Traditions exhibit

Explore the culture of the University of Nevada, Reno, from time-honored traditions such as the 'Paint the N' event and Homecoming to the innovative Digital Wolf Pack Initiative.


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Sesquicentennial stories

A more beautiful situation would be hard to find. In all directions the outlook is inspiring. To the west the great eastern flank of the Sierra, heavily wooded with pine and fir, forms the horizon from Peavine to the point where it is intersected by a higher wooded range standing boldly out the east, the Rose Spur of the Sierra. The mountains of this spur are bolder and higher. They...are seen from every part of the Campus and from almost every part of the valley, the great peak of Mount Rose, white with snow for three-quarters of the year rising over everything else.

S.B. Doten, History of the University of Nevada, 1924

1898 graduate and faculty member from 1900 until his retirement in 1946. Campus Images Collection, UNRA-P182-1. University Archives.

Portrait of Samuel Doten. Campus Images Collection, UNRA-P182-1. University Archives.