Self-guided learning

Access self-paced courses, available for free to individuals with a UNR NetID.

Copyright 101

Learn about the basics of copyright, including how it affects your rights as a scholarly author. This one-module class is geared toward graduate students and faculty.

Fair use

Learn about how and when to rely on fair use in reusing copyrighted works and how it can support scholarship and teaching. This one-module class is geared toward graduate students and faculty.

Creative Commons

Learn about how Creative Commons can help you easily and legally reuse material from other people in your scholarship and instruction. This one-module class is geared toward graduate students and faculty.

Open Educational Resources

Learn about how you can use open educational resources in your class to help ensure students financial issues don’t bar students ability to access their course materials. This six-module class is geared toward instructors and should take about two hours to complete.

Looking for more support for your studies?

Learning support resources
Books lined up on a shelf in the Knowledge Center.