Make your 'Mark contest

Make Your ‘Mark is your chance to showcase your artistic abilities to design a graphic that will be featured on a 2 inch by 6 inch glossy bookmark. One design will be selected and handed out by the University Libraries and the Queer and LGBT Advocacy Board (QLAB) at the Northern Nevada Pride Celebration in September.

The theme, “what does Pride mean to you?” allows you to be open and expressive with your interpretations, exploring ideas on support, acceptance, truth, love and more.

How to enter

Follow the requirements listed above and submit your work through the form on this page.


Must be a current University of Nevada, Reno undergraduate or graduate student.


Submissions will be accepted from April 1, 2024 to May 19, 2024. Winners will be announced the week of May 20th. 


Artwork will be reviewed by representatives from three departments, including the University Libraries IDEA committee, Library Marketing and QLAB.

The selected artist will be notified via email. On the final bookmark design, the artists name will be featured on the bottom right corner of the artwork.


The winning artist will receive a library-themed gift bag and a spotlight on the University Libraries website.


Please use the form below to submit your Make your 'Mark submissions


This contest in a collaboration between the University Libraries Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Committee and QLab. The University Libraries supports the University’s commitment to a culture of excellence, inclusion and accessibility. We aspire to provide the spaces and resources that our students, faculty, staff and community members need to thrive, free from all forms of discrimination and oppression.

If you have any questions, please reach out to