost boys from Sudan Deng, Alephonsion. GENERAL DT 157.63 .D46 2005
Darfur : a short history of a long war Flint, Julie. GENERAL DT 157.673 .F58 2005
God grew tired of us GENERAL DT 157.673 .G63 2007
Not on our watch : the mission to end genocide in Darfur and beyond Cheadle, Don. GENERAL DT 159.6 .D27 C44 2007
The devil came on horseback GENERAL DT 159.6 .D27 D48 2007
Darfur diaries : stories of survival Marlowe, Jen. GENERAL DT 159.6 .D27 M37 2006
Darfur : a 21st century genocide Prunier, Gérard. GENERAL DT 159.6 .D27 P7813 2008
The devil came on horseback : bearing witness to the genocide in Darfur Steidle, Brian. GENERAL DT 159.6 .D27 S74 2007
War in Darfur and the search for peace GENERAL DT 159.6 .D27 W37 2007
Ancient African civilizations : Kush and Axum GENERAL DT 159.6 .N83 A53 1998
Culture Shock! South Africa : a survival guide to customs and etiquette Rissik, Dee, 1953- GENERAL DT 1752 .R57 2008
The fall of apartheid : the inside story from Smuts to Mbeki Harvey, Robert, 1953- GENERAL DT 1757 .H37 2000
Country of my skull : guilt, sorrow, and the limits of forgiveness in the new South Africa Krog, Antjie. GENERAL DT 1757 .K76 1999
Mandela, Tambo, and the African National Congress : the struggle against apartheid, 1948-1990 : a documentary survey GENERAL DT 1757 .M36 1991
South Africa in world history Berger, Iris, 1941- GENERAL DT 1787 .B47 2009
South Africa : a modern history Davenport, T. R. H. GENERAL DT 1787 .D38 2000
Modern South Africa in world history : beyond imperialism Skinner, Rob, 1966- author. GENERAL DT 1787 .S55 2017
A history of South Africa Thompson, Leonard Monteath. GENERAL DT 1787 .T48 1995
World's great men of color Rogers, J. A. (Joel Augustus), 1883-1965? GENERAL DT 18 .R59 1996 V.2
Twentieth-century South Africa Beinart, William. GENERAL DT 1848 .B44 2001
Long walk to freedom : the autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Mandela, Nelson, 1918- GENERAL DT 1949 .M35 A3 1994
Young Mandela : [the revolutionary years] Smith, David James, 1956- GENERAL DT 1949 .M35 S65 2010
Kaffir boy : the true story of a Black youth's coming of age in Apartheid South Africa Mathabane, Mark. GENERAL DT 1949 .M38 A3 1986
South Africa's brave new world : the beloved country since the end of apartheid Johnson, R. W. (Richard William) GENERAL DT 1971 .J64 2010
Bring me my machine gun : the battle for the soul of South Africa from Mandela to Zuma Russell, Alec, 1966- GENERAL DT 1971 .R87 2009
Nelson Mandela : a biography Limb, Peter. GENERAL DT 1974 .L56 2008
Lives that changed the world Nelson Mandela GENERAL DT 1974 .L58 2010
Dare not linger : the presidential years Mandela, Nelson, 1918-2013, author. GENERAL DT 1974 .M327 2017
Nelson Mandela : the authorized comic book GENERAL DT 1974 .N47 2009
First-time Africa Finke, Jens. GENERAL DT 2 .F56 2007
New encyclopedia of Africa GENERAL DT 2 .N48 2008 V.4
The African past : chronicles from antiquity to modern times Davidson, Basil, 1914- ed. GENERAL DT 20 .D38
Africa under colonial domination, 1880-1935 GENERAL DT 20 .G452 1990 V.7
Africa since 1935 GENERAL DT 20 .G452 1990 V.8
The African experience : an introduction Khapoya, Vincent B., 1944- GENERAL DT 20 .K47 2010
The African experience : an introduction Khapoya, Vincent B., 1944- GENERAL DT 20 .K47 2013
The African experience Oliver, Roland Anthony. GENERAL DT 20 .O385 1992
A short history of Africa Oliver, Roland Anthony. GENERAL DT 20 .O4 1988
Africa : a biography of the continent Reader, John. GENERAL DT 20 .R43 1998
Global studies. Africa Krabacher, Thomas Scott. GENERAL DT 30.5 .K84 2009
Taking sides. Clashing views on African issues GENERAL DT 30.5 .T35 2009
Mugabe : power, plunder, and the struggle for Zimbabwe Meredith, Martin. GENERAL DT 3000 .M28 M47 2007
Geography of sub-Saharan Africa GENERAL DT 351.9 .G46 2010
Mistaking Africa : curiosities and inventions of the American mind Keim, Curtis A. GENERAL DT 38.7 .K45 2009
Jihad in the Arabian Sea Pecastaing, Camille. GENERAL DT 39 .P43 2011
Out of Africa Dinesen, Isak, 1885-1962. GENERAL DT 433.54 .D56 1992
Child of two worlds, a Kikuyu's story Gatheru, R. Mugo, 1925- GENERAL DT 434 .E26 G3 1972
The illustrated guide to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo GENERAL DT 45 .I45 2003
Africa : the holocausts of Rwanda and Sudan Niemeyer, Lucian. GENERAL DT 450.435 .N54 2006
An ordinary man : an autobiography Rusesabagina, Paul, 1955- GENERAL DT 450.443 .R87 A3 2007
Burundi : biography of a small African country Watt, Nigel. GENERAL DT 450.68 .W385 2008
Egypt : ancient culture, modern land GENERAL DT 46 .E14 1993
Egypt : the eternal smile : reflections on a journey Drury, Allen. GENERAL DT 47 .D78 1980
A long way gone : memoirs of a boy soldier Beah, Ishmael, 1980- GENERAL DT 516.828 .B43 A3 2007
Darfur : the long road to disaster Burr, Millard. GENERAL DT 546.48 .B87 2006
In an antique land Ghosh, Amitav, 1956- GENERAL DT 56.2 .G48 1994
Discovering ancient Egypt David, A. Rosalie (Ann Rosalie) GENERAL DT 56.9 .D39 1993
Hidden treasures of ancient Egypt : unearthing the masterpieces of Egyptian history Hawass, Zahi A. GENERAL DT 60 .H3855 2004
Secrets from the sand : my search for Egypt's past Hawass, Zahi A. GENERAL DT 60 .H386 2003
Ancient Egypt GENERAL DT 61 .A59 1997
Ancient lives : daily life in Egypt of the pharaohs Romer, John. GENERAL DT 61 .R54 1984
The Egyptians GENERAL DT 61 .U6513 1997
The secret of the great pyramid : how one man's obsession led to the solution of ancient Egypt's greatest mystery Brier, Bob. GENERAL DT 63 .B654 2008
Mountains of the pharaohs : the untold story of the pyramid builders Hawass, Zahi A. GENERAL DT 63 .H39 2006
Pyramids : treasures, mysteries, and new discoveries in Egypt GENERAL DT 63 .T69 2003
The complete temples of ancient Egypt Wilkinson, Richard H. GENERAL DT 68.8 .W55 2000
Valley of the golden mummies Hawass, Zahi A. GENERAL DT 73 .B33 2000b
The royal tombs of Egypt : the art of Thebes revealed Hawass, Zahi A. GENERAL DT 73 .B44 H39 2006
The complete Valley of the Kings : tombs and treasures of Egypt's greatest pharaohs Reeves, C. N. (Carl Nicholas), 1956- GENERAL DT 73 .B44 R43 1996
The tomb-builders of the pharaohs Bierbrier, M. L. GENERAL DT 73 .D47 B53 1984
Newly-discovered statues from Giza, 1990-2009 Hawass, Zahi A. GENERAL DT 73 .G5 H36 2011
Egypt of the Pharaohs : an introduction Gardiner, Alan Henderson, Sir, 1879- GENERAL DT 83 .G2 1964
Temples, tombs, & hieroglyphs : a popular history of ancient Egypt Mertz, Barbara. GENERAL DT 83 .M46 2007
From slave to pharaoh : the black experience of ancient Egypt Redford, Donald B. GENERAL DT 83 .R4 2004
When Egypt ruled the East Steindorff, Georg, 1861-1951. GENERAL DT 83 .S84 1942
Hatshepsut, from queen to Pharaoh GENERAL DT 87.15 .H378 2005
King Tutankhamun : the treasures of the tomb Hawass, Zahi A. GENERAL DT 87.5 .H395 2008
Tutankhamun, the untold story Hoving, Thomas Pearsall Field, 1931- GENERAL DT 87.5 .H68 1978
The complete Tutankhamun : the king, the tomb, the royal treasure Reeves, Nicholas. GENERAL DT 87.5 .R43 1990
Egypt, from Alexander the Great to the Arab conquest : a study in the diffusion and decay of Hellenism Bell, H. Idris (Harold Idris), Sir, b. 1879. GENERAL DT 92 .B46 1980
The songlines Chatwin, Bruce, 1940-1989. GENERAL DU 105.2 .C43 1987
Culture wise Australia : the essential guide to culture, customs & business etiquette Hampshire, David. GENERAL DU 107 .H36 2007
Cultural atlas of Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific Nile, Richard. GENERAL DU 107 .N55 1996
Australia and the insular imagination : beaches, borders, boats, and bodies Perera, Suvendrini. GENERAL DU 107 .P436 2009
The Pacific Islands. Oliver, Douglas L. GENERAL DU 22 .O6 1961
The happy isles of Oceania : paddling the Pacific Theroux, Paul. GENERAL DU 23.5 .T47 1992
The Cambridge history of the Pacific Islanders GENERAL DU 28.3 .C33 1997
Ulithi : a Micronesian design for living Lessa, William Armand. GENERAL DU 568 .U5 L4 1966
Hawaii : Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Hawaii, Lanai Wenkam, Robert, 1920- GENERAL DU 623.25 .W46 1986
Shoal of time; a history of the Hawaiian Islands. Daws, Gavan. GENERAL DU 625 .D28 1968
Hawai'i in war and peace : a memoir Fernandez, William J., author. GENERAL DU 627.7 .F47 A3 2015
Volcano : a memoir of Hawaii Hongo, Garrett Kaoru, 1951- GENERAL DU 629 .V65 H66 1996
The Gebusi : lives transformed in a rainforest world Knauft, Bruce M. GENERAL DU 740.42 .K524 2010
The world until yesterday : what can we learn from traditional societies? Diamond, Jared M. GENERAL DU 744.35 .D32 D53 2012
Coming of age in Samoa : a psychological study of primitive youth for Western civilization Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978. GENERAL DU 813 .M4 1961
Aboriginal Australia & the Torres Strait islands : explore indiginous Australia GENERAL DU 95 .A26 2001
Shaking the dust of ages : gypsies and wanderers of the Central Asian steppe Kuznetsova, Ljalja. GENERAL DX 241 .K89 1998
Our unprotected heritage : whitewashing the destruction of our natural and cultural environment King, Thomas F. GENERAL E 159 .K565 2009
American wilderness : the national parks GENERAL E 160 .A44 2009
Fodor's the complete guide to the national parks of the West GENERAL E 160 .F62 2010
Before they're gone : a family's year-long quest to explore America's most endangered national parks Lanza, Michael. GENERAL E 160 .L367 2012
Wild America Muench, David, author, photographer. GENERAL E 160 .M943 2016
Secret Yosemite : explore beyond the tourist hotspots GENERAL E 160 .S43 2007
Complete national parks of the United States : featuring 400+ parks, monuments, battlefields, historic sites, scenic trails, recreation areas, and seashores White, Mel, 1950- GENERAL E 160 .W47 2009
The hour of land : a personal topography of America's national parks Williams, Terry Tempest, author. GENERAL E 160 .W54 2016
America learns to play; a history of popular recreation, 1607-1940. Dulles, Foster Rhea, 1900-1970. GENERAL E 161 .D852 1952
Witnessing America : the Library of Congress book of firsthand accounts of life in America, 1600-1900 GENERAL E 161 .W58 1996
Tocqueville in America Pierson, George Wilson, 1904- GENERAL E 165 .P65 1996
American diary, 1898. Webb, Beatrice Potter, 1858-1943. GENERAL E 168 .W4
The inhabitants Morris, Wright, 1910-1998. GENERAL E 169 .M88 1972
The counterculture reader GENERAL E 169 .Z8 C656 2004
Blue highways : a journey into America Heat Moon, William Least. GENERAL E 169 .Z8 H385 1999
Air guitar : essays on art & democracy Hickey, Dave, 1940- GENERAL E 169 .Z82 H53 1997
American places Stegner, Wallace Earle, 1909-1993. GENERAL E 169 .Z82 S74 2006
The terror dream : fear and fantasy in post-9/11 America Faludi, Susan. GENERAL E 169 .Z83 F35 2007
A field guide to getting lost Solnit, Rebecca. GENERAL E 169 .Z83 S628 2006
The Americans Frank, Robert. GENERAL E 169.02 .F713 1986
The fifties Halberstam, David. GENERAL E 169.02 .H34 1993
The snarling citizen : essays Ehrenreich, Barbara. GENERAL E 169.04 .E38 1995
America, a history in art : the American journey told by painters, sculptors, photographers, and architects Scheller, William. GENERAL E 169.1 .A71865 2008
