Room reservation policies

General room policy

The Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center and DeLaMare Science & Engineering Library are in high demand for meeting and special event spaces. The room reservation policy was created for several reasons:

  • to preserve the beauty and condition of the facility and its furnishings
  • to preserve an atmosphere conducive to learning and research, the primary purpose of the facility. Reservation policies will minimize noise and disruption and limit the use of the building for special events in order to preserve its learning and research purpose, especially during peak times of the academic year.
  • to ensure compliance with state fire and safety codes in order to protect inhabitants at all times.

Key room reservation contacts

Need to reserve a room at the Knowledge Center or DeLaMare? These people can help!


  • The reserving group is responsible for restoring the room and furniture to its original setup and ensuring that the space is clean.
  • The reserving group will be held liable for any theft or damage to the facility.
  • All meetings, classes, or special events must occur within posted operating hours.
  • Recurring reservations are not available outside of Scheduling Services. Instructors may reserve spaces in the facilities on occasion but not as a replacement for Ad-Astra assigned campus classrooms.
  • Web reservations must be entered by 4:00 p.m. the day before the room is required, or before 4:00 p.m. on Friday if the room is required on a weekend day or on Monday.
  • Group Study Rooms can only be scheduled by groups with two or more people.
  • The Lilli Brant Reading Room can only be scheduled by groups with eight or more people.
  • Room reservations should be cancelled as soon as possible if the group’s plans change and the space is no longer needed.
  • Classroom MIKC 107 and the Wells Fargo Auditorium are scheduled through PackLife. For any questions, contact Scheduling Services. The Wells Fargo Auditorium carries a separate policy.

Special events booking

Reception/event room reservation policy

  • University units and groups, including registered student groups and University sponsored groups, may apply to use the event rooms in the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center and DeLaMare (University Libraries) for educational, cultural, or fund-raising events. Reservations are subject to approval of the Dean of Libraries.
  • Event rooms are available one-half hour after the University Libraries open to one-half hour before the buildings close, including weekends. The schedule varies for holidays and academic breaks.
  • We reserve the right to black out event rooms during peak use times.
  • The use of amplification equipment in event rooms is discouraged due to the disturbance it creates for those using the University Libraries for study and research. Presentations or entertainment activities that prompt noise, e.g. a musical performance, must be approved by the Libraries Administration Office in advance. Equipment requests should be made with your room reservation.
  • The reserving group is responsible for all arrangements with campus catering in accordance with university food service and alcohol policies, UAM 5,312 and UAM 5,313. Catering service may be requested through Silver and Blue Catering at (775) 784-6143. Catering service is responsible for removal of food immediately after events. Catering table requests should be made when reservation is booked.
  • It is the responsibility of the reserving group to coordinate furniture arrangements and set-up with University Libraries administration, which will ensure that plans meet fire and safety codes. It is the reserving group’s responsibility to make arrangements for the delivery of any furnishings the University Libraries cannot provide. The University Libraries do not have or provide linens or other table decorations. Existing furniture and furnishings may not be removed from any space. Furnishings may not be rearranged without prior agreement of University Libraries administration. Outside delivery of furnishings and equipment must be approved by Knowledge Center administration. All decorating, signage, and related activities are the responsibility of the reserving group, in accordance with fire and safety codes. A site walk-through will be provided upon request to ensure coordination of event planning with University Libraries’ operations staff and should be made when the reservation is made.
  • Tobacco products and open flames are not permitted in the University Libraries.
  • The reserving group is responsible for the financial cost of any damage to the facility or furnishings by event staff or attendees.
  • Reservations must be made at least 7-10 business days in advance of the event. Reservations will be accepted up to 6 months in advance. Contact University Libraries administration to confirm availability and make reservations.
  • In the event severe weather or other emergency cause a delay or cancellation of classes or closure of offices, room reservations during that period will be cancelled.
  • ASUN recognized student clubs or organizations must submit an event request using PackLife.

Violation of these policies may result in denial of future requests.

Savitt Medical Library room reservation policy

  • In order to schedule rooms or events in the Savitt Medical Library you must be a member of the University of Nevada, Reno faculty or staff or a current student. Our facilities are available for University-related purposes only.
  • To schedule the computer lab, contact the Savitt Medical Library.
    Recurring meetings in the conference room can be scheduled in advance through the current semester.
  • The computer lab cannot be booked for a regularly scheduled class. It is to remain available for one-time workshops, testing purposes, and meetings, or as an open lab.
  • Room reservations should be canceled promptly if the group’s plans change and the space is no longer needed.

Key room reservation contacts

Need to reserve a room at the Savitt Medical Library? These people can help!