Fall 2024 e-reserves

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The Fall 2024 eReserves
Full title Item CourseNumber
Webster's New World English Grammar Handbook: Chapter 1: Parts of Speech 213225 ENG 411B.611B.1001 Combined (ENG) Sections
Health Promotion Practice: Development of Conceptual Models to Guide Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy: Synthesizing Traditional and Contemporary Paradigms 213224 CHS 719.1001 Advanced Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Science
Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics: The Effects of Three Kinds of Insurance Benefit Design Features on Specialty Mental Health Care Use in Managed Care 213223 CHS 719.1001 Advanced Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Science
Public Health Guide to Ending the Opioid Epidemic 213222 CHS 701
Maternal and Child Health Journal: Impact of a Neighborhood-Based Curriculum on the Helpfulness of Pediatric Residents’ Anticipatory Guidance to Impoverished Families 213221 CHS 719.1001 Advanced Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Science
Social Forces: Parental Unemployment and the Transition into Tertiary Education: Can Institutions Moderate the Adverse Effects? 213220 CHS 719.1001 Advanced Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Science
Water, air, and soil pollution: Ecosystem Structure and Function are Complementary Measures of Water Quality in a Polluted, Spring-Influenced River 213219 CHS 719.1001 Advanced Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Science
BMC Public Health: Project FIT: Rationale, design and baseline characteristics of a school- and community-based intervention to address physical activity and healthy eating among low-income elementary school children 213218 CHS 719.1001 Advanced Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Science
Journal of Advanced Nursing: Experiences of discrimination or violence and health outcomes among Black, Indigenous and People of Colour trans and/or nonbinary youth 213217 CHS 719.1001 Advanced Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Science
American Educational Research Journal: Improving Young English Learners’ Language and Literacy Skills Through Teacher Professional Development: A Randomized Controlled Trial 213216 CHS 719.1001 Advanced Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Science
Journal of College Student Psychotherapy: Major Differences: Variations in Undergraduate and Graduate Student Mental Health and Treatment Utilization Across Academic Disciplines 213215 CHS 719.1001 Advanced Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Science
Internet Interventions: Patients' experiences in a guided Internet- and App-based stress intervention for college students: A qualitative study 213214 CHS 719.1001 Advanced Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Science
Journal of Human Resources : Estimating the Effect of Income on Health and Mortality Using Lottery Prizes as an Exogenous Source of Variation in Income 213213 CHS 719.1001 Advanced Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Science
History of the English language: Chapter 09: Appeal to Authority, 1650-1800 213212 ENG 411B.611B.1001 Combined (ENG) Sections
Ar'nt I a Woman? 213208 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part I 213207 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part II 213206 CH 203
Boston Quarterly Review: Address to the Workingmen 213204 CH 203
Brief History of Neoliberism: Introduction 213203 CH 203
Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters: Excerpts 213202 CH 203
Child Who Never Grew: Chapter 01: The Child Who Never Grew 213200 CH 203
Class Apart 213198 CH 203
Columbus Paper: The 'Barcelona Letter of 1493, the Landfall Controversy, and the Indian Guides: Letter to King Ferdinand of Spain Describing the Results of the First Voyage 213197 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 213196 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 213195 CH 203
Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet : By Night When Others Soundly Slept 213194 CH 203
Complete Works of Captain John Smith: Powhatan Speaks To Captain John Smith, 1609 213193 CH 203
Democracy vs. the Melting Pot: Excerpts 213189 CH 203
Developing Community Leadership (https://americanstudies.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/baker_leadership.pdf) 213188 CH 203
Divinity School Address 213187 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Prologue 213186 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666 213185 CH 203
Emancipation Proclamation 213184 CH 203
Essays of Brutus: No. 1 213183 CH 203
Farewell Address to the Nation 213181 CH 203
Federalist: No. 10 213180 CH 203
Federalist No. 54 213179 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Inventions Re-Making Leisure From Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture 213176 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Jihad vs. McWorld 213175 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Life in the New Suburbia 213174 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Old World in the New 213173 CH 203
Imprisoned Intellectuals : America's Political Prisoners Write on Life, Liberation, and Rebellion: Letter from a Birmingham Jail 213170 CH 203
Industrial Revolution: Key Themes and Documents: Booker T. Washington's 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech 213169 CH 203
Liberty Further Extended 213168 CH 203
Massachusetts Supreme Court: Commonwealth V. Jennison 213166 CH 203
Message to the Grass Roots 213165 CH 203
My Life and Work: Chapter 05 213163 CH 203
National Organization for Women, Philadelphia Chapter: Brochure on Equal Rights Amendment (1976) 213156 CH 203
New York Times Magazine (you can also create a free account here: https://guides.library.unr.edu/nytimes): Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits 213155 CH 203
On Civil Disobedience (Condensed) 213154 CH 203
Petitions of Massachusetts Slaves for Freedom 213153 CH 203
Poems Of Emma Lazarus: New Colossus 213152 CH 203
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society 213151 CH 203
Recreating of the Individual: New Morality 213150 CH 203
Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions: Women's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, 19-20 July 1848 213148 CH 203
Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8th, 1741. 213147 CH 203
Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies 213146 CH 203
Souls of Black Folk: Excerpts 213144 CH 203
Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction by Tim O'Brien: Things They Carried 213143 CH 203
Transcendentalism: A Reader: Wrongs of American Women. The Duty of American Women 213142 CH 203
Treatise on Domestic Economy: Chapter 01: The Peculiar Responisibilities of American Women 213141 CH 203
Twenty Years at Hull House: Excerpts 213140 CH 203
United States Magazine and Democratic Review: Annexation 213136 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Plessy V. Ferguson (1896) 213134 CH 203
Vietnam Wars: 1945-1990: Epilogue 213133 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Emma Watson: Gender Equality is Your Issue Too 213131 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Text of Obama's Speech: A More Perfect Union 213130 CH 203
War is a Racket: Chapters 01 and 05 213129 CH 203
Washington Post: President Bush Addresses the Nation 213128 CH 203
William and Mary Quarterly: Liberty Further Extended: A 1776 Antislavery Manuscript 213126 CH 203
Women and Economics: Excerpts 213125 CH 203
Works: 1608-1631: John Smith Writes about the Chesapeake Indians of 1608 213124 CH 203
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific: Hedging in international relations: an introduction 213123 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Security: Bandwagoning for profit: Bringing the revisionist state back in 213122 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Security : Unanswered Threats: A Neoclassical Realist Theory of Underbalancing 213121 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Security: Waiting for Soft Balancing: Why the World is not Pushing Back 213120 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Security: Soft Balancing in the Age of U.S. Primacy 213119 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Security: After unipolarity: China's visions of international order in an era of US decline 213118 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Security: Unrest assured: Why unipolarity is not peaceful 213117 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
World Politics: Legitimacy, Hypocrisy, and the Social Structure of Unipolarity: Why Being a Unipole Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be 213116 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Security: The Stability of a Unipolar World 213115 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Studies Quarterly: A granular theory of balancing 213114 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Security: When Right Makes Might: How Prussia’s Rhetoric Overturned the Balance of Power 213113 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
World Politics: The Balance of Power in the Balance 213112 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Security: Balancing on Land and at Sea 213111 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
European Journal of International Relations: “Testing Balance-of-Power Theory in World History 213110 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Organization: What Was Bipolarity? 213109 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Civil Action (1998): (Please use the latest version of Chrome to view the movie) 213108 CRJ 234.1001 Introduction to the Courts and Americ
Journal of Medical Systems: The use of Electronic Health Records to Support Population Health: A Systematic Review of the Literature 213107 CHS 748.7001 Epidemiologic Surveillance
AMA manual of style: A guide for authors and editors 213106 CHS 748.7001 Epidemiologic Surveillance
Lancet, Diabetes and Endocrinology: Using big data for non-communicable disease surveillance 213105 CHS 748.7001 Epidemiologic Surveillance
New England Journal of Medicine: The surveillance of communicable diseases of national importance 213104 CHS 748.7001 Epidemiologic Surveillance
JAMA Network: International Analysis of Electronic Health Records of Children and Youth Hospitalized With COVID-19 Infection in 6 Countries 213103 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
Elements of style 213102 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
AMA manual of style: A guide for authors and editors 213101 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry: Case-Control Study of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Material Smoking, Alcohol Use, and Drug Use During Pregnancy 213100 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
Pediatrics: Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Neurobehavioral Disorders Among Children in the United States 213099 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
Emerging Infectious Diseases: Outbreak investigations - A Perspective 213098 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: Epidemiologic research on man-made disasters: strategies and implications of cohort definition for World Trade Center Worker and Volunteer Surveillance Program 213097 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
JAMA: Association between World Trade Center exposure and excess cancer risk 213096 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
The Lancet: Percutaneous coronary intervention in stable angina (ORBITA): A double‐blind, randomised controlled trial 213095 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
American Journal of Public Health: Fluoride exposure and childhood osteosarcoma: a case-control study 213094 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
New England Journal of Medicine: Early versus delayed rehabilitation after acute muscle injury 213093 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
Journal of Public Health Policy: Commentary: Death certificate reporting needs to be fixed 213092 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
Epidemiology: Chapter 05: Assessing the Validity and Reliability of Diagnostic and Screening Tests 213091 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
British Medical Journal: Randomized Prostate Cancer Screening Trial: 20 Year Follow-Up 213090 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine: Relation of Peer and Media Influences to the Development of Purging Behaviors Among Preadolescent and Adolescent Girls 213089 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
International Journal of Epidemiology: Classification of Epidemiological Study Design 213088 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
American Journal of Public Health: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Reported Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy 213087 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
Pediatrics: Incidence of Obesity Among Young US Children Living in Low-Income Families, 2008-2011 213086 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
Annals NY Academy Science: Origins of Epidemiology 213085 CHS 712.7002 Epidemiology in Public Health
JAMA Network: International Analysis of Electronic Health Records of Children and Youth Hospitalized With COVID-19 Infection in 6 Countries 213065 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
Elements of style 213064 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
AMA manual of style: A guide for authors and editors 213063 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry: Case-Control Study of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Material Smoking, Alcohol Use, and Drug Use During Pregnancy 213062 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
Pediatrics: Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Neurobehavioral Disorders Among Children in the United States 213061 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
Emerging Infectious Diseases: Outbreak investigations - A Perspective 213060 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: Epidemiologic research on man-made disasters: strategies and implications of cohort definition for World Trade Center Worker and Volunteer Surveillance Program 213059 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
JAMA: Association between World Trade Center exposure and excess cancer risk 213058 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
The Lancet: Percutaneous coronary intervention in stable angina (ORBITA): A double‐blind, randomised controlled trial 213057 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
American Journal of Public Health: Fluoride exposure and childhood osteosarcoma: a case-control study 213056 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
New England Journal of Medicine: Early versus delayed rehabilitation after acute muscle injury 213055 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
Journal of Public Health Policy: Commentary: Death certificate reporting needs to be fixed 213054 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
Epidemiology: Chapter 05: Assessing the Validity and Reliability of Diagnostic and Screening Tests 213053 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
British Medical Journal: Randomized Prostate Cancer Screening Trial: 20 Year Follow-Up 213052 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine: Relation of Peer and Media Influences to the Development of Purging Behaviors Among Preadolescent and Adolescent Girls 213051 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
International Journal of Epidemiology: Classification of Epidemiological Study Design 213050 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
American Journal of Public Health: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Reported Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy 213049 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
Pediatrics: Incidence of Obesity Among Young US Children Living in Low-Income Families, 2008-2011 213048 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
Annals NY Academy Science: Origins of Epidemiology 213047 CHS 712.7001 Epidemiology in Public Health
Social Work: Welfare Use as a Life Course Event: Toward a New Understanding of the U.S. Safety Net 213046 SW 440.1002 Introduction to Social Work Research
Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology : Perceptions of Successful Aging Among Older Latinos, in Cross-Cultural Context 213045 SW 440.1002 Introduction to Social Work Research
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Qualitative Study of Victim Offender Mediation: Implications for Social Work 213044 SW 440.1002 Introduction to Social Work Research
Research on Social Work Practice: Four Cornerstones of Evidence-Based Practice in Social Work 213041 SW 440.1002 Introduction to Social Work Research
Addictive Behaviors: Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Trial of Acamprosate for the Treatment of Cocaine Dependence 213040 SW 440.1002 Introduction to Social Work Research
Research on Social Work Practice: Development and Initial Validation of the Empathy Scale for Social Workers 213039 SW 440.1002 Introduction to Social Work Research
International Journal of Transgenderism: Gender Expression as a Reflection of Identity Reformation in Couple Partners Following Disclosure of Male-to-Female Transsexualism 213038 SW 440.1002 Introduction to Social Work Research
Scientific writing = Thinking in words 213037 CHS 796.7001 MPH Capstone
Elements of style 213036 CHS 796.7001 MPH Capstone
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy: Self-reported responses to medication therapy management services for older adults: Analysis of a 5-year program 213035 CHS 796.7001 MPH Capstone
Preventing Chronic Disease: Assessing the Relationship Between a Composite Score of Urban Park Quality and Health 213034 CHS 796.7001 MPH Capstone
Women's Health Issues: Breastfeeding Laws and Breastfeeding Practices by Race and Ethnicity 213033 CHS 796.7001 MPH Capstone
Preventing Chronic Disease: A Qualitative Evaluation of Caregiver Support Services Offered at the Atlanta Veterans Affairs Health Care System 213032 CHS 796.7001 MPH Capstone
Journal of Human Reproductive Science: Preparing and Publishing a Scientific Manuscript 213031 CHS 796.7001 MPH Capstone
AMA manual of style: A guide for authors and editors 213030 CHS 796.7001 MPH Capstone
Introduction to Research and Medical Literature for Health Professionals : Chapter 14: Discussion Section 213029 CHS 796.7001 MPH Capstone
Journal Public Health Management Practice: Professionalization and public health: Historical legacies, continuing dilemmas 213028 CHS 796.7001 MPH Capstone
American Journal of Public Health: A code of ethics for public health 213027 CHS 796.7001 MPH Capstone
Patient Education and Counseling: Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs related to hypertension and hyperlipidemia self-management among African-American men living in the southeastern United States 213026 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
Journal of Community Health: Evaluation of an educational initiative to promote shopping at farmers’ markets among the special supplemental nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) participants in New York City 213025 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
Journal of health care chaplaincy: Overview of qualitative research 213024 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
Integrative psychological and behavioral science: Quantitative and qualitative research: Beyond the debate 213023 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
Elements of style 213022 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
Obstetrics and gynecology: Sexual minority women’s experiences with sexual identity disclosure in contraceptive care 213021 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
MMWR: Morbidity and mortality weekly report: HIPAA privacy rule and public health. Guidance from CDC and the US Department of Health and Human Services. 213020 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
AMA manual of style: A guide for authors and editors 213019 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
Public Health: What It Is and How It Works: Chapter 01: What is Public Health 213018 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
Social Science & Medicine: Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) in South Africa: Engaging Multiple Constituents to Shape the Research Question 213017 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
New England Journal of Medicine: Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Behavioral Intervention to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Minority Women 213016 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
American Journal of Public Health: Ethical Issues in Public Health Practice in Michigan 213015 CHS 700.7001 Research Methods for Public Health
Little SAS book : A primer: Chapter 02: Accessing your data 213014 CHS 762.7001 Public Health Information Systems and Data Management
AMA manual of style: A guide for authors and editors 213013 CHS 762.7001 Public Health Information Systems and Data Management
Little SAS book : A primer: Chapter 04: Sorting, Printing, and Summarizing Your Data 213012 CHS 762.7001 Public Health Information Systems and Data Management
Little SAS book : A primer: Chapter 03: Working with your Data 213011 CHS 762.7001 Public Health Information Systems and Data Management
Little SAS book : A primer: Chapter 01: Getting started using SAS software 213010 CHS 762.7001 Public Health Information Systems and Data Management
Little SAS book : A primer: Chapter 02: Accessing your data 213009 CHS 780.7001 Biostatistics in Public Health
AMA manual of style: A guide for authors and editors 213008 CHS 780.7001 Biostatistics in Public Health
Principles of Biostatistics : Chapter 13: Nonparametric Methods 213007 CHS 780.7001 Biostatistics in Public Health
Epilepsia: The prevalence of anxiety and associated factors in persons with epilepsy 213006 CHS 780.7001 Biostatistics in Public Health
World Politics: Perspective-Taking and Security Dilemma Thinking: Experimental Evidence from China and the United States 213005 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Journal of Cold War Studies: Was the Cold War a Security Dilemma? 213004 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
European Journal of International Relations: Ontological Security in World Politics: State Identity and the Security Dilemma 213003 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Security Studies: The security dilemma: A conceptual analysis 213002 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
World Politics: The security dilemma revisited 213001 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
World Politics: Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma. 213000 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Journal of Transgenderism: Gender Expression as a Reflection of Identity Reformation in Couple Partners Following Disclosure of Male-to-Female Transsexualism 212999 SW 440.5501 Introduction to Social Work Research
World Politics: Idealist internationalism and the security dilemma 212998 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Addictive Behaviors: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Trial of Acamprosate for The Treatment of Cocaine Dependence 212997 SW 440.5501 Introduction to Social Work Research
Security Studies: Neorealism's status-quo bias: What security dilemma? 212996 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Research on Social Work Practice: The Development and Initial Validation of the Empathy Scale for Social Workers 212995 SW 440.5501 Introduction to Social Work Research
Saving Public Higher Education: Voices From the Wasteland 212994 PSC 353.5501 Identity Politics in the United State
Social Construction of Difference and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality : Reading 42, Nickel and Dimed, On (not) Getting by in America 212993 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Bulletin: Homophobia and Education: There is No Hierarchy of Oppressions 212987 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Current Directions in Psychological Science: Social class as culture: The convergence of resources and rank in the social realm. 212984 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Gender Revolution 212979 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Microaggressions in everyday life: Race, gender, and sexual orientation: Chapter 09: Sexual-orientation, microaggressions, and heterosexism 212977 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness: Chapter 05: New Jim Crow 212973 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Privilege, Power and Difference: Capitalism, Class, and the Matrix of Domination 212970 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
RACE - The Power of an Illusion : The Difference Between Us (2003) 212968 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
RACE - The Power of an Illusion : The House We Live In (2003) 212967 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Race Ethnicity and Education: Advice to White Allies: Insights from Faculty of Color 212965 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Smith College Studies in Social Work: Confronting Immigration Myths with the Reality: A Necessary Perspective for Culturally Grounded Social Work Practice 212960 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Social Construction of Difference and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality: Part 1: Constructing Differences 212957 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
The Washington Post.: Why intersectionality can't wait. 212953 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
American Journal of Public Health: Levels of Racism; A Theoretic Framework and a Gardener's Tale 212945 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
American Psychologist: Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Implications for Clinical Practice 212944 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Contemporary Justice Review: Getting beyond the 'symptom,'acknowledging the 'disease': Theorizing racist nativism 212941 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Explorations in Privilege, Oppression, and Diversity: Chapter 09: Reflections on Heterosexual Privilege 212935 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Identity Politics Reconsidered: On a Critical Realist Theory of Identity 212933 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Minnesota State University: Exploring the Invisible Knapsack of Able-Bodied Privilege 212929 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
People Like Us : Social Class in America (1999) 212926 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Readings for diversity and social justice : Chapter 05: Five faces of oppression. 212919 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Slow Violence and Environmentalism of the Poor: Chapter 03: Pipe Dreams: Ken Saro-Wiwa, Environmental Justice, and Micro-Minority Rights 212917 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Slow Violence and Environmentalism of the Poor 212916 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Social Construction of Difference and Equality: Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality: Invention of Heterosexuality 212914 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 3(3).: White fragility 212909 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
White Privilege: Essential Readings on the Other Side of Racism: Chapter 06: The Possessive Investment in Whiteness 212907 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
About Campus: Beyond a Binary: The Lives of Gender-Nonconforming Youth 212904 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Affilia: Toward a continuum of intersectionality theorizing for feminist social work scholarship. 212902 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Social Construction of Difference and Inequality: Reading 41, The Transgender Crucible 212901 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
At the center: Feminism, social science and knowledge: Beyond inclusion: Thinking toward a transfeminist methodology 212898 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Contemporary Rural Social Work: Slow Violence of Climate Change in Poor Rural Kenyan Communities: Water is Life. Water is Everything 212895 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Essentials of Human Behavior: Integrating Person, Environment, and the Life Course: Chapter 01: Human Behavior 212893 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Essentials of Human Behavior: Integrating Person, Environment, and the Life Course: Chapter 02: Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior 212892 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Explorations in Privilege, Oppression, and Diversity: Chapter 11: Exploring Male Privilege: Journey of Two White Middle-Class Men 212891 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Microaggressions in everyday life: Race, gender, and sexual orientation. : Chapter 02: Taxonomy of microaggressions 212886 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Microaggressions in everyday life: Race, gender, and sexual orientation. : Chapter 08: Gender, microaggressions, and sexism 212885 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Peace and Freedom Magazine: White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Backpack 212882 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Privilege: A Reader: Why are Droves of Unqualified Unprepared Kids Getting into our Top Colleges? Because Their Dads are Alumni 212879 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
RACE - The Power of an Illusion : The Story We Tell (2003) 212876 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Reflective Practice: Self‐Reflection in Critical Social Work Practice: Subjectivity and the Possibilities of Resistance 212873 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Social Construction of Difference and Equality: Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality: Reading 46: Homophobia as a weapon of sexism 212868 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Social Work Education: The International Journal: Exploring the Intersection of Environmental Degradation and Poverty: Environmental Injustice in Nairobi, Kenya 212866 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Socialist Review: Invention of Heterosexuality 212865 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Whiteness: A Critical Reader: Chapter 11: What is White Trash ? Stereotypes and economic conditions of poor whites in the United States. 212861 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Witnessing Whiteness: First Steps toward an Antiracist Practice and Culture : Blindness at the crossroads: Leaps of faith. Clearing the way: Whiteness in sight 212860 SW 310.1004 Structural Oppression
Gimme Shelter (1970) 212858 ENG 202
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: Reading 78: “Feminism and Abolition: Theories and Practices for the Twenty-First Century 212857 GRI 103.1001 Power Identity and Social Justice
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: Reading 74: Transmisogyny 101: What it Is and What We Can Do About it 212856 GRI 103.1001 Power Identity and Social Justice
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: Reading 73: The InterSEXion: A Vision for a Queer Progressive Agenda 212855 GRI 103.1001 Power Identity and Social Justice
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: Reading 66: “Privilege” 212854 GRI 103.1001 Power Identity and Social Justice
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: Reading 64: “Feminism: A Movement to End Sexist Oppression” 212853 GRI 103.1001 Power Identity and Social Justice
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: Section 5 Introduction: Sexism, Heterosexism, and Trans* Oppression 212852 GRI 103.1001 Power Identity and Social Justice
Moonlight (2016) 212851 SOC 411.1001 Films and Society
Nursing Professional Development for Clinical Educators : Chapter 5 Developing a Unit-Based Clinical Preceptor Program 212850 NURS 761
Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development: Chapter 26 Measuring Impact of Nursing Professional Development Initiatives 212849 NURS 761
Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development: Chapter 25 Measuring Outcomes of Educational Activities 212848 NURS 761
Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development: Chapter 16 Nursing Professional Development Practitioner's Responsibility for Competency Managment 212847 NURS 761
Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development: Chapter 15 212846 NURS 761
The Cell: A Molecular Approach 212845 BIOL 315.1002 Cell Biology
Diabetes Educator: Social cognitive theory in diabetes exercise research: an integrative literature review 212844 CHS 705.1001 Theoretical Foundations of Health Pro
Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development: Chapter 7 Legal and Ethical Considerations in Nursing Professional Development Practice 212843 NURS 761
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics: NULL 212842 ME 242.1001 Dynamics
We Were Here: The AIDS Years in San Francisco (2011) 212841 PBH 422
American Journal of Public Health: Elevated blood lead levels in children associated with the Flint drinking water crisis: A spatial analysis of risk and public health response. 212840 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design: Appendix 212839 ME 351.1001 Mechanical Design
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design: Chapter 5 212838 ME 351.1001 Mechanical Design
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design: Chapter 4 212837 ME 351.1001 Mechanical Design
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design: Chapter 3 212836 ME 351.1001 Mechanical Design
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design: Chapter 2 212835 ME 351.1001 Mechanical Design
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design: Intro 212834 ME 351.1001 Mechanical Design
Infancy: Development from Birth to Age 3 212833 HDFS 431A.631A
Mary Ainsworth: Attachment and the Growth of Love (2005) 212832 HDFS 431A.631A
Theories of Development: Concepts and Applications: Chapter 06: Piaget's Cognitive-Developmental Theory 212831 HDFS 431A.631A
Oxford handbook of infant, child, and adolescent sleep and behavior: Chapter 12: Co-sleeping and self-soothing during infancy 212830 HDFS 431A.631A
Psychology and Culture (editors Lonner and Malpass): Chapter 13: The developmental niche 212829 HDFS 431A.631A
Babies (2010): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 212828 HDFS 431A.631A
Life's Greatest Miracle (2001) 212827 HDFS 431A.631A
Wall Street Journal: Why So Many People Can't Make Decisions 212825 JOUR 305.1001 Media Ethics
Blink. The Power of Thinking Without Thinking.: Introduction: The Statue that Didn't Look Right 212822 JOUR 305.1001 Media Ethics
Black Press: Soldiers Without Swords 212821 JOUR 305.1001 Media Ethics
Blink. The Power of Thinking Without Thinking.: Chapter 01: The Theory of Thin Slices: How a Little Bit of Knowledge Goes a Long Way 212819 JOUR 305.1001 Media Ethics
12 Angry Men (1957): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 212818 JOUR 305.1001 Media Ethics
How to differentiate instruction in academically diverse classrooms : Chapter10: Planning Lessons Differentiated by Interest 212816 EDES 313
How to Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms : Chapter 05: The Learning Environment in a Differentiated Classroom 212815 EDES 313
Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the needs of all learners: Chapter 07: Instructional Strategies that support differentiation 212814 EDES 313
Leading and Managing A Differentiated Classroom: Chapter 05: Classroom Routines: Preparing for the Work Ahead 212813 EDES 313
Blazing Heritage: a history of wildfire in the national parks 212806 REM 485.685.1001.1002 Combined (REM) Sections
Writing Literature Reviews: A guide for students of the social and behavioral science. 212805 IDS 495.5501 Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
Pacific Journalism Review: Reversing Silences in West Papua 212804 IDS 495.5501 Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
International Journal of Research & Method in Education : Transformation in interdisciplinary research methodology: the importance of shared experiences in landscapes of practice 212803 IDS 495.5501 Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning: How to Enhance Interdisciplinary Competence--Interdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning versus Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning 212802 IDS 495.5501 Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology: Transport and Fate of Chemicals in the Environment 212784 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health: Social Disparities in Exposures to Bisphenol A and Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals: A Cross-Sectional Study within NHANES 2003-2006 212782 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Proceedings of the Royal Society: Globalization and pollution: tele-connecting local primary PM2.5 emissions to global consumption 212780 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Risk Analysis: Is Epidemiology the Key to Cumulative Risk Assessment? 212778 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: CAFOs and environmental justice: the case of North Carolina 212776 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Cancer Incidence in World Trade Center Rescue and Recovery Workers, 2001-2008 212774 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
JAMA Psychiatry: Traffic-related Air Pollution, Particulate Matter, and Autism 212772 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspective: Residential Proximity to Methyl Bromide Use and Birth Outcomes in an Agricultural Population in California 212771 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: The University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study: Population Survey Results and Serum Concentrations for Polychlorinated Dioxins, Furans, and Biphenyls 212770 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Outside Looking In: Understanding the Role of Science in Regulation 212769 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspective: TSCA 2.0: A New Era in Chemical Risk Management 212768 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Getting the drift: methyl bromide application and adverse birth outcomes in an agricultural area 212767 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Missing the Dark: Health Effects of Light Pollution 212766 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Why is it so difficult to choose safer alternatives for hazardous chemicals? 212765 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Chemical Aftermath: Contamination and Cleanup Following the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami 212764 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Climate Change and Infectious Disease: Is the Future Here? 212763 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspective: Waste Couture: Environmental Impact of the Clothing Industry 212762 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health: Mountaintop Removal Mining: Digging Into Community Health Concerns 212761 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Obesogens: An Environmental Link to Obesity 212760 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Exposure on Tap: Drinking Water as an Overlooked Source of Lead 212759 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
AMA Manual of Style 212758 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Indoor Air: Indoor residential chemical emissions as risk factors for respiratory and allergic effects in children: a review 212757 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Tale of two forests: addressing postnuclear radiation at Chernobyl and Fukushima 212756 CHS 725.7001 Health and the Environment
Health Education Quarterly: Heath Education, Health Promotion and the Open Society: An Historical Perspective 212755 PBH 315.1002 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Managing Health Services Organizations and Systems (ATTN: This ebook allows only one user at a time. Please plan your reading accordingly.) 212754 CHS 756
Frontiers in Public Health: Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: Current Trends in Public Health Professionals Training 212753 CHS 756
Frontiers in Public Health: Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: Current Trends in Public Health Professionals Training 212752 CHS 756
Frontiers in Public Health: The impact of emotional intelligence on conditions of trust among leaders at the Kentucky Department for Public Health 212751 CHS 756
IJMR: Reviewing Leadership Styles: Overlaps and the Need for a New ‘Full-Range’ Theory 212750 CHS 756
mHealth: Healthcare and healthcare systems: inspiring progress and future prospects 212749 CHS 756
JAMA: Health Care Spending in the United States and Other High-Income Countries 212748 CHS 756
SAGE Open Medicine: A review of the Australian healthcare system: A policy perspective 212747 CHS 756
Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice 212746 NURS 792
Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety: Key Strategies to Publishing Your Quality Improvement Work 212745 NURS 792
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America: Patient safety and the just culture 212744 NURS 792
High reliability organizations: A healthcare handbook for safety & quality: Chapter 09: Root cause analysis: A tool for high reliability in a complex environment. 212743 NURS 792
Mclaughlin and Kaluzny's Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care: Chapter 14: Future Trends and Challenges for Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care 212742 NURS 792
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice 212741 GRI 103.1001 Power Identity and Social Justice
Between Two Fires 212740 REM 485.685.1001.1002 Combined (REM) Sections
Major problems in Latina/o history : documents and essays 212739 GRI.HIST 214.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Homeland (2005) 212738 GRI 790
Acute And Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 212677 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Psychopathology: A competency-based assessment model for social workers: Chapter 04: Bipolar and Related Disorders 212676 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Psychopathology: A competency-based assessment model for social workers: Chapter 03: Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders 212675 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Diagnosing mental disorders : DSM-5 and ICD-10. Personality disorders. 212674 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
JAMA Psychiatry: Association of Borderline Personality Disorder Criteria With Suicide Attempts: Findings From the Collaborative Longitudinal Study of Personality Disorders Over 10 Years of Follow-up 212673 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Diagnosis and Assessment with Latinos 212672 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Diagnosis and Assessment with Asian Americans 212671 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Diagnosis and Assessment with American Indians 212670 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Diagnosis and Assessment with African Americans 212669 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Tobacco Control: Perceived addiction to vaping among youth and young adult regular vapers 212668 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
International Journal of Consumer Studies: Young adults’ online shopping addiction: The role of self‐regulation and smartphone use 212667 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Behavior analysis in practice: Stigma, Discrimination, Treatment Effectiveness, and Policy Support: Comparing Behavior Analysts’ Views on Drug Addiction and Mental Illness 212666 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Journal of Community Health: Twenty years of Addiction and Mental Illness in Alaska: Using the National Survey on Drug Use and Health to understand addiction in a low population and rural state. 212665 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Drug and Alcohol Dependence: Transgender-related discrimination and substance use, substance use disorder diagnosis and treatment history among transgender adults 212664 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Gambling Additiction 212663 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Addictive Disorders 212662 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Cultural psychiatry with children, adolescents, and families 212661 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