The Cambridge companion to modern American culture GENERAL E 169.1 .C36 2006
Culture and customs of the United States GENERAL E 169.1 .C843 2008 V.1
Culture and customs of the United States GENERAL E 169.1 .C843 2008 V.2
Making the American self : Jonathan Edwards to Abraham Lincoln Howe, Daniel Walker. GENERAL E 169.1 .H76 1997
Mark Twain and the Colonel : Samuel L. Clemens, Theodore Roosevelt, and the arrival of a new century McFarland, Philip James. GENERAL E 169.1 .M1616 2012
The machine in the garden : technology and the pastoral ideal in America Marx, Leo, 1919- GENERAL E 169.1 .M35 2000
The soul of America : the battle for our better angels Meacham, Jon, author. GENERAL E 169.1 .M4977 2018
The Metaphysical Club Menand, Louis. GENERAL E 169.1 .M546 2001
Identity and the failure of America : from Thomas Jefferson to the War on Terror Michael, John, 1953- GENERAL E 169.1 .M597 2008
Are we Rome? : the fall of an empire and the fate of America Murphy, Cullen. GENERAL E 169.1 .M957 2007
Wilderness and the American mind Nash, Roderick, author. GENERAL E 169.1 .N37 2014
Globalization and American popular culture Crothers, Lane. GENERAL E 169.12 .C74 2010
Habits of the heart : individualism and commitment in American life GENERAL E 169.12 .H29 1996
Distracted : the erosion of attention and the coming Dark Age Jackson, Maggie, 1960- GENERAL E 169.12 .J26 2008
1973 nervous breakdown : Watergate, Warhol, and the birth of post-sixties America Killen, Andreas. GENERAL E 169.12 .K463 2006
The yin and yang of American culture : a paradox Kim, Eun Y. GENERAL E 169.12 .K464 2001
Interviews with icons : flashing on the sixties Law, Lisa. GENERAL E 169.12 .L38 1999
The world turned inside out : American thought and culture at the end of the 20th century Livingston, James, 1949- GENERAL E 169.12 .L558 2010
The American dream : a cultural history Samuel, Lawrence R. GENERAL E 169.12 .S235 2012
The Annals of America. Introduction GENERAL E 173 .A793 1976
Eyewitness to America : 500 years of America in the words of those who saw it happen GENERAL E 173 .E 9 1997
The Oxford companion to United States history GENERAL E 174 .O94 2001
Reading, learning, teaching Howard Zinn Welchel, Ed, 1953- GENERAL E 175.5 .Z56 W44 2009
Challenge of freedom LaRaus, Roger. GENERAL E 175.8 .L37 1990A
Teaching American history in a global context GENERAL E 175.8 .T39 2008
Teaching what really happened : how to avoid the tyranny of textbooks and get students excited about doing history Loewen, James W. GENERAL E 175.85 .L65 2010
American sketches : great leaders, creative thinkers, and heroes of a hurricane Isaacson, Walter. GENERAL E 176 .I8 2009
Profiles in courage Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963. GENERAL E 176 .K4 1984
Assassination vacation Vowell, Sarah, 1969- GENERAL E 176.1 .V89 2006
A history of the American people Johnson, Paul, 1928- GENERAL E 178 .J675 1999
A people's history of the United States Zinn, Howard, 1922-2010, author. GENERAL E 178 .Z75 2015
America : a narrative history Tindall, George Brown. GENERAL E 178.1 .T55 2007
America : a narrative history Tindall, George Brown. GENERAL E 178.1 .T55 2010
Generations : the history of America's future, 1584 to 2069 Strauss, William. GENERAL E 179 .S89 1991
Generations : the history of America's future, 1584 to 2069 Strauss, William. GENERAL E 179 .S89 1992
Critical regionalism : connecting politics and culture in the American landscape Reichert Powell, Douglas. GENERAL E 179.5 .R45 2007
Bringing history home : local and family history projects for grades K-6 Hickey, M. Gail, 1955- GENERAL E 180 .H5 1999
Political history of America's wars Axelrod, Alan, 1952- GENERAL E 181 .A945 2007
Signs of war : from patriotism to dissent GENERAL E 181 .S535 2007
The history of American foreign policy Combs, Jerald A. GENERAL E 183.7 .C656 2008
America and the rogue states Henriksen, Thomas H. GENERAL E 183.7 .H43 2012
Taking sides. Clashing views in American foreign policy GENERAL E 183.7 .T346 2008
China and the United States : cooperation and competition in northeast Asia GENERAL E 183.8 .C5 C4634 2008
Driven by drugs : US policy toward Colombia Crandall, Russell, 1971- GENERAL E 183.8 .C7 C83 2008
That infernal little Cuban republic : the United States and the Cuban Revolution Schoultz, Lars. GENERAL E 183.8 .C9 S375 2009
Engaging India : diplomacy, democracy, and the bomb Talbott, Strobe. GENERAL E 183.8 .I4 T35 2004
Guests of the ayatollah : the first battle in America's war with militant Islam Bowden, Mark, 1951- GENERAL E 183.8 .I55 B68 2006
The United States and Iran : sanctions, wars and the policy of dual containment Fayazmanesh, Sasan, 1950- GENERAL E 183.8 .I55 F395 2008
United States relations with South Africa : a critical overview from the colonial period to the present Lulat, Y. G.-M. GENERAL E 183.8 .S6 L85 2008
At a century's ending : reflections, 1982-1995 Kennan, George Frost, 1904- GENERAL E 183.8 .S65 K44 1996
The turn : from the cold war to a new era : the United States and the Soviet Union, 1983-1990 Oberdorfer, Don. GENERAL E 183.8 .S65 O24 1991
A time for peace : the legacy of the Vietnam War Schulzinger, Robert D., 1945- GENERAL E 183.8 .V5 S36 2006
The United States and Mexico : between partnership and conflict Domínguez, Jorge I., 1945- GENERAL E 183.8.M6 D65 2001
America by the numbers GENERAL E 184 .A1 A498 2014 #1
America by the numbers GENERAL E 184 .A1 A498 2014 #2
Beyond the color line : new perspectives on race and ethnicity in America GENERAL E 184 .A1 B495 2002
The big sort : why the clustering of like-minded America is tearing us apart Bishop, Bill, 1953- GENERAL E 184 .A1 B5527 2008
Us and them : a history of intolerance in America Carnes, Jim. GENERAL E 184 .A1 C335 1996
The complete Blue eyed GENERAL E 184 .A1 C58 2004
Debating points : race and ethnic relations GENERAL E 184 .A1 D285 2000
Natives and strangers : a multicultural history of Americans Dinnerstein, Leonard. GENERAL E 184 .A1 D49 1996
Coat of many colors : reflections on diversity by a minority of one Eoyang, Eugene Chen. GENERAL E 184 .A1 E62 1995
Encyclopedia of racism in the United States GENERAL E 184 .A1 E773 2005 V.1
Encyclopedia of racism in the United States GENERAL E 184 .A1 E773 2005 V.2
Encyclopedia of racism in the United States GENERAL E 184 .A1 E773 2005 V.3
White men on race : power, privilege, and the shaping of cultural consciousness Feagin, Joe R. GENERAL E 184 .A1 F39 2003
How to be less stupid about race : on racism, white supremacy, and the racial divide Fleming, Crystal Marie, 1981- author. GENERAL E 184 .A1 F576 2018
White kids : growing up with privilege in a racially divided America Hagerman, Margaret A., author. GENERAL E 184 .A1 H 185 2018
Making sense of the alt-right Hawley, George (Political scientist), author. GENERAL E 184 .A1 H377 2017
Uprooting racism : how white people can work for racial justice Kivel, Paul. GENERAL E 184 .A1 K477 2002
The unmaking of Americans : how multiculturalism has undermined the assimilation ethic Miller, John J., 1970- GENERAL E 184 .A1 M527 1998
The ethnic dimension in American history Olson, James Stuart, 1946- GENERAL E 184 .A1 O45 1994
Diversity in America Parrillo, Vincent N. GENERAL E 184 .A1 P329 2009
Readings for diversity and social justice GENERAL E 184 .A1 R386 2013
Reproducing racism : how everyday choices lock in white advantage Roithmayr, Daria, author. GENERAL E 184 .A1 R4467 2014
Race pride and the American identity Rhea, Joseph Tilden. GENERAL E 184 .A1 R46 1997
Beyond Black : biracial identity in America Rockquemore, Kerry. GENERAL E 184 .A1 R62 2008
Rising out of hatred : the awakening of a former white nationalist Saslow, Eli, author. GENERAL E 184 .A1 S245 2018
The disuniting of America Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, 1917- GENERAL E 184 .A1 S34 1992
The disuniting of America : reflections on a multicultural society Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, 1917- GENERAL E 184 .A1 S34 1998
Race relations in the United States, 1960-1980 Upchurch, Thomas Adams. GENERAL E 184 .A1 U64 2008
Speaking treason fluently : anti-racist reflections from an angry white male spea[k]ing Wise, Tim J. GENERAL E 184 .A1 W57 2008
West of Kabul, East of New York : an Afghan American story Ansary, Tamim. GENERAL E 184 .A65 A46 2002
How does it feel to be a problem? : being young and Arab in America Bayoumi, Moustafa. GENERAL E 184 .A65 B35 2009
Zeitoun Eggers, Dave. GENERAL E 184 .A65 E34 2009
Asian American women and men : labor, laws, and love Espiritu, Yen Le, 1963- GENERAL E 184 .A75 E85 2008
Is lighter better? : skin-tone discrimination among Asian Americans Rondilla, Joanne L. GENERAL E 184 .A75 R66 2007
Who we are. Asians GENERAL E 184 .A75 W48 2007
Sweet promised land Laxalt, Robert, 1923- GENERAL E 184 .B14 L3 1986
A travel guide to Basque America : families, feasts, and festivals Zubiri, Nancy, 1959- GENERAL E 184 .B15 Z83 2006
Strength in what remains Kidder, Tracy. GENERAL E 184 .B89 K53 2009
The Chinese in America : a narrative history Chang, Iris. GENERAL E 184 .C5 C444 2003
New roots in America's sacred ground : religion, race, and ethnicity in Indian America Joshi, Khyati Y., 1970- GENERAL E 184 .E2 J67 2006
Common destiny : Filipino American generations Lott, Juanita Tamayo. GENERAL E 184 .F4 L68 2006
Enrique's journey Nazario, Sonia. GENERAL E 184 .H66 N397 2007
Viva la raza : a history of Chicano identity and resistance Alaniz, Yolanda, 1950- GENERAL E 184 .M5 A655 2008
My (underground) American dream : my true story as an undocumented immigrant who became a Wall Street executive Arce, Julissa, author. GENERAL E 184 .M5 A73 2016
The distance between us : a memoir Grande, Reyna. GENERAL E 184 .M5 G665 2012
Mexican Americans, American Mexicans : from Conquistadors to Chicanos Meier, Matt S. GENERAL E 184 .M5 M456 1993
How race is made in America : immigration, citizenship, and the historical power of racial scripts Molina, Natalia. GENERAL E 184 .M5 M587 2013
Mexican Americans and the environment : tierra y vida Peña, Devon Gerardo. GENERAL E 184 .M5 P395 2005
Mongrels, bastards, orphans, and vagabonds : Mexican immigration and the future of race in America Rodriguez, Gregory. GENERAL E 184 .M5 R587 2007
The Columbia sourcebook of Muslims in the United States GENERAL E 184 .M88 C65 2008
Muslims in America : a short history Curtis, Edward E., 1970- GENERAL E 184 .M88 C877 2009
Islamophobia : making Muslims the enemy Gottschalk, Peter, 1963- GENERAL E 184 .M88 G68 2008
Acts of faith : the story of an American Muslim, the struggle for the soul of a generation Patel, Eboo, 1975- GENERAL E 184 .M88 P38 2010
Scapegoating Islam : intolerance, security, and the American Muslim Thomas, Jeffrey L., 1964- GENERAL E 184 .M88 T46 2015
Does the land remember me? : a memoir of Palestine Shihab, Aziz. GENERAL E 184 .P33 S55 2007
Citizens but not Americans : race and belonging among Latino millennials Flores-González, Nilda, author. GENERAL E 184 .S75 F56 2017
Latina/os in the United States GENERAL E 184 .S75 L347 2008
Latino stats : American Hispanics by the numbers Malavé, Idelisse, author. GENERAL E 184 .S75 M363 2015
