As the Director of the DeLaMare Library, I provide leadership for and collaborate with our innovative team to provide access for services and resources, such as the DeLaMare Makerspace, Research Data Services, and STEM library materials. Additionally, I am the liaison librarian for chemistry, physics, as well as mathematics and statistics, where I support the teaching, learning, and research needs of faculty and students through class instruction, consultations, and collection development.
M.S., Library and Information Science, University of Washington
B.S., Psychology, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Selected publications
- Simpson, J. (2019). Real World Objects: Conceptual Framework and University Library Consortium Study. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(4), 332–342.
- Simpson, J. (2016). The Heart of the University: Library Link Location on Doctoral Granting Institutions Webpages and Correlation with Research Output. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42(5), 503–508.