World Psychiatry: Cultural inroads in DSM‐5 212660 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Research on social work practice: Preventing Schizophrenia and Severe Mental Illness: A Grand Challenge for Social Work 212659 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 212658 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Lancet. Psychiatry: DSM-5-TR turns normal grief into a mental disorder 212657 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Clinical Assessment Workbook: Balancing Strengths and Differential Diagnosis: Chapter 05: Depressive disorders 212656 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Depressive Disorders 212655 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Racial Trauma: Assessment and Treatment Techniques for Trauma Rooted in Racism 212654 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Practice innovations: Assessing Racial Trauma Within a DSM-5 Framework: The UConn Racial/Ethnic Stress & Trauma Survey 212653 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Journal of Traumatic Stress: A clinician's guide to the 2023 VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder 212652 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Great teachers, great courses. Clinical, ethical and controversial considerations using the DSM-5 212651 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Journal of interprofessional education and practice: Social workers on the interprofessional integrated team: Elements of team integration and barriers to practice 212650 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Health and Social Work: Bouncers, Brokers, and Glue: The Self-described Roles of Social Workers in Urban Hospitals 212649 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Social work in mental health: Social Work and the DSM: A Qualitative Examination of Opinions 212648 SW 710.1002 Advanced Multidimensional Assessment
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships: Love as a Story 212647 HDFS 430/630
Sunday Sessions: An Intimate Portrait of a Man Undergoing Conversion Therapy (2018) 212646 HDFS 430/630
Kumu Hina (2014) 212645 HDFS 430/630
Archives of Sexual Behavior: Why Humans Have Sex 212644 HDFS 430/630
What happened to you? Conversations on trauma and resilience : Chapter 02 212643 HDFS 431A.631A
Sins Invalid: An Unashamed Claim to Beauty in the Face of Invisibility (2013) 212642 GRI 103.1001 Power Identity and Social Justice
Computers in the schools: Using Multilayer Videos for Remote Learning: Videos of Session Guidance, Content Instruction, and Activity 212641 ITLD 710
Syntax: A generative introduction: Chapter 03: Constituency, Trees, and Rules 212640 ENG 411B.611B.1001 Combined (ENG) Sections
Syntax: A generative introduction: Chapter 02: Parts of speech 212639 ENG 411B.611B.1001 Combined (ENG) Sections
Chilies to Chocolate: Food the Americas Gave the World 212638 ANTH 431.631
Edible Medicine: An Ethnopharmacology of Food 212637 ANTH 431.631
Syntax: A generative introduction: Chapter 01: Preliminaries 212636 ENG 411B.611B.1001 Combined (ENG) Sections
Teacher's grammar book: Chapter 01: A short history of Grammar 212635 ENG 411B.611B.1001 Combined (ENG) Sections
Teaching in Nursing A Guide for Faculty: Chapter 24: Using Classroom Tests to Evaluate Student Attainment of Learning Outcomes 212634 NURS 781.5501 Online Nursing Education
Teaching in Nursing A Guide for Faculty : Chapter 21: Teaching and Learning at a Distance 212633 NURS 781.5501 Online Nursing Education
Applied behavior analysis for teachers: Chapter 12: Teaching Students to Manage Their Own Behavior 212632 EDSP 453.653.1002 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Applied behavior analysis for teachers: Chapter 11: Providing for Generalization of Behavior Change 212631 EDSP 453.653.1002 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Applied behavior analysis for teachers: Chapter 02: Responsible Use of Applied Behvior Analysis Procedures 212630 EDSP 453.653.1002 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Equity Centered trauma informed education : Chapter 1 and 9 212629 EDSP 453.653.1002 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Teaching in Nursing A Guide for Faculty: Chapter 20: Using Technology to Facilitate Learning in the Classroom 212628 NURS 781.5501 Online Nursing Education
Teaching in Nursing A Guide for Faculty: Chapter 16: Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies to Promote Learning 212627 NURS 781.5501 Online Nursing Education
The Devil's Highway: A True Story 212626 GRI.HIST 214.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America 212625 GRI.HIST 214.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Annual Review of Political Science : Reputation and status as motives for war 212624 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Foreign Affairs: “The Most Dangerous Game: Do Power Transitions Always Lead to War?” 212623 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Journal of Conflict Resolution: Power shifts and problem shifts: The evolution of the power transition research program 212622 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Organization : War is in the Error Term 212621 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Organization: War as a Commitment Problem 212620 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Teaching in Nursing A Guide for Faculty: Chapter 20: Using Technology to Facilitate Learning in the Classroom 212619 NURS 780.5501 Didactic Nursing Education
International Organization: Rationalist Explanations for War 212618 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Journal of Interdisciplinary History: The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory 212617 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Annual Review of Political Science: The Causes of War and the Conditions of Peace 212616 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
On being a therapist 212615 CEP 630.1001 Pre-Practicum
Gift of therapy : an open letter to a new generation of therapists and their patients : (ATTN: This book allows only 1 user at one time. Please plan your reading accordingly.) 212613 CEP 630.1001 Pre-Practicum
Watching the Watchers: Communist Elites, the Secret Police and Social Order in Cold War Europe 212612 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills (Empowerment Series): Chapter 03: Overview of the Helping Process 212611 SW 420.1002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Public Health Reports: Social determinants of health and health disparities: COVID-19 exposures and mortality among African American people in the United States 212610 CHS 701
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved: Cultural humility versus cultural competence: A critical distinction in defining physician training outcomes in multicultural education 212609 CHS 701
Maternal and Child Health Journal: Racial and ethnic disparities in birth outcomes: A life-course perspective 212608 CHS 701
Annual review of public health: Systems science methods in public health: dynamics, networks, and agents 212607 CHS 701
American Journal of Public Health: Complex systems thinking and current impasses in health disparities research 212606 CHS 701
AMA Manual of Style 212605 CHS 701
Policy Link: Community-Based Participatory Research: A Strategy for Building Healthy Communities and Promoting Health through Policy Change 212604 CHS 701
BMC Public Health: role of incomne and occupation in the association of education with health aging: Results from a population-based, prospective cohort study 212603 CHS 701
Health Promotion Practice: Cultural Competence or Cultural Humility? Moving Beyond the Debate 212602 CHS 701
PLOS ONE: Social support and mental health among health care workers during Coronavirus Disease 2019 outbreak: A moderated mediation model. 212601 CHS 701
British Medical Journal: Judging nudging: Can nudging improve population health? 212600 CHS 701
Unnatural Causes: When the Bough Breaks (2008) 212599 CHS 701
Elements of style 212598 CHS 701
Public Health Reports: What are health disparities and health equity? We need to be clear 212597 CHS 701
How to Die in Oregon (2011) 212596 CHS 701
American Journal of Public Health: Framing mechanisms linking HIV-related stigma, adherence to treatment, and health outcomes 212595 CHS 701
Journal of Epidemiol Community Health: Life course epidemiology: Recognising the importance of adolescence 212594 CHS 701
The Lancet: Adolescence and the social determinants of health 212593 CHS 701
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health: The case for addressing gender and power in sexuality and HIV education: A comprehensive review of evaluation studies 212592 CHS 701
Annual Review of Public Health: Agent-based modeling in public health: Current applications and future directions 212591 CHS 701
Social Science & Medicine: The three delays as a framework for examining maternal mortality in Haiti. 212590 CHS 701
Social Science Medicine: Transgender stigma and health: A critical review of stigma determinants, mechanisms, and interventions 212589 CHS 701
Introduction to the Sociology of Health and Illness: Parsons, American Sociology of Medicine and the Sick Role 212588 CHS 701
Journal of Behavioral Medicine: Role of religious involvement and spirituality in functioning among African Americans with cancer: Testing a mediational. 212587 CHS 701
Theory at a Glance: A Guide for Health Promotion Practice: Full Text 212586 CHS 701
Critical Public Health: Theories of practice and public health: Understanding (un)healthy practices. 212585 CHS 701
American Journal of Preventive Medicine: System thinking to improve the public's health 212584 CHS 701
Journal of Classical Sociology: The metropolis and the life of spirit by Georg Simmel: A New Translation 212572 SOC 207.5501 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Journal of Intercultural Studies: Georg Simmel, the Stranger and the Sociology of Knowledge 212571 SOC 207.5501 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Management and Organizational History: C. Wright Mills, power and the power elites – a reappraisal 212570 SOC 207.5501 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Philosophical Quarterly: Manifest and Latent Functions 212569 SOC 207.5501 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Sociological Forum : The Legacy of Robert K. Merton: On Theories of the Middle Range 212568 SOC 207.5501 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Law and Contemporary Problems: The Aging in American Society 212567 SOC 207.5501 Introduction to Sociological Theory
American Sociological Review: Age and sex in the social structure of the United States 212566 SOC 207.5501 Introduction to Sociological Theory
American Sociological Review: Some principles of stratification: A critical analysis 212565 SOC 207.5501 Introduction to Sociological Theory
American Sociological Review: Some Principles of Stratification 212564 SOC 207.5501 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Booker T. Washington papers : volumes 1 through 14 complete (Harlan & R. Smock, Eds.) 212563 SOC 207.5501 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Daedalus: The declining significance of race: Revisited and Revised 212562 SOC 207.5501 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Africa’s Great Civilizations (2017) 212561 ANTH 401C.601C
Alternative Energy: Political, Economic, and Social Feasibility 212560 ENGR.PSC 110.1001 Combined (ENGR/PSC) Sections
Children's Books in Children's Hands: A brief introduction to their literature 212439 EDU 207.5501 Exploration of Children s Literature
Readings in Social Theory: The Classic Tradition to Post-Modernism: Chapter 06: Functionalism 212438 SOC 207.1001 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Readings in Social Theory: The Classic Tradition to Post-Modernism: Chapter 02: Emile Durkheim: Anomie and Social Integration 212437 SOC 207.1001 Introduction to Sociological Theory
How to be a dictator : the cult of personality in the twentieth century (2 Copies) 212433 HIST 430A.630A.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Comparative approaches to program planning 212432 SW 723
Readings in Social Theory: The Classic Tradition to Post-Modernism 212431 SOC 207.1001 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Readings in Social Theory: The Classic Tradition to Post-Modernism 212430 SOC 207.1001 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills (Empowerment Series): Chapters 2 thru 6 212429 SW 420.1003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Comparative approaches to program planning 212428 SW 723.7001 Social Work Administration I
Public Administration Review: Does Strategic Planning Improve Organizational Performance? A Meta‐Analysis. 212427 SW 723.7001 Social Work Administration I
Transcultural Psychiatry: More than being against it: Anti-racism and anti-oppression in mental health services: Rethinking Cultural Competence. 212426 SW 723.7001 Social Work Administration I
Stanford Social Innovation Review: Rediscovering Social Innovation 212424 SW 723.7001 Social Work Administration I
American Journal of Evaluation: Consequences to federal programs when the logic-modeling process is not followed with fidelity 212423 SW 723.7001 Social Work Administration I
Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach: Chapter 04: Needs Assessment: Theoretical Considerations 212422 SW 723.7001 Social Work Administration I
Epidemiology Beyond the Basics 212421 CHS 708.1001 Epidemiology II
American Journal of Evaluation: Consequences to federal programs when the logic-modeling process is not followed with fidelity 212420 SW 723
Comparative approaches to program planning 212419 SW 723
Stanford Social Innovation Review: Rediscovering Social Innovation 212418 SW 723
Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach: Chapter 04: Needs Assessment: Theoretical Considerations 212417 SW 723
Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo: Chapter 07: External Boundaries 212416 ANTH 703
Woman, Culture and Society: Table of Contents and Introduction 212410 ANTH 703
Race, Language, and Culture: Excerpts 212403 ANTH 703
Science and Religion in the 19th Century: Chapter 21: General Summary and Conclusion 212398 ANTH 703
Decolonizing Ethnography: Undocumented Immigrations and New Directions in Social Science: Colonial Anthropology and its Alternatives 212396 ANTH 703
Cultural Anthropology: Unsettling Sovereignty 212395 ANTH 703
Transforming Anthropology: Telling the Story Straight: Black Feminist Intellectual Thought in Anthropology 212394 ANTH 703
Outsider Within: Reworking Anthropology in the Global Age: Chapter 01: Reworking Anthropology from the Outside Within 212393 ANTH 703
Annual Review of Anthropology: Interrogating Racism: Toward an Anti-Racist Anthropology 212392 ANTH 703
Decolonizing Anthropology: Moving Further Toward an Anthropology for Liberation: Anthropology as an Agent of Transformation 212391 ANTH 703
Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers in the United States: Chapter 06: Because They're Lower to the Ground: Naturalizing Social Suffering 212389 ANTH 703
Anthropology and Social Theory: Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject: Chapter 06: Power and Projects: Reflections on Agency 212388 ANTH 703
Anthropology and Social Theory: Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject: Introduction: Updating Practice Theory 212387 ANTH 703
Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present: Chapter 08: Writing Against Culture 212386 ANTH 703
HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory: Dark Anthropology: Theory in Anthropology Since the Eighties 212385 ANTH 703
Current Anthropology: Asylum as a Form of Life: The Politics and Experience of Indeterminacy in South Africa 212384 ANTH 703
Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life: Introduction 212383 ANTH 703
Man: (Now called Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute): Anthropological Concepts of Religion: Reflections on Geertz 212382 ANTH 703
Interpretation of Cultures: Chapter 15: Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight 212381 ANTH 703
Interpretation of Cultures: Chapter 01: Thick Description: Toward and Interpretive Theory of Culture 212380 ANTH 703
Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo: Chapter 03: Abominations of Leviticus 212379 ANTH 703
Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo: Introduction 212378 ANTH 703
Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande. : Chapter 02: The Notion of Witchcraft Explains Unfortunate Events 212377 ANTH 703
American Journal of Sociology: The Group and the Individual in Functional Analysis 212376 ANTH 703
Anthropological Theory: Franz Boas Out of the Ivory Tower 212375 ANTH 703
Tell My Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica: Chapter 10: Voodoo and Voodoo Gods 212374 ANTH 703
Speaking of Indians: Part I: This Man Called Indian (The Indian Enters America, Tribal Languages and Culture Areas, Spiritual Culture Areas 212373 ANTH 703
American Anthropologist: The Methods of Ethnology 212372 ANTH 703
Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity: Chapter 01: Farewell to Humanity's Childhood 212371 ANTH 703
Primitive Culture: Researches in the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Art, and Custom: Science of Culture 212370 ANTH 703
From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology: The Protestant Sects and the Spirit of Capitalism 212369 ANTH 703
Marxism and Literature: Chapter 06: Hegemony 212368 ANTH 703
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute: Beyond the Suffering Subject: Toward an Anthropology of the Good 212367 ANTH 703
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society: Egg and the Sperm: How Science has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles 212366 ANTH 703
Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison: Chapter 03: Panopticism 212365 ANTH 703
Pascalian Meditations: Chapter 05: Symbolic Violence and Political Struggle 212364 ANTH 703
Logic of Practice: Book 01, chapter 03: Structures, Habitus, and Practices 212363 ANTH 703
Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography: Introduction: Partial Truths 212362 ANTH 703
Souls of Black Folk: Chapter 01: Of Our Spiritual Strivings 212361 ANTH 703
Argonauts of the Western Pacific: Introduction 212360 ANTH 703
Why America's Top Pundits are Wrong: Anthropologists Talk Back: Chapter 10: Sex on the Brain 212359 ANTH 703
Ancient Society: Researches in the Line of Human Progress from Savagery through Barbarism to Civilization: Ethnical Periods 212358 ANTH 703
Cultural Anthropology: Situating Global Capitalisms: A View from Wall Street Investment Banks 212357 ANTH 703
Rules of the Sociological Method: Chapter 01: What is a Social Fact? and Chapter 02: Rules for the Observation of Social Facts 212356 ANTH 703
Karl Marx: Selected Writings: Bourgeious and Proletarians from The Communist Manifesto 212355 ANTH 703
Karl Marx: Selected Writings: 14 Section The Free Development of Individuals in Communist Society IN chapter The German Ideology 212354 ANTH 703
HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory: Ethnography as Theory 212353 ANTH 703
Cultural Anthropology: A Toolkit for a Global Age: Chapter 03: Fieldwork and Ethnography 212352 ANTH 703
Cultural Anthropology: A Toolkit for a Global Age: Chapter 02: Culture 212351 ANTH 703
Cultural Anthropology: A Toolkit for a Global Age: Chapter 01: Anthropology in a Global Age 212350 ANTH 703
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice 212345 GRI 103.1001 Power Identity and Social Justice
Feminist Research Practice: A Primer 212344 WMST 450.1001 Feminist Theory and Methods
Public Administration Review: Does Strategic Planning Improve Organizational Performance? A Meta‐Analysis. 212343 SW 723.7005 Social Work Administration I
Transcultural Psychiatry: More than being against it: Anti-racism and anti-oppression in mental health services: Rethinking Cultural Competence. 212342 SW 723.7005 Social Work Administration I
Stanford Social Innovation Review: Rediscovering Social Innovation 212340 SW 723.7005 Social Work Administration I
Public Administration Review: Does Strategic Planning Improve Organizational Performance? A Meta‐Analysis. 212337 SW 723.7004 Social Work Administration I
Transcultural Psychiatry: More than being against it: Anti-racism and anti-oppression in mental health services: Rethinking Cultural Competence. 212336 SW 723.7004 Social Work Administration I
Comparative approaches to program planning 212335 SW 723.7004 Social Work Administration I
Stanford Social Innovation Review: Rediscovering Social Innovation 212334 SW 723.7004 Social Work Administration I
American Journal of Evaluation: Consequences to federal programs when the logic-modeling process is not followed with fidelity 212333 SW 723.7004 Social Work Administration I
Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach: Chapter 04: Needs Assessment: Theoretical Considerations 212332 SW 723.7004 Social Work Administration I
Public Administration Review: Does Strategic Planning Improve Organizational Performance? A Meta‐Analysis. 212331 SW 723.7003 Social Work Administration I
Transcultural Psychiatry: More than being against it: Anti-racism and anti-oppression in mental health services: Rethinking Cultural Competence. 212330 SW 723.7003 Social Work Administration I
Comparative approaches to program planning 212329 SW 723.7003 Social Work Administration I
Stanford Social Innovation Review: Rediscovering Social Innovation 212328 SW 723.7003 Social Work Administration I
American Journal of Evaluation: Consequences to federal programs when the logic-modeling process is not followed with fidelity 212327 SW 723.7003 Social Work Administration I
Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach: Chapter 04: Needs Assessment: Theoretical Considerations 212326 SW 723.7003 Social Work Administration I
Public Administration Review: Does Strategic Planning Improve Organizational Performance? A Meta‐Analysis. 212325 SW 723.7002 Social Work Administration I
Transcultural Psychiatry: More than being against it: Anti-racism and anti-oppression in mental health services: Rethinking Cultural Competence. 212324 SW 723.7002 Social Work Administration I
Comparative approaches to program planning 212323 SW 723.7002 Social Work Administration I
Stanford Social Innovation Review: Rediscovering Social Innovation 212322 SW 723.7002 Social Work Administration I
American Journal of Evaluation: Consequences to federal programs when the logic-modeling process is not followed with fidelity 212321 SW 723.7002 Social Work Administration I
Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach: Chapter 04: Needs Assessment: Theoretical Considerations 212320 SW 723.7002 Social Work Administration I
Comparative approaches to program planning 212317 SW 723.7005 Social Work Administration I
American Journal of Evaluation: Consequences to federal programs when the logic-modeling process is not followed with fidelity 212315 SW 723.7005 Social Work Administration I
Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach: Chapter 04: Needs Assessment: Theoretical Considerations 212314 SW 723.7005 Social Work Administration I
Early Child Development and Care: Associations between parent-teacher and teacherchild relationships and children’s socioemotional functioning 212313 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
Infant and Child Development: Child care quality & dutch 2- &3-year-old's socio-emotional outcomes 212312 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry: Child-care quality moderates the association between maternal depression and children's behavioural outcome 212311 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support: Chapter 01: Ecology of the Child 212310 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Your Handbook for Action: Chapter 1.2: Community Involvement in School Improvement: The Little Extra That Makes a Big Difference 212309 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
Early Childhood Education Journal: Extending face-to-face interactions: Understanding and developing an online teacher and family community 212308 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support: Chapter 02: Ecology of Socialization 212307 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Your Handbook for Action: Chapter 1.3: Improving Student Outcomes within School, Family, and Community Partnerships: A Research Review 212306 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
Journal of School Psychology: Parent Involvement in School Conceptualizing Multiple Dimensions and Their Relations with Family and Demographic Risk Factors 212305 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
Reading Teacher: Exploring culturally relevant texts with kindergartners and their families. 212304 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
Early Childhood Education Journal: Supporting young children's transitions to school: recommendations for families 212303 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Your Handbook for Action: Chapter 1.1: School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Caring for the Children We Share 212302 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
Young Children: Easing First Day Jitters: Strategies for Successful Home-to-School Transitions 212301 HDFS 435A.635A.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
Heaven and Earth Grocery Store: A Novel 212300 GEOG 106
Africa: Chapter 05: Islam and African Societies 212299 HIST 477.677
Africa : Volume 05: Contemporary Africa: Chapter 31 : Modern African Literature 212298 HIST 477.677
Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400-1800: Chapter 01: The Birth of an Atlantic World 212297 HIST 477.677
Africa Since 1940 : The Past of the Present: Chapter 07: The Recurrent Crises of the Gatekeeper State 212296 HIST 477.677
African Affairs: African History and Environmental History 212295 HIST 477.677
African Affairs: Mobile Phone ‘Revolution’ in Africa : Rhetoric or Reality? 212294 HIST 477.677
African Reactions to Missionary Education: Assimilation and Discrimination in Catholic Education in Angola and the Congo 212293 HIST 477.677
African Studies Review: Dream and Drama : The Search for Elegance among Congolese Youth 212292 HIST 477.677
African Studies Review: Unfinished Migrations: Reflections on the African Diaspora and the Making of the Modern World 212291 HIST 477.677
African Sun Times: Silent Terror 212290 HIST 477.677
African Women South of the Sahara: Chapter 08: Women in African Literature 212289 HIST 477.677
American Historical Review: Popular Films and Colonial Audiences : The Movies in Northern Rhodesia 212288 HIST 477.677
American Historical Review: Conflict and connection: Rethinking Colonial African History 212287 HIST 477.677
Assassination of Lumumba: Chapter 05 : Lumumba's Last Day 212286 HIST 477.677
Births and Power: Social Change and the Politics of Reproduction: Chapter 11: The Politics of AIDS, Condoms, and Heterosexual Relations in Africa: Recent Evidence from the Local Print Media 212285 HIST 477.677
Black France: Colonialism, Immigration, and Transnationalism: Chapter 06: Fashion Matters: La Sape and Vestimentary Codes in Transnational Contexts and Urban Diasporas 212284 HIST 477.677
Black France: Colonialism, Immigration, and Transnationalism: Chapter 05: Afro-Parisianism and African Feminisms 212283 HIST 477.677
Christianity in Independent Africa: Missionary Factor in Africa 212282 HIST 477.677
Cultural Studies: Provincializing Europe: Postcoloniality and the Critique of History 212281 HIST 477.677
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice: Chapter 11: Digital Media Culture 212280 HIST 477.677
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice: Chapter 13: Youth, Style and Resistance 212279 HIST 477.677
Decolonization Reader: Chapter 18: Football, Colonial Doctrine and Indigenous Resistance: Mapping the Political Persona of FIFA's African Constituency 212278 HIST 477.677
Emerging Themes of African History: Proceedings of the International Congress of African Historians held at University College, Dar es Salaam, October 1965: Chapter 17: Continuity of African Institutions Under Colonialism 212277 HIST 477.677
Emerging Themes of African History: Proceedings of the International Congress of African Historians held at University College, Dar es Salaam, October 1965: Chapter 14: Introduction to African Diaspora 212276 HIST 477.677
Emerging Themes of African History: Proceedings of the International Congress of African Historians held at University College, Dar es Salaam, October 1965: Chapter 15: The African Abroad or the African Diaspora 212275 HIST 477.677
European Imperialism and the Partition of Africa: European Paritition of Africa: Coincidence of Conjuncture? 212274 HIST 477.677
France and Islam in West Africa, 1860-1960: Part I : 1850-1898: Nineteenth-Century Origins of French Islamic Policy 212273 HIST 477.677
Great African War 212272 HIST 477.677
Guardian Foreign: Criminal Diamond Trade Fuels African War, UN is Told; Campaigners All for Radical Shakeup of Gem Industry 212271 HIST 477.677
Hamburg African Studies: Etudes Africaines Hambourgeoises: The Reconfiguration of Political Order in Africa: A Case Study of North Kivu: Chapter 04: The Rebel Para-State 212270 HIST 477.677
Hamburg African Studies: Etudes Africaines Hambourgeoises: The Reconfiguration of Political Order in Africa: A Case Study of North Kivu: Chapter 06: Managing Disorder: Coping Strategies and the Limits of State Substitution 212269 HIST 477.677
Hamburg African Studies: Etudes Africaines Hambourgeoises: The Reconfiguration of Political Order in Africa: A Case Study of North Kivu: Conclusion 212268 HIST 477.677
History of Africa: Chapter 18: Pre-Industrial Southern Africa in the Nineteenth Century 212267 HIST 477.677
History of South Africa: Chapter 09: New South Africa 1994-2000 212266 HIST 477.677
History of South Africa: Chapter 05: The Segregation Era, 1910-1948 212265 HIST 477.677
History of South Africa: Chapter 03: African Wars and White Invaders: Southeast Africa, 1770-1870 212264 HIST 477.677
History of South Africa: Chapter 06: The Apartheid Era: 1948-1978 212263 HIST 477.677
Howard Journal of Communications: Speaking Out: Women, Pagne, and Politics in the Cote d’Ivoire 212262 HIST 477.677
Information, Communication, and Society: Twitter Activism and Youth in South Africa: the Case of #RhodesMust Fall 212261 HIST 477.677
International Journal: Civil Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa: Internally Generated Causes 212260 HIST 477.677
International Journal of African Historical Studies: Resistance and Collaboration in Southern and Central Africa, c. 1850-1920 212259 HIST 477.677
Journal of African History: Contesting Clothes in Colonial Brazzaville 212258 HIST 477.677
Long Night's Journey into Day: South Africa's search for truth & reconciliation (2000) 212257 HIST 477.677
Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture: Can the Subaltern Speak?: Part 02 212256 HIST 477.677
Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture: Can the Subaltern Speak?: Part 01 212255 HIST 477.677
Nation and its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories: Chapter 07: Women and the Nation 212254 HIST 477.677
Nation and its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories: Chapter 06: The Nation and its Women 212253 HIST 477.677
Nation and its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories: Chapter 01: Whose Imagined Community? 212252 HIST 477.677
New Perspectives on Historical Writing: Chapter 11: Environmental History 212251 HIST 477.677
New York Times (you can also create a free account here: https://guides.library.unr.edu/nytimes): Ban Religious Attire in School, French Panel Says; Muslim Veil at Center of Issue -- A Challenge to Secularism Is Seen 212250 HIST 477.677
Partitioned Africans: Ethnic Relations Across Africa's International Boundaires 1884-1984: Chapter 02: The Making of the Boundaries: Focus on West Africa 212249 HIST 477.677
SMS Uprising: Mobile Phone Activism in Africa: Chapter 05: Fahamu: Using Cell Phones in an Activist Campaign 212248 HIST 477.677
SMS Uprising: Mobile Phone Activism in Africa: Chapter 08: Women in Uganda: Mobile Activism For Networking and Advocacy 212247 HIST 477.677
SMS Uprising: Mobile Phone Activism in Africa: Chapter 11: Using Mobile Phones for Monitoring Human Rights Violations in the DRC 212246 HIST 477.677
Souls of Black Folk: (Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others, Of the Dawn of Freedom) 212245 HIST 477.677
Wretched of the Earth: Chapter 03: The Trials and Tribulations of National Consciousness 212244 HIST 477.677
Wretched of the Earth: Chapter 04: On National Culture 212243 HIST 477.677
Wretched of the Earth: Chapter 01: On Violence 212242 HIST 477.677
Therapist-Client Boundary Challenges (2004) 212241 PSY 451.1001 Basic Principles of Psychotherapy
Bright Green Lies (2021) 212240 ENG 342
Edible Medicine: An Ethnopharmacology of Food: Chapter 04: Fermented Foods and Beverages 212239 ANTH 431.631
Edible Medicine: An Ethnopharmacology of Food: Chapter 03: Spices: The Pharmacology of the Exotic 212238 ANTH 431.631
In the Shadow of Fox Peak: An Ethnography of the Cattail-Eater Northern Paiute People of Stillwater Marsh: Chapter 06: Material Culture 212237 ANTH 431.631
Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity: Traditional Knowledge, Culturally-Based World-Views and Western Science 212236 ANTH 431.631
Anthropology of Consciousness: Shamanism and San Pedro Through Time: Some Notes on the Arcaheology, Hisory, and Continued Use of an Entheogen in Northern Peru 212235 ANTH 431.631
Gathering the Desert: Sandfood and Sand Papago: A Wild Kind of Mutualism 212234 ANTH 431.631
After the First Full Moon in April: A Sourcebook of Herbal Medicine from a California Indian Elder: Peppernut Story and Chapters 02-03 212233 ANTH 431.631
Ethnobiology: Chapter 21: The Symbolic Uses of Plants 212232 ANTH 431.631
Ethnobiology: Chapter 19: Linguistic Ethnobiology 212231 ANTH 431.631
Ethnobiology: Chapter 13: Ethnomycology: Fungi and Mushrooms in Cultural Entanglements 212230 ANTH 431.631
Eating on the Wild Side: The Pharmacologic, Ecologic, and Social Implications of Using Noncultigens: Chapter 11: Coprolite Evidence for Prehistoric Foodstuffs, Condiments, and Medicines 212229 ANTH 431.631
Ethnobotany: Principles and Applications: Chapter 08: Traditional Phytochemistry 212228 ANTH 431.631
In the Shadow of Fox Peak: An Ethnography of the Cattail-Eater Northern Paiute People of Stillwater Marsh: Chapter 07: Clothing and Personal Adornment 212227 ANTH 431.631
Eating on the Wild Side: The Pharmacologic, Ecologic, and Social Implications of Using Noncultigens: Chapter 07: Characteristics of Wild Plant Foods Used by Indigenous Populations in Amazonia 212226 ANTH 431.631
Ethnoecology: Situated Knowledge/ Located Lives: Chapter 06: Lenses and Latitudes in Landscapes and Lifescapes 212225 ANTH 431.631
Ethnobiology: Chapter 06: Ethnozoology 212224 ANTH 431.631
In the Shadow of Fox Peak: An Ethnography of the Cattail-Eater Northern Paiute People of Stillwater Marsh: Chapter 05: Houses 212223 ANTH 431.631
Insects as Food: Aboriginal Entomophagy in the Great Basin: Chapter 05: Flies 212222 ANTH 431.631
Chilies to Chocolate: Food the Americas Gave the World: Chapter 04: Maize: Gift From America's First Peoples 212221 ANTH 431.631
Chilies to Chocolate: Food the Americas Gave the World: Chapter 03: Vanilla: Nectar of the Gods 212220 ANTH 431.631
Ethnobiology: Chapter 03: Ethics in Ethnobiology: History, International Law and Policy, and Contemporary Issues 212219 ANTH 431.631
Ethnobotany: Principles and Applications: Chapter 02: Plant Structures, Functions and Applications 212218 ANTH 431.631
Insects as Food: Aboriginal Entomophagy in the Great Basin: Chapter 02: Grasshoppers and Locusts 212217 ANTH 431.631
Chilies to Chocolate: Food the Americas Gave the World: Chapter 01: Europeans' Wary Encounter with Tomatoes, Potatoes, and Other New World Foods 212216 ANTH 431.631
Ethnobotany: A Method's Manual: Chapter 01: Data Collection and Hypothesis Testing 212215 ANTH 431.631
Gathering the Desert: Amaranth Greens: The Meat of the Poor People 212214 ANTH 431.631
Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems: Chapter 02: Approaches to Learning and Teaching 212213 EDSP 443.643.1001.1002 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Introduction to Animal Science Global, Biological, Social, and Industry Perspectives 212212 AGSC 100.1001 Elements of Livestock Production
Organic Chemistry: study guide and solutions manual 212211 CHEM 341
Organic Chemistry 212210 CHEM 341
Project Based Teaching: How to Create Rigorous and Engaging Learning Experiences 212209 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
American Educator: The New NGSS Classroom: A curriculum framework for project-based science learning 212208 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
It's Debatable: Using Socioscientific Issues to Develop Scientific Literacy K-12: Unit 6: Mined Over Matter 212207 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
Using Understanding by Design in the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classroom: Chapter 01: Fostering Deeper Learning - The UBD Framework 212206 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
Essential Questions: Opening Doors to Student understanding 212205 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction 212204 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
Understanding by Design 212203 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
Equity by Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL 212202 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling (Grades 6-12): Table 11.2: Connecting Mathematical Concepts and Everyday Situations 212201 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling (Grades 6-12): Table 7.1: Strategies Teachers Can Use as Students Engage in the Modeling Process 212200 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling (Grades 6-12): Table 4.1: Potential Classroom Norms and Their Value in Mathematical Modeling 212199 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling (Grades 6-12): Table 2.1: Teacher and Student Actions During Mathematical Modeling 212198 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling (Grades 6-12): Chapter 01: What is Mathematical Modeling (4 Big Ideas) 212197 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
Project-Based Learning in the Math Classroom (Grades 6-10) 212196 NVTC 401.1002 Project Based Instruction
sample after 8/27/24 update from webcampus upload: sample after 8/27/24 update from webcampus upload 212195 Course Reserves Demo
sample after 8/27/24 update from webcampus: sample after 8/27/24 update from webcampus 212194 Course Reserves Demo
American Society of Criminology: Sentencing and Unwarrented Disparity: An Empirical Assessment of the Long-Term Impact of Sentencing Guidelines in Minnesota 212192 CRJ 301
Police Foundation Reports: Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment 212191 CRJ 301
Prison Journal: Evaluating the Efficacy of a Parenting Program for Incarcerated Mothers 212190 CRJ 301
Journal of Studies on Alcohol: Reducing the Risks of Alcohol Use Among Urban Youth: Three-Year Effects of a Computer-Based Intervention with and without Parent Involvement 212189 CRJ 301
Social Work Practice: Evaluating the Effects of Child Abuse Training on the Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills of Police Recruits 212188 CRJ 301
Police Foundation: Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment: A Summary Report 212187 CRJ 301
Scared Straight! and the Panacea Phenomenon: Chapter 03: Inmate-Youth Aversion Programs 212186 CRJ 301
Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology: Chapter 05: Concepts, Operationalization, and Measurement 212185 CRJ 301
Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice: Chapter 04: Sampling 212184 CRJ 301
Criminal Justice Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches: Chapter 03: Theory and Research 212183 CRJ 301
Criminal Justice and Criminology Research Methods: Chapter 08: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Crime and Justice Search 212182 CRJ 301
Applied Research Methods in Criminal Justice: Chapter 03: Research Design: Purposes, Types, and Selections 212181 CRJ 301
Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Science: Chapter 05: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing (Excerpt) 212180 CRJ 301
Nat Rev Earth Environ : Climate change and conflict 212179 PSC 405U.605U.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Motivational Interviewing in Social Work Practice: Chapter 08: Planning: Determining the Path Forward 212178 SW 420.1003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Motivational Interviewing in Social Work Practice: Chapter 03: The Engaging Process: Building Trust 212177 SW 420.1003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Clinical Interventions for Internalized Oppression: Chapter 03: Therapeutic alliance 212176 SW 420.1003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Clinical Interventions for Internalized Oppression: Chapter 02: An Intersectional Approach 212175 SW 420.1003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Climate Risk Management: Learning from the past in moving to the future: Invest in communication and response to weather early warnings to reduce death and damage 212174 PSC 405U.605U.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Global Environmental Change: A “precariously unprepared” Pentagon? Climate security beliefs and decision-making in the U.S. military 212173 PSC 405U.605U.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Against the Ethicists: Chapter 03: Do Good and Evil Really Exist? 212172 PHIL 317
Rationale of Reward: Push-Pin and Poetry excerpt 212171 PHIL 317
Basic Writings of Nietzsche: Genealogy of Morals: 14-15 212170 PHIL 317
Portable Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Zarathustra's Prologue 212169 PHIL 317
Ethics: History, Theory, and Contemporary Issues: 16. The Myth of Sisyphus 212168 PHIL 317
Lives of Eminent Philosophers: 2. Diogenes 212167 PHIL 317
Lives of Eminent Philosophers: 8. Aristippus 212166 PHIL 317
History of the Peloponnesian War: The Melian Dialogue 212165 PHIL 317
Gay Science: With a Prelude in German Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs: Book 3: 124 and 125; Book 5: 343 212164 PHIL 317
Plato Complete Works: Protagoras 212163 PHIL 317
Nicomachean Ethics: Book III: The Individual Virtues of Character (starting with section 6 on courage to the end of book III) 212162 PHIL 317
Rationale of Reward: Push-Pin and Poetry excerpt 212160 PHIL 317
Lives of Eminent Philosophers: 2. Diogenes 212156 PHIL 317
Lives of Eminent Philosophers: 8. Aristippus 212155 PHIL 317
Walkout (2006): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 212150 CH 203
High Noon (1952): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 212149 CH 203
Modern Times (1936) 212148 CH 203
New Yorker: Balanchine Said 212147 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
Dance Research Journal: When is Contemporary Dance? 212146 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
Diamonds' from Jewels: (videos may not automatically play, they need to be started manually with the play button in the lower right corner of the video) 212145 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
Emeralds' from Jewels: (videos may not automatically play, they need to be started manually with the play button in the lower right corner of the video) 212144 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
Rubies' from Jewels: (videos may not automatically play, they need to be started manually with the play button in the lower right corner of the video) 212143 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
Digging the Africanist Presence in American Performance: Chapter 02: First Premises of an Africanist Aesthetic 212142 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
Moving History/Dancing Cultures : A Dance History Reader: Part I, Chapter 06: An Anthropologist Looks at Ballet as a Form of Ethnic Dance 212141 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
Swan Lake 212140 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
Choreographing Copyright: Coda: Beyoncé v. De Keersmaeker 212139 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
Digging the Africanist Presence in American Performance: Dance and Other Contexts: Chapter 01: Up From Under: The Africanist Presence 212138 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
Moving History/Dancing Cultures : A Dance History Reader: Part I, Chapter 05: Five Premises for a Culturally Sensitive Approach to Dance 212137 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
New Yorker: Discussing the Undiscussable 212136 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
West Side Story (1961): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 212135 DAN 101.1001 Dance Appreciation
Tom Dowd and the Language of Music: NULL 212134 MUS 320
Monthly Review: A Black Feminist Statement 212133 WMST 101
Women's Studies: The Basics: Chapter 03: Intersectionality and Difference Race, Class, and Gender 212132 WMST 101
Women's Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 6th Ed.: Chapter 03: Reading 22: Unraveling Hardwiring 212131 WMST 101
Women's Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 6th Ed.: Chapter 04: Reading 32: Ethnicity and Body Consciousness 212130 WMST 101
Women's Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 6th Ed.: Chapter 01: Reading 05: Feminist Politics: Where We Stand 212129 WMST 101
Women's Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 5th Ed.: Reading 94: Fundamentalism and the Control of Women 212128 WMST 101
Women's Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 6th Ed.: Chapter 03: Reading 21: The Social Construction of Gender 212127 WMST 101
Listen Up: Voices from the Next Feminist Generation: Weaving an Identity Tapestry 212126 WMST 101
Journal of World-Systems Research: Gender and Globalization: Female Labor and Women's Mobilization 212125 WMST 101
Introduction to Women's Studies: Gender in a Transnational World: Section 08: Gender and the Rise of the Modern State: Reading A: Women, Gender, and the State 212124 WMST 101
Introduction to Women's Studies: Gender in a Transnational World: Section 23: Reading D: The Gendered Politics and Violence of Structural Adjustment: A View from Jamaica 212123 WMST 101
Human Rights Quarterly: Women's Rights as Human Rights: Toward a Re-Vision of Human Rights 212122 WMST 101
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens: The Radical Potential of Queer Politics 212121 WMST 101
Feminist Frontiers: Section 05, Reading 24: Maid in L.A. 212120 WMST 101
American Prospect: Feminism and Democracy 212119 WMST 101
American Anthropologist: Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?: Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others 212118 WMST 101