Understanding Latino history : excavating the past, examining the present Mitchell, Pablo, author. GENERAL E 184 .S75 M5953 2018
The racial middle : Latinos and Asian Americans living beyond the racial divide O'Brien, Eileen, 1972- GENERAL E 184 .S75 O275 2008
Do you hear my accent when I write? : the voice of a Latina immigrant Sepúlveda-Pulvirenti, Emma. GENERAL E 184 .S75 S47 2007
Who we are. Hispanics GENERAL E 184 .S75 W48 2007
Lost boys of Sudan GENERAL E 184 .S77 L67 2003
Lost boys of Sudan GENERAL E 184 .S77 L67 2003
The best we could do : an illustrated memoir Bui, Thi, author, artist. GENERAL E 184 .V53 B85 2017
Catfish and mandala : a two-wheeled voyage through the landscape and memory of Vietnam Pham, Andrew X., 1967- GENERAL E 184 .V53 P455 1999
Teaching strategies for ethnic studies Banks, James A. GENERAL E 184.A1 B24 1990
Racial formation in the twenty-first century GENERAL E 184.A1 O4637 2012
Hopeful journeys : German immigration, settlement, and political culture in colonial America, 1717-1775 Fogleman, Aaron Spencer. GENERAL E 184.G3 F724 1996
Pane amaro = Bitter bread GENERAL E 184.I8 P14
Farewell to Manzanar; a true story of Japanese American experience during and after the World War II internment Houston, Jeanne Wakatsuki. GENERAL E 184.J3 H63 1995
Open wound : the long view of race in America Evans, William McKee. GENERAL E 185 .E93 2009
From slavery to freedom : a history of African Americans Franklin, John Hope, 1915-2009. GENERAL E 185 .F8266 2011
Life upon these shores : looking at African American history, 1513-2008 Gates, Henry Louis. GENERAL E 185 .G27 2011
History and memory in African-American culture GENERAL E 185 .H546 1994
The promised land : the great Black migration and how it changed America Lemann, Nicholas. GENERAL E 185.6 .L36 1991
The warmth of other suns : the epic story of America's great migration Wilkerson, Isabel. GENERAL E 185.6 .W55 2011
White rage : the unspoken truth of our racial divide Anderson, Carol (Carol Elaine), author. GENERAL E 185.61 .A5438 2016
It's bigger than hip-hop : the rise of the post-hip-hop generation Asante, Molefi K., 1981- GENERAL E 185.61 .A725 2008
The fire next time Baldwin, James, 1924- GENERAL E 185.61 .B195 1995
The civil rights movement Dierenfield, Bruce J., 1951- GENERAL E 185.61 .D54 2008
Stamped from the beginning : the definitive history of racist ideas in America Kendi, Ibram X., author. GENERAL E 185.61 .K358 2016
Why we can't wait King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968. GENERAL E 185.61 .K54 1964
The color of law : a forgotten history of how our government segregated America Rothstein, Richard, author. GENERAL E 185.61 .R8185 2017
The strange career of Jim Crow Woodward, C. Vann (Comer Vann), 1908-1999. GENERAL E 185.61 .W86 2002
Race, equality, and the burdens of history Arthur, John, 1946- GENERAL E 185.615 .A79 2007
At Canaan's edge : America in the King years, 1965-68 Branch, Taylor. GENERAL E 185.615 .B67 2007
Between the world and me Coates, Ta-Nehisi. GENERAL E 185.615 .C6335 2015
Culture of intolerance : chauvinism, class, and racism in the United States Cohen, Mark Nathan. GENERAL E 185.615 .C642 1998
Breaking white supremacy : Martin Luther King Jr. and the black social gospel Dorrien, Gary J., author. GENERAL E 185.615 .D677 2018
April 4, 1968 : Martin Luther King, Jr.'s death and how it changed America Dyson, Michael Eric. GENERAL E 185.615 .D944 2008
Tears we cannot stop : a sermon to white America Dyson, Michael Eric, author. GENERAL E 185.615 .D97 2017
Everything but the burden : what white people are taking from Black culture GENERAL E 185.615 .E86 2003
Two nations : black and white, separate, hostile, unequal Hacker, Andrew. GENERAL E 185.615 .H23 1993
Dog whistle politics : how coded racial appeals have reinvented racism and wrecked the middle class Haney-López, Ian. GENERAL E 185.615 .H278 2014
The breakthrough : politics and race in the age of Obama Ifill, Gwen. GENERAL E 185.615 .I34 2009
Race in America : the struggle for equality GENERAL E 185.615 .R2125 1993
The struggle for black equality, 1954-1992 Sitkoff, Harvard. GENERAL E 185.615 .S572 1993
Keeping faith : philosophy and race in America West, Cornel. GENERAL E 185.615 .W427 2008
Race matters West, Cornel. GENERAL E 185.615 .W43 2001
Tragic failure : racial integration in America Wicker, Tom. GENERAL E 185.615 .W476 1996
White like me : reflections on race from a privileged son : the remix Wise, Tim J. GENERAL E 185.615 .W565 2011
African Americans and popular culture GENERAL E 185.625 .A384 2008 V.1
African Americans and popular culture GENERAL E 185.625 .A384 2008 V.2
African Americans and popular culture GENERAL E 185.625 .A384 2008 V.3
Black and white racial identity : theory, research, and practice GENERAL E 185.625 .B554 1993
Color matters : skin tone bias and the myth of a post-racial America GENERAL E 185.625 .C646 2014
Can we talk about race? : and other conversations in an era of school resegregation Tatum, Beverly Daniel. GENERAL E 185.625 .T37 2007
Can you hear me now? : the inspiration, wisdom, and insight of Michael Eric Dyson. Dyson, Michael Eric. GENERAL E 185.86 .D97 2009
Playing with anger : teaching coping skills to African American boys through athletics and culture GENERAL E 185.86 .P57 2003
Disintegration : the splintering of Black America Robinson, Eugene, 1954- GENERAL E 185.86 .R618 2010
Skin deep : Black women & White women write about race GENERAL E 185.86 .S6 1995
Long overdue : the politics of racial reparations Henry, Charles P., 1947- GENERAL E 185.89 .R45 H46 2007
Soul on ice Cleaver, Eldridge, 1935- GENERAL E 185.97 .C6 1992
The Oxford W.E.B. Du Bois reader Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963. GENERAL E 185.97 .D73 A25 1996
The Cambridge companion to W.E.B. Du Bois GENERAL E 185.97 .D73 C36 2008
There will be no miracles here Gerald, Casey, author. GENERAL E 185.97 .G37 A3 2018
A testament of hope : the essential writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. King, Martin Luther. GENERAL E 185.97 .K5 A25 1986
Bearing the cross : Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Garrow, David J., 1953- GENERAL E 185.97 .K5 G36 2004
Becoming King : Martin Luther King, Jr. and the making of a national leader Jackson, Troy, 1968- GENERAL E 185.97 .K5 J343 2008
Revolution of conscience : Martin Luther King, Jr., and the philosophy of nonviolence Moses, Greg. GENERAL E 185.97 .K5 M65 1997
Let the trumpet sound : a life of Martin Luther King, Jr. Oates, Stephen B. GENERAL E 185.97 .K5 O18 1994
King's dream Sundquist, Eric J. GENERAL E 185.97 .K5 S864 2009
Dreams from my father : a story of race and inheritance Obama, Barack. GENERAL E 185.97 .O23 A3 2007
Paul Robeson : artist and citizen GENERAL E 185.97 .R63 P37 1998
Narrative of Sojourner Truth Gilbert, Olive. GENERAL E 185.97 .T8 G55 1993
Sojourner Truth : a life, a symbol Painter, Nell Irvin. GENERAL E 185.97 .T8 P35 1996
Up from slavery : authoritative text, contexts, and composition history, criticism Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915. GENERAL E 185.97 .W4 A3 1996
Up from slavery Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915. GENERAL E 185.97 .W4 A3 1998
The Martin Luther King, Jr. companion : quotations from the speeches, essays, and books of Martin Luther King, Jr. King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968. GENERAL E 185.97.K5 A25 1993
The course of empire De Voto, Bernard Augustine, 1897-1955. GENERAL E 197.5 .D4
The French and Indian War, 1754-1763 : the imperial struggle for North America Schwartz, Seymour I., 1928- GENERAL E 199 .S376 1994
1776 McCullough, David G. GENERAL E 208 .M396 2005
The glorious cause : the American Revolution, 1763-1789 Middlekauff, Robert. GENERAL E 208 .M533 1982
American scripture : making the Declaration of Independence Maier, Pauline, 1938- GENERAL E 221 .M24 1997
Rough crossings : the slaves, the British, and the American Revolution Schama, Simon. GENERAL E 269 .N3 S33 2007
Benedict Arnold, revolutionary hero : an American warrior reconsidered Martin, James Kirby, 1943- GENERAL E 278 .A7 M37 1997
George Washington's secret six : the spy ring that saved the American Revolution Kilmeade, Brian. GENERAL E 279 .K55 2013
Africans in the Americas : a history of the Black diaspora Conniff, Michael L. GENERAL E 29 .N3 C76 1994
Why don't you get a horse, Sam Adams? Fritz, Jean. GENERAL E 302.6 .A2 F75 1974
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790. GENERAL E 302.6 .F7 A2 1981
Benjamin Franklin : his life as he wrote it GENERAL E 302.6 .F8 B455 1990
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790. GENERAL E 302.6 .F8 F73 2007
Benjamin Franklin : an American life Isaacson, Walter. GENERAL E 302.6 .F8 I83 2003
Benjamin Franklin and his enemies Middlekauff, Robert. GENERAL E 302.6 .F8 M644 1996
Benjamin Franklin Morgan, Edmund S. (Edmund Sears) GENERAL E 302.6 .F8 M86 2003
Alexander Hamilton Chernow, Ron. GENERAL E 302.6 .H2 C48 2004
His Excellency : George Washington Ellis, Joseph J. GENERAL E 312 .E245 2004
John Adams McCullough, David G. GENERAL E 322 .M38 2001
Abigail Adams Holton, Woody. GENERAL E 322.1 .A38 H65 2009
Thomas Jefferson : the art of power Meacham, Jon. GENERAL E 332 .M48 2012
American sphinx : the character of Thomas Jefferson Ellis, Joseph J. GENERAL E 332.2 .E45 1997
The road to Monticello : the life and mind of Thomas Jefferson Hayes, Kevin J. GENERAL E 332.2 .H395 2008
Thomas Jefferson : America's philosopher-king Lerner, Max, 1902- GENERAL E 332.2 .L47 1996
The Barbary wars : American independence in the Atlantic world Lambert, Frank, 1943- GENERAL E 335 .L36 2005
The great triumvirate : Webster, Clay, and Calhoun Peterson, Merrill D. GENERAL E 339 .P47 1987
Daniel Webster : the man and his time Remini, Robert Vincent, 1921- GENERAL E 340 .W4 R36 1997
The business of May next : James Madison and the founding Miller, William Lee. GENERAL E 342 .M55 1992
Union 1812 : the Americans who fought the Second War of Independence Langguth, A. J., 1933- GENERAL E 354 .L34 2006
The presidency of James Monroe Cunningham, Noble E., 1926- GENERAL E 371 .C86 1996
John Quincy Adams : a public life, a private life Nagel, Paul C. GENERAL E 377 .N34 1997
Jacksonian democracy GENERAL E 381 .J2 1986
American lion : Andrew Jackson in the White House Meacham, Jon. GENERAL E 382 .M43 2008
Andrew Jackson : the life of Andrew Jackson Remini, Robert V. (Robert Vincent), 1921-2013. GENERAL E 382 .R45 2003
John Tyler : the accidental president Crapol, Edward P. GENERAL E 397 .C73 2006
Manifest destiny's underworld : filibustering in antebellum America May, Robert E. GENERAL E 415.7 .M25 2002
Thaddeus Stevens : nineteenth-century egalitarian Trefousse, Hans Louis. GENERAL E 415.9 .S84 T74 1997
Polk : the man who transformed the presidency and America Borneman, Walter R., 1952- GENERAL E 417 .B67 2008
Africans in America : America's journey through slavery Johnson, Charles (Charles Richard), 1948- GENERAL E 441 .J65 1999
Embodying American slavery in contemporary culture Woolfork, Lisa, 1970- GENERAL E 441 .W89 2009
The Classic slave narratives GENERAL E 444 .C63 1987
Incidents in the life of a slave girl : written by herself Jacobs, Harriet A. (Harriet Ann), 1813-1897. GENERAL E 444 .J17 A3 1987
