
What can I expect when I submit data to Dryad?

When uploading data to Dryad, you will have two options.

Immediate review

In the first option, you will submit your data immediately to Dryad curators, who will provide a light curation to ensure it meets all of their rules, including that no sensitive data is being shared and that the data is in the public domain (i.e. free of copyright restrictions). Once they approve your data, it will be made publicly available.

Delayed review

The second option allows you to delay this review by Dryad curators and will provide you a URL that can be included with a submitted paper to a journal to allow for anonymous review of the data along with the paper. Once the paper has been accepted, you can then change the status of your dataset in Dryad to allow for its final review and publication.

A note about DOI assignment

Please note that while both options will assign a digital object identifier (DOI ) to your dataset immediately, this DOI will not become official until Dryad curators have officially accepted your dataset.

What can Dryad do for you?

Data preservation

Dryad securely stores and preserves your research data long-term, ensuring that valuable research information remains accessible for future use, scrutiny, or further analysis.

Data sharing

Dryad facilitates global, open access to your data, increasing the visibility and impact of your research, fostering collaboration, and encouraging the reuse of data.

Data citation

By assigning a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each data package, Dryad enables researchers to properly attribute and cite the source of the data, enhancing academic credit and traceability.

Meeting grant requirements

Dryad enables compliance with funding agencies including NIH and NSF, and also publishers' data sharing policies.

Get started with Dryad

Thinking of using Dryad for a project? Follow these steps to get started.

Step 2

Contact the Research Data Services team with any questions

Step 3

Setup your Dryad account

Setting up your account

We know that it can be a challenge to setup an account on a new service. So our Research Data Services team has put together instructions to help you through the process.

How to setup Dryad
Student working at a computer and laptop in the Knowledge Center.