To Desire Differently: Feminism and the French Cinema: Chapter 10: From Deesse to Idee: Cleo From 5 to 7 212117 ENG 202
Journal of African History: “The ‘Native’ Undefined: Colonial Categories, Anglo-African Status and the Politics of Kinship in British Central Africa, 1929-38” 211942 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
The Journal of Modern African Studies : “Accumulators and Democrats: Challenging State Corruption in Africa” 211941 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
Western Political Quarterly : The Effects of Corruption in a Developing Nation 211940 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
World Health Statistics Quarterly : Disasters in Africa: Old and New Hazards and Growing Vulnerability 211939 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
BMJ Glob Health: “Reflections on Family Medicine and Primary Healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa” 211938 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
Journal of African Economies: Youth Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges, Constraints and Opportunities 211937 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
Agenda, Empowering women for gender equity: The Many Voices of Feminism 211936 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
Journal of African History: Contesting Clothes in Colonial Brazzaville 211935 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
Social Dynamics. A journal of African Studies: Miriam’s Place”: South African Jazz, Conviviality and Exile 211934 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
Journal of Southern African Studies: Music and Emancipation: the Social Role of Black Jazz and Vaudeville in South Africa between the 1920s and the Early 1940s 211933 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
Nelson Mandela: Prisoner to President (1986) 211932 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present: Chapter 01: “Introduction: Understanding the Contours of Africa’s Past” 211931 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
Africa: Chapter 02: “The Contemporary Map of Africa,” 211930 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
Africa: Chapter 01: “Africa: Problems and Perspectives,” 211929 HIST 231.1001 History of Africa II - Modern Africa
Parasite (2019) 211928 SOC 411.1001 Films and Society
Convergence culture: Where Old and New Media Collide: Introduction : Worship at the Altar of Convergence 211927 JOUR 720.1001 The Future of Media
News for the Rich, White, and Blue: How Place and Power Distort American Journalism : Chapter 07: Blue News Surviving; Conclusion: Place as the Way Forward (and notes) 211926 JOUR 720.1001 The Future of Media
Social Media and the Public Interest: Media Regulation and the Disinformation Age: Chapter 05: The Public-Interest Principle in Media Governance: Past and Present; Chapter 06: Reviving the Public Interest; & Conclusion 211925 JOUR 720.1001 The Future of Media
Living Theatre: A History of the Theatre 211924 THTR 481.681.1001 Combined (THTR) Sections
Fidelio (2000) 211923 CH 202.1005 & 1007 The Modern World
Santa Maria Del Monte: The Presence of the Past in a Spanish Village: Contents 211922 HIST 300.1001 Historical Research and Writing
Santa Maria Del Monte: The Presence of the Past in a Spanish Village: Chapter 05: Parents and Children 211921 HIST 300.1001 Historical Research and Writing
Santa Maria Del Monte: The Presence of the Past in a Spanish Village: Chapter 04: The Idiom of Equal Inheritance 211920 HIST 300.1001 Historical Research and Writing
Santa Maria Del Monte: The Presence of the Past in a Spanish Village: Chapter 03: An Archaeology of the House 211919 HIST 300.1001 Historical Research and Writing
Santa Maria Del Monte: The Presence of the Past in a Spanish Village: Chapter 02: The Village House 211918 HIST 300.1001 Historical Research and Writing
Santa Maria Del Monte: The Presence of the Past in a Spanish Village: Introduction 211917 HIST 300.1001 Historical Research and Writing
Santa Maria Del Monte: The Presence of the Past in a Spanish Village: Chapter 01: A Portrait of a Landscape and of a People 211916 HIST 300.1001 Historical Research and Writing
Santa Maria Del Monte: The Presence of the Past in a Spanish Village: Chapter 06: Setting Up House 211915 HIST 300.1001 Historical Research and Writing
Tragedy of Great Power Politics: Chapter 02: anarchy and the struggle for power 211914 PSC 231
Atlantic: The Thucydides trap: are the US and China headed for war? 211913 PSC 231
Atlantic Monthly: Bystanders to Genocide 211912 PSC 231
International Security: Human Security: Paradigm Shift or Hot Air? 211911 PSC 231
Inside Terrorism: Chapter 01: Defining Terrorism (ATTN: This book allows only 1 user at one time. Please plan your reading accordingly.) 211910 PSC 231
Review of International studies: The Westfailure System 211909 PSC 231
Epidemiology 211908 PBH 473.1002 Epidemiology
Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction: Chapter 01: The Origins of Genocide 211906 HGPS 201
American Ethnologist: Imagined Communities and Real Victims: Self-Determination and Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia 211905 HGPS 201
Modern Psychoanalysis: Genealogy of Genocide 211904 HGPS 201
Genocide : A Comprehensive Introduction 211903 HGPS 201
Survival in Auschwitz and the Reawakening: Two Memoirs: Chapter 01: The Journey 211902 HGPS 201
Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction: Chapter 01: The Origins of Genocide 211901 HGPS 201
When Victims Become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda: Introduction: Thinking About Genocide 211900 HGPS 201
This is Spinal Tap (1984) 211899 ENG 202
Gimme Shelter (1970) 211898 ENG 202
Imprisoned Intellectuals : America's Political Prisoners Write on Life, Liberation, and Rebellion: Letter from a Birmingham Jail 211897 CH 203
Class Apart 211896 CH 203
Liberty Further Extended 211893 CH 203
Emancipation Proclamation 211891 CH 203
Massachusetts Supreme Court: Commonwealth V. Jennison 211890 CH 203
Petitions of Massachusetts Slaves for Freedom 211889 CH 203
Federalist No. 54 211888 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 211885 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 211884 CH 203
Essays of Brutus: No. 1 211882 CH 203
Federalist: No. 10 211881 CH 203
National Organization for Women, Philadelphia Chapter: Brochure on Equal Rights Amendment (1976) 211880 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Plessy V. Ferguson (1896) 211878 CH 203
Works: 1608-1631: John Smith Writes about the Chesapeake Indians of 1608 211875 CH 203
Women and Economics: Excerpts 211874 CH 203
William and Mary Quarterly: Liberty Further Extended: A 1776 Antislavery Manuscript 211873 CH 203
Washington Post: President Bush Addresses the Nation 211871 CH 203
War is a Racket: Chapters 01 and 05 211870 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Text of Obama's Speech: A More Perfect Union 211869 CH 203
Vietnam Wars: 1945-1990: Epilogue 211867 CH 203
United States Magazine and Democratic Review: Annexation 211866 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Emma Watson: Gender Equality is Your Issue Too 211865 CH 203
Twenty Years at Hull House: Excerpts 211864 CH 203
Treatise on Domestic Economy: Chapter 01: The Peculiar Responisibilities of American Women 211863 CH 203
Transcendentalism: A Reader: Wrongs of American Women. The Duty of American Women 211862 CH 203
Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction by Tim O'Brien: Things They Carried 211861 CH 203
Souls of Black Folk: Excerpts 211860 CH 203
Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies 211858 CH 203
Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions: Women's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, 19-20 July 1848 211857 CH 203
Recreating of the Individual: New Morality 211856 CH 203
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society 211855 CH 203
Poems Of Emma Lazarus: New Colossus 211854 CH 203
Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet : By Night When Others Soundly Slept 211853 CH 203
On Civil Disobedience (Condensed) 211852 CH 203
New York Times Magazine (you can also create a free account here: https://guides.library.unr.edu/nytimes): Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits 211851 CH 203
My Life and Work: Chapter 05 211844 CH 203
Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8th, 1741. 211843 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 211842 CH 203
Message to the Grass Roots 211840 CH 203
Columbus Paper: The 'Barcelona Letter of 1493, the Landfall Controversy, and the Indian Guides: Letter to King Ferdinand of Spain Describing the Results of the First Voyage 211838 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 211837 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Old World in the New 211836 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Life in the New Suburbia 211835 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Jihad vs. McWorld 211834 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Inventions Re-Making Leisure From Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture 211833 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 211832 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 211831 CH 203
Farewell Address to the Nation 211830 CH 203
Divinity School Address 211829 CH 203
Developing Community Leadership (https://americanstudies.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/baker_leadership.pdf) 211828 CH 203
Democracy vs. the Melting Pot: Excerpts 211827 CH 203
Complete Works of Captain John Smith: Powhatan Speaks To Captain John Smith, 1609 211825 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 211824 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 211823 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666 211822 CH 203
Child Who Never Grew: Chapter 01: The Child Who Never Grew 211821 CH 203
Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters: Excerpts 211819 CH 203
Brief History of Neoliberism: Introduction 211818 CH 203
Boston Quarterly Review: Address to the Workingmen 211817 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part II 211815 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part I 211814 CH 203
Industrial Revolution: Key Themes and Documents: Booker T. Washington's 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech 211813 CH 203
Ar'nt I a Woman? 211812 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 211811 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Prologue 211810 CH 203
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders: A Systematic and Quality Review of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Interventions that use Core Vocabulary 211809 EDSP 468.668.5601 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Visual Culture: the Reader: Chapter 25: Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema 211808 ENG.WMST 427A
Trials of Modernity: Europe in the World: Women of England: Their Social Duties and Domestic Habits (1839) 211807 ENG.WMST 427A
Trials of Modernity: Europe in the World: Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) 211806 ENG.WMST 427A
Trials of Modernity: Europe in the World: Room of One's Own (1929) 211805 ENG.WMST 427A
Trials of Modernity: Europe in the World: Chapter 11: Excerpts from The Second Sex (1949) 211804 ENG.WMST 427A
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society: Egg and the Sperm: How Science has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles 211803 ENG.WMST 427A
Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature: Chapter 02: The Readers and Their Romance 211802 ENG.WMST 427A
PMLA Publications of the Modern Language Association of America: Situation of the Looker-On: Gender, Narration, and the Gaze in Wuthering Heights 211801 ENG.WMST 427A
Passionate Minds: Women Rewriting the World: Strong Woman (pt. 2) 211800 ENG.WMST 427A
Passionate Minds: Women Rewriting the World: Strong Woman (pt. 1) 211799 ENG.WMST 427A
How to Suppress Women's Writing: Chapter 08: Anomalousness 211798 ENG.WMST 427A
How to Suppress Women's Writing: Chapter 05: The Double Standard of Content 211797 ENG.WMST 427A
How to Suppress Women's Writing: Chapter 04: Pollution of Agency 211796 ENG.WMST 427A
Feminist Studies: Dancing Through the Minefield: Some Observations on the Theory, Practice and Politics of a Feminist Literary Criticism 211795 ENG.WMST 427A
Feminism in Women's Detective Fiction: Chapter 10: Female Dick and the Crisis of Heterosexuality 211794 ENG.WMST 427A
Detective Agency: Women Rewriting the Hard-Boiled Tradition: Chapter 03: Does She or Doesn't She?: The Problematics of Feminist Detection 211793 ENG.WMST 427A
Blackwell Reader in: Contemporary Social Theory: Chapter 20: Sex Which is Not One 211792 ENG.WMST 427A
Battle of Algiers (1966) 211791 CH 202.1004 The Modern World
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs: Chapter 10: Intervention to Support Communication and Participation of Beginning Communicators 211790 EDSP 468.668.5601 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs: Chapter 07: Access Techniques (Excerpt) 211789 EDSP 468.668.5601 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs: Chapter 02: AAC Assessment (Excerpts) 211788 EDSP 468.668.5601 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs: Chapter 06: Representation, Organization, and Layout of AAC Systems (Excerpt) 211787 EDSP 468.668.5601 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs: Chaoter 06: Assessment of Specific Capabilities (Excerpt) 211786 EDSP 468.668.5601 Combined (EDSP) Sections
AAC Strategies for Individuals with Moderate to Severe Disabilities: (Excerpts) Chapter 11: Obtaining and Maintaining Communicative Interactions 211785 EDSP 468.668.5601 Combined (EDSP) Sections
AAC Strategies for Individuals with Moderate to Severe Disabilities: (Excerpts) Chapter 10: Escaping and Avoiding Objects and Activities 211784 EDSP 468.668.5601 Combined (EDSP) Sections
AAC Strategies for Individuals with Moderate to Severe Disabilities : (Excerpt) Chapter 05: Instructional Strategies 211783 EDSP 468.668.5601 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Tangible Symbols, Tangible Outcomes 211782 EDSP 468.668.5601 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: Effects of Interventions That Include Aided Augmentative and Alternative Communication Input on the Communication of Individuals With Complex Communication Needs: A Meta-Analysis 211781 EDSP 468.668.5601 Combined (EDSP) Sections
Discursive dimensions of deceptive communication: A framework for practical analysis. In The Palgrave Handbook of Deceptive Communication 211780 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Young Child and Mathematics 211779 EDU 205.1001 Early Foundations in Mathematics
Race, Gender, Class, and Media: Studying Mass Communication and Multiculturalism: Chapter 03: Media functions, theories, and effects 211778 JOUR 481.681.1001 Combined (JOUR) Sections
Race, Gender, Class, and Media: Studying Mass Communication and Multiculturalism: Chapter 02: Why we study Race, gender, class, and media 211777 JOUR 481.681.1001 Combined (JOUR) Sections
Race, Gender, Class, and Media: Studying Mass Communication and Multiculturalism: Chapter 07: Twenty-First century press and diversity issues 211776 JOUR 481.681.1001 Combined (JOUR) Sections
Race, Gender, Class, and Media: Studying Mass Communication and Multiculturalism: Chapter 06: American press and multiculturalism: legacy and changes 211775 JOUR 481.681.1001 Combined (JOUR) Sections
Sage Handbook of gender and communication: Chapter 16: Gender, race, and media representation 211774 JOUR 481.681.1001 Combined (JOUR) Sections
Fundamentals of media effects: Chapter16: Effects of Media Stereotyping 211773 JOUR 481.681.1001 Combined (JOUR) Sections
Oxford research encyclopedia of communication: Race and Ethnic Stereotypes in the Media 211772 JOUR 481.681.1001 Combined (JOUR) Sections
Becoming Ourselves: How Immigrant Women Transformed Their World (2013) 211771 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Kumu Hina (2014) 211770 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Women Across Cultures: A Global Persective: Chapter 04: Women's Sexuality and Sexual Rights 211769 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Women Across Cultures: A Global Persective : Chapter 03: Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights 211768 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Women Across Cultures: A Global Perspective 211767 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology: The Combahee River Collective Statement 211766 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Literary Theory: An Anthology: Part 07: Chapter 05: Imitation and Gender Subordination 211765 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
American Anthropologist: Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?: Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others 211764 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Human Rights Quarterly: Women's Rights as Human Rights: Toward a Re-Vision of Human Rights 211763 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Women's Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 6th Ed.: Chapter 03: Reading 22: Unraveling Hardwiring 211762 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Women's Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings: Chapter 03: Reading 21: The Social Construction of Gender 211761 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Feminist Theory: A Reader: Chapter 96: Intersectionality and Identity Politics: Learning from Violence Against Women of Color 211760 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Women's Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 6th Ed.: Chapter 01: Reading 05: Feminist Politics: Where We Stand 211759 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Listen Up: Voices from the Next Feminist Generation: Weaving an Identity Tapestry 211758 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Journal of World-Systems Research: Gender and Globalization: Female Labor and Women's Mobilization 211757 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
American Prospect: Feminism and Democracy 211756 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Women Across Cultures: A Global Perspective: Chapter 02: Women's Low Status and Power 211755 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Women Across Cultures: A Global Perspective: Chapter 01: Introduction to Global Women's Studies 211754 WMST 101.5501 Introduction to Women s Studies
Dark Waters (2019): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211753 PBH 436.636.1001 Combined (PBH) Sections
Journal of Perinatology: Measurement for quality improvement: using data to drive change 211752 NURS 792
Leadership in Nursing Professional Development: An Organizational and System Focus: Chapter 06: Managing human resources 211751 NURS 761
Leadership in Nursing Professional Development: An organizational and System Focus: Chapter 09: Program and Project Management 211750 NURS 761
Nursing Professional Development for Clinical Educators: Chapter 02: Understanding the specialty practice of nursing professional development 211749 NURS 761
Nursing Professional Development for Clinical Educators: Chapter 01: Healthcare Trends and Changes in Nursing Professional Development 211748 NURS 761
New Nurse Educator: Mastering Academe : Chapter 13: Overview of the hospital based educator 211747 NURS 761
Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty: Chapter 14: Theorhetorical Foundations of Teaching and Learning 211746 NURS 761
Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty: Chapter 06: An introduction to Curriculum Development 211745 NURS 761
Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty: Chapter 04: Teaching students with disabilities 211744 NURS 761
Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development: Chapter 26: Competency Management 211743 NURS 761
Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development: Chapter 23: Champion for scientific inquiry: Research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement 211742 NURS 761
Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development: Chapter 18: Program evaluation:Measuring impact at the organizational level 211741 NURS 761
Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development: Chapter 17: Measuring outcomes at the activity level 211740 NURS 761
Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development: Chapter 09: Gaps in professional practice/learning needs assessment 211739 NURS 761
Rethinking Comparison: Innovative Methods for Qualitative Political Inquiry: Chapter 08: Composing Comparisons: Studying Configurations of Relations in Social Network Research 211738 PSC 781.1001 Political Science as a Discipline
Rethinking Comparison: Innovative Methods for Qualitative Political Inquiry. : Chapter 05: On casing a study versus studying a case 211737 PSC 781.1001 Political Science as a Discipline
Rethinking comparison: Innovative methods for qualitative political inquiry: Chapter 10: Comparative analysis for theory development. 211736 PSC 781.1001 Political Science as a Discipline
Medical Teacher: An exploration of teaching presence in online interprofessional education facilitation 211735 NURS 781.5501 Online Nursing Education
Medical Teacher: Online interprofessional education facilitation: A scoping review. 211734 NURS 781.5501 Online Nursing Education
Developing Online Courses in Nursing Education: Chapter 12: Assessment and Evaluation of Online learning 211733 NURS 781.5501 Online Nursing Education
Developing Online Courses in Nursing Education: Chapter 01: Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Online Environments 211732 NURS 781.5501 Online Nursing Education
Developing Online Courses in Nursing Education: Chapter 03: Reflections of Pedagogy in Online Instruction 211731 NURS 781.5501 Online Nursing Education
Nurse Educator's Guide to Assessing Learning Outcomes : Chapter 05: Selected-Response Format: Developing Multiple Choice Items 211729 NURS 781.5501 Online Nursing Education
Introduction to communication sciences and disorders 211727 SPA 201
Facework: Bridging Theory and Practice: Identity and Facework: A Theoretical Perspective 211726 COM 302.1003 Issues in Interpersonal Communication
Health Communication: Let's Talk: Conversation as a Defining Moment for the Communication Discipline 211725 COM 302.1003 Issues in Interpersonal Communication
To Desire Differently: Feminism and the French Cinema: Chapter 10: From Deesse to Idee: Cleo From 5 to 7 211722 ENG 202
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? : DVD 211721 HON 215
Glory : DVD 211720 HON 215
To Kill A Mockingbird: DVD 211719 HON 215
Tropic Thunder: DVD 211718 HON 215
Schindler's List: DVD 211717 HON 215
Malcolm X : DVD 211716 HON 215
Just Mercy : DVD 211715 HON 215
Selma : DVD 211714 HON 215
Judas and the Black Messiah : DVD 211713 HON 215
Till (2022): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211712 HON 215
Hotel Rwanda (2004): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211711 HON 215
Friday (1995): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211710 HON 215
A Soldier's Story (1984): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211709 HON 215
Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach 211708 FIN 415.1001 Management of Financial Institutions
Pathological Gambling: Etiology, Comorbidity, and Treatment: (Excerpt) Chapter 15: Conclusions 211707 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Pathological Gambling: Etiology, Comorbidity, and Treatment: (Excerpt) Chapter 08: Recovery 211705 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Pathological Gambling: Etiology, Comorbidity, and Treatment: (Excerpt) Chapter 12: Cognitive Therapy 211704 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Pathological Gambling: Etiology, Comorbidity, and Treatment: (Excerpt) Chapter 07: Pharmacotherapies 211703 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Pathological Gambling: Etiology, Comorbidity, and Treatment: (Excerpt) Chapter 05: Comorbidity 211702 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Pathological Gambling: Etiology, Comorbidity, and Treatment: (Excerpt) Chapter 02: Terminology 211701 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
When The Fun Stops brochure 211700 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Chart on the Effects of Compulsive Gambling on the Spouse: V Chart 211699 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Psychological Reports: Lie-Bet Tool to Rule Out Pathological Gambling 211698 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
National Gambling Impact Study Commission Final Report: Full Text 211697 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders : Gambling Disorder 211696 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Chart of Compulsive Gambling and Recovery: V Chart 211695 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz, and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Introduction: Going for Broke 211694 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz, and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Chapter 02: Las Vegas: Let the Games Begin 211693 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz, and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Chapter 01: Cyberspace: Boarderless Betting 211692 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Epilogue: Endgame, Notes, Bibliography, Index 211691 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Chapter 10: Chicago: Churches, Charities and Chance 211690 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Chapter 09: New York: Risky Business 211689 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Chapter 08: San Franciso: All that Glitters 211688 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Chapter 07: Louisville: Fading Jewel of the Sport of Kings 211687 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Chapter 06: Albany: Dollars and Dreams 211686 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Chapter 05: Mashantucket: the Rainmaker 211685 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Chapter 04: New Orleans: Mischief in the Big Easy 211684 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Bad Bet: Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz and Danger of America's Gambling Industry: Chapter 03: Atlantic City: Resort of Broken Promises 211683 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
American Journal of Psychiatry: South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS): A New Instrument for the Identification of Pathological Gamblers 211682 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Roll The Bones: The History of Gambling (Casino Edition): Chapter 17: Reinventing the Wheel 211681 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling (Casino Edition): Chapter 12: America's Playground...Again (Excerpt) 211680 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling (Casino Edition): Chapter 09: Hard to Resist 211679 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Roll The Bones: The History of Gambling (Casino Edition): Chapter 01: The Ridotto Revolution 211678 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Understanding and Treating the Pathological Gambler: Index 211677 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Understanding and Treating the Pathological Gambler: Appendix 2: Diagnostic Interview for Pathological Gambling 211676 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Understanding and Treating the Pathological Gambler: Appendix 1: The South Oaks Gambling Screen 211675 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Understanding and Treating the Pathological Gambler: Chapter 08: Difficulties Related to the Treatment: How To Overcome Them 211674 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Understanding and Treating the Pathological Gambler: Chapter 07: Relapse Prevention 211673 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Understanding and Treating the Pathological Gambler: Chapter 06: Treatment of the Excessive Gambler: The Behavioral Approach 211672 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Understanding and Treating the Pathological Gambler: Chapter 05: Treatment of the Excessive Gambler: The Cognitive Approach 211671 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Understanding and Treating the Pathological Gambler: Chapter 04: The Fundamental Principle of Gambling: Independence of Turns 211670 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Understanding and Treating the Pathological Gambler: Chapter 03: Assessing the Gambler 211669 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Understanding and Treating the Pathological Gambler: Chapter 02: Etiology and Treatment of Problem Gambling: The Different Approaches 211668 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Understanding and Treating the Pathological Gambler: Chapter 01: Introduction: The History and Psychology of Gambling 211667 CAS 439.639.1001 Combined (CAS) Sections
Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology for Speech and Hearing Sciences 211666 SPA 331
Conflict Resolution Quarterly: Conflict specialists as leaders: Revisiting the role of the conflict specialist from a leadership perspective. 211665 COM 454.654.1001 Combined (COM) Sections
Language & Dialogue: Dialogical power negotiations in conflict mediation. https://doi-org.unr.idm.oclc.org/10.1075/ld.00033.bij 211664 COM 454.654.1001 Combined (COM) Sections
Business Communication Quarterly: Alternative Dispute Resolution: A business (and) communication strategy. 211663 COM 454.654.1001 Combined (COM) Sections
Animal Liberation: The Definitive Classic of the Animal Movement: Chapter 01: All Animals Are Equal... 211662 ENG 301.1002 Understanding Arguments
International Journal of Conflict Management: Forty years of conflict: the effects of gender and generation on conflict management strategies 211661 COM 454.654.1001 Combined (COM) Sections
Three Wives' Tales: a novel: Introduction, Prologue, Victoria May 1918, Eladia April 1931, Annie March 1955 211660 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Memory and Emotion: Basque Women's Stories: Chapter 06: What We Have Learned on the Way: Looking Back at the Disputed Participation of Women in the Alardes of Hondarribia and Irun 211659 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Memory and Emotion: Basque Women's Stories: Chapter 03: Basque Women in the West: Bringing Migrant Women Out of the Shadows 211658 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Basques of Santazi: Disappearing World (1987) 211657 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Prisons and Exiles: Poems: Prison Poems 211656 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Drinking Cultures: Chapter 10: Drinking Rituals, Identity and Politics in a Basque Town 211655 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Ethnic and Racial Studies: Immigrants and the Basque Nation: Diversity as a new Marker of Identity 211654 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Knowledge and Institutions: Chapter 05: Gastronomic Societies in the Basque Country 211653 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Sport in Society: Bilbao Catch-22: Passions and Double Binds in Soccer Madness 211652 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Global Vasconia: Essays on the Basque Diaspora: Chapter 09: Inventing an Ethnic Identity: The First Basque Festival 211651 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Basque Cultural Studies: Gender and Identity in the Alardes of Two Basque Towns 211650 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Basque Country: A Cultural History: Chapter 01: Where Are We, Exactly? And What Will We Call This Place? 211649 ANTH.BASQ 414.471.671
Remote sensing of landscapes with spectral images : a physical modeling approach 211648 GEOL 767
Remote sensing and image interpretation 211647 GEOL 767
Communication and the Law: Chapter 08: Regulating Advertising 211646 JOUR 401.601.1001 Combined (JOUR) Sections
Communication and the Law: Chapter 09: Regulating Public Relations 211645 JOUR 401.601.1001 Combined (JOUR) Sections
Communication Law in America 211644 JOUR 401.601.1001 Combined (JOUR) Sections
Gettysburg Address 211643 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 211642 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 211640 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 211639 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 211638 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 211637 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 211636 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 211635 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 211634 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 211633 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 211632 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 211631 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 211630 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 211629 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 211628 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 211627 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 211626 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 211625 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 211624 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 211623 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 211622 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters I-XI 211621 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 211620 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 211619 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 211618 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 211617 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 211616 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 211615 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 211614 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 211613 CH 203
Train to Busan (2016): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211612 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Baby Driver (2017): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211611 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Some Like it Hot (1959): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211610 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Nope (2022): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211609 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
The Birdcage: (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211608 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
The Matrix (1999): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211607 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Harold Pinter Review: Essays on Contemporary Drama: #MeToo Pinter and David Mamet’s Oleanna 211606 ENG 488.1001 Ethics in Literature
Shakespeare and Religion: Early Modern and Postmodern Perspectives: Chapter 10: Penitential Ethics in Measure for Measure 211605 ENG 488.1001 Ethics in Literature
Social Movement Studies: Protesting During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Turkey: When Moral Indignationl and Economic Grievances Overweight Risks of Infection and Repression 211604 PSC 407D.607D
Escape From Freedom: Chapter 04: Two aspects of freedom for modern man 211603 PSC 409A.609A.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Inorganic Chemistry 211602 CHEM 631.1001 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry 211601 CHEM 631.1001 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Symmetry and Spectroscopy 211600 CHEM 631.1001 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Chemical Applications of Group Theory 211599 CHEM 631.1001 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Screendance from Film to Festival: Celebration and Curatorial Practice: (Excerpt) Chapter 09: Investigating Representation as Curatorial Activism 211598 DAN 446.1001 Screendance
Brief history of Japanese civilization : Chapter 01 and 02 211597 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Anthology of Japanese Literature From the Earliest Era to the Mid-nineteenth Century 211596 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Brief History of Japanese Civilization: Buddhism 211595 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Cambridge Companion to Modern Japanese Culture: Chapter 11: Literary Culture 211594 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Cambridge Companion to Modern Japanese Culture: Chapter 09: Political Culture 211593 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Cambridge Companion to Modern Japanese Culture: Chapter 08: Religious Culture 211592 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Cambridge Companion to Modern Japanese Culture: Chapter 01: Concepts of Japan, Japanese Culture and the Japanese 211591 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Cambridge Companion to Modern Japanese Culture : Chapter 03: Language 211590 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Cambridge Companion to Modern Japanese Culture : Chapter 17: Sports culture 211589 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
JIRO Dreams of Sushi 211588 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Departures 211587 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Ballad of Narayama - Narayambushi ko 211586 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Silence (2016): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211585 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 211584 JPN 221.5501 Japan and Its Culture
Clinical analytics and data management for the DNP 211583 NURS 792
Children and Youth Services Review: The Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare Studies: Reducing disparities through indigenous social work education 211582 SW 793
Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work: From social justice to abolition: living up to social work's grand challenge of eliminating racism 211581 SW 793
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work: Visualizing structural competency: Moving beyond cultural competence/ humility toward eliminating racism 211580 SW 793
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work: “If Not Us, Then Who?”: Frontline Social Workers’ Perspectives on Gun Violence 211579 SW 793
Braving the Wilderness : The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone: Chapter 04: People are Hard to Hate Close Up. Move In. 211578 SW 793
Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone: (ATTN: This book allows only 1 user at one time. Please plan your reading accordingly.) 211577 SW 793
Children and Youth Services Review: The Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare Studies: Reducing disparities through indigenous social work education 211576 SW 793
Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work: From social justice to abolition: living up to social work's grand challenge of eliminating racism 211575 SW 793
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work: Visualizing structural competency: Moving beyond cultural competence/ humility toward eliminating racism 211574 SW 793
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work: “If Not Us, Then Who?”: Frontline Social Workers’ Perspectives on Gun Violence 211573 SW 793
Braving the Wilderness : The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone: Chapter 04: People are Hard to Hate Close Up. Move In. 211572 SW 793
Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone: (ATTN: This book allows only 1 user at one time. Please plan your reading accordingly.) 211571 SW 793
Children and Youth Services Review: The Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare Studies: Reducing disparities through indigenous social work education 211570 SW 793
Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work: From social justice to abolition: living up to social work's grand challenge of eliminating racism 211569 SW 793
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work: Visualizing structural competency: Moving beyond cultural competence/ humility toward eliminating racism 211568 SW 793
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work: “If Not Us, Then Who?”: Frontline Social Workers’ Perspectives on Gun Violence 211567 SW 793
Braving the Wilderness : The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone: Chapter 04: People are Hard to Hate Close Up. Move In. 211566 SW 793
Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone: (ATTN: This book allows only 1 user at one time. Please plan your reading accordingly.) 211565 SW 793
Dance experience: insights into history, culture, and creativity: Chapter 15: Choreography - Separating the Dancer from the Dance 211564 DAN 288
Nature: Secrets to writing a winning grant 211563 SW 725.7003 Social Work Administration II
Public Speaking—Informative and Persuasive Speeches 211561 SW 725.7003 Social Work Administration II
Leadership with Impact: Preparing Health and Human Service Practitioners in the Age of Innovation and Diversity 211560 SW 725.7003 Social Work Administration II
Organization: Reconciling competing discourses of diversity? The U.K. non-profit sector between social justice and the business case 211559 SW 725.7003 Social Work Administration II
Dare to Lead : brave work, tough conversations, whole hearts: Section One: the Moment and the Myths 211558 SW 725.7003 Social Work Administration II
Nature: Secrets to writing a winning grant 211557 SW 725.7002 Social Work Administration II
Public Speaking—Informative and Persuasive Speeches 211555 SW 725.7002 Social Work Administration II
Leadership with Impact: Preparing Health and Human Service Practitioners in the Age of Innovation and Diversity 211554 SW 725.7002 Social Work Administration II
Organization: Reconciling competing discourses of diversity? The U.K. non-profit sector between social justice and the business case 211553 SW 725.7002 Social Work Administration II
Dare to Lead : brave work, tough conversations, whole hearts: Section One: the Moment and the Myths 211552 SW 725.7002 Social Work Administration II
Nature: Secrets to writing a winning grant 211551 SW 725.7001 Social Work Administration II
Leadership with impact: Preparing health and human service practitioners in the age of innovation and diversity 211550 SW 725.7001 Social Work Administration II
Public Speaking—Informative and Persuasive Speeches 211549 SW 725.7001 Social Work Administration II
Organization: Reconciling competing discourses of diversity? The U.K. non-profit sector between social justice and the business case 211547 SW 725.7001 Social Work Administration II
Dare to Lead : brave work, tough conversations, whole hearts: Section One: the Moment and the Myths 211546 SW 725.7001 Social Work Administration II