Harriet Tubman, the Moses of her people Bradford, Sarah H. (Sarah Hopkins), b. 1818. GENERAL E 444 .T82 B73 1993
Prince among slaves Alford, Terry. GENERAL E 444.I25 .A78 2007
Black odyssey : the case of the slave ship Amistad Cable, Mary. GENERAL E 447 .C24 1977
Slave insurrections in the United States, 1800-1865 Carroll, Joseph Cephas. GENERAL E 447 .C27 1968
The Abolitionist sisterhood : women's political culture in Antebellum America GENERAL E 449 .A155 1994
An appeal in favor of that class of Americans called Africans Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. GENERAL E 449 .C532 1996
My bondage and my freedom Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895. GENERAL E 449 .D738 2003
Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave Douglass, Frederick, 1817?-1895. GENERAL E 449 .D749 1993
The Oxford Frederick Douglass reader Douglass, Frederick, 1817?-1895. GENERAL E 449 .D749 1996
The Grimké sisters from South Carolina : pioneers for woman's [sic] rights and abolition Lerner, Gerda, 1920- GENERAL E 449 .G865 L47 1998
New worlds for all : Indians, Europeans, and the remaking of early America Calloway, Colin G. (Colin Gordon), 1953- GENERAL E 45 .C34 1997
Precious dust : the American gold rush era, 1848-1900 Marks, Paula Mitchell, 1951- GENERAL E 45 .M27 1994
North American exploration GENERAL E 45 .N67 1997 V. 1
North American exploration GENERAL E 45 .N67 1997 V.2
North American exploration GENERAL E 45 .N67 1997 V.3
The slave catchers; enforcement of the Fugitive slave law, 1850-1860 Campbell, Stanley W. GENERAL E 450 .C43 1970
John Brown : the legend revisited Peterson, Merrill D. GENERAL E 451 .B8786 P47 2002
Abraham Lincoln : great American historians on our sixteenth president GENERAL E 457.2 .A1445 2008
Lincoln and the Negro. Quarles, Benjamin. GENERAL E 457.2 .Q3 1962
Lincoln and Douglas : the debates that defined America Guelzo, Allen C. GENERAL E 457.4 .G84 2008
Team of rivals : the political genius of Abraham Lincoln Goodwin, Doris Kearns. GENERAL E 457.45 .G66 2005
Lincoln's avengers : justice, revenge, and reunion after the Civil War Leonard, Elizabeth D. GENERAL E 457.5 .L46 2004
Colonial wars of North America, 1512-1763 : an encyclopedia GENERAL E 46.5 .C65 1996
Jefferson Davis and the Civil War era Cooper, William J., Jr. (William James), 1940- GENERAL E 467.1 .D26 C663 2008
Stonewall Jackson : the man, the soldier, the legend Robertson, James I. GENERAL E 467.1 .J15 R63 1997
Memoirs of General William T. Sherman. Sherman, William Tecumseh, 1820-1891. [from old catalog] GENERAL E 467.1 .S55 S52 2000
The Civil War in America. Barker, William Alan GENERAL E 468 .B29 1961A
The Civil War day by day; an almanac, 1861-1865 Long, Everette B., 1919- GENERAL E 468.3 .L6 1973
Touched by fire : a National Historical Society photographic portrait of the Civil War : in association with Civil War Times GENERAL E 468.7 .T68 1997
The Civil War : an illustrated history Ward, Geoffrey C. GENERAL E 468.7 .W26 1990
Ken Burns's The Civil War : historians respond GENERAL E 468.9 .K46 1996
Battle cry of freedom : the Civil War era McPherson, James M. GENERAL E 470 .M46 1988
Gettysburg Bicheno, Hugh. GENERAL E 475.53 .B54 2001
Hallowed ground : a walk at Gettysburg McPherson, James M. GENERAL E 475.56 .M43 2003
Recollections and letters of General Robert E. Lee Lee, Robert E GENERAL E 476.4 .L4 1924
Mary Chesnut's Civil War Chesnut, Mary Boykin Miller, 1823-1886. GENERAL E 487 .C5 1981
Look away! : a history of the Confederate States of America Davis, William C., 1946- GENERAL E 487 .D278 2002
For cause and comrades : why men fought in the Civil War McPherson, James M. GENERAL E 492.3 .M38 1997
The major gods of ancient Yucatan Taube, Karl A. GENERAL E 51 .S85 1992
Twenty-eighth annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1906-1907. Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. GENERAL E 51 .U5 V.28 1912
Encyclopedia of American Indian contributions to the world : 15,000 years of inventions and innovations Keoke, Emory Dean. GENERAL E 54.5 .K46 2002
All roads are good : native voices on life and culture. GENERAL E 56 .A56 1994
The National Museum of the American Indian : critical conversations GENERAL E 56 .N36 2008
America in 1492 : the world of the Indian peoples before the arrival of Columbus GENERAL E 58 .A526 1993
America 1492 Lucena Salmoral, Manuel. GENERAL E 58 .L8913 1990
Art in shell of the ancient Americans Holmes, William Henry, 1846-1933. GENERAL E 59 .A7 H6 1883
Pictographs of the North American Indians : a preliminary paper Mallery, Garrick, 1831-1894. GENERAL E 59 .W9 M3 1886
Pre-Columbian art Alcina Franch, José. GENERAL E 59 .A7 A413 1983
The art and architecture of ancient America : the Mexican, Maya, and Andean peoples Kubler, George, 1912- GENERAL E 59 .A7 K8 1993
Pre-Columbian architecture. Robertson, Donald, 1919- GENERAL E 59 .A7 R6 1963
Archaeoastronomy in pre-Columbian America GENERAL E 59 .A8 A7
Native American dance : ceremonies and social traditions GENERAL E 59 .D35 N38 1992
Stolen continents : the Americas through Indian eyes since 1492 Wright, Ronald. GENERAL E 59 .F53 W75 1992
Indian givers : how the Indians of the Americas transformed the world Weatherford, J. McIver. GENERAL E 59 .I53 W43 1990
Yellow woman and a beauty of the spirit : essays on Native American life today Silko, Leslie, 1948- GENERAL E 59 .P45 S55 1996
Yellow woman and a beauty of the spirit : essays on Native American life today Silko, Leslie, 1948- GENERAL E 59 .P45 S55 1997
Native American religions : an introduction Carmody, Denise Lardner, 1935- GENERAL E 59 .R38 C37 1993
Native American religions : an introduction Carmody, Denise Lardner, 1935- GENERAL E 59 .R38 C37 1993
Pre-Columbian art Pasztory, Esther. GENERAL E 59.A7 P39 1998
A long and terrible shadow : white values, native rights in the Americas since 1492 Berger, Thomas R. GENERAL E 59.G6 B47 1999
Daily life in pre-columbian Native America Confer, Clarissa W., 1965- GENERAL E 61 .C74 2008
The first American : the suppressed story of the people who discovered the New World Hardaker, Christopher. GENERAL E 61 .H256 2007
Memoirs and selected letters : personal memoirs of U.S. Grant, selected letters 1839-1865 Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. GENERAL E 660 .G7562 1990
American progressivism : a reader GENERAL E 661 .A54325 2008
America in the gilded age : from the death of Lincoln to the rise of Theodore Roosevelt Cashman, Sean Dennis. GENERAL E 661 .C38 1994
The politics of war : the story of two wars which altered forever the political life of the American Republic (1890-1920) Karp, Walter. GENERAL E 661 .K22 1979
Rebirth of a nation : the making of modern America, 1877-1920 Lears, T. J. Jackson, 1947- GENERAL E 661 .L43 2009
Reclaiming the arid West : the career of Francis G. Newlands Rowley, William D. GENERAL E 664 .N4 R69 1996
Andrew Johnson : a biography Trefousse, Hans L. (Hans Louis), 1921-2010. GENERAL E 667 .T74 1989
Retreat from Reconstruction, 1869-1879 Gillette, William. GENERAL E 668 .G45 1979
Personal memoirs of U.S. Grant Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. GENERAL E 672 .A3 1996
Grant Chernow, Ron, author. GENERAL E 672 .C47 2017
Rutherford B. Hayes Trefousse, Hans Louis. GENERAL E 682 .T74 2002
Destiny of the republic : a tale of madness, medicine, and the murder of a president Millard, Candice. GENERAL E 687.9 .M55 2011
Chester Alan Arthur Karabell, Zachary. GENERAL E 692 .K37 2004
Grover Cleveland Graff, Henry F. (Henry Franklin), 1921- GENERAL E 697 .G73 2002
Benjamin Harrison Calhoun, Charles W. (Charles William), 1948- GENERAL E 702 .C35 2005
The President and the assassin : McKinley, terror, and empire at the dawn of the American century Miller, Scott, 1960- GENERAL E 711 .M45 2011
A ship to remember : the Maine and the Spanish-American War Blow, Michael. GENERAL E 715 .B56 1992
The Spanish War, an American epic--1898 O'Toole, G. J. A. (George J. A.), 1936- GENERAL E 715 .O76 1984
The Rough Riders Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. GENERAL E 725.45 .R64 2003
American dreams : one hundred years of business ideas and innovation from the Wall Street Journal GENERAL E 741 .A54 1990
The twentieth century, a people's history Zinn, Howard, 1922- GENERAL E 741 .Z55 1998
Liberalism and its challengers : from F.D.R. to Bush Hamby, Alonzo L. GENERAL E 743 .H237 1992
The age of reform; from Bryan to F. D. R. Hofstadter, Richard, 1916- GENERAL E 743 .H63 1969
Not without honor : the history of American anticommunism Powers, Richard Gid, 1944- GENERAL E 743.5 .P65 1995
Globalization and America since 1945 Brown, D. Clayton (Deward Clayton), 1941- GENERAL E 744 .B776 2003
American foreign policy since World War II Hook, Steven W., 1959- GENERAL E 744 .H646 2010
American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964 Manchester, William Raymond, 1922- GENERAL E 745 .M3 M27 1978
George C. Marshall : the rubrics of leadership Husted, Stewart W. GENERAL E 745 .M37 H87 2006
In the garden of beasts : love, terror, and an American family in Hitler's Berlin Larson, Erik. GENERAL E 748 .D6 L37 2011
Every man a king : the autobiography of Huey P. Long Long, Huey Pierce, 1893-1935. GENERAL E 748 .L86 A3 1996
Joseph McCarthy : reexamining the life and legacy of America's most hated senator Herman, Arthur, 1956- GENERAL E 748 .M143 H47 2000
Dear senator : a memoir by the daughter of Strom Thurmond Washington-Williams, Essie Mae, 1925- GENERAL E 748 .T58 W37 2005
The wilderness warrior : Theodore Roosevelt and the crusade for America Brinkley, Douglas. GENERAL E 757 .B856 2009
The big burn : Teddy Roosevelt and the fire that saved America Egan, Timothy. GENERAL E 757 .E325 2009
Theodore Roosevelt Pringle, Henry F. (Henry Fowles), 1897-1958. GENERAL E 757 .P75 1931
Encyclopedia of native tribes of North America Johnson, Michael, 1937 Apr. 22- GENERAL E 76.2 .J64 2007
How to teach about American Indians : a guide for the school library media specialist Harvey, Karen D. GENERAL E 76.6 .H364 1995
Native Americans today : resources and activities for educators, grades 4-8 Hirschfelder, Arlene B. GENERAL E 76.6 .H5 2000
Ready-to-use activities and materials on desert Indians : a complete sourcebook for teachers K-8 Newmann, Dana. GENERAL E 76.6 .N48 1995 V.1
Ready-to-use activities and materials on Woodlands Indians : a complete sourcebook for teachers K-8 Newmann, Dana. GENERAL E 76.6 .N48 1997
Natives and academics : researching and writing about American Indians GENERAL E 76.8 .N37 1998
The William Howard Taft presidency Gould, Lewis L. GENERAL E 761 .G68 2009
Four hats in the ring : the 1912 election and the birth of modern American politics Gould, Lewis L. GENERAL E 765 .G68 2008
Competing voices from native America Ball, Dewi Ioan. GENERAL E 77 .C743 2009
Encyclopedia of American Indian history GENERAL E 77 .E48 2008 V.1
Encyclopedia of American Indian history GENERAL E 77 .E48 2008 V.2
Encyclopedia of American Indian history GENERAL E 77 .E48 2008 V.3
Encyclopedia of American Indian history GENERAL E 77 .E48 2008 V.4
The extraordinary book of Native American lists Hirschfelder, Arlene B. GENERAL E 77 .H586 2012
