Our many departments provide opportunities for students to work on campus and develop skills that will translate to the workforce.  Positions require the ability to work independently with minimal supervision, analytical skills, and people skills when communicating information.  Departments have varying opportunities and skill requirements. Please see below for a full listing of department descriptions and requirements. Please be sure to indicate on your application which departments you are applying for. You can select as many as you wish to apply to. You may be contacted as openings occur in your selected department(s).

Required qualifications for all departments

  • Applicants must be currently enrolled students at the University of Nevada, Reno
  • Must be computer proficient and have experience in Microsoft applications
  • Must have willingness to learn
  • Must be dependable and punctual

Preferred qualifications

Some departments prefer students with specific skills or availabilities. Please see the department listings below for preferred skills and availability by department.


Most positions are approximately 10-20 hours per week


Opportunities in our departments