- The Winter Olympic Games selected the University as host university for the 1960 Games in Squaw Valley (now known as Olympic Valley).
- The University of Nevada Press began operation with Robert Laxalt as editor.
- Getchell Library, named after Nevada mining tycoon Noble H. Getchell, opened.
- The only planetarium in the shape of a hyperbolic paraboloid, the Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center opened.
- The University's FM radio station, KUNR, began broadcasting on October 7th.
- University Archives opened as a department within Getchell Library.
- The Oral History Program commenced.
- Roger Barron Morrison received the first doctoral degree from the University, a Ph.D. in Geology.
- The Las Vegas branch became known as Nevada Southern University.
- Kenneth J. Carpenter founded Black Rock Press.
- Students organized a chapter of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) on campus.
- University enrollment exceeded 5,000.
- On February 11, Edd Miller began his tenure first as chancellor, then as the 11th president of the University.
- The University finished construction on the new Mackay Stadium in the northern end of campus.
- The Center for Basque Studies, originally part of the Desert Research Institute, hired William Douglass as the founding director.
- The NAACP created the first campus chapter.
- The Upward Bound program started offering support and services to low-income students at the University, one of the first in the nation.
- The student newspaper, The U. of N. Sagebrush, changed its name to Sagebrush.
- Student enrollment surpassed 5,000.
- Black students on campus founded the Black Students' Union, an organization dedicated to serving Black students in the University community, local high school students, and minorities in the area.
- The American Indian Organization launched a campus chapter.
- The Board of Regents restructured the rapidly growing network of campuses into the University of Nevada System (UNS).
- Human Relations Action Council formed, comprising a group of faculty and students calling for "immediate and drastic action" on the part of the University regarding "the social problems created by racism and apathy."
- The Regents officially named the Reno campus the University of Nevada, Reno while changing the name of the southern campus to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
- The Desert Research Institute and Community College Division also became separate units of the University of Nevada System.
- The first African-American faculty member, Ben Hazard, began teaching in the Art Department.
- Nevada and UNLV played their first football game on November 22nd. Nevada won, 30-28.
- Reno campus enrollment surpassed 7,000 and Las Vegas exceeded 5,000.
- Students and faculty staged the Governor's Day anti-war protest on campus, ultimately resulting in the dismissal of English professor Paul Adamian.
- UNLV won the second annual rivalry game, taking home the replica Fremont Cannon in its first year. At one point, the Cannon was the largest and most expensive trophy in college football.
- Howard Hughes made the first payment on a $4 million 20-year gift in support of the new two-year School of Medical Sciences in Reno.
- Comprising faculty, staff, and students, the Commission on the Status of Women organized and began its ongoing advocacy work.
- The Faculty Women's Caucus was formed.
- James Hulse published The University of Nevada: A Centennial History.
- The University celebrated its 100th birthday in Reno with a centennial convocation combined with the inauguration of Max C. Milam as president of the University of Nevada, Reno on October 12th. Milam was the University’s 12th president.
- The 13th to hold the office, Joseph N. Crowley became president on February 24th, beginning the longest presidential tenure at the University.
- Morrill Hall reopened in a rededication ceremony after years of major renovations.
- The University established the University of Nevada, Reno Foundation to generate private support for the University.
- Laxalt Mineral Engineering Center building opened for use.
- A new business building opened, later named in honor of Nazir Ansari, a faculty member in the College of Business.
- To encourage international students on campus, the University started the Intensive English Language Center.
- The Office of the Provost established the Foundation Professor program to recognize professors for outstanding achievements in research and teaching.
- Construction on Lawlor Events Center was completed.
- The University established the Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism and Center for Advanced Media Studies.
- The Campus Escort Service began.
- The Nevada Legislature named the campus grounds a state arboretum.
- The University celebrated 100 years in Reno.
- The College of Human and Community Sciences opened.
- Student enrollment surpassed 10,000.

Special Collections and University Archives Photograph Collection, UNRA-P2063-02.

Special Collections and University Archives Photograph Collection, UNRA-P1244-05.

Special Collections and University Archives Photograph Collection, UNRA-P522-1.

Special Collections and University Archives Photograph Collection, UNRA-P2057-1.

Basque Images Selection, bsqaph0003-08-1.

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, Photograph scrapbook, volume 5, MedVolume5_0075

Special Collections and University Archives Photograph Collection, UNRA-P1209-1.

Special Collections and University Archives Photograph Collection, UNRA-P778-1.