Native Americans Hirschfelder, Arlene B. GENERAL E 77 .H588 2000
The golden age of American anthropology Mead, Margaret, 1901- ed. GENERAL E 77 .M48 1960
Native heritage : personal accounts by American Indians, 1790 to the present GENERAL E 77 .N355 1995
Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864. GENERAL E 77 .S37 1975
Atlas of the North American Indian Waldman, Carl, 1947- GENERAL E 77 .W195 2009
The Earth shall weep : a history of Native America Wilson, James, 1949- GENERAL E 77 .W54 1999
The American Indian : past and present GENERAL E 77.2 .A47 2008
Native American voices : a history and anthology GENERAL E 77.2 .N38 2000
In a sacred manner we live; photographs of the North American Indian. Curtis, Edward S., 1868-1952. GENERAL E 77.5 .C8 1972
Native Americans : 500 years after Farber, Joseph C., 1903- GENERAL E 77.5 .F37 1975
Ancient America : fifty archaeological sites to see for yourself Feder, Kenneth L., author. GENERAL E 77.9 .F43 2017
From the land of the totem poles : the Northwest Coast Indian art collection at the American Museum of Natural History American Museum of Natural History. GENERAL E 78 .N78 A45 1988
Breaking the ice : from land claims to tribal sovereignty in the arctic Zellen, Barry Scott, 1963- GENERAL E 78 .A3 Z45 2008
Fast cars and frybread : reports from the Rez Johnson, Gordon. GENERAL E 78 .C15 J57 2007
The forgotten artist : Indians of Anza-Borrego and their rock art Knaak, Manfred, 1942- GENERAL E 78 .C15 K58 1988
The current status of anthropological research in the Great Basin : 1964 University of Nevada System. Desert Research Institute. GENERAL E 78 .G67 C8
Weavers of tradition and beauty : basketmakers of the Great Basin Fulkerson, Mary Lee, 1936- GENERAL E 78 .G67 F85 1995
Ancient peoples of the Great Basin and the Colorado Plateau Simms, Steven R. GENERAL E 78 .G67 S54 2008
Ancient peoples of the Great Basin and the Colorado Plateau Simms, Steven R. GENERAL E 78 .G67 S54 2008
Encyclopedia of Nevada Indians. GENERAL E 78 .N4 E53 2000
Native visions : evolution in northwest coast art from the eighteenth through the twentieth century Brown, Steven C. GENERAL E 78 .N78 B76 1998
A world of faces : masks of the northwest coast Indians Malin, Edward. GENERAL E 78 .N78 M34 1978
Spirit faces : contemporary native American masks from the Northwest Wyatt, Gary, 1958- GENERAL E 78 .N78 W92 1995
Dwellers at the source : Southwestern Indian photographs of A.C. Vroman, 1895-1904 Vroman, A. C. (Adam Clark), 1856-1916. GENERAL E 78 .S7 V76 1987
Basin-plateau aboriginal sociopolitical groups Steward, Julian Haynes, 1902-1972. GENERAL E 78 .W5 S7
Illustrated catalog of the collections obtained from the Indians of New Mexico and Arizona in 1879 Stevenson, James, 1840-1888. GENERAL E 78.S7 S7 1883 OVE RSIZE D
The Great Depression : an eyewitness history Burg, David F. GENERAL E 806 .B9 1996
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940. Leuchtenburg, William Edward, 1922- GENERAL E 806 .L475 1963
The Great Depression : America, 1929-1941 McElvaine, Robert S., 1947- GENERAL E 806 .M43 1984
The forgotten man : a new history of the Great Depression Shlaes, Amity. GENERAL E 806 .S52 2007
Hard times : an oral history of the great depression Terkel, Studs, 1912-2008. GENERAL E 806 .T45 2000
Secret affairs : Franklin Roosevelt, Cordell Hull, and Sumner Welles Gellman, Irwin F. GENERAL E 807 .G44 1995
FDR Smith, Jean Edward. GENERAL E 807 .S58 2007
Casting her own shadow : Eleanor Roosevelt and the shaping of Postwar liberalism Black, Allida M. (Allida Mae), 1952- GENERAL E 807.1 .R48 B53 1996
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee; an Indian history of the American West Brown, Dee Alexander. GENERAL E 81 .B75
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee : an Indian history of the American West Brown, Dee Alexander. GENERAL E 81 .B75 1991
Harry S. Truman Dallek, Robert. GENERAL E 814 .D25 2008
The Creek War of 1813 and 1815 [i.e. 1814] Halbert, Henry S. (Henry Sale), 1837-1916. GENERAL E 83.813 .H15 1995
The Dakota War : the United States Army versus the Sioux, 1862-1865 Clodfelter, Micheal, 1946- GENERAL E 83.86 .C56 1998
The earth is weeping : the epic story of the Indian wars for the American West Cozzens, Peter, 1957- author. GENERAL E 83.866 .C69 2016
Campaigning with Crook, and stories of army life. King, Charles, 1844-1933. GENERAL E 83.866 .K552 1966
Frontier regulars; the United States Army and the Indian, 1866-1891 Utley, Robert Marshall, 1929- GENERAL E 83.866 .U87 1974
The name of war : King Philip's War and the origins of American identity Lepore, Jill, 1966- GENERAL E 83.867 .L46 1998
Custer's last stand : the anatomy of an American myth Dippie, Brian W. GENERAL E 83.876 .C983 D56 1994
Lakota recollections of the Custer fight : new sources of Indian-military history GENERAL E 83.876 .L27 1997
Lakota noon : the Indian narrative of Custer's defeat Michno, Gregory, 1948- GENERAL E 83.876 .M5 1997
Custer's fall : the Native American side of the story Miller, David Humphreys. GENERAL E 83.876 .M6 1992
All the best, George Bush : my life in letters and other writings Bush, George, 1924- GENERAL E 838.5 .B872 1999
Reagan, in his own hand : the writings of Ronald Reagan that reveal his revolutionary vision for America Reagan, Ronald. GENERAL E 838.5 .R432 2001
Fault lines : a history of the United States since 1974 Kruse, Kevin Michael, 1972- author. GENERAL E 839 .K78 2019
The unwinding : an inner history of the new America Packer, George, 1960- GENERAL E 839 .P28 2013
What a long strange trip it's been : a hippy's history of the Sixties & beyond Sanders, Lewis. GENERAL E 839 .S22 1989
Ever wonder why? and other controversial essays Sowell, Thomas, 1930- GENERAL E 839.5 .S636 2006
Songs of the doomed : more notes on the death of the American dream Thompson, Hunter S. GENERAL E 839.5 .T47 2002
What's the matter with white people? : finding our way in the next America Walsh, Joan, 1958- GENERAL E 839.5 .W34 2013
Foreign policy for America in the twenty-first century : alternative perspectives GENERAL E 840 .F677 2001
The President and his inner circle : leadership style and the advisory process in foreign affairs Preston, Thomas, 1963- GENERAL E 840 .P74 2001
My American journey Powell, Colin L. GENERAL E 840.5 .P68 A3 1995
Madam Secretary Albright, Madeleine Korbel. GENERAL E 840.8 .A37 A3 2003
Senator Howard Cannon of Nevada : a biography Vernetti, Michael, 1945- GENERAL E 840.8 .C36 V47 2008
A common struggle : a personal journey through the past and future of mental illness and addiction Kennedy, Patrick J. (Patrick Joseph), 1967- GENERAL E 840.8 .K358 A3 2015
Walking with the wind : a memoir of the movement Lewis, John, 1940 Feb. 21- GENERAL E 840.8 .L43 A3 1999
March : book two Lewis, John. GENERAL E 840.8 .L43 A3 2013 V.2
March. Book one Lewis, John, 1940 February 21- author. GENERAL E 840.8 .L43 A3 2013 V.1
March. Book three Lewis, John, 1940 February 21- author. GENERAL E 840.8 .L43 A3 2016
The fog of war GENERAL E 840.8 .M46 F395 2004
The good fight : hard lessons from Searchlight to Washington Reid, Harry, 1939- GENERAL E 840.8 .R447 A3 2008
A different god? : Mitt Romney, the religious right, and the Mormon question Foster, Craig L. GENERAL E 840.8 .R598 F67 2008
Our revolution : a future to believe in Sanders, Bernard, author. GENERAL E 840.8 .S26 A3 2016
With distance in his eyes : the environmental life and legacy of Stewart Udall Einberger, Scott, author. GENERAL E 840.8 .U34 E46 2018
Barbara F. Vucanovich : from Nevada to Congress, and back again Vucanovich, Barbara F., 1921- GENERAL E 840.8 .V83 A3 2005
An easy burden : the civil rights movement and the transformation of America Young, Andrew, 1932- GENERAL E 840.8 .Y64 A3 2008
Boom! : voices of the sixties : personal reflections on the '60s and today Brokaw, Tom. GENERAL E 841 .B738 2007
One minute to midnight : Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the brink of nuclear war Dobbs, Michael, 1950- GENERAL E 841 .D573 2008
One hell of a gamble : Khrushchev, Castro, and Kennedy, 1958-1964 Fursenko, A. A. GENERAL E 841 .F86 1997
The best and the brightest. Halberstam, David. GENERAL E 841 .H25
The Cuban missile crisis White, Mark J. GENERAL E 841 .W48 1996
Reclaiming history : the assassination of President John F. Kennedy Bugliosi, Vincent. GENERAL E 842.9 .B84 2007
Reclaiming history : the assassination of President John F. Kennedy Bugliosi, Vincent. GENERAL E 842.9 .B84 2007 CD
Landslide : LBJ and Ronald Reagan at the dawn of a new America Darman, Jonathan. GENERAL E 846 .D37 2014
1969 : the year everything changed Kirkpatrick, Rob. GENERAL E 846 .K54 2009
The years of Lyndon Johnson Caro, Robert A. GENERAL E 847 .C34 1992 V.1
The years of Lyndon Johnson Caro, Robert A. GENERAL E 847 .C34 1992 V.2
The years of Lyndon Johnson Caro, Robert A. GENERAL E 847 .C34 1992 V.3
1968 with Tom Brokaw GENERAL E 847.2 .N56 2008
Captured by the Indians : 15 firsthand accounts, 1750-1870 GENERAL E 85 .C274 1985
The last campaign : Robert F. Kennedy and 82 days that inspired America Clarke, Thurston. GENERAL E 851 .C63 2008
The great shark hunt : strange tales from a strange time Thompson, Hunter S. GENERAL E 855 .T49 2003
Abuse of power : the new Nixon tapes GENERAL E 860 .A26 1997
Submission of recorded Presidential conversations to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913- GENERAL E 860 .N58 1974
Generation of swine : tales of shame and degradation in the '80s Thompson, Hunter S. GENERAL E 876 .T48 1988
Reagan : an American story Bosch, Adriana. GENERAL E 877 .B68 1998
Tear down this wall : a city, a president, and the speech that ended the Cold War Ratnesar, Romesh. GENERAL E 877.2 .R38 2009
Lies (and the lying liars who tell them) : a fair and balanced look at the right Franken, Al. GENERAL E 885 .F73 2003
Because he could Morris, Dick. GENERAL E 886 .M67 2004
Crazy Horse and Chief Red Cloud : warrior chiefs-- Teton Oglalas McGaa, Ed. GENERAL E 89 .M25 2005
Native American autobiography : an anthology GENERAL E 89 .N37 1994
What we say goes : conversations on U.S. power in a changing world : interviews with David Barsamian Chomsky, Noam. GENERAL E 895 .C46 2007
To see ourselves as others see us : how publics abroad view the United States after 9/11 Holsti, Ole R. GENERAL E 895 .H65 2008
The American future : a history Schama, Simon. GENERAL E 895 .S32 2009
The WikiLeaks Files : the World According to US Empire GENERAL E 895 .W55 2015
Willie Boy, a desert manhunt. Lawton, Harry W., 1927- GENERAL E 90 .W73 L3 1960
Barack Obama, the new face of American politics Dupuis, Martin, 1961- GENERAL E 901.1 .O23 D87 2008
An American story : the speeches of Barack Obama : a primer Obama, Barack. GENERAL E 901.1 .O23 O45 2008
Barack Obama : this improbable quest Wilson, John K., 1969- GENERAL E 901.1 .O23 W56 2008
An American son : a memoir Rubio, Marco, 1971- GENERAL E 901.1 .R83 A3 2012
From superpower to besieged global power : restoring world order after the failure of the Bush doctrine GENERAL E 902 .F77 2008
Controversies of the George W. Bush presidency : pro and con documents Lind, Nancy S., 1958- GENERAL E 902 .L557 2007