Group Work: Dealing with Problems in a Group 211545 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Counseling with Inmates: San Quentin Prison 211544 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Afrocentrics Approaches to Group Work: I Am Because We Are 211543 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Leading Counseling Groups with Adults: A Demonstration of the Art of Engagement 211542 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Counseling, Process and Technique 211541 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice: Online Group Psychotherapy: Challenges and Possibilities During COVID-19 – A Practice Review 211540 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Psychotherapy Research: Efficacy of group psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 211539 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Recreating Community Among Gifted African-American Students through Group Counseling 211538 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Health and Social Work: Solution-focused wellness: A randomized controlled trial of college students 211537 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: Efficacy and mediators of a group cognitive-behavioral therapy for hoarding disorder: A randomized trial 211536 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Person-Centered Review: The effects of person-centered group therapy 211535 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group: Relational development in Gestalt group therapy 211534 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: Group motivational interviewing for adolescents: Change talk and alcohol and marijuana outcomes 211533 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly: Developing a Group Motivational Interviewing Intervention for First-Time Adolescent Offenders At-Risk for an Alcohol or Drug Use Disorder 211532 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: The process of smoking cessation: An analysis of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of change. 211531 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: Group rational-emotive and cognitive-behavioral therapy 211530 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Groups Book: Psychoanalytic Group Therapy: Principles and Practice: Chapter 02: What is psychoanalytic about group therapy? 211529 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Adultspan Journal: Existential group therapy and death anxiety. 211528 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Ethical Issues in Group Work: What are they? How are they Managed? 211527 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: Psychodrama: Group Psychotherapy Through Role Playing 211526 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Community Mental Health Journal: Adapted cognitive behavioral group therapy for depressed low-income African American women 211525 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 17: Motivational interviewing groups for people with chronic health conditions 211524 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Behaviour Research and Therapy: A modified DBT skills training program for oppositional defiant adolescents: Promising preliminary findings 211523 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice: Addressing racial and ethnic microaggressions in therapy. 211522 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Counseling Psychology: Cognitive-behavioral and humanistic group treatment for children with learning disabilities: A comparison of outcomes and process 211521 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Individual Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice of Adlerian Group Counseling and Psychotherapy. 211520 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery: Motivational interviewing in groups 211519 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 06: Designing motivational interviewing groups 211518 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 05: The evidence base for motivational interviewing in groups 211517 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal: Adapting a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) group for use in a residential program. 211516 SW 721.7005 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Work: Dealing with Problems in a Group 211515 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Counseling with Inmates: San Quentin Prison 211514 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Afrocentrics Approaches to Group Work: I Am Because We Are 211513 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Leading Counseling Groups with Adults: A Demonstration of the Art of Engagement 211512 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Counseling, Process and Technique 211511 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice: Online Group Psychotherapy: Challenges and Possibilities During COVID-19 – A Practice Review 211510 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Psychotherapy Research: Efficacy of group psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 211509 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Recreating Community Among Gifted African-American Students through Group Counseling 211508 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Health and Social Work: Solution-focused wellness: A randomized controlled trial of college students 211507 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: Efficacy and mediators of a group cognitive-behavioral therapy for hoarding disorder: A randomized trial 211506 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Person-Centered Review: The effects of person-centered group therapy 211505 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group: Relational development in Gestalt group therapy 211504 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: Group motivational interviewing for adolescents: Change talk and alcohol and marijuana outcomes 211503 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly: Developing a Group Motivational Interviewing Intervention for First-Time Adolescent Offenders At-Risk for an Alcohol or Drug Use Disorder 211502 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: The process of smoking cessation: An analysis of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of change. 211501 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: Group rational-emotive and cognitive-behavioral therapy 211500 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Groups Book: Psychoanalytic Group Therapy: Principles and Practice: Chapter 02: What is psychoanalytic about group therapy? 211499 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Adultspan Journal: Existential group therapy and death anxiety. 211498 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Ethical Issues in Group Work: What are they? How are they Managed? 211497 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: Psychodrama: Group Psychotherapy Through Role Playing 211496 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Community Mental Health Journal: Adapted cognitive behavioral group therapy for depressed low-income African American women 211495 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 17: Motivational interviewing groups for people with chronic health conditions 211494 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Behaviour Research and Therapy: A modified DBT skills training program for oppositional defiant adolescents: Promising preliminary findings 211493 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice: Addressing racial and ethnic microaggressions in therapy. 211492 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Counseling Psychology: Cognitive-behavioral and humanistic group treatment for children with learning disabilities: A comparison of outcomes and process 211491 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Individual Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice of Adlerian Group Counseling and Psychotherapy. 211490 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery: Motivational interviewing in groups 211489 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 06: Designing motivational interviewing groups 211488 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 05: The evidence base for motivational interviewing in groups 211487 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal: Adapting a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) group for use in a residential program. 211486 SW 721.7004 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Work: Dealing with Problems in a Group 211485 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Counseling with Inmates: San Quentin Prison 211484 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Afrocentrics Approaches to Group Work: I Am Because We Are 211483 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Leading Counseling Groups with Adults: A Demonstration of the Art of Engagement 211482 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Counseling, Process and Technique 211481 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice: Online Group Psychotherapy: Challenges and Possibilities During COVID-19 – A Practice Review 211480 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Psychotherapy Research: Efficacy of group psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 211479 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Recreating Community Among Gifted African-American Students through Group Counseling 211478 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Health and Social Work: Solution-focused wellness: A randomized controlled trial of college students 211477 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: Efficacy and mediators of a group cognitive-behavioral therapy for hoarding disorder: A randomized trial 211476 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Person-Centered Review: The effects of person-centered group therapy 211475 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group: Relational development in Gestalt group therapy 211474 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: Group motivational interviewing for adolescents: Change talk and alcohol and marijuana outcomes 211473 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly: Developing a Group Motivational Interviewing Intervention for First-Time Adolescent Offenders At-Risk for an Alcohol or Drug Use Disorder 211472 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: The process of smoking cessation: An analysis of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of change. 211471 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: Group rational-emotive and cognitive-behavioral therapy 211470 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Groups Book: Psychoanalytic Group Therapy: Principles and Practice: Chapter 02: What is psychoanalytic about group therapy? 211469 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Adultspan Journal: Existential group therapy and death anxiety. 211468 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Ethical Issues in Group Work: What are they? How are they Managed? 211467 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: Psychodrama: Group Psychotherapy Through Role Playing 211466 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Community Mental Health Journal: Adapted cognitive behavioral group therapy for depressed low-income African American women 211465 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 17: Motivational interviewing groups for people with chronic health conditions 211464 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Behaviour Research and Therapy: A modified DBT skills training program for oppositional defiant adolescents: Promising preliminary findings 211463 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice: Addressing racial and ethnic microaggressions in therapy. 211462 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Counseling Psychology: Cognitive-behavioral and humanistic group treatment for children with learning disabilities: A comparison of outcomes and process 211461 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Individual Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice of Adlerian Group Counseling and Psychotherapy. 211460 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery: Motivational interviewing in groups 211459 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 06: Designing motivational interviewing groups 211458 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 05: The evidence base for motivational interviewing in groups 211457 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal: Adapting a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) group for use in a residential program. 211456 SW 721.7003 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Work: Dealing with Problems in a Group 211455 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Counseling with Inmates: San Quentin Prison 211454 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Afrocentrics Approaches to Group Work: I Am Because We Are 211453 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Leading Counseling Groups with Adults: A Demonstration of the Art of Engagement 211452 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Counseling, Process and Technique 211451 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice: Online Group Psychotherapy: Challenges and Possibilities During COVID-19 – A Practice Review 211450 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Psychotherapy Research: Efficacy of group psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 211449 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Recreating Community Among Gifted African-American Students through Group Counseling 211448 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Health and Social Work: Solution-focused wellness: A randomized controlled trial of college students 211447 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: Efficacy and mediators of a group cognitive-behavioral therapy for hoarding disorder: A randomized trial 211446 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Person-Centered Review: The effects of person-centered group therapy 211445 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group: Relational development in Gestalt group therapy 211444 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: Group motivational interviewing for adolescents: Change talk and alcohol and marijuana outcomes 211443 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly: Developing a Group Motivational Interviewing Intervention for First-Time Adolescent Offenders At-Risk for an Alcohol or Drug Use Disorder 211442 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: The process of smoking cessation: An analysis of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of change. 211441 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: Group rational-emotive and cognitive-behavioral therapy 211440 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Groups Book: Psychoanalytic Group Therapy: Principles and Practice: Chapter 02: What is psychoanalytic about group therapy? 211439 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Adultspan Journal: Existential group therapy and death anxiety. 211438 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Ethical Issues in Group Work: What are they? How are they Managed? 211437 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: Psychodrama: Group Psychotherapy Through Role Playing 211436 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Community Mental Health Journal: Adapted cognitive behavioral group therapy for depressed low-income African American women 211435 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 17: Motivational interviewing groups for people with chronic health conditions 211434 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Behaviour Research and Therapy: A modified DBT skills training program for oppositional defiant adolescents: Promising preliminary findings 211433 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice: Addressing racial and ethnic microaggressions in therapy. 211432 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Counseling Psychology: Cognitive-behavioral and humanistic group treatment for children with learning disabilities: A comparison of outcomes and process 211431 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Individual Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice of Adlerian Group Counseling and Psychotherapy. 211430 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery: Motivational interviewing in groups 211429 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 06: Designing motivational interviewing groups 211428 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 05: The evidence base for motivational interviewing in groups 211427 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal: Adapting a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) group for use in a residential program. 211426 SW 721.7002 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Work: Dealing with Problems in a Group 211425 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Counseling with Inmates: San Quentin Prison 211424 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Afrocentrics Approaches to Group Work: I Am Because We Are 211423 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Leading Counseling Groups with Adults: A Demonstration of the Art of Engagement 211422 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Counseling, Process and Technique 211421 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice: Online Group Psychotherapy: Challenges and Possibilities During COVID-19 – A Practice Review 211420 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Psychotherapy Research: Efficacy of group psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 211419 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Recreating Community Among Gifted African-American Students through Group Counseling 211418 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Health and Social Work: Solution-focused wellness: A randomized controlled trial of college students 211417 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: Efficacy and mediators of a group cognitive-behavioral therapy for hoarding disorder: A randomized trial 211416 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Person-Centered Review: The effects of person-centered group therapy 211415 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Group: Relational development in Gestalt group therapy 211414 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: Group motivational interviewing for adolescents: Change talk and alcohol and marijuana outcomes 211413 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly: Developing a Group Motivational Interviewing Intervention for First-Time Adolescent Offenders At-Risk for an Alcohol or Drug Use Disorder 211412 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: The process of smoking cessation: An analysis of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of change. 211411 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: Group rational-emotive and cognitive-behavioral therapy 211410 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Groups Book: Psychoanalytic Group Therapy: Principles and Practice: Chapter 02: What is psychoanalytic about group therapy? 211409 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Adultspan Journal: Existential group therapy and death anxiety. 211408 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Ethical Issues in Group Work: What are they? How are they Managed? 211407 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: Psychodrama: Group Psychotherapy Through Role Playing 211406 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Community Mental Health Journal: Adapted cognitive behavioral group therapy for depressed low-income African American women 211405 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 17: Motivational interviewing groups for people with chronic health conditions 211404 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Behaviour Research and Therapy: A modified DBT skills training program for oppositional defiant adolescents: Promising preliminary findings 211403 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice: Addressing racial and ethnic microaggressions in therapy. 211402 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Counseling Psychology: Cognitive-behavioral and humanistic group treatment for children with learning disabilities: A comparison of outcomes and process 211401 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Individual Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice of Adlerian Group Counseling and Psychotherapy. 211400 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery: Motivational interviewing in groups 211399 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 06: Designing motivational interviewing groups 211398 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Motivational Interviewing in Groups : Chapter 05: The evidence base for motivational interviewing in groups 211397 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal: Adapting a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) group for use in a residential program. 211396 SW 721.7001 Therapeutic Interventions with Groups
Applying research evidence in social work practice.: Chapter 07: Safeguarding Children 211395 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Journal of Family Therapy: Practice Based Evidence Based Practice, part II: Navigating complexity and validity from within 211394 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Journal of Social Work Education: Implementation Science: Why It Matters for the Future of Social Work. 211393 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review: Evidence-based Kernels: Fundamental Units of Behavioral Influence 211392 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Journal of Social Work Education: Preparing Social Workers for Evidence-Informed Community-Based Practice: An Integrative Framework 211391 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Children and Youth Services Review: Exploration and adoption of evidence-based practice by US child welfare agencies 211390 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Social Work: Active Collaboration with Clients: An Underemphasized but Vital Part of Evidence-Based Practice. 211389 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Prevention Science: Scaling up evidence-based interventions in US public systems to prevent behavioral health problems: Challenges and opportunities 211379 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Man Who Broke the Story of the Tuskegee Experiment 211373 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention: Will the real evidence-based practice please stand up? Teaching the process of evidence-based practice to the helping professions 211371 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Social Work in Health Care: Exploring the relationship between transgender-inclusive providers and mental health outcomes among transgender/gender variant people 211368 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Social Work Research Methods: From Conceptualization to Dissemination: Chapter 02: Values and Ethics 211362 SW 640.7003 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Applying research evidence in social work practice.: Chapter 07: Safeguarding Children 211352 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Journal of Family Therapy: Practice Based Evidence Based Practice, part II: Navigating complexity and validity from within 211351 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Journal of Social Work Education: Implementation Science: Why It Matters for the Future of Social Work. 211350 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review: Evidence-based Kernels: Fundamental Units of Behavioral Influence 211349 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Journal of Social Work Education: Preparing Social Workers for Evidence-Informed Community-Based Practice: An Integrative Framework 211348 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Children and Youth Services Review: Exploration and adoption of evidence-based practice by US child welfare agencies 211347 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Social Work: Active Collaboration with Clients: An Underemphasized but Vital Part of Evidence-Based Practice. 211346 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Prevention Science: Scaling up evidence-based interventions in US public systems to prevent behavioral health problems: Challenges and opportunities 211336 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Man Who Broke the Story of the Tuskegee Experiment 211330 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention: Will the real evidence-based practice please stand up? Teaching the process of evidence-based practice to the helping professions 211328 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Social Work in Health Care: Exploring the relationship between transgender-inclusive providers and mental health outcomes among transgender/gender variant people 211325 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Social Work Research Methods: From Conceptualization to Dissemination: Chapter 02: Values and Ethics 211319 SW 640.7002 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Applying research evidence in social work practice.: Chapter 07: Safeguarding Children 211309 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Journal of Family Therapy: Practice Based Evidence Based Practice, part II: Navigating complexity and validity from within 211308 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Journal of Social Work Education: Implementation Science: Why It Matters for the Future of Social Work. 211307 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review: Evidence-based Kernels: Fundamental Units of Behavioral Influence 211306 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Journal of Social Work Education: Preparing Social Workers for Evidence-Informed Community-Based Practice: An Integrative Framework 211305 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Children and Youth Services Review: Exploration and adoption of evidence-based practice by US child welfare agencies 211304 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Social Work: Active Collaboration with Clients: An Underemphasized but Vital Part of Evidence-Based Practice. 211303 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Prevention Science: Scaling up evidence-based interventions in US public systems to prevent behavioral health problems: Challenges and opportunities 211293 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Man Who Broke the Story of the Tuskegee Experiment 211287 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention: Will the real evidence-based practice please stand up? Teaching the process of evidence-based practice to the helping professions 211285 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Social Work in Health Care: Exploring the relationship between transgender-inclusive providers and mental health outcomes among transgender/gender variant people 211282 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Social Work Research Methods: From Conceptualization to Dissemination: Chapter 02: Values and Ethics 211276 SW 640.7001 Elements of Evidence Informed Practice
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law: Child protection as surveillance of African American families 211266 SW 624
Journal of Progressive Human Services,: Defund the Police: Moving Toward Anti-Carceral Social Work 211265 SW 624
British Journal of Social Work: Children's, young people's and parents' perspectives on contact: Findings from the evaluation of social work practices. 211264 SW 624
Community, Work and Family: LGBTQ+ peoples’ experiences of workplace leave and support following pregnancy loss 211263 SW 624
Sexual and Relationship Therapy: Sex work, motherhood, and stigma 211262 SW 624
Journal of Child and Family Studies: Latino Parents’ Perspectives on the Life Trajectories of Mixed-Status Children. 211261 SW 624
Journal of GLBT Family Studies: We Are Family: Chosen and Created Families as a Protective Factor Against Racialized Trauma and Anti-LGBTQ Oppression Among African American Sexual and Gender Minority Youth. 211260 SW 624
Social Work: Building on Strengths: Intergenerational Practice with African American Families. 211259 SW 624
Child and Family Social Work: The intergenerational transmission of family violence: Mothers’ perceptions of children’s experiences and use of violence in the home 211258 SW 624
Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services,: Trauma and Resiliency in Grandparent-Headed Multigenerational Families. 211257 SW 624
Child and Family Social Work: Poverty‐aware social work in the child protection system: A critical reflection on two single‐case studies. 211256 SW 624
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare: Structural competency in child welfare: Opportunities and applications for addressing disparities and stigma. 211255 SW 624
Frontiers in Psychology: The role of compassion and mindfulness in building parental resilience when caring for children with chronic conditions: A conceptual model. 211254 SW 624
Journal of Family Social Work: Genograms with African American Families: Considering Cultural Context. 211253 SW 624
Academic Psychiatry: Family Skills for the Resident Toolbox: The 10-min Genogram, Ecomap, and Prescribing Homework. 211252 SW 624
Journal of Social Work Education: Sexuality- and Gender-Inclusive Genograms: Avoiding Heteronormativity and Cisnormativity. 211251 SW 624
Sociology Compass: Marriage matters for Black middle‐class women: A review of Black American marriages, work, and family life. 211250 SW 624
Families in Society: Journal of Contemporary Social Services: Restorative Justice: A Model for Social Work Practice with Families. Families in Society 211249 SW 624
Child and Family Social Work: Understanding the social worker–family relationship through self‐determination theory: A realist synthesis of Signs of Safety. 211248 SW 624
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services: A little harder to find your place: Latinx LGBTQ + youth and family belonging. 211247 SW 624
Child and Family Social Work: What is a family? Constructions of family and parenting after a custody transfer from birth parents to foster parents. 211246 SW 624
Journal of Family Social Work: The Native American Family Circle: Roots of Resiliency 211245 SW 624
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work: From social justice to abolition: living up to social work’s grand challenge of eliminating racism 211244 SW 624
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: An Open Trial of 'Grief-Help': A Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment for Prolonged Grief in Children and Adolescents 211243 SW 624
Journal of Professional Counseling, Practice, Theory, & Research: Narrative Approach to Terminating Therapy 211242 SW 624
Clinical Interventions in Aging: Effectiveness of Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Family Caregivers of People with Dementia 211241 SW 624
Journal of Family Violence: Emotional Awareness and Breaking the Cycle of Revictimization 211240 SW 624
Multidimensional Family Therapy 211239 SW 624
Big Mama (2000) 211238 SW 624
Clinical Social Work Journal: This is Common Factors 211237 SW 624
Suicide assessment and intervention : today's top challenges for mental health professionals 211236 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of family violence: One Organization’s Approach to Balancing Survivor Empowerment with Mandated Child Abuse Reporting 211235 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Social work in health care: Social workers have an obligation to all patients regarding confidentiality ... however, for some patients, the obligation is greater 211234 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Clinical Social Work Journal.: The impact of electronic communication on confidentiality in clinical social work practice. 211233 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Child Welfare: Children's Social Workers' Views on Cultural Sensitivity in Mandated Reporting 211232 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry: Therapeutic alliance, cultural competence and minority status in premature termination of psychotherapy 211231 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
European Journal of Social Work: Evaluating effectiveness in social work: Sharing dilemmas in practice. 211230 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy: Confronting patients: Therapists’ model of a responsiveness based approach 211229 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Social Work Education: The role of empathy in training social work students in motivational interviewing 211228 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Clinical Psychology: Stages of change and psychotherapy outcomes: A review and meta‐analysis. 211227 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention: Psychosocial Assessment in the Emergency Department: The Experiences of People Presenting With Self-Harm and Suicidality 211226 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Children and Youth Services Review: Voices from the frontline: Child protection workers’ perspectives on barriers to assessing risk in domestic violence cases 211225 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
European Journal of Social Work: Social work graduate students' understanding of strength-eliciting questions in the context of social work assessment 211224 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Children and Youth Services Review: Using vignettes as a ‘safe space’ for low-income children to discuss sensitive topics in social work assessment 211223 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment: Structural racism and reflections from Latinx heavy drinkers: Impact on mental health and alcohol use 211222 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Social Work: Cultural competence and cultural humility: A critical reflection on key cultural diversity concepts 211221 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Social Work Education: Beyond Cultural Competence, Toward Social Transformation: Liberation Psychologies and the Practice of Cultural Humility 211220 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Working with Goals in Psychotherapy and Counselling: Chapter 03: The psychology of goals: A practice-friendly review 211219 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Child and Family Social Work: What does empathy sound like in social work communication? A mixed‐methods study of empathy in child protection social work practice 211218 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Social Work Education: Cognitive and affective processes: MSW students' awareness and coping through simulated interviews 211217 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Clinical Psychology: From intention to action: A mixed methods study of clients’ experiences of goal‐oriented practices 211216 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Teaching self-care: The utilization of self-care in social work practicum to prevent compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious trauma 211215 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Genograms in Family Assessment: Chapter 01: Why Genograms 211214 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Genograms in Family Assessment: Chapter 02: Constructing Genograms 211213 SW 620.7003 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Suicide assessment and intervention : today's top challenges for mental health professionals 211212 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of family violence: One Organization’s Approach to Balancing Survivor Empowerment with Mandated Child Abuse Reporting 211211 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Social work in health care: Social workers have an obligation to all patients regarding confidentiality ... however, for some patients, the obligation is greater 211210 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Clinical Social Work Journal.: The impact of electronic communication on confidentiality in clinical social work practice. 211209 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Child Welfare: Children's Social Workers' Views on Cultural Sensitivity in Mandated Reporting 211208 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry: Therapeutic alliance, cultural competence and minority status in premature termination of psychotherapy 211207 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
European Journal of Social Work: Evaluating effectiveness in social work: Sharing dilemmas in practice. 211206 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy: Confronting patients: Therapists’ model of a responsiveness based approach 211205 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Social Work Education: The role of empathy in training social work students in motivational interviewing 211204 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Clinical Psychology: Stages of change and psychotherapy outcomes: A review and meta‐analysis. 211203 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention: Psychosocial Assessment in the Emergency Department: The Experiences of People Presenting With Self-Harm and Suicidality 211202 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Children and Youth Services Review: Voices from the frontline: Child protection workers’ perspectives on barriers to assessing risk in domestic violence cases 211201 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
European Journal of Social Work: Social work graduate students' understanding of strength-eliciting questions in the context of social work assessment 211200 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Children and Youth Services Review: Using vignettes as a ‘safe space’ for low-income children to discuss sensitive topics in social work assessment 211199 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment: Structural racism and reflections from Latinx heavy drinkers: Impact on mental health and alcohol use 211198 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Social Work: Cultural competence and cultural humility: A critical reflection on key cultural diversity concepts 211197 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Social Work Education: Beyond Cultural Competence, Toward Social Transformation: Liberation Psychologies and the Practice of Cultural Humility 211196 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Working with Goals in Psychotherapy and Counselling: Chapter 03: The psychology of goals: A practice-friendly review 211195 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Child and Family Social Work: What does empathy sound like in social work communication? A mixed‐methods study of empathy in child protection social work practice 211194 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Social Work Education: Cognitive and affective processes: MSW students' awareness and coping through simulated interviews 211193 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Clinical Psychology: From intention to action: A mixed methods study of clients’ experiences of goal‐oriented practices 211192 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Teaching self-care: The utilization of self-care in social work practicum to prevent compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious trauma 211191 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Genograms in Family Assessment: Chapter 01: Why Genograms 211190 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Genograms in Family Assessment: Chapter 02: Constructing Genograms 211189 SW 620.7002 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Suicide assessment and intervention : today's top challenges for mental health professionals 211188 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of family violence: One Organization’s Approach to Balancing Survivor Empowerment with Mandated Child Abuse Reporting 211187 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Social work in health care: Social workers have an obligation to all patients regarding confidentiality ... however, for some patients, the obligation is greater 211186 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Clinical Social Work Journal.: The impact of electronic communication on confidentiality in clinical social work practice. 211185 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Child Welfare: Children's Social Workers' Views on Cultural Sensitivity in Mandated Reporting 211184 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry: Therapeutic alliance, cultural competence and minority status in premature termination of psychotherapy 211183 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
European Journal of Social Work: Evaluating effectiveness in social work: Sharing dilemmas in practice. 211182 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy: Confronting patients: Therapists’ model of a responsiveness based approach 211181 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Social Work Education: The role of empathy in training social work students in motivational interviewing 211180 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Clinical Psychology: Stages of change and psychotherapy outcomes: A review and meta‐analysis. 211179 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention: Psychosocial Assessment in the Emergency Department: The Experiences of People Presenting With Self-Harm and Suicidality 211178 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Children and Youth Services Review: Voices from the frontline: Child protection workers’ perspectives on barriers to assessing risk in domestic violence cases 211177 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
European Journal of Social Work: Social work graduate students' understanding of strength-eliciting questions in the context of social work assessment 211176 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Children and Youth Services Review: Using vignettes as a ‘safe space’ for low-income children to discuss sensitive topics in social work assessment 211175 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment: Structural racism and reflections from Latinx heavy drinkers: Impact on mental health and alcohol use 211174 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Social Work: Cultural competence and cultural humility: A critical reflection on key cultural diversity concepts 211173 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Social Work Education: Beyond Cultural Competence, Toward Social Transformation: Liberation Psychologies and the Practice of Cultural Humility 211172 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Working with Goals in Psychotherapy and Counselling: Chapter 03: The psychology of goals: A practice-friendly review 211171 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Child and Family Social Work: What does empathy sound like in social work communication? A mixed‐methods study of empathy in child protection social work practice 211170 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Social Work Education: Cognitive and affective processes: MSW students' awareness and coping through simulated interviews 211169 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Clinical Psychology: From intention to action: A mixed methods study of clients’ experiences of goal‐oriented practices 211168 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Teaching self-care: The utilization of self-care in social work practicum to prevent compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious trauma 211167 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Genograms in Family Assessment: Chapter 01: Why Genograms 211166 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Genograms in Family Assessment: Chapter 02: Constructing Genograms 211165 SW 620.7001 Social Work Methods with Individuals
Social Media and Social Work: Implications and Opportunities for Practice 211164 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Community organizing and community building for health and social equity: Chapter 13, 14, 15 211163 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Group Counseling with Inmates: San Quentin Prison 211162 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development: Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies: Guidelines for the Counseling Profession 211161 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work and Christianity: Let the Church Say...: One Congregation’s Views on How the Black Church Can Address Mental Health with Black Americans 211160 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Psychological Services: Bridging the gap: A pilot study of a lay health worker model to decrease child mental health stigma and promote parents’ professional help-seeking for Black/African American children. 211159 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Cultivating Professional Resilience in Direct Practice: A Guide for Human Service Professionals: pages 159-172 211158 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Mindfulness groups : a demonstration. Part 2, The young adult group 211157 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Gerontological Social Work: Using the End of Groups as an Intervention at End-of-Life 211156 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Community organizing and community building for health and social equity: Intro Chapters 01 and 02 211155 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Practice Wisdom Meets Evidence-Based Practice: Building Capacity in Agencies 211154 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Ten strategies to intentionally use group work to transform hate, facilitate courageous conversations, and enhance community building. 211153 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Group work around the globe: Creating transformative connections in challenging times 211152 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Using drawing following a story technique for processing the child’s exposure to intimate partner violence in a group intervention framework. 211151 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Extending our reach: Telehealth deliered grief support groups for rural hospice. 211150 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Reflections on virtual group work with transgender and gender diverse youth during the pandemic 211149 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Collective stories: the application of sociodrama with high school immigrant students. 211148 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: From sculpting an intervention to healing in action 211147 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Australian Journal of Primary Health: He Korowai Manaaki: Mapping assets to inform a strengths-based, Indigenous-led wrap-around maternity pathway. 211146 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Family Process: The cultural adaptation of a transition program for Latino families of youth with autism spectrum disorder 211145 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Issues and Policy Review: The importance of social groups for retirement adjustment: Evidence, application, and policy implications of the social identity model of identity change. 211144 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: A process-oriented group model for university students: A semi-structured approach. 211143 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: The ADHD treasure hunt: a group intervention using a social model approach to disability 211142 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Making connections: a reflection on narrative group work with Latinx youth 211141 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Social Work Education: Merging micro and macro intervention: Social work practice with groups in the community 211140 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Social Work Education: Promoting Resilience Through Social Work Practice with Groups: Implications for the Practice and Field Curricula 211139 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
