Chrissy Klenke

Chrissy Klenke

Librarian III, Earth Sciences, GIS, and Maps Librarian Geography, Geological Sciences and Engineering, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering


As the Earth Sciences, GIS and Map Librarian, I support the students and faculty of the Mackay School of Earth Science and Engineering. These include Geography, Geological Science and Engineering, and Mining & Metallurgical Engineering. I help users find, access, evaluate and utilize resources to support the learning, teaching and research needs. As the Map and GIS librarian, I help users locate physical or digital maps and assist users with multiple GIS (Geographical Information Systems) software and tools across campus. Individual consultation and workshops are available upon request.


B.A., English, University of Nevada, Reno 

M.S., Library and Information Science, University of Denver (DU)

Selected publications and presentations

Selected grants

  • Hunsaker, A., & Klenke, C., Mining, Maps, and the Mackay Theses: Digital Scholars Treasures of Nevada, awarded by the Nevada State Library Archives and Public Records for $74,949, 2016-2017.
  • Howard, K., & Klenke, C., & Barmore, G. Using 3D Makerspace Equipment to Create Nevada Fossil Replicas for Hands-on Investigations", awarded by the Paleontological Society Education and Outreach Grant for $2500, 2017-2018.