Dynamic and innovative
The DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library is a technology-rich environment that provides growing user-centered services to the University. DeLaMare is home to an exploratory Makerspace, the Mary B. Ansari Map Library, and Data and GIS Depot. The Library offers popular GIS and Research Data Services, providing support for data management, analysis, statistics, and visualization. Poster and regular-size printing is available, as well as other lendable technology. Collections at the Library support the fields of chemistry, computer science, earth sciences, engineering, math, and physics.

The Makerspace
The DeLaMare Library offers access to 3D printers and scanners, laser and vinyl cutters, a PCB milling machine, soldering and sewing stations, hand tools and more.

Data Services
Our Research Data Services Team is a group of multi-disciplinary librarians available to offer consultations & trainings for students, faculty and researchers throughout the course of their research projects, from planning to sharing data with the public.

Maps and georesources
The Mary B. Ansari Map Library is the largest map collection in Nevada, containing more than 140,000 maps.

W.M. Keck Earth Sciences and Mining Research
NAIP, DOQ, CIR, DRG, Topographic, SPOT, NED, DEM, Aster, Landsat, Geologic Maps

DeLaMare virtual book display
Interested in learning more about the STEM fields? Check out the DeLaMare Library's virtual book display, which contains introductory texts on a wide variety of STEM topics from neuroscience to sustainable energy.