Entry transcript
What has risen? Merely a small lake, which was silhouetted against the “sugar loaf” when seen from the sea but now rises to the proportions of a twin lake when seen from close at hand. It might well be called the “Miraculous Heart.”
Sierra Scenery. A series of lakes, but not a rosary with connecting stream, form the axis of the low U-shaped valley along the western side of the Umanak, The river circles the eastern side in cataracts and rapids. The willows resemble sagebrush in texture and color. The hills are brown and green. The loon calls as of old and fish make circles where they rise for flies. Around the lakes are rims of cotton grass waving like aspen leaves in the long continuous meadow. Geese can be seen as we top each rise.
The Umanak now becomes a long saddle with rounded ends like the frieze on the Sarcophagus of Scipio.
Greenland expedition diaries: volume 2, James Edward Church Papers, NC96_13_3_2, p. 44.