BMC Palliative Care: The effect of bereavement groups on grief, anxiety, and depression - a controlled, prospective intervention study 211138 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Facilitating with ease! core skills for facilitators, team leaders and members, managers, consultants, and trainers.: Chapter 01: Understanding Facilitation 211137 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: International Group Work Research: Guidelines in Cultural Contexts 211136 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Exploring the Process: A Narrative Analysis of Group Facilitators’ Reports on Critical Incident Stress Debriefing 211135 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: An Exploration of Group and Member Development in Experiential Groups 211134 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Using motivational interviewing within the early stages of group development 211133 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Stress prevention and mindfulness: A psychoeducational and support group for teachers 211132 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for specialists in group work: Ten strategies to intentionally use group work to transform hate, facilitate courageous conversations, and enhance community building 211131 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for specialists in group work: Association for Specialists in Group Work: Multicultural and Social Justice Competence Principles for Group Workers 211130 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
British Journal of Social Work: Family group conferences and cultural competence in social work 211129 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: The Relationship Between Automatic Thoughts and Irrational Beliefs Predicting Anxiety and Depression 211128 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Motivational interviewing with adolescents (2014) 211127 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Counseling and Development: Embodying the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competency Movement: Voices From the Field 211126 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Training counseling students to develop group leadership self-efficacy and multicultural competence through service learning 211125 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Community Psychology: Engaging Latino parents: An outcome evaluation of the Academia de Cultura Latina Para Padres 211124 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Boundary issues and dual relationships in the human services 211123 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social work values and ethics: Chapter 03: Ethical Dilemmas and Decision Making: A Framework 211122 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Ethics and Values in Social Work: Client-Centered Processes for Managing Ethical Concerns 211121 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Ethics: Top 10 Mistakes Made by Mental Health Professionals 211120 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Small Group Behavior: Members leaving groups: theoretical and practical considerations 211119 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Small Group Research: Types of roles in small groups. 211118 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Empowering groups through understanding stages of group development. 211117 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: The evidence-based group worker 211116 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Ethical dilemmas in Social Work with Groups 211115 SW 621.7002 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Media and Social Work: Implications and Opportunities for Practice 211114 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Community organizing and community building for health and social equity: Chapter 13, 14, 15 211113 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Group Counseling with Inmates: San Quentin Prison 211112 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development: Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies: Guidelines for the Counseling Profession 211111 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work and Christianity: Let the Church Say...: One Congregation’s Views on How the Black Church Can Address Mental Health with Black Americans 211110 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Psychological Services: Bridging the gap: A pilot study of a lay health worker model to decrease child mental health stigma and promote parents’ professional help-seeking for Black/African American children. 211109 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Cultivating Professional Resilience in Direct Practice: A Guide for Human Service Professionals: pages 159-172 211108 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Mindfulness groups : a demonstration. Part 2, The young adult group 211107 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Gerontological Social Work: Using the End of Groups as an Intervention at End-of-Life 211106 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Community organizing and community building for health and social equity: Intro Chapters 01 and 02 211105 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Practice Wisdom Meets Evidence-Based Practice: Building Capacity in Agencies 211104 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Ten strategies to intentionally use group work to transform hate, facilitate courageous conversations, and enhance community building. 211103 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Group work around the globe: Creating transformative connections in challenging times 211102 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Using drawing following a story technique for processing the child’s exposure to intimate partner violence in a group intervention framework. 211101 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Extending our reach: Telehealth deliered grief support groups for rural hospice. 211100 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Reflections on virtual group work with transgender and gender diverse youth during the pandemic 211099 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Collective stories: the application of sociodrama with high school immigrant students. 211098 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: From sculpting an intervention to healing in action 211097 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Australian Journal of Primary Health: He Korowai Manaaki: Mapping assets to inform a strengths-based, Indigenous-led wrap-around maternity pathway. 211096 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Family Process: The cultural adaptation of a transition program for Latino families of youth with autism spectrum disorder 211095 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Issues and Policy Review: The importance of social groups for retirement adjustment: Evidence, application, and policy implications of the social identity model of identity change. 211094 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy: A process-oriented group model for university students: A semi-structured approach. 211093 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: The ADHD treasure hunt: a group intervention using a social model approach to disability 211092 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Making connections: a reflection on narrative group work with Latinx youth 211091 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Social Work Education: Merging micro and macro intervention: Social work practice with groups in the community 211090 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Social Work Education: Promoting Resilience Through Social Work Practice with Groups: Implications for the Practice and Field Curricula 211089 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
BMC Palliative Care: The effect of bereavement groups on grief, anxiety, and depression - a controlled, prospective intervention study 211088 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Facilitating with ease! core skills for facilitators, team leaders and members, managers, consultants, and trainers.: Chapter 01: Understanding Facilitation 211087 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: International Group Work Research: Guidelines in Cultural Contexts 211086 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Exploring the Process: A Narrative Analysis of Group Facilitators’ Reports on Critical Incident Stress Debriefing 211085 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: An Exploration of Group and Member Development in Experiential Groups 211084 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Using motivational interviewing within the early stages of group development 211083 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Stress prevention and mindfulness: A psychoeducational and support group for teachers 211082 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for specialists in group work: Ten strategies to intentionally use group work to transform hate, facilitate courageous conversations, and enhance community building 211081 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for specialists in group work: Association for Specialists in Group Work: Multicultural and Social Justice Competence Principles for Group Workers 211080 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
British Journal of Social Work: Family group conferences and cultural competence in social work 211079 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: The Relationship Between Automatic Thoughts and Irrational Beliefs Predicting Anxiety and Depression 211078 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Motivational interviewing with adolescents (2014) 211077 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Counseling and Development: Embodying the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competency Movement: Voices From the Field 211076 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal for Specialists in Group Work: Training counseling students to develop group leadership self-efficacy and multicultural competence through service learning 211075 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Journal of Community Psychology: Engaging Latino parents: An outcome evaluation of the Academia de Cultura Latina Para Padres 211074 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Boundary issues and dual relationships in the human services 211073 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social work values and ethics: Chapter 03: Ethical Dilemmas and Decision Making: A Framework 211072 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Ethics and Values in Social Work: Client-Centered Processes for Managing Ethical Concerns 211071 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Ethics: Top 10 Mistakes Made by Mental Health Professionals 211070 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Small Group Behavior: Members leaving groups: theoretical and practical considerations 211069 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Small Group Research: Types of roles in small groups. 211068 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Empowering groups through understanding stages of group development. 211067 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: The evidence-based group worker 211066 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
Social Work with Groups: Ethical dilemmas in Social Work with Groups 211065 SW 621.7001 Social Work Methods with Groups
PS Political Science and Politics: A Collision of Noble Goals: Protecting Human Subjects, Improving Health Care, and a Research Agenda for Political Science 211064 PSC 784
On Security : Chapter 03: Securitization and Desecuritization, Ole Wæver 210981 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Rise and Fall of Détente: American Foreign Policy and the Transformation of the Cold War: Chapter 03: Three for Three: Triangulation 210980 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Crossing the quality chasm: A new health system for the 21st century 210979 NURS 792
Silent Conflict: A Hidden History of Early Soviet-Western Relations 210978 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Journal of the American Medical Association: The urgent need to improve health care quality: Institute of medicine national roundtable on health care quality 210977 NURS 792
Foreign Affairs: The Sources of Russian Misconduct: A Diplomat Defects From the Kremlin 210976 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Foreign Policy: The New Cold War is Here 210975 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Foreign Affairs: The Return of Conquest? Why the Future of Global Order Hinges on Ukraine 210974 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Foreign Affairs: Why the Ukraine Crisis is the West’s Fault: The Liberal Delusions that Provoked Putin 210973 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
European Security: Assessing the Reset: Successes and Failures in the Obama Administration’s Russia Policy, 2009-2012 210972 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Nation: The Harvard Boys do Russia 210971 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Foreign Affairs: The Return of Doomsday: The New Nuclear Arms Race – and How Washington and Moscow Can Stop It 210970 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Putin's World: Russia Against the West and With the Rest: Chapter 12: The Rivals: Russia and America in the Age of Trump & Chapter 13, What Kind of Engagement with Russia? 210969 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Foreign Policy Analysis: A Cold War of Position: A Gramscian Perspective on US-Soviet Cold War Relations 210968 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War: A Short History with Documents 210967 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
American mission and the Evil Empire : the crusade for a Free Russia since 1881: Chapter 04: Revival: Hopes for a new Russia during the Grand Alliance, 1941-45 210966 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Russia and the United States: Chapter 05: The Battle to Save Civilization 210965 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
American mission and the Evil Empire : the crusade for a Free Russia since 1881: Chapter 02: Free Russia : Origins of the First Crusade, 1881-1905 210964 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Russian Review: America and the Russian Revolutionary Movement, 1888-1905 210963 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Diplomatic History: The Monroe Doctrine and Russia: American Views of Czar Alexander I and their Influence upon Early Russian-American Relations 210962 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Russia and the United States: Chapter 01: Russian-American Relations, 1776-1917 210961 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
American mission and the Evil Empire : the crusade for a Free Russia since 1881: Chapter 01: Introduction 210960 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Putin's World: Russia Against the West and With the Rest: Chapter 01: The Weight of the Past 210959 PSC 406C.606C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Realism and security Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies: Realism and security 210958 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Security: Racialization and International Security 210957 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Security: “Human Security: Paradigm Shift or Hot Air?” 210956 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
International Relations: 'Securitization’ revisited: Theory and Cases 210955 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
A Right to Die? (2015) 210954 HDFS 201.5501 Lifespan Human Development
Grief and Loss: A Child's Perspective (2012) 210953 HDFS 201.5501 Lifespan Human Development
Aging in America: The Years Ahead (2003) 210952 HDFS 201.5501 Lifespan Human Development
Other Side of Cannabis: Negative Effects of Marijuana on our Youth, Part 2 210951 HDFS 201.5501 Lifespan Human Development
Other Side of Cannabis: Negative Effects of Marijuana on our Youth, Part 1 210950 HDFS 201.5501 Lifespan Human Development
Child's Mind: How Kids Learn Right and Wrong 210949 HDFS 201.5501 Lifespan Human Development
Recognizing Child Abuse 210948 HDFS 201.5501 Lifespan Human Development
Infants: Cognitive Development (2010) 210947 HDFS 201.5501 Lifespan Human Development
Child's Play 210946 HDFS 201.5501 Lifespan Human Development
European Journal of International Relations: The Three Faces of Securitization: Political Agency, Audience and Context 210945 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
European Journal of International Relations: Securitization and the Construction of Security 210944 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Journal of Global Security Studies: What is global in global security studies 210943 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression: Chapter 05: The Eight-Session Program 210942 PSY 451.1001 Basic Principles of Psychotherapy
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression: Chapter 04: Doing and Being 210941 PSY 451.1001 Basic Principles of Psychotherapy
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression: Chapter 03: Developing Mindfullness-Based Cognitive Therapy 210940 PSY 451.1001 Basic Principles of Psychotherapy
Practice of Social Research 210939 SOC 425.5501 Research Methods
Arrival (2016): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210938 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
1917 (2019): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210937 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Playing Smart: New York Women Writers and Modern Magazine Culture: Introduction 210936 ENG 436A.636A.1001 Combined (ENG) Sections
Qualitative Data 210935 PSC 784
Cognitive Therapy for Panic Disorder with David M. Clark (2006) 210934 PSY 451.1001 Basic Principles of Psychotherapy
Comparative Political Studies: “State Repression and Opposition Survival in Pinochet’s Chile” 210932 PSC 784
Comparative Political Studies: “Protest Brokers and the Technology of Mobilization: Evidence from South Africa” 210931 PSC 784
Book of Contemplation: Islam and the Crusades: Excerpts 210930 CH 201
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Seventeen-Article Constitution of Prince Shotoki 210929 CH 201
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Taizong: Plan for an Emperor (Difan) 210928 CH 201
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Inaguration of the Great Reform Era 210927 CH 201
Source of Chinese Tradition: From Earliest Times to 1600: Excerpts from the Lotus Sutra and Miracles of Guanyin 210926 CH 201
Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Law 210925 CH 201
Selected Poems of Tu Fu : Excerpts 210924 CH 201
Secret with Related documents: First Letter to Marcus Tullius Cicero 210923 CH 201
Rig Veda: An Anthology : Hymn 10.90: Puruia-Siikta, or The Hymn of Man 210922 CH 201
Qur'an: Sura 1 (The Opening) & The Cow (2) 210921 CH 201
Plato: Complete Works: Plato's 'Apology' of Socrates 210920 CH 201
Plato: Complete Works: Allegory of the Cave from The Republic 210919 CH 201
Old and Middle English: An Anthology : Dream of the Rood 210918 CH 201
Old and Middle English: An Anthology : Battle of Maldon 210917 CH 201
Odyssey : Book 09: In the One-Eyed Giant's Cave 210916 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Genisis 1-9 210915 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Galatians 1-6.18 210914 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: First Timothy 1-6.21 210913 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Deuteronomy 5-14 210912 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Matthew 1-9 210911 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 36: Against Fate II, 36.1 210910 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 21: Moderation in Use II 210909 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 20: Moderation in Use I 210908 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 15: Universal Love II 210907 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 14: Universal Love I 210906 CH 201
Medieval Popular Religion 1000-1500 A Reader: Fourth Lateran Council (1215) 210905 CH 201
Letters: Principal Doctrines and Vatican Sayings : Principal Doctrines 210904 CH 201
Lais of Marie De France: Guigemar 210903 CH 201
Ibn Battuta in Black Africa: Travels in Ibn Battuta in Black Africa (excerpts) 210902 CH 201
Historians of Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Major Writings: Polybius Histories: Books I, 1-4 210901 CH 201
Historians of Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Major Writings: Polybius Histories: Book VI 1; 3-9; 11-18; 56-57 210900 CH 201
Giovanni Boccaccio: The Decameron: 21 Novelle Contemporary Reactions Modern Criticism: Author's Introduction 210899 CH 201
First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials: Version of Robert the Monk 210898 CH 201
Essential Tao: An Initiation into the Heart of Taoism Through the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang-tzu: Daodejing 210897 CH 201
Epictetus: The Discourses As Reported By Arrian, The Manual, And Fragments; Vol. 2: Echheiridion of Epictetus: sections 26-37 210896 CH 201
Epictetus: The Discourses As Reported By Arrian, The Manual, And Fragments: Vol. 2: Echheiridion of Epictetus: sections 1-22 210895 CH 201
Codex Hammurabi 210894 CH 201
Carolingian Civilization: A Reader : Sedulius Scottus, On Christian Rulers 210893 CH 201
Carolingian Civilization: A Reader : Capitularies 210892 CH 201
Canterbury Tales in Modern Verse: Prioresse 210891 CH 201
Buddhism: In Translations: Chapter 13: Questions Which Tend Not To Edification 210890 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 18 (veres 40-78) 210889 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 12 210888 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 09 210887 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 07 210886 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 03 210885 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 02 210884 CH 201
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People: Venerable Bede 210883 CH 201
Basic Writing of Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu, and Han Fei Tzu: Way of the Ruler (Hanfeizi/ Han Fei Tzu) (and excerpts) 210882 CH 201
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 09 210881 CH 201
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 04 210880 CH 201
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 02 210879 CH 201
Gilgamesh: A New English Version: Book IX, Book X, Book XI 210878 CH 201
Book of Contemplation: Islam and the Crusades: Excerpts 210877 CH 201
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Seventeen-Article Constitution of Prince Shotoki 210876 CH 201
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Taizong: Plan for an Emperor (Difan) 210875 CH 201
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Inaguration of the Great Reform Era 210874 CH 201
Source of Chinese Tradition: From Earliest Times to 1600: Excerpts from the Lotus Sutra and Miracles of Guanyin 210873 CH 201
Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Law 210872 CH 201
Selected Poems of Tu Fu : Excerpts 210871 CH 201
Secret with Related documents: First Letter to Marcus Tullius Cicero 210870 CH 201
Rig Veda: An Anthology : Hymn 10.90: Puruia-Siikta, or The Hymn of Man 210869 CH 201
Qur'an: Sura 1 (The Opening) & The Cow (2) 210868 CH 201
Plato: Complete Works: Plato's 'Apology' of Socrates 210867 CH 201
Plato: Complete Works: Allegory of the Cave from The Republic 210866 CH 201
Old and Middle English: An Anthology : Dream of the Rood 210865 CH 201
Old and Middle English: An Anthology : Battle of Maldon 210864 CH 201
Odyssey : Book 09: In the One-Eyed Giant's Cave 210863 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Genisis 1-9 210862 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Galatians 1-6.18 210861 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: First Timothy 1-6.21 210860 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Deuteronomy 5-14 210859 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Matthew 1-9 210858 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 36: Against Fate II, 36.1 210857 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 21: Moderation in Use II 210856 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 20: Moderation in Use I 210855 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 15: Universal Love II 210854 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 14: Universal Love I 210853 CH 201
Medieval Popular Religion 1000-1500 A Reader: Fourth Lateran Council (1215) 210852 CH 201
Letters: Principal Doctrines and Vatican Sayings : Principal Doctrines 210851 CH 201
Lais of Marie De France: Guigemar 210850 CH 201
Ibn Battuta in Black Africa: Travels in Ibn Battuta in Black Africa (excerpts) 210849 CH 201
Historians of Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Major Writings: Polybius Histories: Books I, 1-4 210848 CH 201
Historians of Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Major Writings: Polybius Histories: Book VI 1; 3-9; 11-18; 56-57 210847 CH 201
Giovanni Boccaccio: The Decameron: 21 Novelle Contemporary Reactions Modern Criticism: Author's Introduction 210846 CH 201
First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials: Version of Robert the Monk 210845 CH 201
Essential Tao: An Initiation into the Heart of Taoism Through the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang-tzu: Daodejing 210844 CH 201
Epictetus: The Discourses As Reported By Arrian, The Manual, And Fragments; Vol. 2: Echheiridion of Epictetus: sections 26-37 210843 CH 201
Epictetus: The Discourses As Reported By Arrian, The Manual, And Fragments: Vol. 2: Echheiridion of Epictetus: sections 1-22 210842 CH 201
Codex Hammurabi 210841 CH 201
Carolingian Civilization: A Reader : Sedulius Scottus, On Christian Rulers 210840 CH 201
Carolingian Civilization: A Reader : Capitularies 210839 CH 201
Canterbury Tales in Modern Verse: Prioresse 210838 CH 201
Buddhism: In Translations: Chapter 13: Questions Which Tend Not To Edification 210837 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 18 (veres 40-78) 210836 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 12 210835 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 09 210834 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 07 210833 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 03 210832 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 02 210831 CH 201
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People: Venerable Bede 210830 CH 201
Basic Writing of Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu, and Han Fei Tzu: Way of the Ruler (Hanfeizi/ Han Fei Tzu) (and excerpts) 210829 CH 201
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 09 210828 CH 201
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 04 210827 CH 201
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 02 210826 CH 201
Gilgamesh: A New English Version: Book IX, Book X, Book XI 210825 CH 201
Political Research Quarterly: Case Selection Techniques in Case Study Research: A Menu of Qualitative and Quantitative Options 210824 PSC 784
Safer Field Research in the Social Sciences: Chapter 02: Before the Field 210823 PSC 784
Interview Research in Political Science 210822 PSC 784
Electoral Studies: Norms and rage: Gender and social media in the 2018 U.S. mid-term elections 210821 PSC 784
Journal of Peace Research: What drives violence against civilians in civil war? Evidence from Guatemala’s conflict archives 210820 PSC 784
Home Style: House Members in their districts: Appendix 210819 PSC 784
Journal of European Social Policy: Changing coalitions in social policy reforms: the politics of new social needs and demands 210818 PSC 784
PS: Political Science and Politics: Political Science and Public Policy 210817 PSC 784
Overseas Research: a Practical Guide: Chapter 05 and 07 210816 PSC 784
Overseas Research: a Practical Guide: Chapter 03 and 04 210815 PSC 784
Designing qualitative research: Chapter 07: Articulating Value and Logic 210814 PSC 784
Designing Qualitative Research: Chapter 06: Planning Time and Resources 210813 PSC 784
Designing Qualitative Research: Chapter 05: Managing, Analyzing, and Interpreting Data 210812 PSC 784
Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards: Chapter 02: The Quest for Standards: King, Keohane, and Verba's Designing Social Inquiry 210811 PSC 784
Designing social inquiry : scientific inference in qualitative research 210810 PSC 784
Interpretation and Method: Empirical Research Methods and the Interpretive Turn: Chapter 04: Neither Rigorous Nor Objective? 210809 PSC 784
Perspectives on Politics: Can the Biomedical Research Cycle be a Model for Political Science 210808 PSC 784
Theory and Methods in Political Science: Chapter 09: A Skin Not a Sweater Ontology and Epistemology in Political Science 210807 PSC 784
Polity: What Makes a Concept Good? A Criterial Framework for Understanding Concept Formation in the Social Sciences 210806 PSC 784
Political Analysis: Tale of Two Cultures: Contrasting Quantitative and Qualitative Research 210805 PSC 784
PS: Political Science and Politics: Symposium: Interview Methods in Political Science 210804 PSC 784
Qualitative Methods: Newsletter of the American Political Science Association: Symposium: Field Research 210803 PSC 784
Sociological Methods and Research: Strategies of Causal Inference in Small-N Analysis 210802 PSC 784
Studies in Comparative International Development: Scaling Down: The Subnational Comparative Method 210801 PSC 784
Perspectives on Politics: Qualitative Foundations of Political Science Methodology 210800 PSC 784
PS Political Science and Politics: Protecting Human Research Participants, IRBs, and Political Science Redux: Editor's Introduction 210799 PSC 784
International Studies Perspectives: Pragmatic Guide to Qualitative Historical Analysis in the Study of International Relations 210798 PSC 784
Qualitative Methods: Newsletter of the American Political Science Association: Power of Human Subjects and the Politics of Informed Consent 210797 PSC 784
American Political Science Review : Political Salience of Cultural Difference: Why Chewas and Tumbukas Are Allies in Zambia and Adversaries in Malawi 210796 PSC 784
Social Mechanisms: An Analytical Approach to Social Theory: Plea for Mechanisms 210795 PSC 784
Handbook for Social Science Field Research: Essays & Bibliographic Sources on Research Design and Methods: Past is Another Country 210794 PSC 784
Studies in American Political Development: Not Just What, but When: Timing and Sequence in Political Processes 210793 PSC 784
American Political Science Review: Nested Analysis as a Mixed-Method Strategy for Comparative Research 210792 PSC 784
Qualitative Sociology: Methods for Measuring Mechanisms of Contention 210791 PSC 784
American Political Science Review: Measurement Validity: A Shared Standard for Qualitative and Quantitative Research 210790 PSC 784
Comparative Political Studies: Is There a (Viable) Crucial-Case Method? 210789 PSC 784
Political Analysis: Is Causal-Process Observation an Oxymoron? 210788 PSC 784
Comparative Political Studies: Informative Regress: Critical Antecedents in Comparative Politics 210787 PSC 784
Political Research Quarterly : Improving Causal Inference: Strengths and Limitations of Natural Experiments 210786 PSC 784
Political Analysis: How the Cases you Choose Affect the Answers You Get: Selection Bias in Comparative Politics 210785 PSC 784
American Political Science Review: History, Historiography, and Political Science: Multiple Historical Records and the Problem of Selection Bias 210784 PSC 784
PS: Political Science and Politics: From the Inside Out: Ethnographic Methods in Political Research 210783 PSC 784
Trajectories: Newsletter of the Comparative Historical Section of the ASA: From the Archives: Innovative Use of Data in Comparative Historical Research 210782 PSC 784
International Studies Review: Forum: Should We Discard the ‘Qualitative’ versus ‘Quantitative’ Distinction? 210781 PSC 784
Annual Review of Political Science: Experimental Methods in Political Science 210780 PSC 784
Qualitative Sociology: Ethical Challenges of Field Research in Conflict Zones 210779 PSC 784
World Politics: Counterfactuals and Hypothesis Testing in Political Science 210778 PSC 784
Law & Society Review: Connecticut Crackdown on Speeding: Time-Series Data in Quasi-Experimental Analysis 210777 PSC 784
American Political Science Review: Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics (Read pages 1033-1046, skim the rest) 210776 PSC 784
Handbook of Interview Research: Context and Method: Chapter 25: The Reluctant Respondent 210775 PSC 784
Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data: Chapter 09:Preparing Follow Up Questions 210774 PSC 784
Interpretation and Method: Empirical Research Methods and the Interpretive Turn: Chapter 08: Seeing with an Ethnographic Sensibility: Explorations Beneath the Surface of Public Policies 210773 PSC 784
Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data: Chapter 08: Designing Main Questions and Probes 210772 PSC 784
Handbook of Interview Research: Context and Method: Chapter 07: Focus Group Interviewing and Chapter 25: Focus Groups and The Reluctant Respondent 210771 PSC 784
Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data: Chapter 07: Structuring the Interview 210770 PSC 784
Insurgent Collective Action and Civil War in El Salvador: Chapter 07: Campensino Accounts of Insurgent Participation 210769 PSC 784
Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes: Chapter 06: Processing Fieldnotes: Coding and Memoing 210768 PSC 784
Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data: Chapter 06: The Responsive Interview as an Extended Conversation 210767 PSC 784
Craft of International History: A Guide to Method: Chapter 05: Working with Documents 210766 PSC 784
Interpretation and Method: Empirical Research Methods and the Interpretive Turn: Chapter 01: Thinking Interpretively Philosophyical Presuppositions and the Human Sciences 210765 PSC 784
Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays: Chapter 01: Thick Description: Toward and Interpretive Theory of Culture 210764 PSC 784
Introduction to Logic: Causal Connections: Mill's Methods of Experimental Inquiry 210763 PSC 784
Handbook for Social Science Field Research: Essays & Bibliographic Sources on Research Design and Methods: Bringing It All Back Home: Personal Reflections on Friends, Findings and Fieldwork 210762 PSC 784
Dynamics of American Politics: Approaches and Interpretations: Beyond the Iconography of Order: Notes for a New Institutionalism 210761 PSC 784
Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences: Aligning Ontology and Methodology in Comparative Politics 210760 PSC 784
Overseas Research: a Practical Guide 210759 PSC 784
Thinking Spanish Translation 210758 SPAN 412.1001 Advanced Translation
ATA. Scientific an Technical Translation: Section 1. Technical Translation Style: Clarity, Concision, Correctness 210757 SPAN 412.1001 Advanced Translation
Translation, humour and literature 210756 SPAN 412.1001 Advanced Translation
Sage Handbook of Persuasion: Narrative persuasion 210755 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 210754 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 210753 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 210752 CH 203
Ar'nt I a Woman? 210751 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part I 210750 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part II 210749 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 210748 CH 203
Boston Quarterly Review: Address to the Workingmen 210747 CH 203
Brief History of Neoliberism: Introduction 210746 CH 203
Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters: Excerpts 210745 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 210744 CH 203
Child Who Never Grew: Chapter 01: The Child Who Never Grew 210743 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 210742 CH 203
Class Apart 210741 CH 203
Columbus Paper: The 'Barcelona Letter of 1493, the Landfall Controversy, and the Indian Guides: Letter to King Ferdinand of Spain Describing the Results of the First Voyage 210740 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 210739 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 210738 CH 203
Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet : By Night When Others Soundly Slept 210737 CH 203
Complete Works of Captain John Smith: Powhatan Speaks To Captain John Smith, 1609 210736 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 210735 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 210734 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 210733 CH 203
Democracy vs. the Melting Pot: Excerpts 210732 CH 203
Developing Community Leadership (https://americanstudies.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/baker_leadership.pdf) 210731 CH 203
Divinity School Address 210730 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Prologue 210729 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666 210728 CH 203
Emancipation Proclamation 210727 CH 203
Essays of Brutus: No. 1 210726 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 210725 CH 203
Farewell Address to the Nation 210724 CH 203
Federalist: No. 10 210723 CH 203
Federalist No. 54 210722 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 210721 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 210720 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Inventions Re-Making Leisure From Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture 210719 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Jihad vs. McWorld 210718 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Life in the New Suburbia 210717 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Old World in the New 210716 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 210715 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 210714 CH 203
Imprisoned Intellectuals : America's Political Prisoners Write on Life, Liberation, and Rebellion: Letter from a Birmingham Jail 210713 CH 203
Industrial Revolution: Key Themes and Documents: Booker T. Washington's 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech 210712 CH 203
Liberty Further Extended 210711 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 210710 CH 203
Massachusetts Supreme Court: Commonwealth V. Jennison 210709 CH 203
Message to the Grass Roots 210708 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 210707 CH 203
My Life and Work: Chapter 05 210706 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 210705 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 210704 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 210703 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 210702 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 210701 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 210700 CH 203
National Organization for Women, Philadelphia Chapter: Brochure on Equal Rights Amendment (1976) 210699 CH 203
New York Times Magazine (you can also create a free account here: https://guides.library.unr.edu/nytimes): Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits 210698 CH 203
On Civil Disobedience (Condensed) 210697 CH 203
Petitions of Massachusetts Slaves for Freedom 210696 CH 203
Poems Of Emma Lazarus: New Colossus 210695 CH 203
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society 210694 CH 203
Recreating of the Individual: New Morality 210693 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 210692 CH 203
Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions: Women's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, 19-20 July 1848 210691 CH 203
Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8th, 1741. 210690 CH 203
Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies 210689 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 210688 CH 203
Souls of Black Folk: Excerpts 210687 CH 203
Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction by Tim O'Brien: Things They Carried 210686 CH 203
Transcendentalism: A Reader: Wrongs of American Women. The Duty of American Women 210685 CH 203
Treatise on Domestic Economy: Chapter 01: The Peculiar Responisibilities of American Women 210684 CH 203
Twenty Years at Hull House: Excerpts 210683 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 210682 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 210681 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 210680 CH 203
United States Magazine and Democratic Review: Annexation 210679 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 210678 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Plessy V. Ferguson (1896) 210677 CH 203
Vietnam Wars: 1945-1990: Epilogue 210676 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 210675 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Emma Watson: Gender Equality is Your Issue Too 210674 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Text of Obama's Speech: A More Perfect Union 210673 CH 203
War is a Racket: Chapters 01 and 05 210672 CH 203
Washington Post: President Bush Addresses the Nation 210671 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 210670 CH 203
William and Mary Quarterly: Liberty Further Extended: A 1776 Antislavery Manuscript 210669 CH 203
Women and Economics: Excerpts 210668 CH 203
Works: 1608-1631: John Smith Writes about the Chesapeake Indians of 1608 210667 CH 203
Behavioral Foundations of Public Policy: Chapter 05: Rethinking Why People Vote 210666 PSY 486.1001 Psychology Law and Public Policy
Behavioral Foundations of Public Policy: Chapter 29: Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?: Debiasing the Policy Makers Themselves 210665 PSY 486.1001 Psychology Law and Public Policy
Behavioral Foundations of Public Policy: Chapter 18: Turning Mindless Eating into Healthy Eating 210664 PSY 486.1001 Psychology Law and Public Policy
Behavioral Foundations of Public Policy: Chapter 07: Psychic Numbing and Mass Atrocity 210663 PSY 486.1001 Psychology Law and Public Policy
Routledge Companion to Global Literary Adaptation in the Twenty-First Century: Chapter 22: Possessed Ecologies: Cross-Cultural Ghosts and Transnational Environments in Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig's Snow in Midsummer 210662 ENG 488.1001 Ethics in Literature
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 15—Cinema Today and the Future) 210661 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 14—New American Independents & The Digital Revolution) 210660 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 13—New Boundaries: World Cinema in Africa, Asia & Latin America) 210659 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 12—Fight the Power: Protest in Film) 210658 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Revenge Tragedy: The Revenger's Tragedy: Providence, Parody, and Black Camp 210657 ENG 488.1001 Ethics in Literature
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 11—The Arrival of Multiplexes and Asian Mainstream) 210656 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 10—Movies to Change the World) 210655 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 09—American Cinema of the 70s) 210654 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 08—New Directors, New Form) 210653 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 07—European New Wave) 210652 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 06—Sex & Melodrama) 210651 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 05—Post-War Cinema) 210650 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 04—The Arrival of Sound) 210649 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 03—The Golden Age of World Cinema) 210648 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 02—The Hollywood Dream) 210647 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episode 01—Birth of the Cinema) 210646 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Blade Runner: Final Cut (1982): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210645 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Behavioral Sciences: Are we on course yet? Functional behavior assessment and behavior intervention plan technical adequacy in schools. 210644 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Pride (2014): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210643 SOC 411.1001 Films and Society
Oppenheimer (2023): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210642 SOC 411.1001 Films and Society
Big Short (2015): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210641 SOC 411.1001 Films and Society
Inside Out (2015): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210640 SOC 411.1001 Films and Society
I Don't Know How She Does It (2011): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210639 SOC 411.1001 Films and Society
Barbie (2023): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210638 SOC 411.1001 Films and Society
Get Out (2017): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210637 SOC 411.1001 Films and Society
Hunger Games (2012): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210636 SOC 411.1001 Films and Society
Hypercompetition: Managing the dynamics of strategic maneuvering 210635 BUS 702.1001 Strategic Management
Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitor Analysis 210634 BUS 702.1001 Strategic Management
Organizational Strategy, Structure and Process 210633 BUS 702.1001 Strategic Management
Home, School, and Community Collaboration 210632 EDUC 447.647.1001 Combined (EDUC) Sections
Raisin in the Sun (1961): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210631 HIST 479.679.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Twilight of Equality? Neoliberalism, Cultural Politics, and the Attack on Democracy: Chapter 03: Equality, Inc. 210630 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Art - Classiques et Contemporains (French Edition) 210629 FREN 212.1001 Second Year French II
Bare Bones Camera Course for Film and Video : Chapter 02 and Chapter 03 and Chapter 04 210628 DAN 446.1001 Screendance
Screendance from Film to Festival: Celebration and Curatorial Practice: Chapter 02: An Art Worth Celebrating 210627 DAN 446.1001 Screendance
Making Video Dance : A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Dance for the Screen (2nd Ed) 210626 DAN 446.1001 Screendance