The greatest story ever sold : the decline and fall of truth from 9/11 to Katrina Rich, Frank. GENERAL E 902 .R53 2006
The bubble of American supremacy : correcting the misuse of American power Soros, George. GENERAL E 902 .S67 2004
The promise : President Obama, year one Alter, Jonathan. GENERAL E 907 .A45 2010
Becoming Obama, Michelle, 1964- author. GENERAL E 909 .O24 A3 2018b
A little matter of genocide : holocaust and denial in the Americas, 1492 to the present Churchill, Ward. GENERAL E 91 .C47 1997
Trumpocracy : the corruption of the American republic Frum, David, 1960- author GENERAL E 912 .F78 2018
The fifth risk Lewis, Michael (Michael M.), author. GENERAL E 912 .L48 2018
Fire and fury : inside the Trump White House Wolff, Michael, 1953- author. GENERAL E 913 .W65 2018
American Indians/American presidents : a history GENERAL E 93 .A458 2009
The Unquiet Grave : the FBI and the Struggle for the Soul of Indian Country Hendricks, Steve (Stephen Bain Bicknell) GENERAL E 93 .H46 2007
The new Trail of Tears : how Washington is destroying American Indians Riley, Naomi Schaefer, author. GENERAL E 93 .R55 2016
Tiller's guide to Indian country : economic profiles of American Indian reservations Tiller, Veronica E. Velarde. GENERAL E 93 .T55 2005
Native American higher education in the United States Carney, Cary Michael. GENERAL E 97 .C34 1999
White man's club : schools, race, and the struggle of Indian acculturation Fear-Segal, Jacqueline. GENERAL E 97 .F43 2007
American Indian education : counternarratives in racism, struggle, and the law Fletcher, Matthew L. M. GENERAL E 97 .F55 2008
Indigenous education and empowerment : international perspectives GENERAL E 97 .I47 2006
To remain an Indian : lessons in democracy from a century of Native American education Lomawaima, K. Tsianina, 1955- GENERAL E 97 .L66 2006
A call to action : an introduction to education, philosophy, and native North America Malott, Curry, 1972- GENERAL E 97 .M34 2008
Teaching Native America across the curriculum : a critical inquiry Malott, Curry Stephenson. GENERAL E 97 .M343 2009
Teaching American Indian students GENERAL E 97 .T37 1994
Native Americans in the school system : family, community, and academic achievement Ward, Carol Jane, 1951- GENERAL E 97 .W27 2005
Native Americans in the school system : family, community, and academic achievement Ward, Carol Jane, 1951- GENERAL E 97 .W27 2005
First person, first peoples : native American college graduates tell their life stories GENERAL E 97.65 .N4 F57 1997
Art of the American Indian frontier : the Chandler-Pohrt Collection Penney, David W. GENERAL E 98 .A7 A77 1992
The Arts of the North American Indian : native traditions in evolution GENERAL E 98 .A7 A78 1986
North American Indian art Furst, Peter T. GENERAL E 98 .A7 F87 1982
Living the sky : the cosmos of the American Indian Williamson, Ray A., 1938- GENERAL E 98 .A88 W55
The land has memory : indigenous knowledge, native landscapes, and the National Museum of the American Indian GENERAL E 98 .B7 L36 2008
Criminal justice in Native America GENERAL E 98 .C87 C75 2009
Everything you know about Indians is wrong Smith, Paul Chaat. GENERAL E 98 .C89 S64 2009
Indian work : language and livelihood in Native American history Usner, Daniel H. GENERAL E 98 .E2 U85 2009
Racism in Indian country Chavers, Dean. GENERAL E 98 .E85 C53 2009
American Indian trickster tales Erdoes, Richard. GENERAL E 98 .F6 A48 1999
Red earth, white lies : Native Americans and the myth of scientific fact Deloria, Vine. GENERAL E 98 .F6 D35 1995
Native American folktales GENERAL E 98 .F6 N382 2009
North American Indian jewelry and adornment : from prehistory to the present Dubin, Lois Sherr. GENERAL E 98 .J48 D83 1999
Unearthing Indian land : living with the legacies of allotment Ruppel, Kristin T. GENERAL E 98 .L3 R87 2008
How it is : the Native American philosophy of V.F. Cordova Cordova, V. F. (Viola Faye) GENERAL E 98 .P5 C67 2007
Pow wow trail GENERAL E 98 .P86 P692 2004 Pt. 2
Pow wow trail GENERAL E 98 .P86 P692 2004 Pt. 3
Pow wow trail GENERAL E 98 .P86 P692 2004 Pt. 6
Native North American religious traditions : dancing for life Paper, Jordan D. GENERAL E 98 .R3 P227 2007
Religion in native North America GENERAL E 98 .R3 R44 1990
Native Americans and the Christian right : the gendered politics of unlikely alliances Smith, Andrea, 1966- GENERAL E 98 .R3 S54 2008
Myths and legends of the North American Indians Spence, Lewis, 1874-1955. GENERAL E 98 .R3 S7 1910
Indian signals and sign language Fronval, George. GENERAL E 98 .S5 F7613 1985
American Indian nations : yesterday, today, and tomorrow GENERAL E 98 .S67 A43 2007
Defending mother earth : Native American perspectives on environmental justice GENERAL E 98 .S67 D44 1996
The Praeger handbook on contemporary issues in Native America Johansen, Bruce E. (Bruce Elliott), 1950- GENERAL E 98 .S67 J65 2007 V.1
The Praeger handbook on contemporary issues in Native America Johansen, Bruce E. (Bruce Elliott), 1950- GENERAL E 98 .S67 J65 2007 V.2
American Indians in a modern world Fixico, Donald Lee, 1951- GENERAL E 98 .S7 F59 2008
The nations within : the past and future of American Indian sovereignty Deloria, Vine. GENERAL E 98 .T77 D44 1998
Rebuilding Native nations : strategies for governance and development GENERAL E 98 .T77 R43 2007
Sharing our stories of survival : native women surviving violence GENERAL E 98 .W8 S43 2008
Wise women : from Pocahontas to Sarah Winnemucca, remarkable stories of Native American trailblazers GENERAL E 98 .W8 W57 2009
Native American identities : from stereotype to archetype in art and literature Vickers, Scott B., 1947- GENERAL E 98.E 85 V53 1998
Ceremonial costumes of the Pueblo Indians, their evolution, fabrication, and significance in the prayer drama Roediger, Virginia More. GENERAL E 99 .P9 R6 1941
The Algonquian peoples of Long Island from earliest times to 1700 Strong, John A. GENERAL E 99 .A35 S76 1997
Geronimo : the man, his time, his place Debo, Angie, 1890- GENERAL E 99 .A6 G324 1986
Apaches : a history and culture portrait Haley, James L. GENERAL E 99 .A6 H24 1997
Spotted Tail's folk; a history of the Brulé Sioux. Hyde, George E., 1882- GENERAL E 99 .B8 H9 1974
Trail of tears : the rise and fall of the Cherokee nation Ehle, John, 1925- GENERAL E 99 .C5 E55 1988
Night Flying Woman : an Ojibway narrative Broker, Ignatia. GENERAL E 99 .C6 B79 1983
The Manitous : the spiritual world of the Ojibway Johnston, Basil. GENERAL E 99 .C6 J636 2001
How Choctaws invented civilization and why Choctaws will conquer the world Birchfield, D. L., 1948- GENERAL E 99 .C8 B44 2007
The Chumash world at European contact : power, trade, and feasting among complex hunter-gatherers Gamble, Lynn H. GENERAL E 99 .C815 G36 2011
The rock paintings of the Chumash; a study of a California Indian culture. Grant, Campbell, 1909- GENERAL E 99 .C815 G7 1965
Old man coyote (Crow) Linderman, Frank Bird, 1869-1938. GENERAL E 99 .C92 L6 1996
Two Leggings : the making of a Crow warrior Two Leggings, ca. 1847-1923. GENERAL E 99 .C92 T85 1982
The Lakota ritual of the sweat lodge : history and contemporary practice Bucko, Raymond A., 1954- GENERAL E 99 .D1 B88 1998
Lakota woman Mary Crow Dog. GENERAL E 99 .D1 M425 1990
Before the great spirit : the many faces of Sioux spirituality Rice, Julian, 1940- GENERAL E 99 .D1 R416 1998
Seasons of the Eskimo: a vanishing way of life. Bruemmer, Fred. GENERAL E 99 .E7 B78
Book of the Eskimos. Freuchen, Peter, 1886-1957. GENERAL E 99 .E7 F7 1961
Inuit art : an introduction Hessel, Ingo. GENERAL E 99 .E7 H493 1998
I am the Grand Canyon : the story of the Havasupai people Hirst, Stephen, 1939- GENERAL E 99 .H3 H56 2006
Native Americans in comic books : a critical study Sheyahshe, Michael A., 1975- GENERAL E 99 .H77 S54 2008
The way to rainy mountain Momaday, N. Scott, 1934- GENERAL E 99 .K5 M64 1969
Pestilence and persistence : Yosemite Indian demography and culture in colonial California Hull, Kathleen L. (Kathleen Louann), 1959- GENERAL E 99 .M69 H85 2009
The dawn of the world : myths and tales of the Miwok Indians of California Merriam, C. Hart (Clinton Hart), 1855-1942. GENERAL E 99 .M69 M5 1993
White enough to be American? : race mixing, indigenous people, and the boundaries of state and nation Basson, Lauren L. GENERAL E 99 .M693 B37 2008
Navajo textiles : the William Randolph Hearst Collection Blomberg, Nancy J., 1946- GENERAL E 99 .N3 B56 1988
Broken rainbow GENERAL E 99 .N3 B765 2006
Living through the generations : continuity and change in Navajo women's lives McCloskey, Joanne. GENERAL E 99 .N3 D555 2007
The song of the loom : new traditions in Navajo weaving Dockstader, Frederick J. GENERAL E 99 .N3 D56 1987
Spider woman : a story of Navajo weavers and chanters Reichard, Gladys Amanda, 1893-1955. GENERAL E 99 .N3 R4 1997
Hear me, my chiefs! McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil. GENERAL E 99 .N5 M3 1952
Selling your father's bones : America's 140-year war against the Nez Perce Tribe Schofield, Brian. GENERAL E 99 .N5 S347 2009
Black Elk speaks : being the life story of a holy man of the Oglala Sioux Black Elk, 1863-1950. GENERAL E 99 .O3 B49 1988
The sacred pipe : Black Elk's account of the seven rites of the Oglala Sioux Black Elk, 1863-1950. GENERAL E 99 .O3 B5 1967
The Sixth Grandfather : Black Elk's teachings given to John G. Neihardt Neihardt, John Gneisenau, 1881-1973. GENERAL E 99 .O3 B536 1984
Crazy Horse McMurtry, Larry. GENERAL E 99 .O3 C7426 1999
Red Cloud's folk : a history of the Oglala Sioux Indians Hyde, George E. GENERAL E 99 .O3 H9 1937
Mother Earth spirituality : native American paths to healing ourselves and our world McGaa, Ed. GENERAL E 99 .O3 M34 1990
Native wisdom : perceptions of the natural way McGaa, Ed. GENERAL E 99 .O3 M35 1995
Where white men fear to tread : the autobiography of Russell Means Means, Russell, 1939- GENERAL E 99 .O3 M386 1995
Lakota belief and ritual Walker, J. R. (James R.), b. 1849. GENERAL E 99 .O3 W17 1991
Sarah Winnemucca Zanjani, Sally Springmeyer, 1937- GENERAL E 99 .P2 H699 2001
Sarah Winnemucca Zanjani, Sally Springmeyer, 1937- GENERAL E 99 .P2 H699 2001
As long as the river shall run : an ethnohistory of Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation Knack, Martha C. GENERAL E 99 .P2 K587 1999
People of the marsh GENERAL E 99 .P2 P46 2005
Survival arts of the primitive Paiutes Wheat, Margaret M. GENERAL E 99 .P2 W46 1967
Wovoka and the Ghost Dance Hittman, Michael. GENERAL E 99 .P2 W617 1997
The Pawnee ghost dance hand game : ghost dance revival and ethnic identity Lesser, Alexander, 1902- GENERAL E 99 .P3 L47 1996
Pueblo pottery families : Acoma, Cochiti, Hopi, Isleta, Jemez, Laguna, Nambe, Picuris, Pojoaque, San Ildefonso, San Juan, Santa Clara, Santo Domingo, Taos, Tesuque, Zia, Zuni Peaster, Lillian. GENERAL E 99 .P6 P35 2008
Powhatan's world and Colonial Virginia : a conflict of cultures Gleach, Frederic W. (Frederic Wright), 1960- GENERAL E 99 .P85 G54 1997
Anasazi : ancient people of the rock Muench, David. GENERAL E 99 .P9 M9 1974
In search of the old ones : exploring the Anasazi world of the Southwest Roberts, David, 1943- GENERAL E 99 .P9 R537 1996
