
What can they assist with?

  • 3D modeling
  • Image file prep
  • Operation of all equipment
  • Basic prototyping and idea generation

Consultations with our Maker Wranglers are also required for some equipment in the space. If you would like to use any of the equipment below, you will need to book a Maker Wrangler consultation.

Equipment Requiring Consultations:

  • ShopBot Desktop MAX ATC CNC Mill
  • Artec 3D Scanners
  • Janome MB-7 Embroidery Machine

What they don't do

 Maker Wranglers provide teaching and co-working consultations. These should not be viewed as a substitute for professional services and Maker Wranglers cannot create your project for you.

Please see the Makerspace staff for the full consultation policy.

Making a reservation

We encourage you to make a reservation if you want to use a piece of equipment and/or work with a Maker Wrangler. When you make a reservation with a piece of equipment, please remember to also reserve a Maker Wrangler so that they will have dedicated time to teach you how to use the equipment.