Epic of Gilgamesh: Prologue; Chapter 4: the Search for Everlasting Life 210625 CH 201
Public Policy Theory Primer 210624 PSC 750
Introduction to the policy process: theories, concepts, and models of public policy making 210623 PSC 750
Dynamics of persuasion communication and attitudes in the 21st century: Chapter 12: Communication Campaigns 210622 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Persuasion in Society: Chapter 09: Going Public: Delivering a Presentation that persuades. 210621 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Dynamics of persuasion communication and attitudes in the 21st century: Chapter 10: Interpersonal Persuasion 210620 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Persuasion in society: Chapter 04: Coactive Persuasion 210619 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Persuasion in Society: Chapter 06: Framing and Reframing 210618 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Thank you for arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson can teach us about the art of persuasion: Chapter 21: Lead Your Tribe 210616 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Thank you for arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson can teach us about the art of persuasion: Chapter 20: Make Them Identify with Your Choice 210615 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Thank you for arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson can teach us about the art of persuasion: Chapter 19: Speak Your Audience's Language 210614 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
California Split (1974): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210613 CH 203
Propoganda and Rhetoric in Democracy: History, Theory, Analysis: Chapter 06: A Taxonomy of Bullshit 210612 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Propaganda and Rhetoric in Democracy: History, Theory, Analysis: Chapter 05: Propoganda Defined 210611 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility: Chapter 02: Perspectives on Ethics in Persuasion 210610 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Rhetoric in Civic Life: Chapter 04: Argument 210609 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Persuasion in Your Life: Chapter 09: Persuasive Dimensions of Nonverbal Communication 210608 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Persuasion in the Media Age: Chapter 06: Persuasion and Visual Images 210607 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Rhetoric for Radicals : A Handbook for 21st Century Activists: Chapter 03: The Power of Language 210606 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Persuasion in Society: Chapter 07: Cognitive Shorthands 210605 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Persuasion in Society: Chapter 02: The Psychology of Persuasion: Basic Concepts and Principles 210604 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility: Chapter 07: Psychological or process Premises: The Tools of Motivation and Emotion 210603 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Persuasion in the Media Age: Chapter 09: The Persuasiveness of the Source 210602 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Age of Propaganda: The Everday Use and Abuse of Persuasion: Chapter 24: The Fear Appeal, Chapter 25: The Granfalloon Tehnique, and Chapter 26: Guilt Sells 210601 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Words that Work: It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear: Chapter 01: The Ten Rules of Effective Language 210600 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Daily Show and Rhetoric: Arguments, Issues, and Strategies: Chapter 01:The Arete of Amusement: An Aristotelian Perspective on the Ethos of The Daily Show 210599 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
All The President's Men (1976): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210598 CH 203
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210597 CH 203
Washington Post: President Bush Addresses the Nation 210596 CH 203
Farewell Address to the Nation 210595 CH 203
Merchants of Doubt (2015) 210594 ENG 301.1002 Understanding Arguments
Ibn Battuta in Black Africa: Travels in Ibn Battuta in Black Africa (excerpts) 210593 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People: Venerable Bede 210592 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Gilgamesh: A New English Version: Book IX, Book X, Book XI 210591 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 02 210590 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 04 210589 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 09 210588 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Basic Writing of Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu, and Han Fei Tzu: Way of the Ruler (Hanfeizi/ Han Fei Tzu) (and excerpts) 210587 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 02 210586 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 03 210585 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 07 210584 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 09 210583 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 12 210582 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 18 (veres 40-78) 210581 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Buddhism: In Translations: Chapter 13: Questions Which Tend Not To Edification 210580 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Canterbury Tales in Modern Verse: Prioresse 210579 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Carolingian Civilization: A Reader : Capitularies 210578 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Carolingian Civilization: A Reader : Sedulius Scottus, On Christian Rulers 210577 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Codex Hammurabi 210576 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Epictetus: The Discourses As Reported By Arrian, The Manual, And Fragments: Vol. 2: Echheiridion of Epictetus: sections 1-22 210575 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Epictetus: The Discourses As Reported By Arrian, The Manual, And Fragments; Vol. 2: Echheiridion of Epictetus: sections 26-37 210574 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Essential Tao: An Initiation into the Heart of Taoism Through the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang-tzu: Daodejing 210573 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials: Version of Robert the Monk 210572 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Giovanni Boccaccio: The Decameron: 21 Novelle Contemporary Reactions Modern Criticism: Author's Introduction 210571 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Historians of Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Major Writings: Polybius Histories: Book VI 1; 3-9; 11-18; 56-57 210570 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Historians of Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Major Writings: Polybius Histories: Books I, 1-4 210569 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Lais of Marie De France: Guigemar 210568 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Letters: Principal Doctrines and Vatican Sayings : Principal Doctrines 210567 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Medieval Popular Religion 1000-1500 A Reader: Fourth Lateran Council (1215) 210566 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 14: Universal Love I 210565 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 15: Universal Love II 210564 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 20: Moderation in Use I 210563 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 21: Moderation in Use II 210562 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 36: Against Fate II, 36.1 210561 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Matthew 1-9 210560 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Deuteronomy 5-14 210559 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: First Timothy 1-6.21 210558 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Galatians 1-6.18 210557 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Genisis 1-9 210556 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Odyssey : Book 09: In the One-Eyed Giant's Cave 210555 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Old and Middle English: An Anthology : Battle of Maldon 210554 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Old and Middle English: An Anthology : Dream of the Rood 210553 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Plato: Complete Works: Allegory of the Cave from The Republic 210552 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Plato: Complete Works: Plato's 'Apology' of Socrates 210551 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Qur'an: Sura 1 (The Opening) & The Cow (2) 210550 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Rig Veda: An Anthology : Hymn 10.90: Puruia-Siikta, or The Hymn of Man 210549 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Secret with Related documents: First Letter to Marcus Tullius Cicero 210548 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Selected Poems of Tu Fu : Excerpts 210547 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Law 210546 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Source of Chinese Tradition: From Earliest Times to 1600: Excerpts from the Lotus Sutra and Miracles of Guanyin 210545 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Inaguration of the Great Reform Era 210544 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Taizong: Plan for an Emperor (Difan) 210543 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Seventeen-Article Constitution of Prince Shotoki 210542 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Book of Contemplation: Islam and the Crusades: Excerpts 210541 CH 201.5503 Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Special education and the law : Chapter 09: Section 504 and the Americans with disabilities act 210540 EDU 203.1001 Introduction to Special Education
Natural Resources Ecology, Economics, and Policy: Chapter 02: The Historical Perspective 210539 NRES 100
Maus (Volumes I and II) 210538 CH 202.1005 & 1007 The Modern World
How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed 210537 CH 202.1005 & 1007 The Modern World
Russian women, 1698-1917 : experience and expression : an anthology of sources: The Empress and the Philosopher: Catherine II-Voltaire Correspondence 210536 CH 202.1005 & 1007 The Modern World
Letters and Orations 210535 CH 202.1005 & 1007 The Modern World
Sara Baartman and the Hottentot Venus : a ghost story and a biography 210534 CH 202.1005 & 1007 The Modern World
Dynamics of persuasion communication and attitudes in the 21st century: Chapter 01: Introduction to Persuasion 210533 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Annual Review of Political Science: A Framework for the Study of Persuasion 210532 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
Modern Rhetorical Criticism: Chapter 03: Analyzing Situations 210531 COM 404.1001 Principles of Persuasion
The Matrix (1999): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210530 CH 203
The Matrix (1999): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210529 CH 203
Organic chemistry II as a second language 210528 CHEM 220A
Organic chemistry as a second language 210527 CHEM 220A
organic reaction mechanisms 210526 CHEM 220A
Epidemiology 210525 PBH 473.1004 Epidemiology
Selma (2014): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210524 CH 203
Killers of the Flower Moon (2023): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210523 CH 203
Oklahoma! (1955): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210522 CH 203
Dr. Strangelove (1964): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210521 CH 203
Modern Times (1936) 210520 CH 203
Selma (2014): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210519 CH 203
Killers of the Flower Moon (2023): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210518 CH 203
Oklahoma! (1955): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210517 CH 203
Dr. Strangelove (1964): (The latest version of Microsoft Edge may be the best browser in which to view this video) 210516 CH 203
Modern Times (1936) 210515 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 210514 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Ar'nt I a Woman? 210513 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 210512 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Boston Quarterly Review: Address to the Workingmen 210511 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters: Excerpts 210510 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Child Who Never Grew: Chapter 01: The Child Who Never Grew 210509 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 210508 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Developing Community Leadership (https://americanstudies.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/baker_leadership.pdf) 210507 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Essays of Brutus: No. 1 210506 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Federalist: No. 10 210505 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Federalist No. 54 210504 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Imprisoned Intellectuals : America's Political Prisoners Write on Life, Liberation, and Rebellion: Letter from a Birmingham Jail 210503 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Industrial Revolution: Key Themes and Documents: Booker T. Washington's 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech 210502 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 210501 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Message to the Grass Roots 210500 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 210499 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
National Organization for Women, Philadelphia Chapter: Brochure on Equal Rights Amendment (1976) 210498 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
On Civil Disobedience (Condensed) 210497 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Petitions of Massachusetts Slaves for Freedom 210496 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society 210495 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions: Women's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, 19-20 July 1848 210494 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Souls of Black Folk: Excerpts 210493 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Transcendentalism: A Reader: Wrongs of American Women. The Duty of American Women 210492 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Treatise on Domestic Economy: Chapter 01: The Peculiar Responisibilities of American Women 210491 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
War is a Racket: Chapters 01 and 05 210490 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
William and Mary Quarterly: Liberty Further Extended: A 1776 Antislavery Manuscript 210489 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Women and Economics: Excerpts 210488 HIST 404C.604C.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 210487 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 210486 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 210485 CH 203
Ar'nt I a Woman? 210484 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part I 210483 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part II 210482 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 210481 CH 203
Boston Quarterly Review: Address to the Workingmen 210480 CH 203
Brief History of Neoliberism: Introduction 210479 CH 203
Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters: Excerpts 210478 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 210477 CH 203
Child Who Never Grew: Chapter 01: The Child Who Never Grew 210476 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 210475 CH 203
Class Apart (2009) 210474 CH 203
Columbus Paper: The 'Barcelona Letter of 1493, the Landfall Controversy, and the Indian Guides: Letter to King Ferdinand of Spain Describing the Results of the First Voyage 210473 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 210472 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 210471 CH 203
Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet : By Night When Others Soundly Slept 210470 CH 203
Complete Works of Captain John Smith: Powhatan Speaks To Captain John Smith, 1609 210469 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 210468 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 210467 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 210466 CH 203
Democracy vs. the Melting Pot: Excerpts 210465 CH 203
Developing Community Leadership (https://americanstudies.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/baker_leadership.pdf) 210464 CH 203
Divinity School Address 210463 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Prologue 210462 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666 210461 CH 203
Emancipation Proclamation 210460 CH 203
Essays of Brutus: No. 1 210459 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 210458 CH 203
Farewell Address to the Nation 210457 CH 203
Federalist: No. 10 210456 CH 203
Federalist No. 54 210455 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 210454 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 210453 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Inventions Re-Making Leisure From Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture 210452 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Jihad vs. McWorld 210451 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Life in the New Suburbia 210450 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Old World in the New 210449 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 210448 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 210447 CH 203
Imprisoned Intellectuals : America's Political Prisoners Write on Life, Liberation, and Rebellion: Letter from a Birmingham Jail 210446 CH 203
Industrial Revolution: Key Themes and Documents: Booker T. Washington's 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech 210445 CH 203
Liberty Further Extended 210444 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 210443 CH 203
Massachusetts Supreme Court: Commonwealth V. Jennison 210442 CH 203
Message to the Grass Roots 210441 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 210440 CH 203
My Life and Work: Chapter 05 210439 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 210438 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 210437 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 210436 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 210435 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 210434 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 210433 CH 203
National Organization for Women, Philadelphia Chapter: Brochure on Equal Rights Amendment (1976) 210432 CH 203
New York Times Magazine (you can also create a free account here: https://guides.library.unr.edu/nytimes): Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits 210431 CH 203
On Civil Disobedience (Condensed) 210430 CH 203
Petitions of Massachusetts Slaves for Freedom 210429 CH 203
Poems Of Emma Lazarus: New Colossus 210428 CH 203
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society 210427 CH 203
Recreating of the Individual: New Morality 210426 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 210425 CH 203
Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions: Women's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, 19-20 July 1848 210424 CH 203
Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8th, 1741. 210423 CH 203
Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies 210422 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 210421 CH 203
Souls of Black Folk: Excerpts 210420 CH 203
Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction by Tim O'Brien: Things They Carried 210419 CH 203
Transcendentalism: A Reader: Wrongs of American Women. The Duty of American Women 210418 CH 203
Treatise on Domestic Economy: Chapter 01: The Peculiar Responisibilities of American Women 210417 CH 203
Twenty Years at Hull House: Excerpts 210416 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 210415 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 210414 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 210413 CH 203
United States Magazine and Democratic Review: Annexation 210412 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 210411 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Plessy V. Ferguson (1896) 210410 CH 203
Vietnam Wars: 1945-1990: Epilogue 210409 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 210408 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Emma Watson: Gender Equality is Your Issue Too 210407 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Text of Obama's Speech: A More Perfect Union 210406 CH 203
War is a Racket: Chapters 01 and 05 210405 CH 203
Washington Post: President Bush Addresses the Nation 210404 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 210403 CH 203
William and Mary Quarterly: Liberty Further Extended: A 1776 Antislavery Manuscript 210402 CH 203
Women and Economics: Excerpts 210401 CH 203
Works: 1608-1631: John Smith Writes about the Chesapeake Indians of 1608 210400 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 210399 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 210398 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 210397 CH 203
Ar'nt I a Woman? 210396 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part I 210395 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part II 210394 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 210393 CH 203
Boston Quarterly Review: Address to the Workingmen 210392 CH 203
Brief History of Neoliberism: Introduction 210391 CH 203
Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters: Excerpts 210390 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 210389 CH 203
Child Who Never Grew: Chapter 01: The Child Who Never Grew 210388 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 210387 CH 203
Class Apart (2009) 210386 CH 203
Columbus Paper: The 'Barcelona Letter of 1493, the Landfall Controversy, and the Indian Guides: Letter to King Ferdinand of Spain Describing the Results of the First Voyage 210385 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 210384 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 210383 CH 203
Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet : By Night When Others Soundly Slept 210382 CH 203
Complete Works of Captain John Smith: Powhatan Speaks To Captain John Smith, 1609 210381 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 210380 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 210379 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 210378 CH 203
Democracy vs. the Melting Pot: Excerpts 210377 CH 203
Developing Community Leadership (https://americanstudies.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/baker_leadership.pdf) 210376 CH 203
Divinity School Address 210375 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Prologue 210374 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666 210373 CH 203
Emancipation Proclamation 210372 CH 203
Essays of Brutus: No. 1 210371 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 210370 CH 203
Farewell Address to the Nation 210369 CH 203
Federalist: No. 10 210368 CH 203
Federalist No. 54 210367 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 210366 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 210365 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Inventions Re-Making Leisure From Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture 210364 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Jihad vs. McWorld 210363 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Life in the New Suburbia 210362 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Old World in the New 210361 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 210360 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 210359 CH 203
Imprisoned Intellectuals : America's Political Prisoners Write on Life, Liberation, and Rebellion: Letter from a Birmingham Jail 210358 CH 203
Industrial Revolution: Key Themes and Documents: Booker T. Washington's 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech 210357 CH 203
Liberty Further Extended 210356 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 210355 CH 203
Massachusetts Supreme Court: Commonwealth V. Jennison 210354 CH 203
Message to the Grass Roots 210353 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 210352 CH 203
My Life and Work: Chapter 05 210351 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 210350 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 210349 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 210348 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 210347 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 210346 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 210345 CH 203
National Organization for Women, Philadelphia Chapter: Brochure on Equal Rights Amendment (1976) 210344 CH 203
New York Times Magazine (you can also create a free account here: https://guides.library.unr.edu/nytimes): Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits 210343 CH 203
On Civil Disobedience (Condensed) 210342 CH 203
Petitions of Massachusetts Slaves for Freedom 210341 CH 203
Poems Of Emma Lazarus: New Colossus 210340 CH 203
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society 210339 CH 203
Recreating of the Individual: New Morality 210338 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 210337 CH 203
Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions: Women's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, 19-20 July 1848 210336 CH 203
Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8th, 1741. 210335 CH 203
Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies 210334 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 210333 CH 203
Souls of Black Folk: Excerpts 210332 CH 203
Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction by Tim O'Brien: Things They Carried 210331 CH 203
Transcendentalism: A Reader: Wrongs of American Women. The Duty of American Women 210330 CH 203
Treatise on Domestic Economy: Chapter 01: The Peculiar Responisibilities of American Women 210329 CH 203
Twenty Years at Hull House: Excerpts 210328 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 210327 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 210326 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 210325 CH 203
United States Magazine and Democratic Review: Annexation 210324 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 210323 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Plessy V. Ferguson (1896) 210322 CH 203
Vietnam Wars: 1945-1990: Epilogue 210321 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 210320 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Emma Watson: Gender Equality is Your Issue Too 210319 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Text of Obama's Speech: A More Perfect Union 210318 CH 203
War is a Racket: Chapters 01 and 05 210317 CH 203
Washington Post: President Bush Addresses the Nation 210316 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 210315 CH 203
William and Mary Quarterly: Liberty Further Extended: A 1776 Antislavery Manuscript 210314 CH 203
Women and Economics: Excerpts 210313 CH 203
Works: 1608-1631: John Smith Writes about the Chesapeake Indians of 1608 210312 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 210311 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Ar'nt I a Woman? 210310 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part I 210309 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Boston Quarterly Review: Address to the Workingmen 210308 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 210307 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Columbus Paper: The 'Barcelona Letter of 1493, the Landfall Controversy, and the Indian Guides: Letter to King Ferdinand of Spain Describing the Results of the First Voyage 210306 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet : By Night When Others Soundly Slept 210305 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Complete Works of Captain John Smith: Powhatan Speaks To Captain John Smith, 1609 210304 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Developing Community Leadership (https://americanstudies.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/baker_leadership.pdf) 210303 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Prologue 210302 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666 210301 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Essays of Brutus: No. 1 210300 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Federalist: No. 10 210299 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Federalist No. 54 210298 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 210297 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Industrial Revolution: Key Themes and Documents: Booker T. Washington's 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech 210296 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Liberty Further Extended 210295 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 210294 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 210293 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
National Organization for Women, Philadelphia Chapter: Brochure on Equal Rights Amendment (1976) 210292 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Petitions of Massachusetts Slaves for Freedom 210291 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Recreating of the Individual: New Morality 210290 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions: Women's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, 19-20 July 1848 210289 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 210288 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Souls of Black Folk: Excerpts 210287 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Transcendentalism: A Reader: Wrongs of American Women. The Duty of American Women 210286 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Treatise on Domestic Economy: Chapter 01: The Peculiar Responisibilities of American Women 210285 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Twenty Years at Hull House: Excerpts 210284 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 210283 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Vietnam Wars: 1945-1990: Epilogue 210282 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 210281 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Women and Economics: Excerpts 210280 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Works: 1608-1631: John Smith Writes about the Chesapeake Indians of 1608 210279 GRI.HIST 216.1001 Combined (GRI/HIST) Sections
Journal of Communication: #CommunicationSoWhite. 210278 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Communication: For a practical discipline. 210277 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Communication: Rethinking political communication in a time of disrupted public spheres. 210276 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Communication: Diversifying ICA: Identity, difference, and the politics of transformation. 210275 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Communication: Organizational communication: Challenges for the new century 210274 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Communication: Inquiry in intercultural and development communication 210273 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Communication: Inquiry in intercultural and development communication 210272 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Communication: Political communication faces the 21st century. 210271 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Communication: Interpersonal Communication: Theoretical Perspectives, Future Prospects 210270 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Feminist dilemmatic theorizing: New materialism in Communication Studies. 210269 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Revealing and concealing difference: A critical approach to disclosure and an intersectional theory of “Closeting.” 210268 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Standing in the intersection feminist voices, feminist practices in communication studies: Introduction 210267 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Management Communication Quarterly: Becoming a character for commerce: Emotion labor, self-subordination, and discursive construction of identity in a total institution. 210266 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Where is the critical empirical interpersonal communication research? A roadmap for future inquiry into discourse and power. 210265 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Organizational communication meets Queer Theory: Theorizing relations of “difference” differently 210264 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Monographs: Unfolding narrative meaning over time: The contributions of mother-daughter conversations of difficulty on daughter narrative sense-making and well-being. 210263 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Entertainment-Education and Elaboration Likelihood: Understanding the processing of narrative persuasion 210262 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Figurative framing: Shaping public discourse through metaphor, hyperbole, and irony 210261 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Communication: Conceptual issues in framing theory: A systematic examination of a decade’s literature. 210260 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Annual Review of Political Science: Framing Theory 210259 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Review of Communication: Narrative theory and criticism: An overview toward clusters and empathy. 210258 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication: Cutting the cord: Social and scholarly revolutions as CMC goes mobile 210257 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Public Relations Review: Goffman’s sociology: An inspiring resource for developing public relations theory. 210256 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Functions of the nonverbal in CMC: Emoticons and illocutionary force 210255 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: What’s the Big “D”? Contemporary approaches to discourse in interpersonal and family communication scholarship 210254 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Organizations and Discursive Constructions 210253 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Revisiting “Organizations as Discursive Constructions”: 10 years later 210252 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Extending the theory of the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) through a community dialogue process. 210251 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Making Communication Theory Matter 210250 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Public Relations Research: Why practitioners do (not) apply crisis communication theory in practice. 210249 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Public Relations Research: Why practitioners do (not) apply crisis communication theory in practice. 210248 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Diagnosing a school board’s interactional trouble: theorizing problem formulating. 210247 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Quarterly: Crisis communication in institutions of higher education: Richard Spencer at the University of Florida 210246 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: An organizational stakeholder model of change implementation communication. 210245 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Examining four processes of audience involvement with media personae: Transportation, parasocial interaction, identification, and worship. 210244 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Toward a theoretical framework of relational maintenance in computer-mediated communication 210243 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Why, how, when, and for whom does digital disconnection work? A process-based framework of digital disconnection 210242 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Toward a theory of motivated information management. 210241 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Political communication in media society: Does democracy still enjoy an epistemic dimension? The impact of normative theory on empirical research. 210240 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Incivility as a violation of communication norms—A typology based on normative expectations toward political communication 210239 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication: Explicating cues: A typology for understanding emerging media technologies 210238 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Toward an explication of media enjoyment: The synergy of social norms, viewing situations, and program content 210237 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: A re-explication of social norms, ten years later. 210236 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: An explication of social norms 210235 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Ferment in the intercultural field: Axiology/Value/Praxis: Chapter 07: White positionalities and cultural contracts: Critiquing entitlement, theorizing, and exploring the negotiation of white identities. 210234 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Embracing intersectionality in co-cultural and dominant group theorizing: Implications for theory, research, and pedagogy 210233 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: On organizational apologia: A reconceptualization 210232 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication: CMC Is Dead, Long Live CMC!: Situating Computer-Mediated Communication Scholarship Beyond the Digital Age 210231 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
PS, political science and politics: US Partisan Polarization on Climate Change: Can Stalemate Give Way to Opportunity? 210230 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Ferment in the Intercultural Field: axiology/value/praxis: Chapter 10: On Theorizing Difference 210229 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Racially Diverse and inclusive perspectives: Chapter 05: Co-Cultural Theory 210228 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Monographs: The Four Cultures of Cultural Research 210227 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Monographs: An Asiacentric Reflection on Eurocentric Bias in Communication Theory 210226 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Monographs: (Un)biased in western theory: Generative silence in American Indian communication 210225 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Monographs: Theorizing communication and race 210224 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Monographs: Issue Forum Introduction: Cultural bias in communication theory 210223 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Western Journal of Communication: The status of theory and method in rhetorical criticism 210222 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Corporate issue campaigns: Six theoretical approaches. 210221 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: An Institutional Theory of Organizational Communication 210220 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Core theories of political communication: Foundational and freshly minted 210219 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Theorizing interpersonal communication: Progress and problematic practices: Theorizing interpersonal communication 210218 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Human Communication: Public Relations and Organizational Credibility: Refining the Definition, Measurement and Assessment of Organizational Trust 210217 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Media and Communication: A systems approach to studying online communities 210216 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication As…Perspectives on Theory: Chapter 17: Communication as political participation 210215 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication As…Perspectives on Theory: Chapter 05: Communication as Practice 210214 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication As…Perspectives on Theory: Chapter 01: Communication as Relationality 210213 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
MERIP: Iranians Are Done Debating 210212 PSC 407D.607D
MERIP: Labor Organizing On The Rise Among Iranian Oil Workers 210211 PSC 407D.607D
Quarterly of Human Rights: The Wall and the Law: A Tale of Two Judgements 210210 PSC 407D.607D
Secret of the Grain (2007) / La graine et le mulet (2007) 210209 FREN 461.661.1001 Combined (FREN) Sections
All Quiet on the Western Front: Chapter 06 210208 CH 202.1002 The Modern World
Battleship Potemkin (1925) 210207 CH 202.1002 The Modern World
Night 210206 CH 202.1002 The Modern World
Trials of modernity : Europe in the world: On Site Reserve - 2 Hours Library Use Only 210205 CH 202.1002 The Modern World
Democratization: Mobile emergency rule in Turkey: legal repression of protests during authoritarian transformation 210204 PSC 407D.607D
Of Rule and Revenue: Appendix to Chapter 2: Excursus on the Acquisition of Rule 210203 PSC 211.1001 Introduction to Comparative Politics
ILR Review: Assessing the labor conditions of migrant domestic workers in the Arab Gulf 210202 PSC 407D.607D
Political Research Quarterly: Organized Interests in Constitutional Assemblies: Egypt and Tunisia in Comparison 210201 PSC 407D.607D
Boston Quarterly Review: Address to the Workingmen 210200 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 210199 CH 203
New York Times Magazine (you can also create a free account here: https://guides.library.unr.edu/nytimes): Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits 210198 CH 203
On Civil Disobedience (Condensed) 210197 CH 203
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society 210196 CH 203
Divinity School Address 210195 CH 203
Transcendentalism: A Reader: Wrongs of American Women. The Duty of American Women 210194 CH 203
Treatise on Domestic Economy: Chapter 01: The Peculiar Responisibilities of American Women 210193 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Inventions Re-Making Leisure From Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture 210192 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Life in the New Suburbia 210191 CH 203
Works: 1608-1631: John Smith Writes about the Chesapeake Indians of 1608 210190 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Jihad vs. McWorld 210189 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 210188 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 210187 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 210186 CH 203
Brief History of Neoliberism: Introduction 210185 CH 203
Vietnam Wars: 1945-1990: Epilogue 210184 CH 203
Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction by Tim O'Brien: Things They Carried 210183 CH 203
Recreating of the Individual: New Morality 210182 CH 203
Child Who Never Grew: Chapter 01: The Child Who Never Grew 210181 CH 203
Farewell Address to the Nation 210180 CH 203
Ar'nt I a Woman? 210179 CH 203
Developing Community Leadership (https://americanstudies.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/baker_leadership.pdf) 210178 CH 203
Complete Works of Captain John Smith: Powhatan Speaks To Captain John Smith, 1609 210177 CH 203
Democracy vs. the Melting Pot: Excerpts 210176 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 210175 CH 203
Message to the Grass Roots 210174 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 210173 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 210172 CH 203
Washington Post: President Bush Addresses the Nation 210171 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 210170 CH 203
Women and Economics: Excerpts 210169 CH 203
Souls of Black Folk: Excerpts 210168 CH 203
Twenty Years at Hull House: Excerpts 210167 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 210166 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 210165 CH 203
Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters: Excerpts 210164 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Old World in the New 210163 CH 203
Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions: Women's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, 19-20 July 1848 210162 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 210161 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 210160 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 210159 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Plessy V. Ferguson (1896) 210158 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 210157 CH 203
National Organization for Women, Philadelphia Chapter: Brochure on Equal Rights Amendment (1976) 210156 CH 203
Federalist: No. 10 210155 CH 203
Essays of Brutus: No. 1 210154 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 210153 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 210152 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 210151 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 210150 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 210149 CH 203
Federalist No. 54 210148 CH 203
Petitions of Massachusetts Slaves for Freedom 210147 CH 203
Massachusetts Supreme Court: Commonwealth V. Jennison 210146 CH 203
Emancipation Proclamation 210145 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 210144 CH 203
Liberty Further Extended 210143 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 210142 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 210141 CH 203
Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies 210140 CH 203
Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet : By Night When Others Soundly Slept 210139 CH 203
