The Basque Library collects all types of materials on Basque topics, both published and unpublished, no matter their physical form. This includes books, journals, archival materials, photographs, media, posters, objects, pamphlets, and more. English language materials constitute the primary focus of the collection. On a second level, the Basque Library is also interested in materials in Basque, Spanish, and French.

The Jon Bilbao Basque Library has two main areas of interest:
- The Basque Country, comprising seven territories: Araba/Álava, Bizkaia (Biscay), Gipuzkoa, Nafarroa (Navarre), Lapurdi (Labourd), Nafarroa Beherea, and Zuberoa (Soule); the first four territories are today located in the Kingdom of Spain, the former three ones in the French Republic.
- The Basque Diaspora, comprising the Basque people around the world. Here, the primary foci are the United States and Canada; secondarily, the rest of the Americas; and finally, the rest of the world.
Archival Collections
The Basque Archive conserves and offers materials created in the Basque Country from the 18th century and the Spanish War of 1936, along with materials created and donated by Basques of the Diaspora, especially those from the United States. We also maintain archives created by the Center for Basque Studies and visiting scholars.
Rare Book Collection
The Basque Library boasts a large collection of rare and/or valuable books related to the Basque Diaspora. These items can be considered rare for one of several reasons: limited edition, scarcity, publication date, special printing, special illustrations or binding, or its history.