The University Libraries, in partnership with the Washoe County Libraries is offering a virtual exploration of a Special Collections and University Archives collection entitled "A Thousand Miles of Desert and Mountains." The series, aimed at 4th through 7th graders but appropriate for all ages, explores a series of three diaries written by two prospectors as they traveled across Nevada in search of the next big bonanza.
A Thousand Miles of Desert and Mountains
Listen to the podcast
A dramatic reading of the journal by Jeremiah G. Nelson

Episode 1
In this episode of 1000 Miles of Desert and Mountains, George and Josephine are striking out on their journey, leaving their home in Orangevale, California and heading for Byron, Nevada.

Episode 2
In this episode of 1000 Miles of Desert and Mountains, George and Josephine have reached Las Vegas, Nevada and meet Mr. Condee who is outfitting them with a new pack saddle for Jack.

Episode 3
In this episode of 1000 Miles of Desert and Mountains, George and Josephine are in Indian Springs, Nevada in early spring 1914. They are searching for the ever elusive gold.

Episode 4
In this episode of 1000 Miles of Desert and Mountains, George and Josephine have reached Amargosa, Nevada and are having some luck with their prospecting.

Episode 5
In this episode of 1000 Miles of Desert and Mountains, George and Josephine are still in Amargosa, Nevada and are learning more about the area, courtesy of their new friend, William G. Morris.

Episode 6
In this episode of 1000 Miles of Desert and Mountains, George and Josephine have concluded their time in Amargosa, Nevada and are packing up and making arrangements for the next leg of their adventure.

Episode 7
In this episode of 1000 Miles of Desert and Mountains, George and Josephine are in Goldfield, Nevada in late summer 2914 and are figuring out the next leg of their trip while tensions in Europe are rising.

Episode 8
In this final episode of 1000 Miles of Desert and Mountains, George and Josephine are one mile south of Bridgeport and must figure out how to convince the burros to cross the East Walker River as they make their way into California.
Read the diaries
Guest presenters
Garrett Barmore
Mackay School of Mines Endowed Curator
Keck Library
Michael P. Branch
University Foundation Professor of English
View Michael's Twitter
View Michael's Facebook
Terri Farley
Author & Educator
View Terri's Website
Chrissy Klenke
Earth Sciences, GIS, and Maps Librarian
Visit the DeLaMare Library
Learn about Maps and Georesources
Jeremiah G. Nelson
Actor & Poet
Tiffany Pereira
Assistant Research Scientist
Field Biologist/Range Ecologist
Learn more about Tiffany at DRI
Emily Reid
Artist and Illustrator
Visit Emily's Website
Desert Research Institute
Visit the Desert Research Institute’s Website
AJ Long
STEM & Robotics Education Manager
Learn about Education and Workforce Development at DRI
Project partners
Washoe County Public Library
Jeff Scott
Library Director, Washoe County Libraries
Joan Dalusung
Assistant Library Director, Washoe County Libraries
Beate Weinert
Youth Services and Library Events Manager
Judy Hansen
Youth Services and Library Events Librarian
John Andrews
Internet Services Librarian
University of Nevada, Reno Libraries
Kimberly Anderson
Director of Special Collections
Katherine Dirk
Digitization Lab Manager
Emily Dunster
e-Resources Technician
Nathan Gerth
Head of Digital Services
Chrissy Klenke
Earth Sciences, GIS, and Maps Librarian
Robin Monteith
Advancement and Engagement Officer
Laura Rocke
Digital Access Archivist