Columbus Paper: The 'Barcelona Letter of 1493, the Landfall Controversy, and the Indian Guides: Letter to King Ferdinand of Spain Describing the Results of the First Voyage 210138 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 210137 CH 203
Imprisoned Intellectuals : America's Political Prisoners Write on Life, Liberation, and Rebellion: Letter from a Birmingham Jail 210136 CH 203
Industrial Revolution: Key Themes and Documents: Booker T. Washington's 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech 210135 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 210134 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Prologue 210133 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666 210132 CH 203
United States Magazine and Democratic Review: Annexation 210131 CH 203
William and Mary Quarterly: Liberty Further Extended: A 1776 Antislavery Manuscript 210130 CH 203
Class Apart 210129 CH 203
War is a Racket: Chapters 01 and 05 210128 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Text of Obama's Speech: A More Perfect Union 210127 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Emma Watson: Gender Equality is Your Issue Too 210126 CH 203
Poems Of Emma Lazarus: New Colossus 210125 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 210124 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part I 210123 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part II 210122 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 210121 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 210120 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 210119 CH 203
Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8th, 1741. 210118 CH 203
My Life and Work: Chapter 05 210117 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 210116 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 210115 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 210114 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 210113 CH 203
Middle East Law and Governance: Law in the Egyptian Revolt 210112 PSC 407D.607D
Journal of Gambling Studies: Impaired Awareness of Problem and Pathological Gambling: A Review 210111 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry: Substance Use Disorders in the Geriatric Population: a Review and Synthesis of the Literature of a Growing Problem in a Growing Population 210110 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Behavioral Sciences: Gambling and Aging: An Overview of a Risky Behavior 210109 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
American Journal of Preventive Medicine: Impact of Perceived Racism on Healthcare Access Among Older Minority Adults 210108 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
American Psychologist: Understanding the Link Between Racial Trauma and Substance Use Among American Indians 210107 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: Substance Use Disorders in Later Life 210106 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Psychopathological Behavior Assessment: Reliability and Validity of the Gambler's Anonymous Twenty Questions 210105 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Behavioral Addictions: Age-related Physical and Psychological Vulnerability as Pathways to Problem Gambling in Older Adults 210104 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences: Adapting to Aging: Older People Talk About Their Use of Selection, Optimization, and Compensation to Maximize Well-being in the Context of Physical Decline 210103 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: Older adults' perspective on succesful aging: Qualitative interveiws 210102 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic: Assessment and Treatment of Alcoholism and Substance-Related Disorders in the Elderly 210101 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Generations: Self-Empowerment in Later Life as a Response to Ageism 210100 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
American Journal of Public Health: Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for older adults with substance misuse. 210099 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Educational Gerontology: Counseling Substance-Abusing Older Clients 210098 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Computerized Screening of Substance Abuse Problems in a Primary Care Setting: Older vs. Younger Adults 210097 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Social Issues: Age of ageism 210096 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Gerontological Nursing: Opioid misuse/Abuse and Quality Persistent Pain Management in Older Adults 210095 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Aging and Health: Illicit and Nonmedical Drug Use Among Older Adults: A Review 210094 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Applied Gerontology: Treatment outcomes for older adults who abuse substances 210093 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
International Journal of Behavioral Development: Self-regulatory strategies in daily life: Selection, optimization, and compensation and everyday memory problems. 210092 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Psychiatric Services: Stigma, Discrimination, Treatment, Effectiveness, and Policy: Public Views About Drug Addiction and Mental Illnes 210091 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Gerontologist: Examining Rowe ad Kahn's concept of successful aging: Importance of taking a life course perspective. 210090 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Older Adults’ Marijuana use, Injuries, and Emergency Department Visits 210089 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Aging Studies: Generativity and Aging: A Promising Future Research Topic? 210088 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
American Journal or Preventive Medicine: Feeling Fine at a Hundred and Three: Secrets of Successful Aging 210087 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
American Journal on Addictions: Evaluation of Brief Screens for Gambling Disorder in the Substance Use Treatment Setting 210086 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly: Older Adults Deserve Recovery from Alcoholism, Addiction to Precription Drugs 210085 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Dual Diagnosis: Community Interventions for Older Adults with Cormorbid Substance Abuse:The Geriatric Addictions Program (GAP) 210084 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
AARP The Magazine: I Am An Addict (excerpts) 210083 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Geriatrics: Alcohol Use in the Elderly: Beyond the CAGE: Part 01: Prevalence and Patterns of Problem Drinking 210082 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
American Family Physician: Appropriate Use of Psychotropic Drugs in Nursing Homes 210081 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
CBHSQ Report: A day in the life of older adults: Substance use facts. 210080 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Aging and Mental Health: Selective optimization with compensation strategies utilized by older adults newly-transitioned to assisted living. 210079 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Research on Aging: Testing Relationships Between Racial-Ethnic Identity, Racial-Ethnic Discrimination, and Substance Misuse Among Black and Latinx Older Adults in a Nationally Representative Sample 210078 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health 210077 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Clinical Geriatric Medicine: Substance abuse among older adults 210076 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Religion and Health: Religion and Bio-Psycho-Social Health: A Review and Conceptual Model 210075 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Psychiatric Quarterly: Gender and Racial/Ethnic Differences in Use of Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Use Services by Depressed Adults 210074 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
New England Journal of Medicine : Potential Decline in Life Expectancy in the United States in the 21st Century 210073 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Behavior Health Services & Research: Methods for Evaluating a Mature Substance Abuse Prevention/Early Intervention Program 210072 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
New England Journal of Medicine: Neurobiologic Advances from the Brain Disease Model of Addiction 210071 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Generations: Not for Doctors Only: Ageism in Healthcare 210070 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Generations: Substance misuse and abuse in older adults: What do we need to know to help? 210069 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy: 05-Step Family Intervention in Primary Care: Strengths and Limitations According to Family Members 210068 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Drugs & Aging: Relapse Prevention and Maintaining Abstinence in Older Adults with Alcohol-use Disorders 210067 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Geriatrics: Alcohol Use in the Elderly: Beyond the CAGE: Part 02: Screening Instruments and Treatment Strategies 210066 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Psychiatry: Spirituality in Psychiatry: A Biopsychosocial Perspective 210065 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Substance Use & Misuse: Predictors of Reported Current and Lifetime Substance Abuse Problems Among a National Sample of U.S. Homeless 210064 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Adultspan Journal: Understanding Geotranscendence in Older Adults: A New Perspective for Counselors 210063 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Addiction: Five-Year Alcohol and Drug Treatment Outcomes of Older Adults Versus Middle-Aged and Younger Adults in a Managed Care Program 210062 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Clinical Psychology, Science and Practice: Alcohol and drug use problems among older adults 210061 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Gerontological Social Work: Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for Older Adults: An Enhanced Therapeutic Community Model 210060 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Home Health Care Management and Practice: Alcohol Abuse in Older Adults: An Invisible Population 210059 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of the American Geriatric Society: Potential for Alcohol and Prescription Drug Interactions in Older People 210058 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Social Work in Public Health: Just Say Know: An Examination of Substance Use Disroder among Older Adults in Gerontological and Substance Abuse Journals 210057 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Aging & Mental Health: Diagnostic Usefulness of AUDIT and AUDIT-C for Detecting 210056 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Aging & Mental Health: Psychosocial Issues Near the End of Life 210055 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Aging & Mental Health: Aspects of Mental Health Among Older Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults 210054 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Clinical Gerontologist: Treatment preferences of older adults with substance use problems 210053 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Aging Studies: Toward a Discourse Shift in Social Gerontology: From Successful Aging to Harmonious Aging 210052 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Aging Studies: Discourse of Successful Aging in the Globe and Mail: Insights From Critical Gerontology 210051 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Affective Disorders: Selective Optimization with Compensation (SOC) Competencies in Depression 210050 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: Older Women's Cognitive and Affective Response to Moderate Drinking 210049 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Counseling and Values: Spirituality and the Successful Aging of Older Latinos 210048 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Journal of Geriatrics: Stererotypes of aging: Thier effects on the health of older adults 210047 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration : Older Americans behavioral issue brief 6: Depression and anxiety: Screening and intervention 210046 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Substance Abuse and Mental helath Services Administration : SAMHSA’s working definition of recovery: 10 guiding principles of recovery 210045 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
National Institute on Drug Abuse: Drug Facts: Genetics and epigenetics of addiction 210044 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation: Drug use, misuse, and dependence among older adults 210043 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Cultural Competency: Cultural Competency: It's impact on addiction, treatment, and recovery 210042 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Partnership for a Drug-Free America: Hope, Help, & Healing: A Guide to Helping Someone Who Might Have a Drug or Alcohol Problem 210041 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Older Americans Behavioral Health. Issue Brief 10: Expanding Home-and Community-Based Behavioral Health Services for Older Adults 210040 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction. 210039 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Scope of Opiod Use in Nevada 2015 210038 CAS GERO SW 437 and CAS 637
Substance Abuse Prevention The Intersection of Science and Practice 210037 CAS 255.5502 Substance Abuse Prevention
Presentation of Self in Everyday Life 210036 SOC 705.1001 Seminar in Social Theory
Substance Abuse Prevention The Intersection of Science and Practice: (Excerpt) Chapter 06: “Incorporating Human Development Theory into Prevention,” and “Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” 210035 CAS 255.5502 Substance Abuse Prevention
Substance Abuse Prevention The Intersection of Science and Practice: (Excerpt) Chapter 03: “Apply Guiding Principles” and “Best Practices,” and “Unproven Programs” 210034 CAS 255.5502 Substance Abuse Prevention
Substance Abuse Prevention The Intersection of Science and Practice: (Excerpt) Chapter 03: “Assess the Levels of Risk and Protective Factors in the Community,” and “Select a Target Population,” 210033 CAS 255.5502 Substance Abuse Prevention
Substance Abuse Prevention The Intersection of Science and Practice: (Excerpt) Chapter 02: “Prevention Research” and “ Risk and Protective Factor Framework” 210032 CAS 255.5502 Substance Abuse Prevention
Substance Abuse Prevention The Intersection of Science and Practice 210031 CAS 255.5502 Substance Abuse Prevention
Substance Abuse Prevention The Intersection of Science and Practice: Chapter 01: Introduction 210030 CAS 255.5502 Substance Abuse Prevention
Ballerina: Sex, Scandal, and Suffering Behind the Symbol of Perfection 210029 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Ibn Battuta in Black Africa: Travels in Ibn Battuta in Black Africa (excerpts) 210028 CH 201
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People: Venerable Bede 210027 CH 201
Gilgamesh: A New English Version: Book IX, Book X, Book XI 210026 CH 201
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 02 210025 CH 201
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 04 210024 CH 201
Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation: Book 09 210023 CH 201
Basic Writing of Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu, and Han Fei Tzu: Way of the Ruler (Hanfeizi/ Han Fei Tzu) (and excerpts) 210022 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 02 210021 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 03 210020 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 07 210019 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 09 210018 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 12 210017 CH 201
Bhagavadgita: A New Translation: Chapter 18 (veres 40-78) 210016 CH 201
Buddhism: In Translations: Chapter 13: Questions Which Tend Not To Edification 210015 CH 201
Canterbury Tales in Modern Verse: Prioresse 210014 CH 201
Carolingian Civilization: A Reader : Capitularies 210013 CH 201
Carolingian Civilization: A Reader : Sedulius Scottus, On Christian Rulers 210012 CH 201
Codex Hammurabi 210011 CH 201
Epictetus: The Discourses As Reported By Arrian, The Manual, And Fragments: Vol. 2: Echheiridion of Epictetus: sections 1-22 210010 CH 201
Epictetus: The Discourses As Reported By Arrian, The Manual, And Fragments; Vol. 2: Echheiridion of Epictetus: sections 26-37 210009 CH 201
Essential Tao: An Initiation into the Heart of Taoism Through the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang-tzu: Daodejing 210008 CH 201
First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials: Version of Robert the Monk 210007 CH 201
Giovanni Boccaccio: The Decameron: 21 Novelle Contemporary Reactions Modern Criticism: Author's Introduction 210006 CH 201
Historians of Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Major Writings: Polybius Histories: Book VI 1; 3-9; 11-18; 56-57 210005 CH 201
Historians of Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Major Writings: Polybius Histories: Books I, 1-4 210004 CH 201
Lais of Marie De France: Guigemar 210003 CH 201
Letters: Principal Doctrines and Vatican Sayings : Principal Doctrines 210002 CH 201
Medieval Popular Religion 1000-1500 A Reader: Fourth Lateran Council (1215) 210001 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 14: Universal Love I 210000 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 15: Universal Love II 209999 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 20: Moderation in Use I 209998 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 21: Moderation in Use II 209997 CH 201
Mozi: A Complete Translation: Chapter 36: Against Fate II, 36.1 209996 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Matthew 1-9 209995 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Deuteronomy 5-14 209994 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: First Timothy 1-6.21 209993 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Galatians 1-6.18 209992 CH 201
New Oxford Annotated Bible: with the Apocrypha: Genisis 1-9 209991 CH 201
Odyssey : Book 09: In the One-Eyed Giant's Cave 209990 CH 201
Old and Middle English: An Anthology : Battle of Maldon 209989 CH 201
Old and Middle English: An Anthology : Dream of the Rood 209988 CH 201
Plato: Complete Works: Allegory of the Cave from The Republic 209987 CH 201
Plato: Complete Works: Plato's 'Apology' of Socrates 209986 CH 201
Qur'an: Sura 1 (The Opening) & The Cow (2) 209985 CH 201
Rig Veda: An Anthology : Hymn 10.90: Puruia-Siikta, or The Hymn of Man 209984 CH 201
Secret with Related documents: First Letter to Marcus Tullius Cicero 209983 CH 201
Selected Poems of Tu Fu : Excerpts 209982 CH 201
Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Law 209981 CH 201
Source of Chinese Tradition: From Earliest Times to 1600: Excerpts from the Lotus Sutra and Miracles of Guanyin 209980 CH 201
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Inaguration of the Great Reform Era 209979 CH 201
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Taizong: Plan for an Emperor (Difan) 209978 CH 201
Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume One: From Earliest Times to 1600: Seventeen-Article Constitution of Prince Shotoki 209977 CH 201
Book of Contemplation: Islam and the Crusades: Excerpts 209976 CH 201
American Journal of Preventive Medicine: Impact of Perceived Racism on Healthcare Access Among Older Minority Adults 209975 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration : Older American’s behavioral health issue brief 6: Depression and anxiety: Screening and intervention 209974 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry: Substance use disorders in the geriatric population: A review and synthesis of the literature of a growing problem in a growing population 209973 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Behavioral Sciences: Gambling and aging: An overview of a risky behavior 209972 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Journal of Gambling Studies: Impaired awareness of problem and pathological gambling 209971 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Substance Abuse and Mental helath Services Administration : SAMHSA’s working definition of recovery: 10 guiding principles of recovery 209970 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Journal of Behavioral Addictions: Age-related Physical and Psychological Vulnerability as Pathways to Problem Gambling in Older Adults 209969 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Clinical Geriatric Medicine: Substance abuse among older adults 209968 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
New England Journal of Medicine: Neurobiologic Advances from the Brain Disease Model of Addiction 209967 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Generations: Substance misuse and abuse in older adults: What do we need to know to help? 209966 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Drugs & Aging: Relapse Prevention and Maintaining Abstinence in Older Adults with Alcohol-use Disorders 209965 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
International Journal of Behavioral Development: Self-regulatory strategies in daily life: Selection, optimization, and compensation and everyday memory problems. 209964 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Gerontologist: Examining Rowe ad Kahn's concept of successful aging: Importance of taking a life course perspective. 209963 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Journal of Aging Studies: Toward a Discourse Shift in Social Gerontology: From Successful Aging to Harmonious Aging 209962 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Journal of Aging Studies: Generativity and Aging: A Promising Future Research Topic? 209961 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly: Older Adults Deserve Recovery from Alcoholism, Addiction to Precription Drugs 209960 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Journal of Geriatrics: Stererotypes of aging: Thier effects on the health of older adults 209959 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
CBHSQ Report: A day in the life of older adults: Substance use facts. 209958 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Clinical Gerontologist: Treatment Preferences of Older Adults with Substance Use Problems 209957 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Aging and Mental Health: Selective optimization with compensation strategies utilized by older adults newly transitioned to assisted living 209956 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
American Psychologist: Understanding the link between racial trauma and substance use among American Indians 209955 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Research on Aging: Testing relationships between racial-ethnic identity, racial-ethnic discrimination, and substance misuse among black and latinx older adults in a nationally representative sample. 209954 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: Substance Use Disorders in Later Life 209953 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: Older adults' perspective on succesful aging: Qualitative interveiws 209952 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Adultspan Journal: Understanding Geotranscendence in Older Adults: A New Perspective for Counselors 209951 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
American Journal on Addictions: Evaluation of Brief Screens for Gambling Disorder in the Substance Use Treatment Setting 209950 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
AARP The Magazine: I Am An Addict (excerpts) 209949 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Older Americans Behavioral Health. Issue Brief 10: Expanding Home-and Community-Based Behavioral Health Services for Older Adults 209948 CAS.GERO.SW 437.637
Methods of the policy process 209947 PSC 750
Ways of White Folks: Chapter 06: Rejuvenation Through Joy 209946 ENG 436A.636A.1001 Combined (ENG) Sections
Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes (PICCOLO User's Guide): Chapter 01: Understanding PICCOLO 209945 HDFS 431B.631B.1001 Combined (HDFS) Sections
Foreign Affairs: How Everything Became National Security 209944 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Political Science Quarterly: National security’ as an ambiguous symbol 209943 PSC 733.1001 Seminar in International Security
Recent theories of human development 209942 HDFS 720.1001 Theories of Human Development
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: Contingency analysis of caregiver behavior: Implications for parent training and future directions 209941 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Familiarizing new staff for working with adults with severe disabilities: A case for relationship building 209940 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Rural Special Education Quarterly: A model for behavioral consultation in rural school districts 209939 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: An evaluation of the impact of supervision intensity, supervisor qualifications, and caseload on outcomes in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder 209938 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management: Considerations in feedback delivery: The role of accuracy and type of evaluation 209937 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management: Effects of behavioral skills training with directed data collection on the acquisition of behavioral practices by workers in a private, not-for-profit child care center 209936 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management: Evaluating the temporal location of feedback: Providing feedback following performance vs. prior to performance 209935 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Maintaining staff performance following a training intervention: Suggestions from a 30-year case example 209934 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: Changes in student and teacher responses in observed and generalized settings as a function of supervisor observations 209933 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management: A review of training strategies to teach individuals implementation of behavioral interventions 209932 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: The best and worst things staff report about behavioral training workshops: A large-scale evaluation 209931 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Teacher Education and Special Education: Training teachers in evidence-based practice for individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A review of the literature 209930 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions: Coaching positive behavior support in school settings: Tactics and data-based decision making 209929 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions: Examining the efficacy of a basic functional behavioral assessment training package for school personnel 209928 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: Further evaluation of a brief, intensive, teacher-training model 209927 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Improving pre-service teachers’ performance skills through behavioral skills training 209926 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: The effects of behavioral skills training on staff implementation of discrete-trial teaching 209925 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Evidence-based staff training: a guide for practitioners 209924 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Maintaining professional relationships in an interdisciplinary setting: Strategies for navigating nonbehavioral treatment recommendations for individuals with autism 209923 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
The Behavior Analyst: On the social acceptability of behavior-analytic terms: Crowdsourced comparisons of lay and technical language 209922 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Planning and leading effective meetings 209921 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Multidisciplinary teaming: Enhancing collaboration through increased understanding 209920 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: A preliminary analysis of the effects of coaching feedback on teacher implementation fidelity of First Step to Success 209919 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Treatment integrity of school-based behavior analytic interventions: A review of the research 209918 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: A comparison of performance feedback procedures on teachers’ implementation integrity and students’ inappropriate behavior in special education 209917 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Preventing School Failure: Using functional assessments to develop behavior support plans 209916 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: Reducing behavior problems through functional communication training 209915 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Research in Developmental Disabilities: Comparison of the predictive validity and consistency among preference assessment procedures: A review of the literature 209914 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Psychology in the Schools: Discrete trials teaching 209913 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Research in Developmental Disabilities: The effects of video modeling in teaching functional living skills to persons with ASD: A meta-analysis of single-case studies 209912 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice: Differential reinforcement without extinction: A review of the literature 209911 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Reading & Writing Quarterly: Research on peer-assisted learning strategies: the promise and limitations of peer-mediated instruction 209910 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders: Evaluating visual activity schedules as evidence-based practice for individuals with autism spectrum disorders 209909 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Psychology in the Schools: A meta‐analytic review of the evidence for check‐in check‐out 209908 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
School Psychology Review: Effect size for token economy use in contemporary classroom settings: A meta-analysis of single-case research 209907 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth: Identifying students for secondary and tertiary prevention efforts: How do we determine which students have Tier 2 and Tier 3 needs? 209906 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Self-monitoring during spelling practice: Effects on spelling accuracy and on-task behavior of three students diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 209905 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Tier II interventions within the framework of school-wide positive behavior support: Essential features for design, implementation, and maintenance 209904 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions: Promoting positive behavior using the good behavior game: A meta-analysis of single-case research 209903 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Remedial and Special Education: A systematic review of teacher-delivered behavior-specific praise on k-12 student performance 209902 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions: Positive greetings at the door: Evaluation of a low-cost, high-yield proactive classroom management strategy 209901 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: Effects of the Good Behavior Game on student and teacher behavior in an alternative school 209900 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: Considerations of baseline classroom conditions in conducting functional behavior assessments in school settings 209899 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
School Psychology Review: Troubleshooting behavioral interventions: A systematic process for finding and eliminating problems 209898 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities: Data-based decision guidelines for teachers of students with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities 209897 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Exceptional Children: How various forms of data affect teacher analysis of student performance 209896 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Psychology in the Schools: Using curriculum-based measurement to improve student achievement: Review of research 209895 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
Behavior Analysis in Practice: School-wide PBIS: An example of applied behavior analysis implemented at a scale of social importance 209894 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
District Administration: Multi-tier system of supports (MTSS) 209893 EDSP 687.5601 Behavioral Systems in Education
sample for aug 14th: another sample 209892 Course Reserves Demo
New York Times (you can also create a free account here: https://guides.library.unr.edu/nytimes): Vogue Dancers Subvert a Baroque Spectacle at the Paris Opera 209891 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Dance as a Theatre Art: Source Readings in Dance History from 1581 to the Present: Michel Fokine: The New Ballet 209890 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Dance as a Theatre Art: Source Readings in Dance History from 1581 to the Present: George Balanchine: A Work in Progress 209889 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Apollo's Angels: A History of Ballet: Chapter 02: The Enlightenment and the Story Ballet 209888 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake (2020) 209887 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Ballerina Boys (2021) 209886 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Giselle (Silent Film - No captions) 209885 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake 209884 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Rethinking the Sylph: New Perspectives on the Romantic Ballet: Redeeming Giselle: Making a Case for the Ballet We Love to Hate 209883 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Dance Chronicle: Queer Swans: Those Fabulous Avians in the Swan Lakes of Les Ballets Trockadero and Matthew Bourne 209882 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Ballerina: Sex, Scandal, and Suffering Behind the Symbol of Perfection: Chapter 03: Bonfire Ballerina 209881 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Ballerina: Sex, Scandal, and Suffering Behind the Symbol of Perfection: Chapter 02: Pimps, Poverty, and Prison 209880 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Baroque Dance Unmasked: Workshop to Performance 209879 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Dancing Women: Female Bodies on Stage: Chapter 04: Early Modern Ballet: Firebird, the Rite of Spring, Les Noces 209878 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Dancing Women: Female Bodies on Stage: Chapter 02: The Russian Imperial Ballet: The Sleeping Beauty, the Nutcracker, Swan Lake 209877 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
New York Times (you can also create a free account here: https://guides.library.unr.edu/nytimes): Stereotypes in Toeshoes: Ballet Clings to Racial, Ethnic, and National Stereotypes 209876 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Rethinking Dance History: A Reader: Chapter 14: Matthew Bourne, Dance History and Swan Lake 209875 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Rethinking Dance History: A Reader: Chapter 05: 'Queering' the King: A Remedial Approach to Reading Masculinity in Dance 209874 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research: Context for Petipa 209873 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Rethinking the Sylph: New Perspectives on the Romantic Ballet: Feminism or Fetishism: La Re-volte des femmes and Women's Liberation in France in the 1830s 209872 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Dance Chronicle: Ballet as Ideology: Giselle, Act II 209871 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Technology and Culture: Case in Pointe: Romance and Regimentation at the New York City Ballet 209870 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Routledge Dance Studies Reader: Chapter 23: In Pursuit of the Sylph 209869 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
French Feminism in the Nineteenth Century: Chapter 02: Roots of Nineteenth-Century French Feminism: The Image and reality of Womanhood and Chapter 06: Feminist Activism during the Revolutionary Upheavals of 1848-1851 209868 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Next Week, Swan Lake: Reflection on Dance and Dances: Chapter 01: The Problems of Swan Lake (only this chapter is required reading) 209867 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Moving History/Dancing Cultures : A Dance History Reader 209866 DAN 365.1001 Dance History I
Democracy May Not Exist, but We'll Miss It When It's Gone: Chapter 01: Free to Be Winners and Losers 209865 PSC 409A.609A.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Dictatorship: From the Origin of the Modern Concept of Sovereignty to Proletarian Class Struggle: (p. x-xxvi) (p. xxxvii-xliv) Translator's Introduction and Preliminary Remarks to the First Edition (1921) 209864 PSC 409A.609A.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Fascism : Excerpts (Pages 34-35, 42-44, 50, 53-65, 72-75, 86-89, 116-117, 173-177, 197-203, 239-241) 209863 PSC 409A.609A.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Escape from freedom: Chapter 06: Psychology of Nazism 209862 PSC 409A.609A.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Nature of fascism: Chapter 07: The Psycho-historical Bases of Generic Fascism 209861 PSC 409A.609A.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Political Innovation and Conceptual Change: Citizenship 209860 PSC 409A.609A.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
International fascism : theories, causes and the new consensus: 1 (Fascism), 12 (A politico-cultural revolution) 209859 PSC 409A.609A.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Epidemiology 209858 PBH 473.1001 Epidemiology
Helping Skills: Facilitating, Exploration, Insight and Action: Chapter 06: Skills for Providing Support 209857 SW 321.1003 Basics of Professional Communication
Just Practice: A Social Justice Approach to Social Work: Engagement: Just Getting Started 209855 SW 321.1003 Basics of Professional Communication
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy: Research with youth of color in low-income communities: Strategies for recruiting and retaining participants 209854 EDRS 700
Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association: Challenges of Recruitment and Retention of University Students as Research Participants : Lessons Learned from a Pilot Study 209853 EDRS 700
Energy Policy: Politics in the U.S. energy transition: Case studies of solar, wind, biofuels and electric vehicles policy 209852 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Journal of world energy law & business: National energy governance in the United States 209851 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Environmental research, infrastructure and sustainability : NEPA and climate change: consideration of climate mitigation and adaptation in infrastructure review processes 209850 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Current opinion in environmental sustainability: Integrating institutional approaches and decision science to address climate change: a multi-level collective action research agenda 209849 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education: Latina mothers of young children with special needs: Personal narratives capturing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic 209848 EDRS 700
Climate change politics and policy in the United States: Forward, reverse and through the looking glass: Chapter 07: Climate change politics and policy in the United States: Forward, reverse and through the looking glass 209847 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Rangelands: FLPMA Turns Forty: Providing Bureau of Land Management with Long-Term Vision 209846 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Journal of forestry: US Forest Service Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act: Fast, Variable, Rarely Litigated, and Declining 209845 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
California journal of politics and policy: Water in the West 209844 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Culturally responsive teaching and the brain : promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students 209843 NVTC 201
Policy studies journal: Policy Implementation and the Environmental Protection Agency: What Factors Influence Remediation at Superfund Sites? 209842 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Perspectives on politics: Flint, Michigan, and the Politics of Safe Drinking Water in the United States 209841 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Boston Quarterly Review: Address to the Workingmen 209840 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 209839 CH 203
New York Times Magazine (you can also create a free account here: https://guides.library.unr.edu/nytimes): Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits 209838 CH 203
On Civil Disobedience (Condensed) 209837 CH 203
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society 209836 CH 203
Divinity School Address 209835 CH 203
Transcendentalism: A Reader: Wrongs of American Women. The Duty of American Women 209834 CH 203
Treatise on Domestic Economy: Chapter 01: The Peculiar Responisibilities of American Women 209833 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Inventions Re-Making Leisure From Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture 209832 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Life in the New Suburbia 209831 CH 203
Works: 1608-1631: John Smith Writes about the Chesapeake Indians of 1608 209830 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Jihad vs. McWorld 209829 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 209828 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 209827 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 209826 CH 203
Brief History of Neoliberism: Introduction 209825 CH 203
Vietnam Wars: 1945-1990: Epilogue 209824 CH 203
Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction by Tim O'Brien: Things They Carried 209823 CH 203
Recreating of the Individual: New Morality 209822 CH 203
Child Who Never Grew: Chapter 01: The Child Who Never Grew 209821 CH 203
Farewell Address to the Nation 209820 CH 203
Ar'nt I a Woman? 209819 CH 203
Developing Community Leadership (https://americanstudies.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/baker_leadership.pdf) 209818 CH 203
Complete Works of Captain John Smith: Powhatan Speaks To Captain John Smith, 1609 209817 CH 203
Democracy vs. the Melting Pot: Excerpts 209816 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 209815 CH 203
Message to the Grass Roots 209814 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 209813 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 209812 CH 203
Washington Post: President Bush Addresses the Nation 209811 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 209810 CH 203
Women and Economics: Excerpts 209809 CH 203
Souls of Black Folk: Excerpts 209808 CH 203
Twenty Years at Hull House: Excerpts 209807 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 209806 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 209805 CH 203
Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters: Excerpts 209804 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Old World in the New 209803 CH 203
Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions: Women's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, 19-20 July 1848 209802 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 209801 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 209800 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 209799 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Plessy V. Ferguson (1896) 209798 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 209797 CH 203
National Organization for Women, Philadelphia Chapter: Brochure on Equal Rights Amendment (1976) 209796 CH 203
Federalist: No. 10 209795 CH 203
Essays of Brutus: No. 1 209794 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 209793 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 209792 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 209791 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 209790 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 209789 CH 203
Federalist No. 54 209788 CH 203
Petitions of Massachusetts Slaves for Freedom 209787 CH 203
Massachusetts Supreme Court: Commonwealth V. Jennison 209786 CH 203
Emancipation Proclamation 209785 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 209784 CH 203
Liberty Further Extended 209783 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 209782 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 209781 CH 203
Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies 209780 CH 203
Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet : By Night When Others Soundly Slept 209779 CH 203
Columbus Paper: The 'Barcelona Letter of 1493, the Landfall Controversy, and the Indian Guides: Letter to King Ferdinand of Spain Describing the Results of the First Voyage 209778 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 209777 CH 203
Imprisoned Intellectuals : America's Political Prisoners Write on Life, Liberation, and Rebellion: Letter from a Birmingham Jail 209776 CH 203
