Foster Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) in all aspects of our work

We recognize the University is strongest when all its members have the support and freedom to thrive. The Libraries value and commit to creating inclusive, diverse, and accessible library systems and environments that support all university employees and students. Our physical and virtual environments will reflect a wide range of perspectives and experiences, and our programming and messaging will reflect our core IDEA values. In that work, we prioritize the creating of safe and inclusive spaces where students can learn with the support of experts and collaboration with their peers.
Supports Wolf Pack Rising Goals: 1, 2, 3
- Support and collaborate with underrepresented groups and marginalized communities in the acquisition, protection, and promotion of diverse materials that ensure the representation of diverse voices and perspectives.
Selected actions:- Increase circulation for sensory items, equipment, and peripherals through promotion at the Access Services desk.
- Identify and select best practices for accessible and inclusive classroom instruction, and review and revise instruction materials using selected criteria.
- Reach out to underrepresented clubs/entities on campus to encourage use of services, and explore how @One can better support their needs.
- Using the FDLP eXchange platform, acquire relevant federal government document materials concerning the Great Basin Indigenous Tribes.
- Evaluate and improve our physical and virtual environments to remove barriers and create inclusive spaces that accommodate the needs of all library users, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or identities.
Selected actions:- Create and publish a sample project featuring captioning templates, blue-prints, scripts and other Virtual Reality specific accessibility features.
- Identify accessibility issues of the DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library. Issues related to safety during emergencies will be prioritized and work will be completed by FY25.
- Work toward full adoption of WCAG 2.2, including audio descriptions for critical video content.
- Incorporate multimodal learning opportunities into makerspace training materials and course-related activities to increase accessibility by FY25.
- Develop and implement a strategy to seek and dismantle inequity in public-facing library policies, services, spaces, and collections, utilizing the 2023 Measuring Information Service Outcomes (MISO) survey and other sources of feedback.
Selected actions:- Assess collecting scope and collecting activity in relation to community-oriented archives and partners.
- Through collaboration with appropriate library units, relocate and reassess indigenous monographs to reflect more contemporary research topics and resources as informed by research studies.
- Publish a peer-reviewed journal article and/or present, at a national conference, the Libraries’ MISO findings through the lens of different student demographics (race, gender, first-year, etc.)
- Provide regular IDEA training and professional development opportunities for library employees, empowering all to champion cultural competence and foster inclusivity.
Selected actions:
- Provide professional development opportunities to staff in connection with Basque Language and Culture.
- Incorporate IDEA training and professional development into the Libraries’ student workers’ handbook and onboarding training in 2024.
- Create a year-long calendar of ongoing IDEA-related events, workshops and training opportunities for Libraries’ faculty and staff.
- Evaluate library policies and practices to eliminate bias and ensure the promotion of equity and belonging in support of the recruitment and retention of underrepresented people in library positions.
Selected actions:- Continue to explore best practices and strategies related to hiring and retention and incorporate them into hiring practices.
- Examine and adjust, where possible, performance evaluation criteria to include strategic priorities, including, but not limited to, recognition of librarianship or archival work, research, service, engagement with IDEA initiatives, and creative activity.
- Leverage marketing and outreach avenues, as well as campus partnerships, to communicate our values and work on IDEA initiatives.
Selected actions:- Curate a rotating display within the @One floor to highlight various IDEA topics and resources.
- Create and install monthly book displays featuring diverse themes to foster an inclusive environment.
- Author at least two pieces for Nevada Today related to activities of the Basque Library or Basque culture in general during 2024.