Pueblo nations : eight centuries of Pueblo Indian history Sando, Joe S., 1923- GENERAL E 99 .P9 S186 1991
Passing it on : voices from the Flathead Indian Reservation GENERAL E 99 .S2 P36 2008
Born of fire : the life and pottery of Margaret Tafoya King, Charles S. GENERAL E 99 .T35 T345 2008
Being and place among the Tlingit Thornton, Thomas F. GENERAL E 99 .T6 T55 2008
Killing th White man's Indian : the reinvention of Native Americans at the end of the 20th century Bordewich, Fergus M. GENERAL E 99 .T77 B67 1996
Schooling at-risk Native American children : a journey from reservation Head Start to public school kindergarten Clay, Cheryl D., 1947- GENERAL E 99 .U8 C53 1998
A contribution to Washo archeology Elston, Robert G. GENERAL E 99 .W38 E38
The Lakota way : stories and lessons for living Marshall, Joseph, 1945- GENERAL E 99.T34 M37 2001
A walk in the woods : rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail Bryson, Bill. GENERAL F 106 .B92 2007
Writing the West Coast : in love with place GENERAL F 1089 .Q3 W75 2008
Paddlenorth : adventure, resilience, and renewal in the arctic wild Kingsley, Jennifer, author. GENERAL F 1100 .B33 K56 2014
The horizontal Everest : extreme journeys on Ellesmere Island Kobalenko, Jerry. GENERAL F 1144 .E44 K63 2002
The life and times of Mexico Shorris, Earl, 1936- GENERAL F 1210 .S543 2004
The Aztecs, Maya, and their predecessors : archaeology of Mesoamerica Weaver, Muriel Porter. GENERAL F 1219 .W42 1993
Art, ideology, and the city of Teotihuacan : a symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 8th and 9th October 1988 GENERAL F 1219.1 .T27 A73 1992
The art of Mesoamerica : from Olmec to Aztec Miller, Mary Ellen. GENERAL F 1219.3 .A7 M55 1996
Prehispanic Mexican art GENERAL F 1219.3 .A7 P7313 1972
Mask arts of Mexico Lechuga, Ruth D. GENERAL F 1219.3 .M4 L45 1995
Mexico : from the Olmecs to the Aztecs Coe, Michael D. GENERAL F 1219.7 .C63 1994
The Aztec world GENERAL F 1219.73 .A98 2008
The Aztecs : with 143 illustrations Townsend, Richard F. GENERAL F 1219.73 .T68 1998
Aztec art Pasztory, Esther. GENERAL F 1219.76 .A78 P37 1983 OVERSIZED
Olmec art of ancient Mexico GENERAL F 1219.8 .O56 O46 1996 OVERSIZED
Fire and blood : a history of Mexico Fehrenbach, T. R. GENERAL F 1226 .F43 1995
A brief history of Mexico Foster, Lynn V. GENERAL F 1226 .F 67 1997
The states of Mexico : a reference guide to history and culture Standish, Peter. GENERAL F 1228.9 .S73 2009
Mexico : a global studies handbook Huck, James D. (James Douglas), 1968- GENERAL F 1229 .H83 2008
The discovery and conquest of Mexico, 1517-1521 Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 1496-1584. GENERAL F 1230 .D56513 1996
Constructing culture and power in Latin America GENERAL F 1414 .C845 1993
Afro-Latin America, 1800-2000 Andrews, George Reid, 1951- GENERAL F 1419 .N4 A63 2004
The Maya Coe, Michael D. GENERAL F 1435 .C72 1999
Maya GENERAL F 1435 .M393 1998 OVERSIZED
The Origins of Maya civilization GENERAL F 1435 .O75 1977
The ancient Maya Morley, Sylvanus Griswold, 1883-1948. GENERAL F 1435 .S53 1994
The code of kings : the language of seven sacred Maya temples and tombs Schele, Linda. GENERAL F 1435.3 .A6 S34 1998
Blood of Kings : Dynasty and Ritual in Maya Art Schele, Linda. GENERAL F 1435.3 .A7 S34 1992
Art of the Maya : from the Olmecs to the Toltec-Maya Stierlin, Henri. GENERAL F 1435.3 .A7 S813 1981
A forest of kings : the untold story of the ancient Maya Schele, Linda. GENERAL F 1435.3 .K55 S34 1992
The art of the Maya scribe Coe, Michael D. GENERAL F 1435.3 .W75 C62 1998
Mexico: pre-Hispanic paintings. Unesco GENERAL F 1435.3. A7 U5 1958
A school for others : the history of the Belize High School of Agriculture : a memoir LeBard, George. GENERAL F 1448 .L2 2010
Popol vuh : the Mayan book of the dawn of life GENERAL F 1465 .P813 1996
Paradise in ashes : a Guatemalan journey of courage, terror, and hope Manz, Beatriz, 1944- GENERAL F 1465.2 .Q5 M36 2004
Rigoberta Menchú and the story of all poor Guatemalans Stoll, David, 1952- GENERAL F 1465.2 .Q5 M3885 2008
Salvador Didion, Joan. GENERAL F 1488.3 .D53 1983
The real Contra War : highlander peasant resistance in Nicaragua Brown, Timothy C. (Timothy Charles), 1938- GENERAL F 1528 .F7785 2001
When the AK-47s fall silent : revolutionaries, guerrillas, and the dangers of peace GENERAL F 1528 .W496 2000
Costa Rica : a global studies handbook Mitchell, Margaret T. (Margaret Tyler), 1967- GENERAL F 1543.5 .M58 2008
Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War Guevara, Ernesto, 1928-1967. GENERAL F 1787.5 .G8253 2006
Dateline Havana : the real story of U.S. policy and the future of Cuba Erlich, Reese W., 1947- GENERAL F 1788 .E69 2009
Cuba : a global studies handbook Henken, Ted. GENERAL F 1788 .H38 2008
The Cuban Revolution : past, present and future perspectives Lievesley, Geraldine. GENERAL F 1788 .L537 2004
Cuba : what everyone needs to know Sweig, Julia. GENERAL F 1788 .S955 2009
Cuban revolution reader : a documentary history of Fidel Castro's revolution GENERAL F 1788.2 .R47913 2008
The other Wes Moore : the story of one name and two fates Moore, Wes, 1978- GENERAL F 189 .B153 M66 2010
The travels of William Bartram Bartram, William, 1739-1823. GENERAL F 213 .B2893 1998
The republic of pirates : being the true and surprising story of the Caribbean pirates and the man who brought them down Woodard, Colin, 1968- GENERAL F 2161 .W56 2007
The Andes : a cultural history Wilson, Jason, 1944- GENERAL F 2212 .W557 2009
Bolívar : American liberator Arana, Marie. GENERAL F 2235.3 .A876 2013
Notes on the State of Virginia Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. GENERAL F 230 .J5102 1995
Hugo Chávez : oil, politics and the challenge to the United States Kozloff, Nikolas. GENERAL F 2328.52 .C48 K69 2006
Venezuela speaks! : voices from the grassroots Martinez, Carlos, journalist. GENERAL F 2329.22 .C54 M364 2010
Threat closer to home : Hugo Chavez and the war against America Schoen, Douglas E., 1953- GENERAL F 2329.22 .C54 S36 2009
Do, die, or get along : a tale of two Appalachian towns Crow, Peter, 1942- GENERAL F 234 .S15 C76 2007
Brazil : a global studies handbook Edwards, Todd L. GENERAL F 2509.5 .E39 2008
Brazil : five centuries of change Skidmore, Thomas E. GENERAL F 2521 .S54 2010
Lula of Brazil : the story so far Bourne, Richard, 1940- GENERAL F 2538.5 .L5 B68 2008
The lost city of Z : a tale of deadly obsession in the Amazon Grann, David. GENERAL F 2546 .G747 2010
Tree of rivers : the story of the Amazon Hemming, John, 1935- GENERAL F 2546 .H46 2008
Running the Amazon Kane, Joe. GENERAL F 2546 .K19 1989
Blood done sign my name : a true story Tyson, Timothy B. GENERAL F 264 .O95 T97 2004
The Maine woods : a fully annotated edition Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862. GENERAL F 27 .P5 T43 2009
The Franco-Perón alliance : relations between Spain and Argentina, 1946-1955 Rein, Raanan, 1960- GENERAL F 2833.5 .S7 R43 1993
Che : the diaries of Ernesto Che Guevara Guevara, Ernesto, 1928-1967. GENERAL F 2849.22 .G85 A3 2009
Che Guevara : a revolutionary life Anderson, Jon Lee. GENERAL F 2849.22 .G85 A68 1997
Compañero : the life and death of Che Guevara Castañeda, Jorge G., 1953- GENERAL F 2849.22 .G85 C27 1997
Young Che : memories of Che Guevara by his father Guevara Lynch, Ernesto, 1900- GENERAL F 2849.22 .G85 G8313 2008
Patagonia : a cultural history Moss, Chris, 1966- GENERAL F 2936 .M88 2008
Mischief in Patagonia. Tilman, Harold William, 1898- GENERAL F 2936 .T5
Midnight in the garden of good and evil : a Savannah story Berendt, John, 1939- GENERAL F 294 .S2 B48
The Gulf: the making of an American sea Davis, Jack E., 1956- author. GENERAL F 296 .D38 2018
Easter Island--a mystery solved Heyerdahl, Thor, 1914- GENERAL F 3169 .H4513 1989
Easter Island; a stone-age civilization of the Pacific. Métraux, Alfred, 1902- GENERAL F 3169 .M443
Blessed are the peacemakers : Martin Luther King, Jr., eight white religious leaders, and the Letter from Birmingham Jail Bass, S. Jonathan. GENERAL F 334 .B69 N415 2001
She would not be moved : how we tell the story of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott Kohl, Herbert R. GENERAL F 334 .M753 P375 2005
Daybreak of freedom : the Montgomery bus boycott GENERAL F 334 .M79 N39 1997
The Incas and their ancestors : the archaeology of Peru Moseley, Michael Edward. GENERAL F 3429 .M848 2001
Machu Picchu : exploring an ancient sacred center Reinhard, Johan. GENERAL F 3429.1 .M3 R44 2007
Chavin and the origins of Andean civilization Burger, Richard L. GENERAL F 3429.1.C48 B86 1992
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The Peru reader : history, culture, politics GENERAL F 3431 .P478 1995
Gone to Texas : a history of the Lone Star State Campbell, Randolph B., 1940- GENERAL F 386 .C268 2003
David Crockett in Congress : the rise and fall of the poor man's friend : with collected correspondence, selected speeches and circulars Boylston, James R., 1954- GENERAL F 436 .C95 B796 2009
Voices of the American West GENERAL F 590.5 .V65 2009
Losing Eden : an environmental history of the American West Dant, Sara, 1967- author. GENERAL F 591 .D258 2016
Savage dreams : a journey into the hidden wars of the American west Solnit, Rebecca, author. GENERAL F 591 .S6685 2014
The California trail : an epic with many heroes Stewart, George Rippey, 1895-1980. GENERAL F 591 .S83 1971
Lewis & Clark : the journey of the Corps of Discovery : an illustrated history Duncan, Dayton. GENERAL F 592 .D86 1997
Three western narratives Irving, Washington, 1783-1859. GENERAL F 592 .I74 2004
Jedediah Smith : no ordinary mountain man Barbour, Barton H., 1951- GENERAL F 592 .S649 B37 2009
A life wild and perilous : mountain men and the paths to the Pacific Utley, Robert Marshall, 1929- GENERAL F 592 .U87 1997
The journals of Lewis and Clark Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809. GENERAL F 592.4 1995
The journals of Lewis and Clark Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809. GENERAL F 592.4 1997
Lewis and Clark through Indian eyes GENERAL F 592.4 2006
Lewis & Clark and the Indian country : the Native American perspective GENERAL F 592.7 .L496 2007
Also called Sacajawea : Chief Woman's stolen identity Johnson, Thomas Hoevet, 1943- GENERAL F 592.7 .S123 J64 2008
The Lewis and Clark companion : an encyclopedic guide to the voyage of discovery Tubbs, Stephenie Ambrose. GENERAL F 592.7 .T83 2003
Overland : the California emigrant trail of 1841-1870 MacGregor, Greg. GENERAL F 593 .M254 1996
Hard road west : history & geology along the Gold Rush trail Meldahl, Keith Heyer. GENERAL F 593 .M479 2007
The perfect fence : untangling the meanings of barbed wire Bennett, Lyn Ellen, author. GENERAL F 594 .B464 2017
The American West : a modern history, 1900 to the present Etulain, Richard W. GENERAL F 595 .E88 2007
Eight women, two Model Ts, and the American West Wilke, Joanne. GENERAL F 595 .W695 2007
Eight women, two Model Ts, and the American West Wilke, Joanne. GENERAL F 595 .W695 2007
Brilliant waters : portraits of Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, and the High Sierra Carmel, Elizabeth. GENERAL F 595.3 .C37 2006