Industrial Revolution: Key Themes and Documents: Booker T. Washington's 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech 209775 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 209774 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Prologue 209773 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666 209772 CH 203
United States Magazine and Democratic Review: Annexation 209771 CH 203
William and Mary Quarterly: Liberty Further Extended: A 1776 Antislavery Manuscript 209770 CH 203
Class Apart 209769 CH 203
War is a Racket: Chapters 01 and 05 209768 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Text of Obama's Speech: A More Perfect Union 209767 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Emma Watson: Gender Equality is Your Issue Too 209766 CH 203
Poems Of Emma Lazarus: New Colossus 209765 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 209764 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part II 209763 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part I 209762 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 209761 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 209760 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 209759 CH 203
Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8th, 1741. 209758 CH 203
My Life and Work: Chapter 05 209757 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 209756 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 209755 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 209754 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 209753 CH 203
Journal of environmental assessment policy and management: Assessing the framework of policy outcomes: The case of the US Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act 209752 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Oxford Handbook of U.S. Environmental Policy: Chapter 19: The Promise and Performance of Collaborative Governance 209751 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Model of Christian Charity 209750 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 209749 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 209748 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 209747 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 209746 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 209745 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 209744 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 209743 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 209742 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 209741 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 209740 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 209739 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 209738 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 209737 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 209736 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 209735 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 209734 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 209733 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 209732 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 209731 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 209730 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 209729 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 209728 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters I-XI 209727 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 209726 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 209725 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 209724 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 209723 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 209722 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 209721 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 209720 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 209719 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 209718 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 209717 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 209716 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 209715 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 209714 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 209713 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 209712 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 209711 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 209710 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 209709 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 209708 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 209707 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 209706 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 209705 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 209704 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 209703 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 209702 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 209701 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 209700 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 209699 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 209698 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 209697 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters I-XI 209696 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 209695 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 209694 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 209693 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 209692 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 209691 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 209690 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 209689 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 209688 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 209687 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 209686 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 209685 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 209684 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 209683 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 209682 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 209681 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 209680 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 209679 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 209678 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 209677 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 209676 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 209675 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 209674 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 209673 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 209672 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 209671 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 209670 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 209669 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 209668 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 209667 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 209666 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters I-XI 209665 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 209664 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 209663 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 209662 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 209661 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 209660 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 209659 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 209658 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 209657 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 209656 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 209655 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 209654 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 209653 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 209652 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters I-XI 209651 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 209650 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 209649 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 209648 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 209647 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 209646 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 209645 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 209644 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 209643 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 209642 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 209641 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 209640 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 209639 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 209638 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 209637 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 209636 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 209635 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 209634 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 209633 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 209632 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 209631 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 209630 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 209629 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 209628 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 209627 CH 203
Environmental Policy New Directions for the Twenty-First Century: (Excerpt minus notes) Chapter 10: Applying Market Principals to Environmental Policy 209626 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Review of Policy Research: Regulatory competition, administrative discretion, and environmental policy implementation 209625 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Interactive Learning Environments: Playing to learn or to win? The role of students’ competition preference on self-monitoring and learning outcome when learning with a serious game. 209623 EDRS 700
American Journal of Evaluation: What Is Evaluation? Perspectives of How Evaluation Differs (or Not) From Research 209622 EDRS 700
Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity With Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods: Chapter 11: Sampling 209621 EDRS 700
Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity With Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods: Chapter 02: Evaluation 209620 EDRS 700
Educational psychology : Can manipulatives help students in the third and fifth grades understand the structure of word problems? 209619 EDRS 700
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy: “We’re just two people in a relationship”: A qualitative exploration of emotional bond and fairness experiences between transgender women and their cisgender partners 209618 EDRS 700
Child Abuse & Neglect: Long-term Head Start Impact on developmental outcomes for children in foster care 209617 EDRS 700
Journal of Counseling & Development: It’s Time for Counselors to Modify Our Language: It Matters When We Call Our Clients Schizophrenics Versus People With Schizophrenia 209616 EDRS 700
British educational research journal: Why educational research should not just solve problems, but should cause them as well 209615 EDRS 700
Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research: Chapter 01: The process of conducting research using quantitative and qualitative approaches 209614 EDRS 700
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science: Writing Empirical Articles: Transparency, Reproducibility, Clarity, and Memorability 209613 EDRS 700
Advances in Psychiatric Treatment: Challenges in recruitment of research participants 209612 EDRS 700
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education: “Mom Made Me Do It”: The Role of Family in African Americans’ Decisions to Enroll in Doctoral Education 209611 EDRS 700
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine: Recruitment and Retention of Children in Behavioral Health Risk Factor Studies: REACH Strategies 209610 EDRS 700
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: Chaper 10: Reference Examples 209609 EDRS 700
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: Chaper 01: Scholarly Writing and Publishing Principles 209608 EDRS 700
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: Chapter 08: Works Credited in the Text (8.23-8.32) 209607 EDRS 700
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: Chapter 08: Works Credited in the Text (8.1-8.6) 209606 EDRS 700
Educational Researcher: Standards for Reporting on Empirical Social Science Research in AERA Publications 209605 EDRS 700
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education: The Impact of Challenging Behavior on Families: I Don’t Know What to Do 209604 EDRS 700
Journal of Educational Research: Motivation of Parent Involvement in Secondary-Level Schooling 209603 EDRS 700
American Psychologist: Journal Article Reporting Standards for Qualitative Primary, Qualitative Meta-Analytic, and Mixed Methods Research in Psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board Task Force Report 209602 EDRS 700
American Psychologist: Journal Article Reporting Standards for Quantitative Research in Psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board Task Force Report 209601 EDRS 700
Journal of Educational Research: School Principals’ Influence on Trust: Perspectives of Mothers of Children with Disabilities 209600 EDRS 700
Increasing Validity in Qualitative Research 209599 EDRS 700
How Results Can Be Misleading: Problems With Reliability and Validity 209598 EDRS 700
Doing Qualitative Research 209597 EDRS 700
Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research: Chapter 07: Collecting Qualitative Data 209595 EDRS 700
Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity with Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods: Chapter 01: An Introduction to Research 209594 EDRS 700
Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research: Chapter 02: Identifying a research problem 209593 EDRS 700
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitatvie, and Mixed Methods Approaches: Chapter 01: The Selection of a Research Approach (Excerpt) 209592 EDRS 700
Educational Research: An Introduction: Chapter 17: Evaluation Research 209591 EDRS 700
How to Prepare a Dissertation Proposal: Suggestions for Students in Education and the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Chapter 03: The Proposal as a Chain of Reasoning 209590 EDRS 700
Interfaces: A practitioner’s guide to best practices in data visualization. 209589 EDRS 700
Journal of Statistics Education: Effects of Data and Graph Type on Concepts and Visualizations of Variability 209588 EDRS 700
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach: Chapter 07: Using Survey Research (Excerpt) 209587 EDRS 700
Middle East 209584 PSC 407D.607D
Review of International Political Economy: The Political Economy of State-formation in the Arab Middle East: Rentier States, Economic Reform, and Democratization 209583 PSC 407D.607D
Journal of Democracy: Egypt's Failed Transition 209582 PSC 407D.607D
Arab Uprising: The Unfinished Revolutions of the New Middle East: Chapter 04: A New Hope 209581 PSC 407D.607D
American Political Science Review: Oil, Islam, and Women 209580 PSC 407D.607D
Politics and Society in the Contemporary Middle East: Chapter 08: Gender and Politics 209579 PSC 407D.607D
Comparative Politics Made Simple 209578 PSC 407D.607D
Issues and Methods in Comparative Politics: Chapter 01: Why Compare Countries? 209577 PSC 407D.607D
MELA Notes: Near East or Middle East? Choice of Name 209576 PSC 407D.607D
Middle East Law and Governance: Making of a Revolution in Tunisia 209575 PSC 407D.607D
Middle East Journal: Understanding the Success of Mass Civic Protest in Tunisia 209574 PSC 407D.607D
MERIP: Praxis of the Egyptian Revolution 209573 PSC 407D.607D
Journal of Democracy: Why The Modest Harvest 209572 PSC 407D.607D
Islam: A Short History: Chapter 05: Islam Agonistes 209571 PSC 407D.607D
Islam: A Short History: Chapter 01: Beginnings 209570 PSC 407D.607D
Comparative Politics: Robustness of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Exceptionalism in Comparative Perspective 209569 PSC 407D.607D
American Anthropologist: Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others 209568 PSC 407D.607D
Studies in Comparative International Development: Multi-Party Elections in the Arab World: Institutional Engineering and Oppositional Strategies 209567 PSC 407D.607D
Saban Center for Middle East Policy: Upgrading Authoritarianism in the Arab World 209566 PSC 407D.607D
Perspectives on Politics: Islamism, Revolution, and Civil Society 209565 PSC 407D.607D
Journal of Democracy: What Democracy Is….and Is Not 209564 PSC 407D.607D
Journal of Democracy: Trap of Liberalized Autocracy 209563 PSC 407D.607D
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives: Social Justice in Islam 209562 PSC 407D.607D
Islam and Secularism in the Middle East: Secularism in the Arab Maghreb 209561 PSC 407D.607D
Faith in Moderation : Islamist Parties in Jordan and Yemen: Chapter 06: Conclusion 209560 PSC 407D.607D
Faith in Moderation : Islamist Parties in Jordan and Yemen : Chapter 01: Moderation and the Dynamics of Politcal Change 209559 PSC 407D.607D
Comparative Politics: Low Tide after the Third Wave: Exploring Politics under Authoritarianism 209558 PSC 407D.607D
Bringing the State Back In: War Making and State Making as Organized Crime 209557 PSC 407D.607D
Environmental Policy New Directions for the Twenty-First Century: (Excerpt minus notes) Chapter 05: Environmental Policy in Congress 209556 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Environmental Policy New Directions for the Twenty-First Century: (Excerpt minus notes) Chapter 04: Presidential Powers and Environmental Policy 209555 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques 209554 CEP 630.1001 Pre-Practicum
State and Local Government Review: Environmental Federalism in a Polarized Era 209553 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Honest Broker : Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics: Chapter 01: Four idealized roles of science in policy politics. Chapter 02: The big picture, science, and democracy 209552 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Essentials of environmental health 209551 PBH 334.1001 Environmental Health
Merchants of Doubt (2015) 209550 PBH 334.1001 Environmental Health
Environmental Health: From Global to Local 209549 PBH 334.1001 Environmental Health
Environmental Policy and Politics: Chapter 03: Making Environmental Policy 209548 PSC 403C.603C.1001 Combined (PSC) Sections
Fundamentals of Geophysics 209547 GPH 455.655.1001 Combined (GPH) Sections
Solid Earth, An Introduction to Global Geophysics 209546 GPH 455.655.1001 Combined (GPH) Sections
New Theory of the Earth 209545 GPH 455.655.1001 Combined (GPH) Sections
AMA Manual of Style 209544 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Indoor Air: Indoor residential chemical emissions as risk factors for respiratory and allergic effects in children: a review 209543 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Tale of two forests: addressing postnuclear radiation at Chernobyl and Fukushima 209542 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Exposure on Tap: Drinking Water as an Overlooked Source of Lead 209541 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Climate Change and Infectious Disease: Is the Future Here? 209540 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Chemical Aftermath: Contamination and Cleanup Following the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami 209539 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Getting the drift: methyl bromide application and adverse birth outcomes in an agricultural area 209538 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspective: TSCA 2.0: A New Era in Chemical Risk Management 209537 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Outside Looking In: Understanding the Role of Science in Regulation 209536 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Why is it so difficult to choose safer alternatives for hazardous chemicals? 209535 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Mountaintop Removal Mining: Digging Into Community Health Concerns 209534 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Missing the Dark: Health Effects of Light Pollution 209533 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
American Journal of Public Health: Elevated blood lead levels in children associated with the Flint drinking water crisis: A spatial analysis of risk and public health response. 209532 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: The University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study: Population Survey Results and Serum Concentrations for Polychlorinated Dioxins, Furans, and Biphenyls 209531 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Risk Analysis: An International Journal: Is Epidemiology the Key to Cumulative Risk Assessment? 209530 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Proceedings of the Royal Society: Globalization and pollution: tele-connecting local primary PM2.5 emissions to global consumption 209529 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspective: Waste Couture: Environmental Impact of the Clothing Industry 209528 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology: Transport and Fate of Chemicals in the Environment 209527 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: CAFOs and environmental justice: the case of North Carolina 209526 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
JAMA Psychiatry: Traffic-related Air Pollution, Particulate Matter, and Autism 209525 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspective: Residential Proximity to Methyl Bromide Use and Birth Outcomes in an Agricultural Population in California 209524 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health: Social Disparities in Exposures to Bisphenol A and Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals: A Cross-Sectional Study within NHANES 2003-2006 209523 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Obesogens: An Environmental Link to Obesity 209522 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives: Cancer Incidence in World Trade Center Rescue and Recovery Workers, 2001-2008 209521 CHS 725.1001 Health and the Environment
Boston Quarterly Review: Address to the Workingmen 209520 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 209519 CH 203
New York Times Magazine (you can also create a free account here: https://guides.library.unr.edu/nytimes): Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits 209518 CH 203
On Civil Disobedience (Condensed) 209517 CH 203
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society 209516 CH 203
Divinity School Address 209515 CH 203
Transcendentalism: A Reader: Wrongs of American Women. The Duty of American Women 209514 CH 203
Treatise on Domestic Economy: Chapter 01: The Peculiar Responisibilities of American Women 209513 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Inventions Re-Making Leisure From Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture 209512 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Life in the New Suburbia 209511 CH 203
Works: 1608-1631: John Smith Writes about the Chesapeake Indians of 1608 209510 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Jihad vs. McWorld 209509 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 209508 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 209507 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 209506 CH 203
Brief History of Neoliberism: Introduction 209505 CH 203
Vietnam Wars: 1945-1990: Epilogue 209504 CH 203
Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction by Tim O'Brien: Things They Carried 209503 CH 203
Recreating of the Individual: New Morality 209502 CH 203
Child Who Never Grew: Chapter 01: The Child Who Never Grew 209501 CH 203
Farewell Address to the Nation 209500 CH 203
Ar'nt I a Woman? 209499 CH 203
Developing Community Leadership (https://americanstudies.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/baker_leadership.pdf) 209498 CH 203
Complete Works of Captain John Smith: Powhatan Speaks To Captain John Smith, 1609 209497 CH 203
Democracy vs. the Melting Pot: Excerpts 209496 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 209495 CH 203
Message to the Grass Roots 209494 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 209493 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 209492 CH 203
Washington Post: President Bush Addresses the Nation 209491 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 209490 CH 203
Women and Economics: Excerpts 209489 CH 203
Souls of Black Folk: Excerpts 209488 CH 203
Twenty Years at Hull House: Excerpts 209487 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 209486 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 209485 CH 203
Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters: Excerpts 209484 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Old World in the New 209483 CH 203
Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions: Women's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, 19-20 July 1848 209482 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 209481 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 209480 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 209479 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Plessy V. Ferguson (1896) 209478 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 209477 CH 203
National Organization for Women, Philadelphia Chapter: Brochure on Equal Rights Amendment (1976) 209476 CH 203
Federalist: No. 10 209475 CH 203
Essays of Brutus: No. 1 209474 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 209473 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 209472 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 209471 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 209470 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 209469 CH 203
Federalist No. 54 209468 CH 203
Petitions of Massachusetts Slaves for Freedom 209467 CH 203
Massachusetts Supreme Court: Commonwealth V. Jennison 209466 CH 203
Emancipation Proclamation 209465 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 209464 CH 203
Liberty Further Extended 209463 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 209462 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 209461 CH 203
Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies 209460 CH 203
Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet : By Night When Others Soundly Slept 209459 CH 203
Columbus Paper: The 'Barcelona Letter of 1493, the Landfall Controversy, and the Indian Guides: Letter to King Ferdinand of Spain Describing the Results of the First Voyage 209458 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 209457 CH 203
Imprisoned Intellectuals : America's Political Prisoners Write on Life, Liberation, and Rebellion: Letter from a Birmingham Jail 209456 CH 203
Industrial Revolution: Key Themes and Documents: Booker T. Washington's 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech 209455 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 209454 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Prologue 209453 CH 203
Early American Poetry : Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant: Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666 209452 CH 203
United States Magazine and Democratic Review: Annexation 209451 CH 203
William and Mary Quarterly: Liberty Further Extended: A 1776 Antislavery Manuscript 209450 CH 203
Class Apart 209449 CH 203
War is a Racket: Chapters 01 and 05 209448 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Text of Obama's Speech: A More Perfect Union 209447 CH 203
Vital Speeches of the Day: Emma Watson: Gender Equality is Your Issue Too 209446 CH 203
Poems Of Emma Lazarus: New Colossus 209445 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 209444 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part I 209443 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part II 209442 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 209441 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 209440 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 209439 CH 203
Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8th, 1741. 209438 CH 203
My Life and Work: Chapter 05 209437 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 209436 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 209435 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 209434 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 209433 CH 203
International Encyclopedia of Social & Behavioral Sciences: Democratic Transitions 209432 PSC 211.1001 Introduction to Comparative Politics
Comparative Politics: Privatization and Judicialization in Resource Extraction: Comparing Labor Militancy in the Oil Fields of Russia and Kazakhstan 209431 PSC 211.1001 Introduction to Comparative Politics
My Perestroika (2011) 209430 PSC 211.1001 Introduction to Comparative Politics
Comparative Political Studies: The Dynamics of Labor Militancy in the Extractive Sector: Kazakhstan’s Oilfields and South Africa’s Platinum Mines in Comparative Perspective 209429 PSC 211.1001 Introduction to Comparative Politics
Theory and Methods in Political Science: Chapter 16: The Comparative Method 209428 PSC 211.1001 Introduction to Comparative Politics
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law: Child protection as surveillance of African American families 209369 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Journal of Progressive Human Services,: Defund the Police: Moving Toward Anti-Carceral Social Work 209367 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
British Journal of Social Work: Children's, young people's and parents' perspectives on contact: Findings from the evaluation of social work practices. 209365 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Community, Work and Family: LGBTQ+ peoples’ experiences of workplace leave and support following pregnancy loss 209364 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Sexual and Relationship Therapy: Sex work, motherhood, and stigma 209363 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Journal of Child and Family Studies: Latino Parents’ Perspectives on the Life Trajectories of Mixed-Status Children. 209362 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Journal of GLBT Family Studies: We Are Family: Chosen and Created Families as a Protective Factor Against Racialized Trauma and Anti-LGBTQ Oppression Among African American Sexual and Gender Minority Youth. 209361 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Social Work: Building on Strengths: Intergenerational Practice with African American Families. 209360 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Child and Family Social Work: The intergenerational transmission of family violence: Mothers’ perceptions of children’s experiences and use of violence in the home 209359 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services,: Trauma and Resiliency in Grandparent-Headed Multigenerational Families. 209358 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Child and Family Social Work: Poverty‐aware social work in the child protection system: A critical reflection on two single‐case studies. 209357 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare: Structural competency in child welfare: Opportunities and applications for addressing disparities and stigma. 209356 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Frontiers in Psychology: The role of compassion and mindfulness in building parental resilience when caring for children with chronic conditions: A conceptual model. 209355 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Journal of Family Social Work: Genograms with African American Families: Considering Cultural Context. 209354 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Academic Psychiatry: Family Skills for the Resident Toolbox: The 10-min Genogram, Ecomap, and Prescribing Homework. 209353 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Journal of Social Work Education: Sexuality- and Gender-Inclusive Genograms: Avoiding Heteronormativity and Cisnormativity. 209352 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Sociology Compass: Marriage matters for Black middle‐class women: A review of Black American marriages, work, and family life. 209351 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Families in Society: Journal of Contemporary Social Services: Restorative Justice: A Model for Social Work Practice with Families. Families in Society 209350 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Child and Family Social Work: Understanding the social worker–family relationship through self‐determination theory: A realist synthesis of Signs of Safety. 209349 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services: A little harder to find your place: Latinx LGBTQ + youth and family belonging. 209348 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Child and Family Social Work: What is a family? Constructions of family and parenting after a custody transfer from birth parents to foster parents. 209347 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Journal of Family Social Work: The Native American Family Circle: Roots of Resiliency 209346 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work: From social justice to abolition: living up to social work’s grand challenge of eliminating racism 209345 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: An Open Trial of 'Grief-Help': A Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment for Prolonged Grief in Children and Adolescents 209344 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Journal of Professional Counseling, Practice, Theory, & Research: Narrative Approach to Terminating Therapy 209343 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Clinical Interventions in Aging: Effectiveness of Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Family Caregivers of People with Dementia 209342 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Journal of Family Violence: Emotional Awareness and Breaking the Cycle of Revictimization 209341 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Multidimensional Family Therapy 209340 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Big Mama (2000) 209339 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
Clinical Social Work Journal: This is Common Factors 209338 SW 624.1001 Social Work Methods with Couples and F
American Journal of Health Promotion: The relationships among constructs in the health belief model and the transtheoretical model among African-American college women for physical activity 209337 PBH 315.5501 Social and Behavioral Sciences
CDC Preventing Chronic Disease: Social Determinants of Health: The Community as an Empowered Partner 209336 PBH 315.5501 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Health Education Quarterly: Introduction to Community Empowerment, Participatory Education, and Health 209335 PBH 315.5501 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice 209334 PBH 315.5501 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Health Education Quarterly: Health Education, Health Promotion and the Open Society: A Historical Perspective 209333 PBH 315.5501 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Generations: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: A Historical Perspective 209332 PBH 315.5501 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 209141 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 209126 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters I-XI 209125 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 209116 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 209115 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 209114 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 209113 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 209112 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 209111 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 209110 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 209109 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 209108 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 209107 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 209106 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 209105 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 209104 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 209103 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 209102 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 209101 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 209100 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 209099 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 209098 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 209097 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 209096 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 209095 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters I-XI 209094 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 209093 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 209092 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 209091 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 209090 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 209089 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 209088 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 209087 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 209086 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 209085 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 209084 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 209083 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 209082 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 209081 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 209080 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 209079 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 209078 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 209077 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 209076 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 209075 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 209074 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 209073 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 209072 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 209071 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 209070 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 209069 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 209068 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 209067 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 209066 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 209065 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 209064 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters I-XI 209063 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 209062 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 209061 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 209060 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 209059 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 209058 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 209057 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 209056 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 209055 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 209054 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 209053 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 209052 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 209051 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 209050 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 209049 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 209048 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 209047 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 209046 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 209045 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 209044 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 209043 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 209042 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 209041 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 209040 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 209039 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 209038 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 209037 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 209036 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 209035 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 209034 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 209033 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters I-XI 209032 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 209031 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 209030 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 209029 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 209028 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 209027 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 209026 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 209025 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 209024 CH 203
Gettysburg Address 209023 CH 203
Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln 209022 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters 01-11 209021 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 209020 CH 203
How the Other Half Lives: Introduction 209019 CH 203
Five Hundred Years: America in the World: Barrio Boy 209018 CH 203
Feminine Mystique: Chapter 01: The Problem that has no Name 209017 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 209016 CH 203
United States Supreme Court: Obergefell V. Hodges (2015) 209015 CH 203
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 209014 CH 203
Declaration of Independence 209013 CH 203
Constitution of the United States 209012 CH 203
United States Bill of Rights 209011 CH 203
Excerpts from the Nevada Constitution 209010 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 209009 CH 203
United Stated Supreme Court: Brown V. Board of Education (1954) 209008 CH 203
U.S Constitution: Amendments 11-27 209007 CH 203
Why Sit Ye Here and Die? 209006 CH 203
Virginia General Assembly, Acts Defining Slavery (1640–1680): Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline 209005 CH 203
Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 209004 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Preface 209003 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Letter from Wendell Phillips, Esq. (Boston, April 1845) 209002 CH 203
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave: Chapters I-XI 209001 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 8-9 209000 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 1-5 208999 CH 203
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson: Removes 14-20 208998 CH 203
Model of Christian Charity 208997 CH 203
Literary Nevada: Writings from the Silver State: Excerpts 208996 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 208995 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 208994 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 208993 CH 203
Communication Studies: Feminist standpoint theory: A black woman's (re)view of organizational socialization 208992 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Journal of Communication: The state of the art in feminist scholarship in communication 208991 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Ferment in the intercultural field: Axiology/Value/Praxis: Chapter 08: A review of identity research in communication theory: Reconceptualizing cultural identity 208990 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: The constitutive metamodel: A 16-Year review 208989 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication Theory: Communication theory as a field 208988 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Communication theories for everyday life: Chapters 1-3 208987 COM 760.1001 Communication Theory
Edward Scissorhands (1990) 208986 ENG 202.1003 Film Analysis and Interpretation
Chinese medicine and healing : an illustrated history 208985 HIST 494A.694A.1001 Combined (HIST) Sections
Abigail Adams and John Adams LETTERS 208808 CH 203
Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address 208807 CH 203
Address to the Council and House of Reprensatives of the Territory of Nevada 208806 CH 203
Ar'nt I a Woman? 208805 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part I 208804 CH 203
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Part II 208803 CH 203
Black Panther Party : Service to the People Programs: Ten Point Platform 208802 CH 203
Boston Quarterly Review: Address to the Workingmen 208801 CH 203
Brief History of Neoliberism: Introduction 208800 CH 203
Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters: Excerpts 208799 CH 203
Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes: Chapter 10: Conclusion 208798 CH 203
Child Who Never Grew: Chapter 01: The Child Who Never Grew 208797 CH 203
Civil War Era and Reconstruction: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History: Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 208796 CH 203
Class Apart 208795 CH 203
Columbus Paper: The 'Barcelona Letter of 1493, the Landfall Controversy, and the Indian Guides: Letter to King Ferdinand of Spain Describing the Results of the First Voyage 208794 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 208793 CH 203
Common Sense: Introduction and Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 208792 CH 203
Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet : By Night When Others Soundly Slept 208791 CH 203
Complete Works of Captain John Smith: Powhatan Speaks To Captain John Smith, 1609 208790 CH 203
Constitution of the State of Nevada 208789 CH 203
Constitution of the United States