Research Data Services

Supporting your data needs from the classroom to the lab

Our services

Currently, we are offering advice in the following topics, but we will be expanding our services.

Black and white graphic of a clipboard and a pencil, symbolizing the planning process.


Our Team is able to consult and review your research plan to make sure your data will have good data management practices throughout your project. We can also offer advise to craft your data management plan.

Black and white graphic of a microscope and test tubes, symbolizing the process of collecting data in a lab.


We are knowledgeable in all disciplines, and we can point you to the right resources and data archives for your research project. We can also assist you with best practices for data collection.

Black and white graphic of three gears, symbolizing the processing of data.


We can help you with your collected data. We can advise you with techniques for cleaning and curating your data, so it is ready for analyses.

Black and white graphic of a magnifying glass and graph, symbolizing the process of analyzing data.


Our team can advise you on different ways that you can analyze your data, using spreadsheets and reproducible analyses with R software. We can also suggest different ways to visualize your data.

Black and white graphic of hard drives, symbolizing the storage of data.


We can share with you the best practices to store your data for future use.   We can help you craft  metadata and digital object identifiers (DOIs) for your work.

Black and white graphic of the sharing icon, symbolizing the dissemination of research data.


Our team can also advise on how to share your data: anonymize subject data, evaluate copyright elements of your data, improve discoverability of your work. We can also suggest data archives for your work.

Here is how you can access our services


We have available different guides for Data Management.


Our team is available for one-on-one or small group consultations.


We offer regular workshops for diverse aspects of Data Services. Faculty and staff can also request individual workshops for their courses.


Share your research data with Dryad or get feedback on your statistical analysis and experimental setup from our thinktank, StatsChats.

Learn about Dryad

Learn about StatsChats


Looking to schedule a consultation?

Meet the data services team

Data Services
Carlos Ramirez-Reyes
Carlos Ramirez-Reyes, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Data Services Coordinator Remote Sensing and GIS data, Reproducible data analysis and visualization in R
(775) 682-7378
Data Services
Elena Azadbakht
Elena Azadbakht
Associate Professor, Health Sciences Librarian Kinesiology, Nutrition, Psychology, Public Health, Social Work
(775) 682-5654
Data Services
Chrissy Klenke
Chrissy Klenke
Librarian III, Earth Sciences, GIS, and Maps Librarian Geography, Geological Sciences and Engineering, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
(775) 682-7371
Data Services
Teresa Schultz
Teresa Schultz
Associate Professor, Scholarly Communications and Social Sciences Librarian Honors, Journalism, Political Science, Social Psychology, Sociology
(775) 682-5638
Data Services
Ashley Thompson
Ashley Thompson, M.A.
GTA, Doctoral Student, Interdisciplinary Social Psychology Social sciences research data, Statistics, R, SPSS, and Excel
(775) 682-7382
Data Services
Challen Wright
Challen Wright
Assistant Professor, Metadata Librarian
(775) 682-5070

Our data trainings

Faculty, we teach sessions on data literacy that can be incorporated into your class, please contact us to get started.

Here is a list of data related workshops that our Data Services Team can provide, additional workshops will be added gradually:

  • Data lifecycle
  • Data literacy
  • Data management plan
  • R for reproducible scientific analysis
  • Data Carpentries workshops with R: Ecology, Social sciences & Geospatial
  • Data visualization
  • GIS tools
  • Story maps
  • Data management best practices
  • Best practices for research posters

In addition, the Libraries also make a variety of workshops available for you.

Data partners on campus

The University Libraries partner with other units on campus to provide support to your research and data needs.

High performance computing

The University of Nevada, Reno's user-driven, high performance computing cluster for intensive data analyses.

University Math Center

The Center offers peer-to-peer tutoring service for student looking for math and statistics help.

Nevada Center for Surveys, Evaluation, and Statistics

The Center specializes in survey data collection, program evaluation, and statistical analysis.


The Libraries are busy getting the University's new institutional repository ready to fully launch this coming fall. Named ScholarWolf, it will combine functions from the previous system with a more modern interface and upgraded software.