Lasso the wind : away to the New West Egan, Timothy. GENERAL F 595.3 .E43 1998
The anthropology of turquoise : reflections on desert, sea, stone, and sky Meloy, Ellen. GENERAL F 595.3 .M45 2003
The great cowboy strike : bullets, ballots & class conflicts in the American West Lause, Mark A., author. GENERAL F 596 .L42 2017
The Oregon Trail : a new American journey Buck, Rinker, 1950- author. GENERAL F 597 .B89 2015
Mayflower : a story of courage, community, and war Philbrick, Nathaniel. GENERAL F 68 .P44 2006
What's the matter with Kansas? : how conservatives won the heart of America Frank, Thomas, 1965- GENERAL F 686.2 .F73 2005
The mountainous west : explorations in historical geography GENERAL F 721 .M65 1995
Empire of shadows : the epic story of Yellowstone Black, George, 1949- GENERAL F 722 .B53 2012
Wonderlandscape : Yellowstone National Park and the evolution of an American cultural icon Clayton, John, 1964- author. GENERAL F 722 .C574 2017
Engineering Eden : the true story of a violent death, a trial, and the fight over controlling nature Smith, Jordan Fisher, author. GENERAL F 722 .S643 2016
This house of sky : landscapes of a Western mind Doig, Ivan. GENERAL F 737 .M4 D643 1980
Wasting Libby : the true story of how the WR Grace Corporation left a Montana town to die (and got away with it) Peacock, Andrea. GENERAL F 739 .L53 P43 2010
River of no return GENERAL F 752 .F68 R58 2012
Just like us : the true story of four Mexican girls coming of age in America Thorpe, Helen, 1965- GENERAL F 784 .D49 M58 2009
The old Santa Fe Trail Vestal, Stanley, 1887-1957. GENERAL F 786 .V562 1996
Dead in their tracks : crossing America's desert borderlands in the new era Annerino, John. GENERAL F 786 .A57 2009
Dust Bowl : the southern Plains in the 1930s Worster, Donald, 1941- GENERAL F 786 .W87 2004
The secret knowledge of water : discovering the essence of the American desert Childs, Craig Leland. GENERAL F 787 .C47 2000
Playa works : the myth of the empty Fox, William L., 1949- GENERAL F 787 .F695 2002
Playa works : the myth of the empty Fox, William L., 1949- GENERAL F 787 .F695 2002
Unreal city : Las Vegas, Black Mesa, and the fate of the West Nies, Judith, 1941- GENERAL F 787 .N54 2014
The romance of the Colorado River : the story of its discovery in 1540, with an account of the later explorations Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935, author. GENERAL F 788 .D37 1982
Down the great unknown : John Wesley Powell's 1869 journey of discovery and tragedy through the Grand Canyon Dolnick, Edward, 1952- GENERAL F 788 .D65 2002b
The Emerald Mile : the epic story of the fastest ride in history though the heart of the Grand Canyon Fedarko, Kevin. GENERAL F 788 .F43 2013
The Emerald Mile : the epic story of the fastest ride in history though the heart of the Grand Canyon Fedarko, Kevin. GENERAL F 788 .F43 2013
The man who walked through time. With photos taken en route by the author. Fletcher, Colin. GENERAL F 788 .F55 1967
The Grand Canyon reader GENERAL F 788 .G7555 2011
The Powell Expedition : new discoveries about John Wesley Powell's 1869 river journey Lago, Don, 1956- author. GENERAL F 788 .L3373 2018
Where the water goes : life and death along the Colorado River Owen, David, 1955- author. GENERAL F 788 .O84 2017
Down the Colorado; diary of the first trip through the Grand Canyon, 1869. Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902. GENERAL F 788 .P886 1969
Contested waters : an environmental history of the Colorado River Summitt, April R. GENERAL F 788 .S89 2013
Running dry : a journey from source to sea down the Colorado River Waterman, Jonathan. GENERAL F 788 .W28 2010
How to cuss in western : and other missives from the high desert Branch, Michael P., author. GENERAL F 789 .B725 2018
Raising wild : dispatches from a home in the wilderness Branch, Michael P., author. GENERAL F 789 .B73 2016
The void, the grid & the sign : traversing the Great Basin Fox, William L., 1949- GENERAL F 789 .F69 2000
Time and time again : history, rephotography, and preservation in the Chaco world Goin, Peter, 1951- GENERAL F 802 .C4 G54 2013
Massacre at Mountain Meadows : an American tradedy Walker, Ronald W. (Ronald Warren), 1939- GENERAL F 826 .W23 2008
Red : passion and patience in the desert Williams, Terry Tempest. GENERAL F 830 .W55 2002
Excavation of the Donner-Reed wagons : historic archaeology along the Hastings Cutoff Hawkins, Bruce R. GENERAL F 832 .G7 H38 1990
Ponderosa country : a scenic and historic guide to Reno and vicinity Paher, Stanley W. GENERAL F 832 .P32 1972
On Zion's mount : Mormons, Indians, and the American landscape Farmer, Jared, 1974- GENERAL F 832 .U8 F37 2010
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Uncovering Nevada's past : a primary source history of the Silver State GENERAL F 836 .U53 2004
Nevada heartland : the place names of Carson City, Douglas, Lyon and Storey counties, Nevada Ansari, Mary B., author. GENERAL F 839 .A57 2015
Nevada ghost towns Florin, Lambert. GENERAL F 839.3 .F4 1971
Roadside history of Nevada Moreno, Richard. GENERAL F 839.3 .M69 2000
Nevada Smith, Scott. GENERAL F 839.3 .N44 2018
Nevada, off the beaten path. GENERAL F 839.3 .R55 2007
The complete Nevada traveler : the affectionate and intimately detailed guidebook to the most interesting state in America Toll, David W. GENERAL F 839.3 .T64 2008
History of Nevada : with illustrations and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers. Angel, Myron. GENERAL F 841 .A56 1881
The Sagebrush State : Nevada's history, government, and politics Bowers, Michael Wayne. GENERAL F 841 .B593 1996
The Sagebrush State : Nevada's history, government, and politics Bowers, Michael Wayne. GENERAL F 841 .B593 2006
The Sagebrush State : Nevada's history, government, and politics Bowers, Michael Wayne. GENERAL F 841 .B593 2006
The Sagebrush State : Nevada's history, government, and politics Bowers, Michael Wayne. GENERAL F 841 .B593 2013
The Sagebrush State : Nevada's history, government, and politics Bowers, Michael Wayne. GENERAL F 841 .B593 2013
The Sagebrush State : Nevada's history, government, and politics Bowers, Michael Wayne. GENERAL F 841 .B593 2013
The best of Cobbwebs Cobb, Ty, 1915-1997. GENERAL F 841 .C63 1997
The journals of Alfred Doten, 1849-1903 Doten, Alfred, 1829-1903. GENERAL F 841 .D62 1973 V.1
The journals of Alfred Doten, 1849-1903 Doten, Alfred, 1829-1903. GENERAL F 841 .D62 1973 V.2
The journals of Alfred Doten, 1849-1903 Doten, Alfred, 1829-1903. GENERAL F 841 .D62 1973 V.3
East of Eden, west of Zion : essays on Nevada GENERAL F 841 .E27 1989
200 years in Nevada : a story of people who opened, explored and developed the land : a bicentennial history Edwards, Elbert B. GENERAL F 841 .E33X H38 1990
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The Nevada adventure : a history Hulse, James W. GENERAL F 841 .H8 1990
The silver state : Nevada's heritage reinterpreted Hulse, James W. GENERAL F 841 .H83 2004
Nevada : a Bicentennial history Laxalt, Robert, 1923- GENERAL F 841 .L39 1977
Living in the big empty GENERAL F 841 .L57 2008
Jack Longstreet : last of the desert frontiersman Zanjani, Sally Springmeyer, 1937- GENERAL F 841 .L66 Z36 1994
The Nevada trivia book Moreno, Richard. GENERAL F 841 .M67 2005
Nevada : official bicentennial book GENERAL F 841 .N53 1976
Mirage-land : images of Nevada Shepperson, Wilbur S. (Wilbur Stanley) GENERAL F 841 .S54 1992
Nevada: a guide to the Silver state Writers' Program (Nev.) GENERAL F 841 .W77
Devils will reign : how Nevada began Zanjani, Sally Springmeyer, 1937- GENERAL F 841 .Z36 2006
It happened in Nevada Gibson, Elizabeth, 1963- GENERAL F 841.6 .G54 2001
Nevada, land of discovery Beatty, David. GENERAL F 842 .B41
Nevada's historic buildings : a cultural legacy James, Ronald M. (Ronald Michael), 1955- GENERAL F 842 .J37 2009
Nevada ghost towns & mining camps Paher, Stanley W. GENERAL F 842 .P3 1970
Nevada : desert lows & mountain highs Prosor, Larry. GENERAL F 842 .P76 1994
Stories from the sagebrush : celebrating northern Nevada at the millennium Cox, Don. GENERAL F 845 .C68 1999
Stories from the sagebrush : celebrating northern Nevada at the millennium Cox, Don. GENERAL F 845 .C68 1999
Endless Nevada : a photo essay Prosor, Larry. GENERAL F 845 .P66 2003
Earthtones : a Nevada album Ronald, Ann, 1939- GENERAL F 845 .R66 1995
Earthtones : a Nevada album Ronald, Ann, 1939- GENERAL F 845 .R66 1995
Wild Nevada : testimonies on behalf of the desert GENERAL F 845 .W55 2005
Anthem for a burnished land: what we leave in this desert of work and words Griffin, Shaun T. (Shaun Timothy), 1953- author. GENERAL F 845.25 .G74 2016
Great Basin drama Lambert, Darwin, 1916- GENERAL F 847 .G73 L36 1991
Preserving the glory days : ghost towns and mining camps of Nye County, Nevada Hall, Shawn, 1960- GENERAL F 847 .N9 H34 1999
The desert lake : the story of Nevada's Pyramid Lake Wheeler, Sessions S. GENERAL F 847 .W3 W49
Aurora : Nevada's ghost city of the dawn Stewart, Robert E. (Robert Earl), 1936- GENERAL F 849 .A8 S68 2004
Bravo 20 : the bombing of the American West Misrach, Richard, 1949- GENERAL F 849 .F34 M57 1990
Zeropolis : the experience of Las Vegas Bégout, Bruce. GENERAL F 849 .L35 B38 2003
Las Vegas Babylon : true tales of glitter, glamour, and greed Burbank, Jeff, 1955- GENERAL F 849 .L35 B873 2008
Las Vegas then & now Chung, Su Kim. GENERAL F 849 .L35 C48 2002
The money and the power : the making of Las Vegas and its hold on America Denton, Sally. GENERAL F 849 .L35 D46 2001
In the desert of desire : Las Vegas and the culture of spectacle Fox, William L., 1949- GENERAL F 849 .L35 F694 2005
Resort city in the Sunbelt : Las Vegas, 1930-1970 Moehring, Eugene P. GENERAL F 849 .L35 M64 1989
Resort city in the sunbelt : Las Vegas, 1930-2000 Moehring, Eugene P. GENERAL F 849 .L35 M643 2000
Las Vegas : media and myth Mullen, Lawrence J., 1960- GENERAL F 849 .L35 M85 2007
Fly on the wall : recollections of Las Vegas' good old, bad old days Odessky, Dick. GENERAL F 849 .L35 O33 1999
Neon metropolis : how Las Vegas started the twenty-first century Rothman, Hal, 1958- GENERAL F 849 .L35 R68 2002
Mountain City Martin, Gregory, 1971- GENERAL F 849 .M68 M37 2000
A short history of Reno Land, Barbara. GENERAL F 849 .R4 L35 1995
Reno : hub of the Washoe country Rowley, William D. GENERAL F 849 .R4 R69 1984
The insiders' guide to Reno & Lake Tahoe. GENERAL F 849 .R4 W35 2007
Historic houses and buildings of Reno, Nevada : an architectural and historical guide Walton-Buchanan, Holly. GENERAL F 849 .R4 W355 2007
Searchlight : the camp that didn't fail Reid, Harry, 1939- GENERAL F 849 .S43 R45 1998
Comstock women : the making of a mining community GENERAL F 849 .V8 C65 1998
Mile-high fever : silver mines, boom towns, and high living on the Comstock Lode Drabelle, Dennis. GENERAL F 849 .V8 D726 2009
The richest place on earth : the story of Virginia City, Nevada, and the heyday of the Comstock lode Hinckle, Warren. GENERAL F 849 .V8 H56
The roar and the silence : a history of Virginia City and the Comstock Lode James, Ronald M. (Ronald Michael), 1955- GENERAL F 849 .V8 J35 1998
The story of Wonder, Churchill County, Nevada Shamberger, Hugh A.